
Do You Read PRINT or Online Magazines?


May 23, 2010
Which magazines (or news sites, or blogs, or what do they call them?) do you read fairly regularly? Does anyone read print anymore? If so, what?

Which age range (20-25, 25-30, 30-35, 35-40, etc.) are you? I suspect those over 40 still read some print, but I'm wondering if under 30's read any print.

I'm just curious, since I seem to have a subscription to Reader's Digest (age range: etc. :bigsmile: ). I have no idea where it came from, or how it got here. :confused: Maybe someone sent it as a gift but forgot to tell me? But I do read the thing.

I actually gave up on print because I ordered a subscription for my DD and it showed up only rarely. The post office seemed to have an aversion to it, and we got about 4 issues out of the 12 issues we were supposed to get. Complaining did no good.

I also read the daily articles on Does that mean it's my newspaper?

What about you?


Jan 26, 2003
iLander|1370461729|3459596 said:
Which magazines (or news sites, or blogs, or what do they call them?) do you read fairly regularly? Does anyone read print anymore? If so, what?

Which age range (20-25, 25-30, 30-35, 35-40, etc.) are you? I suspect those over 40 still read some print, but I'm wondering if under 30's read any print.

Thanks for the diversion, iLander. I was starting to feel my blood boil thinking about how much I hate Facebook. The boiling blood syndrome sometimes happens to me on Pricescope when I am participating in what should be a totally innocuous thread. It usually means (as some of my old friends like Kaleigh and Karl know) that I am having problems at home with my daughter and that it may be time for me to take a break from posting. Either that or get a grip!!!

I shall try to get a grip while posting about this topic and breathing deeply.

I am definitely in the "over 40" age range given that I am, now, over 60. I do read some print, although I also read on-line.

I read, "The New York Times" both in print and on-line. A print version comes to the house every day, and it is easy to lie around on the couch with that if I want to read esoteric articles that I wouldn't sit at the keyboard to read. I also find that I pick it up off and on during the day and browse around in it. However, I look throughout the day to see if there have been updates on the news when I am on-line. I also check the news on-line first thing if I am awake before the print version arrives. I find that the two versions complement each other.

I am living with my 92 year-old father and my 20 year-old daughter in my father's house. He has print subscriptions to, "The New Yorker" and, "The Nation", so I tend to read those since I pick up and read anything I see lying around. I am sorry that there is no longer a subscription to, "The New York Review of Books" coming to the house, but since that was the cause of my meeting my husband, perhaps I should be counting my blessings!



Apr 21, 2010
I don't subscribe to newspapers anymore - used to have the local paper delivered and read almost every section every morning, but now I rarely read a newspaper - if I see a headline online that I'm interested in, I find a reputable news source online and read their coverage.

But I definitely love hard copy magazines - I've been a magazine reader all my life - right now I have subscriptions to 4 or 5 magazines (mostly health and fashion) and enjoy reading them from cover to cover - and I very rarely read any magazines online.


Mar 26, 2006
I get Vanity Fair and Equire in print (although I do have access on-line via my subscription) becuase I need something to read that doesn't involve an electronic device during taxi, take-off and landing.


Dec 29, 2006
I read People occasionally (the actual magazine, not the website). Sometimes I'll flip through home decorating and vacation magazines while waiting for an appointment. I hate fashion magazines because they're all ads and I'm not really into trends. I don't read newspapers either. I like watching the news on TV instead.

ETA: Oh, I'm 39.


Sep 3, 2009
I read both. We get the local paper (which I wouldn't bother with, what a rag! if DH didn't like it) & the WSJ. I have subscriptions to Nat'l Geographic, Forbes, Antiques & Art Mag, & Vanity Fair. But I also read tons of current news online on a wide variety of sites. I'm in the "etc." category too & I miss good newspapers!!!

--- Laurie


Aug 12, 2005
I still get Vogue and W for fashion fluff. I also get Better Homes & Gardens but I think that was a free gift or something. I'm in my thirties. I'm more interested and likely to browse through Pinterest either on my laptop or my phone than flip through magazines, though. I look at magazines 4-5 days after they come in the mail and then stick them in the recycling.


Aug 31, 2010
Oh boy, this is a list. Reading is like breathing to me; I really can't remember not knowing how to do it.
I'm a news junkie, especially since that's what pays the bills.
The local paper I work for shows up every day along with a free weekly from another publisher.
I get Elle, Vogue, InStyle, Texas Parks & Wildlife and Texas Monthly.
I read The New York Times online every day. I would love to have the time to read a hard copy every day. (Lucky Deb!)
I also read about 10-15 online blogs/magazines every day.
And iLander, it just about kills me to type this...but I'm 50.


Jul 7, 2004
I am 35, and come from a print design background and I am PRINT PRINT PRINT. I am all about the REAL DEAL of a printed material magazine. Only when a magazine is NOT offered in print (and there are a few now) do I read the online variant, though Ill admit I am less engaged because I prefer the tactility of paper and ink. I have a few that I "subscribe to" in a digital variant but I end up forgetting about them because they're NOT printed and I can't actually have them in my hand to know I haven't read them.

I subscribe to (and this is just what I can think of off the top of my brain right now):
Real Simple
Martha Stewart
WedLuxe (Canada)
C Weddings
Southern Weddings
LivingEtc (UK)
House&Home (Canada)
The Knot (MO/KS)
Brides of North TX
D Weddings (Dallas)
Minnesota Bride
Minneapolis St Paul Magazine Weddings Issues
Washingtonian Weddings Issues
New York Magazine Weddings
Pacific Weddings

I often have a serious backlog to read, but I love printed magazines, and I keep almost all of my wedding mags that are high end. If I could subscribe to JUST the wedding variants of Martha Stewart, Town and Country, etc., I would.


Sep 15, 2007
The only time I find myself on the online magazine sites is when I am looking for something specific.

We have subscriptions to Kiplinger, Texas Parks & Wildlife, several different fishing magazines :rolleyes: , and we get an athletics-related magazine from our alma mater since we have season tickets for football. I also subscribe to a couple professional journals.

My father reads the local daily paper like he eats and breathes. I only look up the occasional article online from the paper and never buy it unless someone we know is featured. I get most of my news from having the TV news on while I get ready for work.

We are both 29.


Jul 17, 2008
Over 50, fashion magazines I prefer in print, news I read online.


Feb 11, 2006

Periodically, I use the library to get a supply of magazines. I like Vogue, to catch up on the lastest and Better Homes and Gardens for decor.

I don't read newspapers anymore, but I don't miss it as it is usually some calamity or other.

I do watch the business channels during the week which gives me a bit of financial, political and social news.

Re-Facebook. FB was created to allow college students to communicate with one another. In other words, it was mainly a venue for the young. Highschoolers embraced it and so it grew. Since I watch the business channels facebook comes up fairly often. Within the last few weeks they polled or did a study on the projections for FB future growth. One of the studies found that tenagers no longer like faebook so much. Can you guess why? OK I'll tell. Because their parents have all joined FB. They don't want to be uncool and think if their parents are on it, it is no longer cool. I think thats funny. So they are moving to twitter. Ha Ha, Ha

Deb, thinking of you and your child. Be well and happy.

ps I am old-off the charts Annette


May 15, 2009
I like to read in the bath tub so I have a print subscription to HGTV magazine. I rarely read magazines anymore at all. I love to read books and go back and forth between print and digital. Currently I'm into print and listening to audiobooks in the car. (I'm mid 40's)


May 23, 2010
AGBF|1370462903|3459604 said:
Thanks for the diversion, iLander. I was starting to feel my blood boil thinking about how much I hate Facebook. The boiling blood syndrome sometimes happens to me on Pricescope when I am participating in what should be a totally innocuous thread. It usually means (as some of my old friends like Kaleigh and Karl know) that I am having problems at home with my daughter and that it may be time for me to take a break from posting. Either that or get a grip!!!

I shall try to get a grip while posting about this topic and breathing deeply.

I am definitely in the "over 40" age range given that I am, now, over 60. I do read some print, although I also read on-line.

I read, "The New York Times" both in print and on-line. A print version comes to the house every day, and it is easy to lie around on the couch with that if I want to read esoteric articles that I wouldn't sit at the keyboard to read. I also find that I pick it up off and on during the day and browse around in it. However, I look throughout the day to see if there have been updates on the news when I am on-line. I also check the news on-line first thing if I am awake before the print version arrives. I find that the two versions complement each other.

I am living with my 92 year-old father and my 20 year-old daughter in my father's house. He has print subscriptions to, "The New Yorker" and, "The Nation", so I tend to read those since I pick up and read anything I see lying around. I am sorry that there is no longer a subscription to, "The New York Review of Books" coming to the house, but since that was the cause of my meeting my husband, perhaps I should be counting my blessings!

Many points to reply to . . .

Yes, facebook is the nexus of evil. It takes one of the seven deadly sins (hubris) and magnifies it, and eventually it will turn your own ego against you. People aren't able to live their lives unless other people have seen it and "liked" it. Making the sense of self an exterior object. Silly rabbits.

I am suspicious of ego, especially my own. Usually when doing something makes my ego feel good, I consider it and realize that it is the wrong thing to do (for many reasons). Apparently, I'm one of the few with that old-fashioned barometer.

I used to get the NYTimes, but now I flirt with an online subscription by reading no more than the allotted 10 freebies articles a month. Sad, but true.

Ugh, you poor thing, you're one of the "sandwich generation". Not an easy road by any measure, you have my sympathy, Deb. I hope your daughter finds her way in this world, for your sake, even more than her own. If she's anything like my son, when she hits 25, her brain will finally mature, and a lot of odd emotional problems will disappear. To be replaced by new problems of course, but at least there's variety. :)

I am perplexed how the NY Review of Books caused you to meet your husband, though. :confused: What IS the story there?


May 23, 2010
Who would ever think that Texas Parks and Wildlife would be so popular? :confused:


Jan 26, 2003
iLander|1371090325|3464696 said:
AGBF|1370462903|3459604 said:
I am sorry that there is no longer a subscription to, "The New York Review of Books" coming to the house, but since that was the cause of my meeting my husband, perhaps I should be counting my blessings!

I am perplexed how the NY Review of Books caused you to meet your husband, though. What IS the story there?

Last night I did a little on-line research. I had no idea whether people still placed personal ads in, "The New York Review of Books". (They do.) One can look up the history of these ads; many very amusing examples are given in various Internet articles that describe the phenomenon of the "New York Review of Books" personal ad. Before the Internet and on-line dating, print personal ads were a fairly avant-garde way for literate people to reach beyond their usual social circle to meet others.

I was a doctoral student in history and 25 years old. I was coming out of a relationship with a younger man. I was living at my parents' home in Connecticut and studying German so that I could work on a dissertation. Then one day I picked up a copy of, "The New York Review of Books" to which they had a subscription. As I have said, I will read anything, but the personal ads are particularly amusing. And I ended up answering one. The "Harvard educated Jewish businessman" to whom I wrote (it turned out he was living in Sardinia) hadn't mentioned in his ad that he was Italian. But we got to know each other through correspondence.

Below is a link to a film clip that is associated with, "The New York Review of Books". It pokes fun at the type of person who places an ad in that esteemed periodical!

Film clip from "Annie Hall"...

Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend


Jul 12, 2007
I just love the tactile feel of a magazine. I do read articles online on fashion and decor but for some reason I'm much more engaged with a physical magazine. I have cut down on my magazines because I do spend quite a bit of time on Pinterest, Houzz and websites but I subscribe to House Beautiful, Traditional Home, Veranda, Elle Decor, Arch Digest, Allure and Popular Science (for the hubs).


Dec 29, 2006
Danners' post reminded me that I also subscribe to a professional journal and I read that online. Hmm, I haven't gotten it recently -- I should look into that.


Apr 30, 2005

For me the Internet has replaced magazines.
I'd rather google stuff.

Sure, there's no editor or fact-checking for what's 'published' on the Internet, but I find if you read many sources on the same thing you can flesh out what's true vs. what is published to further an agenda or sell something.

Plus I don't think the official media is innocent of agendas, or selling something.
If anything I think big business/government/politics dictates what big commercial media publishes, which gives me the creeps big time.


Sep 27, 2009
I do not read any magazines on line but then I am not a big magazine reader anyway, we get at home the Minnesota Conservation Volunteer, 2 fishing / hunting magazines and 2 gardening magazines (the gardening mags are just for the pictures, I swear :naughty: ) and when I am at the store I will look for any new bride mags or town and country(for the bling of course) and I like Veranda on occasion for the interiors. I will admit I do not keep up with the news or current events, when I see chatter on here about something or on FB I will then search it to see what is going.
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