
Do you jog alone in the early morning?

Would you continue jogging despite the early hour with no one else around?

  • 1. Yes, don't be concerned, live your life and enjoy.

    Votes: 13 35.1%
  • 2. No way, you're crazy, it's too risky.

    Votes: 20 54.1%
  • 3. Other option and I will explain in my post below.

    Votes: 4 10.8%

  • Total voters


Jun 8, 2008
So I recently started jogging by myself as my DH has one bad knee and also has no interest in jogging. But I like to go very early because 1. it gets too warm once it reaches mid morning and 2. I don't like when there are too many people on the same path.

It is pretty deserted when I go and it got me thinking how safe is it?
It is so pretty and peaceful and definitely a low crime area but it only takes one person with evil intent.

I started for health reasons and cannot get the same benefit on a treadmill. I need the impact of my feet hitting the ground for maximum benefit. Or else I would just continue working out at home where I prefer to work out. This is my best option or else I wouldn't even bother because believe me I am so not into jogging lol. But the safety issue is on my mind.

I do have pepper spray that I got at the beginning of Covid but I never even took it out of the package and have no clue how to use it and when I am jogging I have no pockets or anywhere to even put the pepper spray.

I really don't feel vulnerable as it is a very safe area but once I started thinking about it I realize crime happens everywhere. It doesn't matter if it's a "safe" area or not. But I feel I have to continue jogging and I am super sensitive to warm temps and cannot run once it gets warm so early is my only option if I want to run and I am an early morning person anyway. Evenings are out and they wouldn't be any safer IMO than early mornings.

I don't have any friends close by here to join me jogging so while I know it would be ideal to have someone jog with me there just isn't anyone here who could join me.

What would you do?

Here's a photo from my jog early yesterday morning. I do wait til the sun starts coming up as the path has no lights.

Screen Shot 2021-05-17 at 5.05.53 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-05-17 at 5.15.03 AM.png

Thanks for sharing any ideas and thoughts with me about how I can make this work safely.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I know you don't need to be told to be careful
but be careful Missy
a long time ago i used to run kind of obsessively and i wouod go out early and also late

Back in the day before cell phones

Its dark here now in the morning and my little job starts early
Its kind of well lite most of the way .... i leave home just after 6am
Its dark, really dark
As i don't really know this town that well i don't feel confident having my earphones in to listen to Bruce
I feep i need to stay alert

I really miss my running
i still dream about it and i don't want to wake up

but my knees are shot
Enjoy your jogs Missy
I envy you

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Missy I voted for option 1, but have a caveat. I run early in the mornings too & it's so beautiful & peaceful. Sometimes I take the lanes where I am more visible (though more likely to get hit by a car or tractor as there are no pavements & the lanes are very twisty with poor visibility) but mostly i head into the fields & bridle tracks. I run through woodlands & up & down steep embankments - you can't beat the feeling of nature & the sound of the birds.

My caveat is that you need to take your phone. I have a running belt that holds water bottles but also has a zip pouch for my keys & phone. It fastens at the front & all the 'stuff' sits across the small of my back. It's very non-invasive. The other thing I do is always wear my rings, because those bad boys are sharp & can scratch easily when I'm not even trying, so I know I could get a good bit of claw action if the worst happens. I always think if nothing else, I'll have trapped a bit of DNA.

Also take some self defence lessons. I am a very strong person & would like to feel that if I couldn't out run an attacker, I could at least put up a good fight.

It's sad that as women we have to think like this, isn't it. Always on high alert when alone.

Good luck with your jogging! Once you get the bug & start to feel the benefits it has to your body, you will start to enjoy it more. Take care out there!


Oct 15, 2016
I ran around 5am every morning for over 20 years. I even used to run alone in the trails near my house. I'm probably not the most cautious person, as evidenced by the fact that I never felt at risk doing any of that. If not for the arthritis in my knees I'd still be doing it.
I agree that taking your phone is important. Remain aware of your surroundings and if something doesn't feel right, trust your gut. But most importantly, enjoy those early morning runs. I miss them so much.


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks @Daisys and Diamonds @Alex T and @Mekp.

I take my phone.
I am actually enjoying jogging which surprises me so much.
Just got back from jogging 5.16 miles. I know it's not a lot but for me it's amazing because I am so not a jogger. And I am almost 56 and never really got the running bug so at this stage of my life I am pleased I can do it at all.

@Daisys and Diamonds aww I wish you could join me in my morning jogs. Not sure how long I will be able to do this without injuring myself but I will do my best to be careful and aware. Appreciate your input.

@Mekp yes for sure I am aware of my surroundings and have my phone with me at all times. I am sorry you miss your running and I feel you on the arthritis. As I wrote to Daisy we shall see how long I can do this without pain and injury. I am not what one would call athletic. I am with you in that I trust my gut instincts and so far I feel safe jogging where I do.

@Alex T I hear you on learning self defense...good for you! I need to get some pointers from you. :)

It is a high for sure. OK now onto weights before my gynecologist appointment this morning. Wish me luck. I am having unexplained bleeding and really hope and pray it is easily fixable and without surgery. Please.

Some photos from this morning's jog.

Screen Shot 2021-05-17 at 7.30.19 AM.png

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Screen Shot 2021-05-17 at 7.30.35 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-05-17 at 7.31.22 AM.png


Aug 16, 2007
No. Not without safety equipment. Even my DH only runs with a Garmin fully tracking him. He only runs the neighborhood, being in an isolated area is generally worse. His watch is set to call 911 if he stops for more than 30 seconds without turning off the feature. A speech therapist I knew was murdered running in Spring Creek in Howard Beach nearly a decade ago. They have convicted someone but still don't really know what happened to her. I think it would be much better if you found someone else to always run with OR get a dog to run with.


Jun 3, 2020
I didn't vote because my answer is more of a "Yes, but with precautions". My rule is that I won't run alone in the dark, but it sounds like you are running once the sun is up. As others have said, having a phone with you and being trackable is important. Make sure your DH or someone else knows your route, and about when you should be home.

One other thing to remember - it's not just people you have to be careful of. Wildlife and dogs can be a threat, too. Two years ago I was out on a run by myself. It was late morning and I ran in the nearby neighborhoods, so lots of people and cars around. A woman was walking her dog and he basically dragged her several feet towards me and lunged out as I tried to dodge him. I ended up going to the ER and getting several stitches in my hand. I don't know if I could have prevented this, but I am now very, very wary of dogs even on a leash.

Just a reminder that we all need to be aware of everything, not just other people.
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Feb 24, 2017
I’ve seen too many real life crime shows to go out jogging by myself. Are you running the same route every day? If so, I would vary it in case someone watched you and knew where you’d be at a certain time, and found a hiding place to pounce from. I’m sorry, I’m not trying to scare you to death, but nobody thinks anything will happen to them, until it does.

A few years ago, a friend of mine was out jogging by herself, she tripped and fell, knocked out her front teeth, and was found dazed and confused by her husband because he‘d started to get worried when she didn‘t get home and went looking for her.

I hate that we have to think of all these bad things, but when I used to walk my dog in the woods alone, I was constantly looking around and listening, and had a ‘key ring’ that could be used as a weapon incase of attack. My trainer made sure I knew how to use it, and of course, at the time, I also did Jujitsu.


Mar 4, 2004
Your jogging alone worries me and the only thing I can think of that has not been mentioned is maybe DH can get up early with you and leisurely ride his bike along with you while you jog?


Jun 8, 2008
No. Not without safety equipment. Even my DH only runs with a Garmin fully tracking him. He only runs the neighborhood, being in an isolated area is generally worse. His watch is set to call 911 if he stops for more than 30 seconds without turning off the feature. A speech therapist I knew was murdered running in Spring Creek in Howard Beach nearly a decade ago. They have convicted someone but still don't really know what happened to her. I think it would be much better if you found someone else to always run with OR get a dog to run with.

Yes I remember the Howard Beach attack. Terrible. :(
It's funny you mention a big dog because the only girl I saw running alone today (an hour after I started and I was almost finished with my jog) had a big dog with her. As much as I want a dog I cannot get one just for protection and if we did get a dog it would be a small dog for many reasons. But yes that crossed my mind especially when I saw the woman running today with her big dog.

I didn't vote because my answer is more of a "Yes, but with precautions". My rule is that I won't run alone in the dark, but it sounds like you are running once the sun is up. As others have said, having a phone with you and being trackable is important. Make sure your DH or someone else knows your route, and about when you should be home.

One other thing to remember - it's not just people you have to be careful of. Wildlife and dogs can be a threat, too. Two years ago I was out on a run by myself. It was late morning and I ran in the nearby neighborhoods, so lots of people and cars around. A woman was walking her dog and he basically dragged her several feet towards me and lunged out as I tried to dodge him. I ended up going to the ER and getting several stitches in my hand. I don't know if I could have prevented this, but I am now very, very wary of dogs even on a leash.

Just a reminder that we all need to be aware of everything, not just other people.

Great points and yes my DH not only knows my route and my time he drops me off and picks me up so if I wasn't there he would call the police. But of course that would probably be too late. As for dogs and wildlife those are good points and so far no wildlife but birds and fish and occasional deer but I am always aware of my surroundings.

I’ve seen too many real life crime shows to go out jogging by myself. Are you running the same route every day? If so, I would vary it in case someone watched you and knew where you’d be at a certain time, and found a hiding place to pounce from. I’m sorry, I’m not trying to scare you to death, but nobody thinks anything will happen to them, until it does.

A few years ago, a friend of mine was out jogging by herself, she tripped and fell, knocked out her front teeth, and was found dazed and confused by her husband because he‘d started to get worried when she didn‘t get home and went looking for her.

I hate that we have to think of all these bad things, but when I used to walk my dog in the woods alone, I was constantly looking around and listening, and had a ‘key ring’ that could be used as a weapon incase of attack. My trainer made sure I knew how to use it, and of course, at the time, I also did Jujitsu.

Yes I agree we have to think about all the possibilities and be as prepared as possible. I am sorry about your friend and her accident. I am not sure what to do because I am not running for fun but for health reasons as you are aware so I don't feel like it is optional per se. I don't have anyone who would be able to run with me and if I go later I just won't be able to bear the heat.

Your jogging alone worries me and the only thing I can think of that has not been mentioned is maybe DH can get up early with you and leisurely ride his bike along with you while you jog?

That is an excellent option but my DH doesn't have enough time in the day as it is and I would feel so guilty asking him to do that. But it is an excellent choice and I will bring it up to him. The other issue is we only have tandem bikes and all our single bikes need a lot of work as it has been decades since we rode on our single bikes. I am not sure how much work it would need and given his time constraints that would add another level of difficulty but that is a good option thanks @finerthings.

It's a conundrum and all of you lovely ladies have given me much food for thought and I appreciate it. Thank you.


Mar 26, 2006
First of all: You Go Girl!!! It sounds like you've come to enjoy this, which I applaud heartily. I'd rather slam my left t!t in the car door than go for a jog, LOL.

Second of all: yes, I would do an early morning activity alone -- but with appropriate measures. You have your phone, but I honestly don't know how useful that would be in the event of an incident. There's a lot happening in a moment like that and to have it securely in hand and accurately use the screen to make a call might not be practical.

Pepper spray... again, you've got to have it in hand and actually deploy it accurately. Plus, there's a really good chance you might hit yourself along with -- instead of! -- an assailant.

A self defense class is a GREAT idea. And if the moment comes BE R.U.T.H.L.E.S.S.

As a realtor who does open houses alone (so not jogging, but in a potentially adverse situation -- and I won't bore you with the details of something that DID happen one time) I want to suggest a personal alarm. One that is L*O*U*D and obnoxious as hell so there is no mistake it's a real thing going off that alerts other people there is a problem. I have some that are on a strong lanyard (as opposed to some that clip on). I definitely don't wear it around my neck (!!!), I actually loop it around the center of my bra and position it between by boobs with the button facing out so I know exactly where it is and can press it easily. I think if I were on my stomach I may even be able to get it to go off with just the pressure of my body (although I haven't tested this, but I will!). This one also has flashing red lights. And even though I'm using it with a regular bra that "pinches in" in the middle at the V part, you could definitely us it with a workout bra even though it's probably wider in the middle than a regular one.

I just looked on Amazon and didn't see the one I have, but I'll get mine out and take a picture for you, and I'm sending you one in the mail today!


Jun 8, 2008
First of all: You Go Girl!!! It sounds like you've come to enjoy this, which I applaud heartily. I'd rather slam my left t!t in the car door than go for a jog, LOL.

Second of all: yes, I would do an early morning activity alone -- but with appropriate measures. You have your phone, but I honestly don't know how useful that would be in the event of an incident. There's a lot happening in a moment like that and to have it securely in hand and accurately use the screen to make a call might not be practical.

Pepper spray... again, you've got to have it in hand and actually deploy it accurately. Plus, there's a really good chance you might hit yourself along with -- instead of! -- an assailant.

A self defense class is a GREAT idea. And if the moment comes BE R.U.T.H.L.E.S.S.

As a realtor who does open houses alone (so not jogging, but in a potentially adverse situation -- and I won't bore you with the details of something that DID happen one time) I want to suggest a personal alarm. One that is L*O*U*D and obnoxious as hell so there is no mistake it's a real thing going off that alerts other people there is a problem. I have some that are on a strong lanyard (as opposed to some that clip on). I definitely don't wear it around my neck (!!!), I actually loop it around the center of my bra and position it between by boobs with the button facing out so I know exactly where it is and can press it easily. I think if I were on my stomach I may even be able to get it to go off with just the pressure of my body (although I haven't tested this, but I will!). This one also has flashing red lights. And even though I'm using it with a regular bra that "pinches in" in the middle at the V part, you could definitely us it with a workout bra even though it's probably wider in the middle than a regular one.

I just looked on Amazon and didn't see the one I have, but I'll get mine out and take a picture for you, and I'm sending you one in the mail today!

OMG that is brilliant @Dee*Jay ! I love that idea. A personal loud obnoxious alarm! Yasssss!


Mar 26, 2006
Actually, I think these are the ones (or very similar to what I have, I bought mine may years ago).

Like I said though, despite what the product blurb talks about, I definitely don't wear it around my neck!


Jun 8, 2008
Actually, I think these are the ones (or very similar to what I have, I bought mine may years ago).

Like I said though, despite what the product blurb talks about, I definitely don't wear it around my neck!

Thank you Dee! You are a genius. XO.
And haha I am with you re jogging. Or at least I was but the situation I am in makes it critical. I will fill you in later. Off to my gyn appointment.

ETA: I ordered it!


Aug 14, 2018
I’m just in awe that A. You’re in your 50s bc you so don’t look it and B. that you aren’t really a jogger but did over 5 miles.

The others made some great points about safety. :)


Sep 24, 2011
If you are jogging where there may be vehicles---please wear reflecting tape on your clothing.
I see so many people out running at night in dark clothes with no reflecting tape. I think there are also little flashing lights you can pin on your clothes.
And it goes without saying, please don't jog with ear buds or headphones.


Feb 22, 2014
I commend your proactive approach to bone health missy!
It’s an unfortunate reality that if you put yourself alone in an isolated situation, you’re putting yourself at risk. Pepper spray, alarms, self defense can be helpful or a false sense of security. There are dangerous predators in the world unfortunately. I know from experience. I’d like to see you find a jogging partner, preferably a male. Stay safe!
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Jan 4, 2019
On my days off when I can go when it’s light out, sure. I used to jog before dawn/ after dark when we lived in HI but even the sketchy areas there are safe enough. In WA though? There’s no way.

I start work really early so I’d need to go out when it’s dark to jog in the morning. I tried it once and there was some random guy standing in the dark at the park across the street from my house. I tried to go that way because it leads to a quieter street that’s better lit than mine. But we noped out of there! Luckily I was babysitting a big dog with a scary bark and the guy went into a port-a-potty to avoid us.


I wonder if there's someone in your area with a big energetic dog that would love a 5 mile jog every morning. Win-win - some protection for you (or at least putting off anyone who might be looking for an easy target), and a free dog-walking service for them! If there's a dog club or breeder or someone near you, perhaps they could put the word out to see if a suitable match can be found?

Just a thought, as you mentioned a dog would be a good solution but you quite rightly wouldn't get one just for that purpose.

Personally I would go regardless, with all the excellent safety precautions other people have mentioned. Early morning seems an extremely low risk time for crime, for some reason. I don't know why. Edit - oh look there's data! general, the number of,end of the school day.


Mar 26, 2006

I tie it around my bra (just loop it through the lanyard a couple of times). If I was wearing something loose enough that it wouldn’t show I’d leave it down lower like this, and If I was wearing something like a work blouse I’d tuck it up like between the girls so it wasn’t creating some weird lump beneath my top.

LOL, I just looked at the picture. I promise my workout bra looks better when it's actually... um... "filled"!


Jan 3, 2013
Good on you @missy to start running.
Only a minute to reply at this time but I wanted to share what I do since I often run or jog alone (but never on a isolated path).
Besides always having my phone and staying aware (no ear buds, listen on speaker) I carry a small wooden souvenir baseball bat. It’s small enough to fit in my hand/pocket/waistband and be unobtrusive. I feel safer from both people and dogs!

PS I have had a couple strange/unnerving encounters so I never leave home without it.

Have fun!


Apr 22, 2004
I am highly skilled in martial arts (over 10 years straight of training and retired from sparring competitions) and I still would not jog alone. I used to jog in the evenings (very low light) and being constantly hyper aware did not make my jog enjoyable but stressed me out instead. I ended up doing it later in the mornings when it is a lot brighter and busier.

GPS and alarm is all great and fine but it is an after the fact thing - you would have to be late for your DH to wonder and start a search, by that point in time you could be dead. Same with an alarm. If there's no one around to hear it, it is useless. If it is tied to the some monitoring serivce center, can they get to you in time before you are harmed?


Jun 8, 2008
I’m just in awe that A. You’re in your 50s bc you so don’t look it and B. that you aren’t really a jogger but did over 5 miles.

The others made some great points about safety. :)

Aww thank you! In my head I am still 26 what can I say? Too bad my body isn't cooperating.::)

If you are jogging where there may be vehicles---please wear reflecting tape on your clothing.
I see so many people out running at night in dark clothes with no reflecting tape. I think there are also little flashing lights you can pin on your clothes.
And it goes without saying, please don't jog with ear buds or headphones.

Definitely I do not wear headphones, listen to music etc. There are no cars on the path so it is pretty isolated that way. But there are homes above and if I sounded a loud alarm I think they would be able to hear me. I think. Thanks for adding your thoughts and advice @Elizabeth35.

I commend your proactive approach to bone health missy!
It’s an unfortunate reality that if you put yourself alone in an isolated situation, you’re putting yourself at risk. Pepper spray, alarms, self defense can be helpful or a false sense of security. There are dangerous predators in the world unfortunately. I know from experience. I’d like to see you find a jogging partner, preferably a male. Stay safe!

Thank you @Bonfire. Yeah it is an unfortunate reality. And you are right about false sense of security. But there are homes above and I do think they would be able to hear me if I sounded an alarm but they are not on the entire path. There are isolated areas where there is nobody/no one around. I wish I could find a jogging partner but what are the odds I could find someone who even goes as slow as I do? My pace is 5 mph and I do not think I will be going faster. That is my sweet spot. IDK what to do honestly. Greg feels it is perfectly safe but I am definitely the more cautious of the two of us. I am sorry you know about dangerous predators from experience :(

On my days off when I can go when it’s light out, sure. I used to jog before dawn/ after dark when we lived in HI but even the sketchy areas there are safe enough. In WA though? There’s no way.

I start work really early so I’d need to go out when it’s dark to jog in the morning. I tried it once and there was some random guy standing in the dark at the park across the street from my house. I tried to go that way because it leads to a quieter street that’s better lit than mine. But we noped out of there! Luckily I was babysitting a big dog with a scary bark and the guy went into a port-a-potty to avoid us.

Yeah it's challenging. In an ideal world we should be able to go whenever we wanted to go and should be safe. Too bad this world doesn't work that way. I am motivated to make this work but there isn't an easy solution. Thank you for sharing.

I wonder if there's someone in your area with a big energetic dog that would love a 5 mile jog every morning. Win-win - some protection for you (or at least putting off anyone who might be looking for an easy target), and a free dog-walking service for them! If there's a dog club or breeder or someone near you, perhaps they could put the word out to see if a suitable match can be found?

Just a thought, as you mentioned a dog would be a good solution but you quite rightly wouldn't get one just for that purpose.

Personally I would go regardless, with all the excellent safety precautions other people have mentioned. Early morning seems an extremely low risk time for crime, for some reason. I don't know why. Edit - oh look there's data! general, the number of,end of the school day.

Our neighbor has a dog but they aren't up that early LOL. And thank you for sharing that with me that you would go anyway. That is where I am leaning right now. I feel pretty safe but as I wrote before it only takes one person with nefarious intentions and that does give me pause for concern. Or as the kitties say...paws... :lol: Thank you for the data!


I tie it around my bra (just loop it through the lanyard a couple of times). If I was wearing something loose enough that it wouldn’t show I’d leave it down lower like this, and If I was wearing something like a work blouse I’d tuck it up like between the girls so it wasn’t creating some weird lump beneath my top.

LOL, I just looked at the picture. I promise my workout bra looks better when it's actually... um... "filled"!

That's beautiful. Pinkalicious. Maybe TMI but I don't even wear a bra when jogging...I guess I am going to have to change that just to put the alarm thingy in it LOL.

I am highly skilled in martial arts (over 10 years straight of training and retired from sparring competitions) and I still would not jog alone. I used to jog in the evenings (very low light) and being constantly hyper aware did not make my jog enjoyable but stressed me out instead. I ended up doing it later in the mornings when it is a lot brighter and busier.

GPS and alarm is all great and fine but it is an after the fact thing - you would have to be late for your DH to wonder and start a search, by that point in time you could be dead. Same with an alarm. If there's no one around to hear it, it is useless. If it is tied to the some monitoring serivce center, can they get to you in time before you are harmed?

Good for you re being skilled in martial arts. You're right of course. I started the thread because I am a worrier and always think of all the worst case scenarios. I do feel safe on the path but yeah everyone's replies have given me much to think about. Thank you for chiming in @chrono.


Jun 8, 2008
Good on you @missy to start running.
Only a minute to reply at this time but I wanted to share what I do since I often run or jog alone (but never on a isolated path).
Besides always having my phone and staying aware (no ear buds, listen on speaker) I carry a small wooden souvenir baseball bat. It’s small enough to fit in my hand/pocket/waistband and be unobtrusive. I feel safer from both people and dogs!

PS I have had a couple strange/unnerving encounters so I never leave home without it.

Have fun!

I am glad you are protected when you run @Slick1. And ugh to your strange unnerving encounters. Thanks for sharing what you do.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Could you buy a really good running machine? I had one years ago & absolutely loved it. My girls were very small then & Mr T was always at work or away, so this way i could still exercise at some point everyday, toddlers or not. As long as you are running, it doesn't matter if outdoors versus treadmill, the foot strike effects are the same on bone health.


Mar 13, 2004
Yes, like Slick, I jog without ear buds, and try to stay in areas where there are cars/people around, and not completely isolated. That being said, I try to leave my house around 8:30, so it is still cool, yet the sun is up and people are up and about.

Despite thinking that my area was "safe" just recently a 15 year old jogger was confronted by 2 men who jumped out of a van on a relatively well-trafficked street. Luckily she noticed them following her, and pulled out her phone and screamed that she was calling 911, and they jumped back into the van and took off. There has been an increase in sex traffickers using this even though I don't look like a 15 year old teen in any way shape of form, I started jogging with my phone in stretchy leggings with pockets just in case!


Jun 8, 2008
Could you buy a really good running machine? I had one years ago & absolutely loved it. My girls were very small then & Mr T was always at work or away, so this way i could still exercise at some point everyday, toddlers or not. As long as you are running, it doesn't matter if outdoors versus treadmill, the foot strike effects are the same on bone health.

I have a treadmill but it isn't the same impact. It is the impact that helps bone. Plus I am a klutz Alex and well let's just say balance on the treadmill is more challenging than when I am jogging outside. I wish the treadmill would be a good solution for me because we have two treadmills here and two in Brooklyn. LOLOL. Thanks for the suggestion though sweet friend. XO.


Jun 8, 2008
Yes, like Slick, I jog without ear buds, and try to stay in areas where there are cars/people around, and not completely isolated. That being said, I try to leave my house around 8:30, so it is still cool, yet the sun is up and people are up and about.

Despite thinking that my area was "safe" just recently a 15 year old jogger was confronted by 2 men who jumped out of a van on a relatively well-trafficked street. Luckily she noticed them following her, and pulled out her phone and screamed that she was calling 911, and they jumped back into the van and took off. There has been an increase in sex traffickers using this even though I don't look like a 15 year old teen in any way shape of form, I started jogging with my phone in stretchy leggings with pockets just in case!

Ugh that is scary. Glad she kept her cool and frightened them away. I hold my phone in my hand as I am jogging. So I am ready to hit 911 if necessary. Let's hope it is never necessary. Stay safe @jaysonsmom and thanks for sharing.


Mar 26, 2006
Ugh that is scary. Glad she kept her cool and frightened them away. I hold my phone in my hand as I am jogging. So I am ready to hit 911 if necessary. Let's hope it is never necessary. Stay safe @jaysonsmom and thanks for sharing.

If you don't have this already, let me suggest one of those straps or bands or whatever they're called that keeps your phone in your hand. If you were to fall or be knocked down it could easily fly out of your hand and outside of your reach.
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