
Do you find more intelligent discussions on PS than elsewhere on the internet?


Nov 2, 2012
Not to start a fight if anyone thinks not lol but I have been goofing off online for most of the day and no kidding, my head hurts from all the dumbness out there.

So many people do not seem capable of having a meaningful discussion, regardless of the topic, because they: (1) Don't know what they're talking about. (2) Never admit it or learn anything new, regardless of how kindly anything is stated, but just keep twisting the issue and other tactics to try to position themselves to "win." And (3) Quickly begin to childishly mock and insult, which is doubly stupid when they are the one who... yanno.

I swear, if I was in person today, I might have smacked a couple of 'em upside their noggins!

I recently joined a few facebook groups and ditched most of them today. I know, I know, it is my rightful punishment for wasting most of the day goofing off online. But wow, are that many people really that ignorant and childish? Someone please tell me that I have misunderstood.

As a great unknown person once said:

"Many people are stupid. Once you realize this, the world begins to make sense."

Haha. In general, Pricescope just seems to draw a much smarter crowd. Has anyone else noticed this?


Sep 10, 2003
So many people do not seem capable of having a meaningful discussion, regardless of the topic, because they: (1) Don't know what they're talking about. (2) Never admit it or learn anything new, regardless of how kindly anything is stated, but just keep twisting the issue and other tactics to try to position themselves to "win." And (3) Quickly begin to childishly mock and insult, which is doubly stupid when they are the one who... yanno.

We have that here too particularly on discussions that become emotionally charged. PS has had some threads that I would classify as "intelligent" in that the debate on the issues were potently laced with cited facts rather than relying solely on personal opinion. If you scroll through the topics on the 1st page of Hangout, it's apparent that most are not intellectually challenging or stimulating. In other areas of PS relating to the purpose of PS -- gem/jewelery education -- there is a need for intelligence/expertise in order to provide help to consumers. In the non jewelry sections, not so much.


Nov 2, 2012
We have that here too particularly on discussions that become emotionally charged. PS has had some threads that I would classify as "intelligent" in that the debate on the issues were potently laced with cited facts rather than relying solely on personal opinion. If you scroll through the topics on the 1st page of Hangout, it's apparent that most are not intellectually challenging or stimulating. In other areas of PS relating to the purpose of PS -- gem/jewelery education -- there is a need for intelligence/expertise in order to provide help to consumers. In the non jewelry sections, not so much.

Oh no, I am not even talking about topics with much depth. I mean groups about celebrity gossip, pets and... Oh. I think I just solved my own mystery lol. Which is not to say people interested in such topics aren't smart (because that would be putting myself down) but just that perhaps being smart is not as much of a requirement as it might be elsewhere.


Oct 2, 2014
It varies by poster. There are quite a few posters here who seem very intelligent to me. And there are others who may well be very intelligent but it doesn't come across as clearly because of knee-jerk reactions/hot emotions.

I don't consider myself intelligent, so I can learn from most people, lol!

I don't know if it's the same on other types of forum, but for all the discussions here, I can't immediately recall a time when anyone has changed their mind about anything. But that's human beings, I guess, not just Pricescopers!


Oct 2, 2014
Oh no, I am not even talking about topics with much depth. I mean groups about celebrity gossip, pets and... Oh. I think I just solved my own mystery lol. Which is not to say people interested in such topics aren't smart (because that would be putting myself down) but just that perhaps it's not as much of a requirement as it might be elsewhere.

But everyone needs some downtime no matter how intelligent, right? I don't think that participation in those discussions is an indicator of brain power. Maybe they just want to relax after a long day of intelligencing!

I just had a depressing realization: No one in my whole life has ever accused me of being intelligent. LOL! The good news is that I'm so dopeD-up and peaced-out on my 30mg of Lexapro that I don't mind! Ha ha ha!


Oct 2, 2014
P.S. In a way, it must be a bit boring being intelligent because the extent to which you can learn from others must be limited. I can learn from almost everyone, so life is more interesting for me, I think!


Sep 10, 2003
I can learn from almost everyone, so life is more interesting for me, I think!

That is the true measure of intelligence Jambalaya, not how much one knows, but that one knows there is always more to learn.


Apr 17, 2006
There aren’t a lot of this style of message board these days. So yes.


Aug 29, 2014
I'm going to say no, but because I think it's not the posters that make it seem this way, but the moderation. I don't always agree with Ella on moderation, but I have to admit it keeps A LOT of those things you mentioned off the forum. So there is definitely some merit to that! I'm a member of several other forums, ranging from zero to serious modding, and the behaviour definitely changes (imo) due to that.


Oct 2, 2014
That is the true measure of intelligence Jambalaya, not how much one knows, but that one knows there is always more to learn.

Aww, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Matata! Still, it's hard to feel intelligent when you can barely add up, but thank you anyway!


Jun 27, 2014
Welp, you get to hear my bloviations from time to time. I'm your huckleberry.
Are they particularly intelligent? Depends upon the reader, I expect.
I'm certainly guilty of information dumps, I admit. I do it as testament to facts and logic dissemination for topics I find important for public edification, even on a jewelry board. I try to keep them as brief as possible to make the point because no one wants to wade in the weeds for too long. I always vet what I leave as corroborating support. I make an effort to never cause harm. I bet I bore and annoy some people to tears, but well, tell it to Spirit Baby, bub.:lol:
By and large there is actually a plethora of differing outside expertise in the brain banks here on varied subjects; is it always allowed to be expressed eloquently and to it's full conclusion- no. Should there be a little more leeway? Probably. The medium has very obvious limits. I have mine. Not being able to discuss things in person leaves nuance on the table.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
i don't do facebook and i dislike gossip

i have plenty of stimulating conversation with peeps on my Springsteen forum (the friendly one not the cut throat one)
its always nice interacting with people from other countries, in different timezones and often with people who dont have English as a first language for a refreshingly deterrent perspective

just like here we may meet over a shared intetest but there is planty of other stuff to talk about so long as you stay off politics (as its banned there too)

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
oh i just need to add i enjoy many posts with linked articles on many different topics,
ooften they just wouldnt otherwise be on my radar or feature in NZ media


Mar 13, 2004
Yes, there may be more intelligent conversations and serious topics on PS, but I tend to steer clear of those. PS is my relaxation and escape. I have too many “serious” and anxiety heightening things in my life, so if I start light hearted, brain-dead topics, it is 100% intentional.


May 1, 2009
Gosh I felt like saying “no” and run away before I get bashed.

But really not particularly intellectually stimulating. Not a reflection of anyone’s intelligence, just that this is a diamond and bling forum right? Not one for stimulating (and civil) discussions.


Aug 4, 2008


Jun 6, 2013
It’s really about going to specific places to have specific quality discussions. I have had some great discussions and interactions in various corners of Reddit and Twitter. Twitter has great energy as long as you don’t get caught up in all the waves that happen everyday—I also love their blocking tool.

Livejournal and Facebook used to be great but that was 15 years ago. Now I feel uncomfortable to even briefly check in on Facebook. I’m sure there are some good groups on there but I don’t really join any group chats unless there is a specific reason to do so, and I leave them once the task is done.

I think here on PS there are great discussions about fine jewelry and gemstones. And sometimes a few interesting threads. Actually the recent thread on Harry and Meghan might be one of the most balanced I’ve seen anywhere.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Off on a bit of a tangen but one of the nicest things ive found from my two internets homes is getting to know our neighbours the Aussies
I havn't really known all that many of them before

And i say this with love in my heart, they (like most every other country) are so much nicer than their stereotypes

for me the internet has made the world a smaller more freindly place


Mar 3, 2018
Haha. In general, Pricescope just seems to draw a much smarter crowd. Has anyone else noticed this?

Are you new? :lol-2:

No, I tend to agree. The folks who post a lot here tend to be pretty sharp in general. I don't always agree with them but they can state their case in a dispassionate way and can pivot when they hear a good counter-argument.

It's tricky because this is the most international forum I have participated in -- even if I did not recognize that for too long. So English-language writing skill is not always the best proxy for reasoning ability.

Bogleheads is really good -- but they say the same things over and over. Reddit is mostly trash. And, thanks to WaPo, we at least now know how all that garbage ends up in your FB feed :lol-2:.


Jul 7, 2013
The FB groups I belong to are mostly activities based, as in activities that I enjoy participating.

I avoid FB groups that are free for all without censoring or moderation.

I joined one related to the newspapers that I subscribe, and lasted about a week, as it was full of people who believed their opinions were more valid than everyone else's.

Although I may comments on a newspaper article from time to time directly on their website, I have learnt not to look at replies to my comments to avoid being antagonised by righteous keyboard warriors.

I only participate in one other message boards apart from PS, which is camping related. I have been on that board since June 2009 when I started to go camping on my own. From time to time I would participate in the non-camping related topics if they are relevant to me.

Good thing about social media is that, I can just switch off, blank and walk away. Not so easy to do when I am in person in a crowd like in a pub. And when I do, I am labelled as being rude!

Good job I don't really care about what others may think nowadays, and have done so since I was 40 some years ago! :lol-2:

I like PS and long may it continue!

DK :))


Jun 8, 2008
Not to start a fight if anyone thinks not lol but I have been goofing off online for most of the day and no kidding, my head hurts from all the dumbness out there.

So many people do not seem capable of having a meaningful discussion, regardless of the topic, because they: (1) Don't know what they're talking about. (2) Never admit it or learn anything new, regardless of how kindly anything is stated, but just keep twisting the issue and other tactics to try to position themselves to "win." And (3) Quickly begin to childishly mock and insult, which is doubly stupid when they are the one who... yanno.

I swear, if I was in person today, I might have smacked a couple of 'em upside their noggins!

I recently joined a few facebook groups and ditched most of them today. I know, I know, it is my rightful punishment for wasting most of the day goofing off online. But wow, are that many people really that ignorant and childish? Someone please tell me that I have misunderstood.

As a great unknown person once said:

"Many people are stupid. Once you realize this, the world begins to make sense."

Haha. In general, Pricescope just seems to draw a much smarter crowd. Has anyone else noticed this?

Not reading anyone's replies yet.
I find many PSers are more intelligent than the general population.
With a few notable exceptions lol.

I don't belong to any other forums (I do belong to some FB groups well versed in certain medical issues where there is a mix of intelligent and not so intelligent) so I cannot fairly contrast and compare but I do interact with many people and do find PSers to be as a whole an intelligent group of individuals.

That quote you shared @seaurchin
"Many people are stupid. Once you realize this, the world begins to make sense."

My DH always reminds me many people are not smart. And tells me to not let it frustrate me.
I often think how much sweeter and easier life would be (for me) if I wasn't intelligent and wise.
If I wasn't always thinking deeply about life.
That quote "ignorance is bliss" has much truth in it.

Being intelligent can be a burden.
But I still would choose it every time over being ignorant.

"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid."

"The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of changing their views to fit the facts, they try to change the facts to fit their views."

"The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt."


Jun 8, 2008
Off on a bit of a tangen but one of the nicest things ive found from my two internets homes is getting to know our neighbours the Aussies
I havn't really known all that many of them before

And i say this with love in my heart, they (like most every other country) are so much nicer than their stereotypes

for me the internet has made the world a smaller more freindly place

Ditto. I feel honored to have met so many wonderful individuals here and I wouldn't trade it for a thing. I have made friendships here that will (I hope) last a lifetime. Women I would not have otherwise had a chance to meet.

I came for the bling but I stayed (13 plus years and counting) for the people here.
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