
Do you feel entitled to know if others are vaccinated?

Do you ask others if they are vaccinated for Covid!

  • A. None of my business bc HIPAA

    Votes: 43 44.8%
  • B. Of course! I have to stay safe!

    Votes: 53 55.2%

  • Total voters


Jun 27, 2014
If that is true then why are there so many breakthrough cases?

Because, there aren't.
You really should actually read the articles you link first... you're helping prove my point with the information you linked, though , so thanks:lol:


Oct 2, 2014
I would LIKE to know, but I know it's private info.

There's a woman in my neighbourhood whom I was considering getting to know better, but then I found out that she and her husband are anti-vaxxers, and I'm not going to pursue a friendship now because I don't want them potentially bringing covid into my house if they come over for dinner! Knowing they're unvaccinated put me off them totally.

ETA: I'm vaccinated, but I know vaccinated people can still feel pretty wretched with covid, even if the shot keeps you out of hospital. I don't want that thing, vaccinated or not!


Mar 2, 2012
Thank you for that explanation, I appreciate it.

It can be hard to know where the truth lies since most news outlets are fiercely pushing their opposing agendas to the extreme - I try not to buy into the sensationalist headlines either way.

(I hope my question didn’t seem dense - I work from home in a new city and am still quite new to the US meaning I haven’t made many friends here yet due to the pandemic. Almost all of my non-working time is spent with my husband and our 3 children under 4. Therefore I don’t get much opportunity to discuss this in real life!).

Your question was thoughtful, not dense!


Jul 6, 2005
No. I don't care if you've got the shot or not and NONE of your personal medical info is my business. I respect the CHOICE of either, I also don't believe it should be mandated, I don't live in a socialist country. Period. I have known FAR TOO MANY people who got the shot and still have had the illness, some more than once. So.. that's just my personal 2 cents. :wavey:

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
No. I don't care if you've got the shot or not and NONE of your personal medical info is my business. I respect the CHOICE of either, I also don't believe it should be mandated, I don't live in a socialist country. Period. I have known FAR TOO MANY people who got the shot and still have had the illness, some more than once. So.. that's just my personal 2 cents. :wavey:
I'd agree with you 101%, but you shouldn't say it on PS. :shhh: No one here is gonna like your post. :bigsmile:


Aug 22, 2012
I don't feel entitled to know anything about anyone else. Their business is theirs and mine is mine. Too many people think they have the right to other people's business.


Nov 2, 2012
A lot of people would do better to read up on the actual science and statistics about Covid-19. Solid information is readily available. Sometimes I wonder about our educational system when so many don't seem to have basic critical thinking skills or information source evaluating skills.

Too many still think their own uneducated personal opinions, limited personal experiences and anecdotes, or the unbelievably sick political spin they heard on Fox "News" about this deadly, economy crushing, worldwide pandemic are on the same level as what our top scientists, physicians and data gathers report. That's simply ridiculous and dangerous- for ALL of us. SMH

A few solid information sources:
Centers for Disease Control
World Health Organization
Mayo Clinic
Your healthcare provider's website
Last edited:


Jun 27, 2014
I find it a condemnation of our educational system that so many Americans don't understand the limit of their personal rights when it comes to public health.
Here is the Supreme Court's mandate relating to small pox as an example.
The liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States does not import an absolute right in each person to be at all times, and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint, nor is it an element in such liberty that one person, or a minority of persons residing in any community and enjoying the benefits of its local government, should have power to dominate the majority when supported in their action by the authority of the State.
It is within the police power of a State to enact a compulsory vaccination law, and it is for the legislature, and not for the courts, to determine

Salus populi suprema lex: the health of the people is the supreme law.
As can be seen, it's not a new concept being a few thousand years old as uttered by Cicero; which is also why it's so embarrassing that so much of America pretends not to understand it.
We've been mandating vaccines for school registrations, travel, a myriad of careers and the military for decades. It's as American as it gets.
As I've said before, you can thank Washington- we wouldn't have a country without it.
America is also chock full of other socialist programs. It's what actually makes America great. The only thing we lack is subsidized health and education.
It shows.


Oct 18, 2015
I just went to a friend's 40th. Everyone had to do a pcr test or show their covid vax passport to get into the restaurant. I sat next t the birthday girl. She, for lack of a better descriptor, has a very wet mouth, and would micro spittle onto me as she talked. I was uncomfortable. I became furious when I found out she has been clubbing on the reg all week AND isn't vaccinated. I very nearly left, but she moved to a different seat so at least I wasn't being rained on anymore. I didn't feel comfortable telling her off at her own party, and blame myself for not asking directly before accepting the invitation. I have other friends who refuse to get vaccinated, but who also are declining to dine indoors, see large groups, or do other activities that are risky. So yes I do feel entitled to know, otherwise I can't determine whether or where I want to see that person.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
I just went to a friend's 40th. Everyone had to do a pcr test or show their covid vax passport to get into the restaurant. I sat next t the birthday girl. She, for lack of a better descriptor, has a very wet mouth, and would micro spittle onto me as she talked. I was uncomfortable. I became furious when I found out she has been clubbing on the reg all week AND isn't vaccinated.
Then why was she allowed into the restaurant?

Don't get so excited. I had been dining out and drinking in a packed bar with unvaccinated friends and I'm still alive.


Sep 13, 2019
I just went to the Lyric Opera in Chicago for opening night of Macbeth, and they required everyone to wear a mask (duh) and to show a vaccine card to prove vaccination status

I was really impressed. It was the first event they had in 18 months, and you could just feel how grateful everyone was to be attending something so special, and the only reason it was possible was because of vaccine requirements


Feb 11, 2006

Since my life is in danger around non- vaccinated people, I do feel I have a right to know if they are fully vaccinated. However, I don't trust these people to tell the truth. Yesterday a doctor came on TV and told us that even after a patient is told they have the virus and are dying, they don't believe it. These patients tell their doctors, "I don't believe you". Even on a death bed, they don't believe they have covid.

DF-- Some people may have a natural immunity, or have contracted a non symptomatic case, but produced the antibodies. I hope you are one of them.


Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004

DF-- Some people may have a natural immunity, or have contracted a non symptomatic case, but produced the antibodies. I hope you are one of them.


Idunno1.gif . I should caught it by now.


Oct 23, 2011
Idunno1.gif . I should caught it by now.

Be careful what you wish for! My colleague has been saying that since Covid started and she finally got vaccinated bc of work. But. Her hubby and kids didn’t. They went to Florida last week and now they have Covid. She didn’t go and quarantined and so far she is negative. But. I told her you got your wish bc since Covid started she kept saying she preferred a “natural immunity than the damn vax” for her family. Anyhow. I think delta is a different beast so watch yourself DF.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
The next beast is MU.


Aug 4, 2008
If someone is going to be in my house I have asked them.
Outside the house I just assume that everyone is not and act accordingly.. mask and wash/sanitize hands.


Jun 8, 2008
Updating for anyone who might be interested.

The employee who lied to two shareholders about being vaccinated is (hopefully) either going to be
1. Suspended for 3 days without pay. We fully expect him to bring his grievances to his union if we do this.


2. Withhold his bonus pay (2 weeks salary) this December. This is completely at the discretion of us, the shareholders and he cannot go to his Union crying about it.

Or both options 1 and 2.

We have one board member strongly wanting to fire him which was my first gut reaction too.
Of the two shareholders he lied to only one is willing to go on record. The other doesn't want to be involved.

We know if we decide to terminate his employment we will end up spending a lot of money on attorneys to fight it with the union and it just isn't worth 100K or more. We don't have that kind of money to use on attorneys for this. I wish we did.

The Union really ties our hands. We might (probably would) win but the loss of funds is simply not worth it. I think we would win because we have one shareholder willing to go on record and I just have a feeling if push came to shove the second shareholder might be convinced to come forward. But we don't want to take a chance and put her in a position where she is uncomfortable.

I would be happy with option 1 or 2 and the Board will be discussing the pros and cons of each and making a decision within the next month or so. In the meantime the employee has received a cease and desist letter regarding his lying about being vaccinated.

And just to be clear. The issue is not that he is not vaccinated. As that is not mandatory at this time.
The issue is he lied to shareholders and then entered their apartments to do work.
Was he wearing a mask? Yeah, half a**ed. With it down around his nose. That is completely another issue though and the shareholders should have told him to put it back on his face including his nose. SMH.

But the fact he lied, potentially endangering shareholders (many of whom are elderly) is unacceptable. Completely and totally unacceptable. I will add that now he is denying that he lied. What a guy right? I won't extrapolate to all those who are unvaccinated but my gut feeling is many of those who are unvaccinated do not wear masks indoors, in public places, as they should. And instead it falls on us, those who are vaccinated, to wear the masks inside to protect ourselves from those who are unvaccinated and also to protect those who cannot get vaccinated. Don't shoot me. This is my *feeling*. I do not think all those who are unvaccinated refuse to wear a mask indoors as is recommended. But many unvaccinated probably do not. Just my feeling.

That is my update.
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