
D vs H...Asscher vs Square Emerald? HELP!

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Mar 27, 2005

Hi all, I have been obsessed with this website now for a little over a year. I want to say thank you, you have been extremely informative and entertaining. I *think* I have finally picked my fantasy ring and need anyone''s help or input. I love the asscher cut but even after reading all of the posts, I am still confused. I will try to outline my questions:

1) What is the difference between asscher and Square Emerald (SE)? (Please be technical-but in laymans terms!) I love some SE cuts, but then again, some don''t resemble the asscher cut that I adore so much. If I choose to go with SE rather than asscher, do I need to say "SE that resembles asscher" to make sure I get a SE that resembles asscher?

2) Recommended proportions for both the asscher and the SE please. The more info, the better.

3) What is the lowest recommended color for both SE/Asscher? I realize it is preference, but I want other''s thoughts.

4) What is the lowest recommended clarity for both SE/Asscher? I realize it is preference, but I want other''s thoughts.

5) Any other thoughts/info you could give me.

6) I have 2 diamonds I can choose from:

*3.00carat Square Emerald, D color, VS2 clarity, 8.48 x 8.40 x 5.08mm, 60.5% depth

*3.27carat asscher cut, H color, VVS2 clarity

I don''t have the rest of the specs, but will be getting them. My dilemma is this: I have seen the 3.00carat SE, it is already set in the ring and I adore it. I have not seen the larger 3.27carat asscher but will, and it is not set yet (it is a loose diamond I can have custom made into a ring). The larger 3.27carat asscher is cheaper than the 3.00carat SE by a nice chunk of change (probably due to the D color of the 3.00carat). But I am wondering if the H color will be too yellowish since asscher really shows off color (although the clarity is better). Does anyone have thoughts on this? I am afraid I won''t be able to fully compare the 2 diamonds because like I said, the D color diamond is already set in a ring whereas the H color diamond is loose.

7) If I do choose to go with the H color diamond, I am choosing a double row of pave to surround the center stone and go along the band. Should I go with a higher color of micro-pave diamonds than H to surround? The D color 3.00carat diamond is now surrounded F-G color, VS1-VS2 clarity micro-pave diamonds and they look great.

The set ring is being sent for me to look at in person tomorrow 12/3/05 (Only seen pictures), so if anyone can get back with me ASAP, I would truly be grateful. The loose diamond might not be here in time for me to compare the 2 side by side, but I will deal with that when needed. I was hoping to see the SE and Asscher side by side to compare the difference in cuts (and color).

Please, if anyone can answer even one of these questions I will be grateful. Even personal opinions are welcome. It is nice to find a site that is obsessed with diamonds as much as I am! I would have posted sooner, but was having trouble logging in all week. THANK YOU!



Nov 17, 2004
haha, I love your signature.

I think the difference between "asscher" and simply SE is sort of in the details. An asscher should have a pronounced windmill effect and larger clipped corners. A square emerald does not necessarily have either of these. That is my understanding anyway, I am sure storm will jump in here to help you out!

Since you''ve been around for a while, I''m sure you know that the best tool to evaluate an asscher is your eye. I''ll be curious to know how you end up liking the H stone.

Do you LOVE the D that is already set? Would you keep it in its current setting?

As far as clarity, as long as it''s eye-clean, I don''t care what it is!

And do know that you MUST post pictures of your 3 ct asscher to be when it''s finally on your hand!


Nov 1, 2003
SE is the gia term for an asscher.
most no matter what they are called are very badly cut.

patterns patterns patterns

If you have been here a year you have read this thread right?

With a 60.5 depth my first concern is crown height.
Has a sarin ever been ran on it?
looking from the side does the crown look high?

A 3ct H will likely show a bit of color.


Nov 1, 2003
If you can post some pictures of these diamonds here it would help.


Nov 18, 2004
I wouldn''t go below VS2 for clarity, and you will most likely see color in an H. Listen to Storm, he knows these cuts better than anyone I know of on PS. If you love the D, and it has pleasing patterns it may be the way to go. Of course if you can post pics that would be best. It''s all about the pics, numbers are a guideline. Good luck!!!


Nov 8, 2005
I wouldn''t go below VS2 for emeralds or asshers b/c Si''s can be easily seen with such open facets. For color, I would stay with G or higher. You will notice color more on an emerald than on a round and also I think these shapes warrant a whiter crystal look - it makes them look sharp.

I guess you can then guess which one I would pick - the 3ct D VS2 no contest!


May 15, 2005
I think you should look at both in person (with regard to color/clarity). I have a 2ct Asscher with GIA "I" color. I do see a "warmer" color, but I love it and don''t think it needs to be D (or icy white) to look beautiful. It is in an antique setting with G-H color diamonds that complete the ring!


Mar 27, 2005

Wow, thanks for writing back. I wasn''t sure if anyone would be able to in time. Let me just tell you today was the best day of my life. I was able to see the set stone in my setting and was on cloud nine. The ring I saw was the 3.00carat, D color, VS2. Unfortunately, the H color I spoke about is no longer available.

ICEKID: thanks for the post. Yes, I absolutely adore the setting of the D color and would keep it. Not only was it eye clean, I swear it was loupe clean. Of course I couldn''t really see anything since I was tearing up! ha-ha. My S.O., who swear he has Superman eyes, said he couldn''t see anything either. When we then saw the plot and then tried to locate the flaws, we still couldn''t. (FYI: the plot shows 2 crystals and 3 clouds) Thanks.

STORM: I was hoping the expert would write with input. To me the crown wasn''t high, but as you will see, it is surrounded by micro-pave diamonds, so it may be hidden. I took some pictures, please give me your input. Taking good pictures is harder than I thought. I couldn''t get in really close or really get good shots, but I did my best. I meant to ask about a sarin, but totally forgot in all my glee. I did find more specs: Depth (60.5); Table (77); Girdle (thin); Culet (none); Polish/Symm (good/good); Fluorescence (Medium Blue). Any input??

Kaleigh: Thank you also for the post. I had also heard not to go below VS2 with this cut because of the transparency. I do love the D and since the H wasn''t available, I was only able to compare to an already set round I color and could see a difference. Not sure if that is a fair comparison. I agree about the numbers being a guideline...I don''t care what the numbers are - I fell in love.

Kaleidoscopic: As I said to Kaleigh, I agree with both of you about the VS2 being the lowest. I also heard to go F-G for lowest color and am upset I didn''t get to compare it to another color. The ring was shipped in for me to see and I was hoping the loose H would have come along with. I would love to pick the D color, but the H color was a HUGE amount less and I am assuming it is the color causing the price increase. I will have to ask if another loose lower color is coming in. Who knows.

UCLABelle: I am so glad someone with an Asscher wrote in. Like I said, I was hoping to see both in person to compare and see if it was worth the huge price decrease. By antique setting, do you mean you have side diamonds or pave or something else? I am curious because I was thinking if I had more of an H color with F-G sides, you wouldn''t be able to really tell the difference if the ring wasn''t side by side with a D. Thanks for giving input. Your ring really does sound beautiful, I love the asscher cut. Have you posted pics??

So, all...any more input would be highly appreciated. The pictures I am about to post is the D color, VS2 clarity, 3.0carat center SE with F-G side diamonds VS1-VS2 clarity. Please tell me if you see something wrong because although I was there over an hour, I do not remember anything besides the buzzing in my ears! I know it all comes down to me being happy, but I want to make sure I am getting a fair deal and not just buying out of fantasy. I have waited this long and would be willing to wait longer if needed.

Sorry about the blurriness, I was literally shaking when I had the ring on. In the one picture you can see I was holding the ring so tight my fingers turned yellow/red! It is a size 6 and was a bit big, but you get the idea. I have to make a decision soon before it goes to some other lucky soul!!

I do have more pics if needed. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP AND YOUR FUTURE HELP.



Mar 27, 2005
Couldn''t post some since the files are too big...



Nov 1, 2003

77% table is huge but some people love the look and your one of em.


Nov 1, 2003
second set of pics:
Do the patterns fill in looking at it in person or is it that dark in the center?


Nov 18, 2004
I say congrats as well!!!


Jul 27, 2005
First of all if you love it and must have it ... don''t let me dissuade you. I''m not an expert, just a layman/consumer/fellow-asscher-lover.

But ... I don''t love that ring. The 77% table on the stone makes it look glassy to me, and means (IMO) that the top "step cuts" don''t fill in the over all pattern on the stone. Also, the color doesn''t look like a "d" to me. Is it a GIA cert?

I also think the stone looks too big for the center pave halo, covering part of it and looking "crowded" and uneven.

I posted a pix of a similar style (also w/ 3ct stone) that looks more proportionate to my eye, so you can compare. That ring is from Golda Jewelry on 47th street in manhattan and is around $28K.

Again, you saw it with your own eyes and if it was love at first sight, then BY ALL MEANS IT IS THE ONE FOR YOU! I had a love at first sight experience with a less than "perfect" stone and I love it. No one could have dissuaded me ... I only express my opinion here ''cause you asked for feedback.



Jul 27, 2005
Here is another view of the ring I mentioned above ... for reference



Nov 18, 2004
The second pic does look dark to me, how did it look in person??


Jan 3, 2005
i no nothing about asschers but it sure does look huge on your hand


Mar 27, 2005
Storm and Kaleigh, in person the ring is not black. It was in a black ring holder and we tried to get a head on shot to show the steps in the cuts, but they are all fuzzy. The black one is the best in clearness we could take.

Decodelighted, thanks for the input. I think the ring may look overcrowded since I had to stretch the photos to get them to fit as a file size. I noticed that my fingers and hands were stretched and I think that is what happened to the photos. In person, the first row of pave has a tiny space all around the center stone. But, maybe it is more crowded than usual. I do like the glassy look...from all of the asschers I have seen, they have glassy looks which is what I liked. Do you really think it isn''t a D color? It is the GIA certificate I have a copy from that I got that from. How do I know for sure? All of the specs I posted were from GIA in 2003. The pic you posted seems remarkably the same as to mine (just a perfect photo). Is there a contact number or website you could share with me? That price is unbelievable and I am now wondering if I am getting a fair deal.

Like I said before, as much as I love the ring, I want to get a fair deal and now I am wondering if it is really D and is a good price. Not that I want to be swayed by strangers, but I need honest input before I fork over a ton of money and right now my head may not be clear since I was in la-la land at the store! THANK YOU ALL.



Nov 1, 2003
its impossible to tell a diamonds color from a photo.
If your concernded about it hit the appraisers link under resources at the top of the page and see if one is in your area and get it checked out.


Oct 30, 2002
i don't know much about asschers but do know about getting carried away while shopping and trying on beautiful diamonds...

the diamond looks more D'ish in that last picture than the original looks pretty icy white there. if it's a GIA cert then i'd be inclined to think it's fairly trustworthy...but the appraiser could check it out.

to me i also think that the pattern of the halo around it is obscuring the asscher diamond pattern, so the whole ring to me is just really confusing and visually unappealing. but that is just me...i don't like strong halos on asschers and especially two of them...i think the pattern should speak for itself. but it's not my ring...and you have to love it. it sounds like you do...

we can debate on cut here but with fancies it is really what appeals to your eye. if you feel like you adore the ring, and you know that it may not be what some consider ideal or similar, then you at least have all the facts and can make an educated decision. i'd get the ring appraised independently because that IS alot of money like you noted and you can't be too careful especially with a stone that may not be easily called ideal by many. with asschers though what's really ideal. i think it's what can appeal to your eyes.

i'd go back into the store, try it on again. see if there are other asschers you can try on that you can look at? make sure that this one really appeals to you. then if you buy it, get it independently appraised, see what they say. if it all checks out and you love it, then go for it. but buy educated and then don't look back. if you can't do that...and will second guess your selection then maybe you aren't ready to buy just yet.

good luck!


Nov 1, 2003
Whoever designed that ring knew what they were doing.
Use a big tabled asscher and put it tight into pave then add another row.
That gives the rather flat looking asscher more life.
Using a smaller table asscher in that setting would look kinda dorky.

Normaly I dont like big tabled asschers at all but that setting makes the diamond.


Nov 18, 2004
Mara gave you very good advice. Sometimes you can get caught up in the moment. We have all been there, trust me. But this is a lot of money and maybe you need to take a deep breath and think about it. You've seen it and we haven't. I would get it independently appraised and see what the appraiser says. Don't rush into buying it, take your time to find the right stone. Mara has a point that double halo takes away from the stone IMHO. And I have an asscher halo ring but it's a RHR and is only .92, my stone needed a halo.
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