
Cym-Brie''''s Asscher Quest (pix included, more to come)

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Oct 13, 2005
Hello all...first of all a great big THANK YOU to everyone who has helped educate me and been supportive of my er...asscher habit. I have been working with Jonathan at GOG, Storm and Kaleigh to find the perfect asscher for our budget. Here are the first couple stones Jonathan has brought in. He has been so patient and WONDERFUL through this whole process!
I wanted to make sure I had pix before starting a thread for the picture-happy PS crowd. Amazingly, these are both I in color it's hard to believe the difference btw the two. I only have specs for the stone on the left (top pick so far) and Jonathan has more coming in over the next several days, he will also be posting macro shots, details tomorrow. I will post as they arrive. So be honest let me know what y'all think and thank you all in advance! Drum roll please...

Carats: 1.29
Color: I
Clarity: VS2
Cert: GIA
Depth: 63.9
Table: 59
Girdle: TN-M
Cutlet: N
Polish: EX
Sym: EX
Flor: N
Meas: 6.19x6.18x3.95

Wow, are they graded by the same lab? The left one looks great so far! I hope he can get closer pictures sometime too. I a so excited for you!!
I think he''s only bringing in GIA stones. He said it''s the cut that makes this big of a difference. He showed everyone on the staff and they unanimously agreed the the left stone was superior. He said it faced up very white not even a hint of yellow. This was my fav based on numbers and budget, but he''s bringing more in. All the details and macro shots are coming tomorrow, but couldn''t wait to share
Yeah, the one on the left definitely looks better. Looks really good for an I colored asscher
"All the details and macro shots are coming tomorrow, but couldn''t wait to share"

I am glad you didn''t wait! I had been checking back all night!!
It has been a pleasure just to be involved in this process. I adore the stone on the left, reminds me of mine. I look forward to seeing the other stones as well. I am soooo excited for you!!![:)
Jonathan said an interesting thing with regard to step cuts that they actually face up whiter which was contrary to what I''ve read, but he''s the expert
. He said with asschers as long as the cut is great I''s are fine. Inde thanks for checking back hee hee couldn''t let y''all down. Kaleigh thank you SO much for all your help you have been so awesome these last 6mos! The numbers are similar to yours that might be why it resembles it
I think it''s pretty kicken as storm would say. Can''t wait to see the lightscope and macros tomorrow...not to mention the other stones coming! SOOOO EXCITED!
I can see that one stone 'catches light' while other does not.. but it could be as much due to the lighting or the position of the two as about cut. Dunno. Those two seem to be nicely alingned, but what do I know?

If the two stones are this different no matter how you look at them... Yiks! for the one to the right & hold on to the other, by all means

Since these two come from GOG, I would think IS pictures are on the way. Or at least the seller's opinion about what their expert 3D viewer sees (i.e. what they see, period - the 'eyeball' method

You bet I'll be watching this thread
Thanks for the pics, too!
qqq thanks for your 2 cents can't wait to see your RA when it's done! keep us posted!

Val you bet I'll be hanging onto that left one! It's funny off a list of 29 candidates it was neither the biggest or highest color but the numbers were very similar to Kaleigh's also the girdle was TN-M so it seemed the cutter was going for best cut not higher weight...not to mention it was well within the budget
. It was also one of Storm's top 5 so I knew I was doing something right
speak o the devil where is ole storm? Probably sleeping like normal people. FI thinks I'm nutters
but even he's excited about the stone
storm was taking a nap but im back :}
had to check and see if he managed to get more pictures before closing time.
Date: 3/3/2006 12:52:53 AM
Author: valeria101

I can see that one stone ''catches light'' while other does not.. but it could be as much due to the lighting or the position of the two as about cut. Dunno. Those two seem to be nicely alingned, but what do I know?
I brought that up and Jon said the pic''s best represent what he was seeing in person and rather than going for perfect alignment he went for the most life like appearence.
I looking forward to the standard macros under his standard lighting to judge the patterns.
The helium scan data on them is something im most interested in.
Ok spoke too soon LOL you''re nutters just like us storm. Jonathan said he was left alone to close shop and had a bunch o customers but will have much more in store for us tomorrow.
I will post as soon as I get em! He might even have more stones tomorrow
For that matter Storm if you and Kaleigh want to post em for me go right ahead you guys might see em before me even!
Cymbrie are you driving up to GOG? I''ll be looking forward to reading this forum every afternoon to see your process. When i was looking at asschers the lowest color i saw was a H color. It was just as white as the others when it was alone till i had them all on the white paper. H was just a tad wamer and basically to tell you the truth if i hadnt been there for a couple of hours i would not have know it was a H cept from the side and bottom. Like i said i could have picked any of the ones i had seen and been extremely happy. But that I looks very fabulous and I would be going crazy to get there knowing it was there waiting for me to go look at and possibly buy. Suprised you are not already on drive, bus, plane, train to get there. Best of luck to you and have fun.
TC-- Your stone is BEAUTIFUL by the way! Unfortunately we live all the way out in CA and don''t have the opportunity to fly out there right now. We will be doing this whole thing virtually. Maybe by the time I upgrade (if I do) we''ll be able to fly out. I would have LOVED to have gone into meet Jonathan, Tim and the whole GOG team in person.
I was a little leary at first about the I color. But Jonathan said well cut I''s face up very white as you can see from the pix these are BOTH I colored stones and the left one is profoundly more white. So I trust him. If he says it''s a beauty I''m sure it will be, and if I disagree we''ll send it back and start over LOL. Honestly I would have loved an F or G, but we''re also in the process of buying a home and planning a wedding so we''re just trying to keep everything reasonable. Cut/proportions/symmetry/ratio is MOST important to me I''d rather have a lower colored, well cut stone than an ok cut, higher color stone IMHO. I''m so excited though this is all just SO cool and Jonathan and Tim have just been awesome. Still waiting for more pix, I''ll post as soon as I have them!
XXXciting! The left one looks WAY promising .. can''t wait to see more pix & more asschers - then see what you choose!
I have to agree with what you have shown so far, the stone on the right is what we often refer to here as a "lifeless lump of crystallized carbon".

The stone on the left shows nice contrast and brilliance. Ask Jonathon to put up either an ASET photo or a simulated ASET photo from the Diamcalc software for us, I bet the stone on the left excells there too. The stone on the right has WAY too much darkness, although it is hard to tell if it is from leakage or obscuration from this photo.

Hello Deco I was waiting for you to chime in, and Wink thanks for the suggestions...this is why I LOVE PS so much. From what I understand Jonathan is doing all those things and will be posting them onto the web site. I think it''s a newfangled part of the web site he says it''ll be soon. impatient little feetsies tapping away
Date: 3/3/2006 1:29:32 PM
Author: Wink
I have to agree with what you have shown so far, the stone on the right is what we often refer to here as a ''lifeless lump of crystallized carbon''.

The stone on the left shows nice contrast and brilliance. Ask Jonathon to put up either an ASET photo or a simulated ASET photo from the Diamcalc software for us, I bet the stone on the left excells there too. The stone on the right has WAY too much darkness, although it is hard to tell if it is from leakage or obscuration from this photo.


You might be in for a shock on that one.
Something new has come up with a certain cutters asschers.
I got a feeling that there is going to be a very very steep learning curve for anyone setting out to cut them even with good guide lines.
More info as it becomes available and heads and tails are made of it.
What kind of a shock my friend? Are you saying the one on the right will look good in the ASET even though it looks horrible in real life? Or are you saying the one on the left will not look so good as it does in real life?

Shock me man, but don''t keep me in suspense...

Wink, Diamcalc rookie who is liking what he is seeing...
i dont know much about asschers other than loving the step pattern, but that one on the right looks dead while the one on the left looks great.

yummy!! congrats!
Chas is in the process of making the page. I caught this in the meantime. Here are ASET and IS images generated from models scanned with the Helium scanner.

While IS images show interesting info, I think the ASET images are more revealing. I'll let Cym post the macro shot.

Hope this helps.


Yippee here are the macros...err....can someone explain the ASETS to me this is reminding me of 9th grade geometry eek. LOL Thanks for the feedback Mara left one's definitely a keeper but Jonathan says more are on the way

Is it the tilt of the shot that is making the cutlet appear just a hair off center?

Date: 3/3/2006 3:10:46 PM
Author: cymbrie
Yippee here are the macros...err....can someone explain the ASETS to me this is reminding me of 9th grade geometry eek. LOL Thanks for the feedback Mara left one''s definitely a keeper but Jonathan says more are on the way

Is it the tilt of the shot that is making the cutlet appear just a hair off center?
Yes I see that, has to be the tilt of this shot, as I didn''t see it in the pics from yesterday?? Oh I love this stone, and look forward to seeing the others next week. This is sooo exciting!!!
More images...

more info

1.29I misc.JPG
Wow, baby! Gorgeous!
Thanks Hest! loving this stone
OMG, that may be THE one. It''s gorgeous.

Congrats, Cymbrie! You must be so excited- that stone is gorgeous!
From one bay area bride to another, I hear you on the housing/wedding expenses! It''s just crazy, isn''t it? Oh, well. Who needs a house when you have a great man and a great ring, right?
have fun on your quest cymbrie, it''s good to see you''re getting closer
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