
Custom Ring Nightmare Part 2

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Jul 12, 2005
My fiance and I went to jeweler in a nearby city for a custom designed e-ring...the original thread explaining my saga can be found here

My fiance has contacted the jeweler about our disappointment in the resulting ring...and it did not go well.

Basically the jeweler got very upset, and insisted that he showed him everything he could have about the design, how the prongs would look etc. He may feel that way, but that is not the case- there were 3 meetings prior to the completion of the ring: the first to discuss the basics, the second produced the sketch i posted in the other thread, and at the third the jeweler had already cast the platinum and had all but attached the prongs and set the center stone. So while he DID show him what it would look like, there was nothing that could be done at that point...and my boyfriend not being a jeweler, didn't quite understand that the prongs would NOT be sunken into the shank.

The jeweler gave us two options:

One- he could "cut" into the ring to sink it lower, but would not remake it.

Two- we could take our business elsewhere, but would have to pay him 500 dollars for the labor.

THIS SEEMS ABSURD. Why should we pay him for labor, if the expected service wasn't performed? I work as a custom framer, so I know a bit
what it's like to feel like i've wasted time and material on an unhappy customer, but i have never EVER felt justified in asking to be paid for anything they rejected. The jeweler actually suggested that maybe we should have just gotten something mass produced, so obviously he's missing the point that we wanted something SPECIFIC.

So at this point what can we do? My fiance paid the first deposit on his debit and the second with a check, so i don't know what we can do as far as disputing that 500 dollars.

A few minutes after the original phone convo, the jeweler called back to apologize for getting to emotional, which we appreciate. But frankly these two offers are not good enough. At the very least I want a complete remake, since there ere several other elements that were not quite right.

So, are there any words of advice out there? The fisrt things that come to mind are BBB, but i hope it doesnt come to that, esp since we're poor and can't afford to lose 500 for the amount of months it will take for any resolution to happen w. the bureau.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! here


Nov 1, 2003
that sux.
The first thing id do is go talk to him in person.

Talk to your bank and see if there are any options on a stop payment.

small claims court


Does he have any signe up for Jeweler orgs, some of them have dispute resulution?

State attorney generals office


Do not accept any offer and dont leave the ring with him short of getting 100% of what you want.


Jul 10, 2004
Date: 11/22/2005 12:50:11 PM
Author: strmrdr
that sux.
The first thing id do is go talk to him in person.

Talk to your bank and see if there are any options on a stop payment.

small claims court


Does he have any signe up for Jeweler orgs, some of them have dispute resulution?

State attorney generals office


Do not accept any offer and dont leave the ring with him short of getting 100% of what you want.


Jan 3, 2005
I agree with storm but i''d probably call the bank first so when I went to talk to him I knew what my bank can do. Has the check cleared? you can probably put a Stop payment on it if not. i know a Visa check card works just like a regular visa so you could probably dispute those charges too. then i''d go the same route as stated in storms post..

i''m so sorry the jeweler wasn''t more accomodating.


Jun 8, 2003
I''m so sorry to hear your trouble, Effie. My first custom design experience was a complete disaster too, so I feel your pain.

I agree with the others about trying to stop payment first. Then try to talk to the jeweler in person. If you do allow him another try, you may want to get all the expectations in writing, say for instance, the ring will only be cast after you have viewed and approved the wax, and if you are no satisfied after the second attempt, a full refund (or partial if you agree) will be given.

This jewler definitely needs some work on his customer relations.


Jul 21, 2004
I'm also with Storm. This is lame. Do you have any paperwork other than that picture discussing what was agreed to? It sounds like the client was your fiancée and the jeweler thinks everything was explained in detail in this second meeting. If it was, he has a point. This sees like what needs to be resolved and a face to face meeting involving the 3 of you might help. The craftsmanship issue is another matter. Consider visiting with an appraiser to get an opinion on the discoloration and pitting you mentioned and make sure that there are no other issues that need your attention. Do it quickly, before you give the ring back to the jeweler to do anything at all. It would be best to have this done before your meeting if you can arrange it.

Keep good notes about what is going on, when you have various conversations, who was involved and what was being discussed. If you work out a solution and can agree on what is to be done, make sure it’s written down along with a schedule and a budget and get a better picture of the design. Don’t give up control of the ring until AFTER this is done.In the meantime, pay a visit to the bank.

Neil Beaty
Professional Appraisals in Denver


Nov 18, 2004
Oh man that sucks big time, so sorry. I would follow the advice you got from Storm and Neil. Good luck. That jeweler needs to work on his communication skills methinks.


Apr 14, 2004
I agree with the others. That is a shame for this guy to act like this. The ring did not look like a custom ring to me in the first place unless you believe that assembling pieces is custom. Check with the chamber of commerce also. This should be a lesson also for people reading this thread. Get the agreement in writing. This is the best protection when something goes wrong like this.


Oct 13, 2005
Atrocious, I would as the jeweler suggested take your business elsewhere. I agree with the above recommendations stop payment on the check, as well as complaining to BBB if the jeweler in question forces the payment issue. That is ridiculous. SO sorry for your dilemna best of luck!


Jan 25, 2005
Absolutely infuriating on top of ridiculous. As others have asked, is it possible for you to stop payment on the check at this point?

I would definitely take your business elsewhere, but he has no right to demand $500 for his labor when he did not produce the satisfactory item you chose him to do labor for! Of course you know this. If he couldn''t do the job, he should never have taken it.

I also had a custom ring trauma story, but after the first botched ring attempt, I demanded that no ring be made without my approval on a wax casting first. It took several wax casts to get what I wanted....which tells you there could have been many incorrect rings made otherwise! When a jeweler does not deliver what the client wants, they usually ask for a chance to set things right, and I think that''s fair. But you''ve already done this and the ring still isn''t right. At this point it''s likely he can''t make the ring as you want it, and he knows this. He''d probably rather you take your business elsewhere and he gets his $500 for time spent...but that''s not the way it works!

Neither of his options are acceptable. Let us know what the bank says.
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