
Cushion Sandbox Wars


Jun 17, 2014
Hello All,

I'm making light of a perhaps a "significant" concern in the eyes of many...and my intent is not to offend anyone. I'm not commenting on what has transpired, only asking for help with where to go now.

I just want to get my stone set. I have a preference for stone cut/quality AND preferences for setting quality/design. Unfortunately, the 2 will never be joined for eternity!

My question is simple (at least it seems so to me!).....for those of you who have purchased an AVC SINCE the "battle" ensued, where have you had it set if you desire design and quality similar to LM, VC or SK??

Am I correct is assuming that ANY vendor who markets their own cushion, will NOT accept cushions (antique style) from other vendors?

To those of you who were able to choose a stone and have it set where YOU wanted it set, prior to the got to have your cake and eat it TOO!!! :appl:

No more.
I don't have a cushion (yet :Up_to_something: ) but there shouldn't be any issue having it set with SK. Many on here have used him for AVC's & his work is on par with the others you mentioned.
Also ERD/BE does beautiful work both cad/cast and handforged so I would strongly consider them as well.
I'm trying to decide who to have set my new asscher sapphire and frankly only considered the two I mentioned.

Did you buy a stone?
Yes, the stone has been purchased. I am finding out that there are "places" it can't go directly (from GOG), as well as "places" it won't be welcome even if I send if myself!!

Rough waters ahead... :(sad

WOW...a sapphire THAT's a beauty!
I have an AVC that I had GOG commission/set in a simple RG Vatche when I bought it.
I have been considering/planning on using Single Stone for a unexpected move to EU has me hesitating - but my hesitation is based on lifestyle changes. They are not a second choice for me.
Well honestly I wouldn't even consider LM. Many on here have had major issues working with him. VC is often recommended but I firmly believe SK does that level of work & he's in NYC. Why not use him? He worked for LM but has been on his own for several years. His pave work is in line with the other two. Have you looked at his work? Visit his youtube channel. Amazing stuff there!

I have no first hand experience working with any of the three above but have looked at their settings, videos, and rings on here obsessively for three years :cheeky:

ERD/BE does gorgeous stuff as well, particularly cushion halo's. And they'll come in at a more reasonable price so I would strongly consider them.

I can probably recite a PS dictionary of which member has which ring & who made it, so do some looking and enjoy the eye candy!
All is not lost,lol!

As for Harpers suggestion, SS is TDF if you want a true antique look and have a very healthy budget.

And yes I'm smitten with my new sapphire. I'm having a hell of a time deciding on a setting though.
If you have purchased an AVC SK is the only one of the three that will set it, the others have their own lines of stones. ERD or Singlestone are other good options as the others have mentioned.
I was told by GOG that they do not work with ERD. Perhaps that means directly? I will need to follow up at both GOG and ERD for clarification. Streamlining the process of purchase through setting would be ideal (i.e. directly sent)...but is not required.

There is a difference between GOG choosing not to work with someone directly and me still being able to send the stone myself.

VC and LM are the only ones I know of that will not receive GOG AVCs, regardless of who sends them (vendor or client). Are there others out there I can take off the list of potential setters?
Hi there! :wavey: I have been in your exact same position--I chose SK for a delicate halo setting for my AVC. GOG can expedite the process for you with SK if that is who you ultimately choose. You may want to look into CVB as another alternative. Good luck to you!
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I was about to say that m-2-b had a gorgeous setting made by SK! But if you want something other than a pave type setting, such as antique style, Caysie van Bebber and her team do gorgeous work! She has made one band for me and I plan to use her again soon!
Oh, and CVB also makes Love Affair Diamonds settings for additional options!
I'd go to SK in a heartbeat.
diamondseeker2006|1415636428|3780666 said:
I was about to say that m-2-b had a gorgeous setting made by SK! But if you want something other than a pave type setting, such as antique style, Caysie van Bebber and her team do gorgeous work! She has made one band for me and I plan to use her again soon!
Oh, and CVB also makes Love Affair Diamonds settings for additional options!

DS Caysie was banned from PS for good reasons and there have been very significant complaints about her. I would not recommend her at all.
Gypsy|1415650533|3780778 said:
diamondseeker2006|1415636428|3780666 said:
I was about to say that m-2-b had a gorgeous setting made by SK! But if you want something other than a pave type setting, such as antique style, Caysie van Bebber and her team do gorgeous work! She has made one band for me and I plan to use her again soon!
Oh, and CVB also makes Love Affair Diamonds settings for additional options!

DS Caysie was banned from PS for good reasons and there have been very significant complaints about her. I would not recommend her at all.

Gypsy, This is the first I've heard of any complaints about CVB.
Can you elaborate or post a link?
Gypsy|1415650533|3780778 said:
DS Caysie was banned from PS for good reasons and there have been very significant complaints about her. I would not recommend her at all.

Can you elaborate please?

ETA: Looks like Harpertoo and I were cross-posting.
Sorry for offtopic - Woofmama, are there pics of your new sapphire somewhere? I couldn't find a thread. :(
I don't own a AVC but do own a 8 main cushion that I purchased from another ps vendor and I am having the cushion setting made by ERD/BE. Mark did not have a problem with me giving him my own cushion diamond. I am waiting for the final ring to be completed.
liaerfbv|1415651621|3780790 said:
Gypsy|1415650533|3780778 said:
DS Caysie was banned from PS for good reasons and there have been very significant complaints about her. I would not recommend her at all.

Can you elaborate please?

ETA: Looks like Harpertoo and I were cross-posting.

I don't know if the links exist anymore.

If you look on Caysie's profile you will see she is banned. When I asked about this I was told it was for Shilling.

The moderators here do not ban vendors often at all. In fact there are vendors I would wish would be banned that are not.

So it must have been egregious and unrepentant. Which is what I have been able to gather from my own insights on the moderators standards for a permanent banning.
distracts|1415652928|3780805 said:
Sorry for offtopic - Woofmama, are there pics of your new sapphire somewhere? I couldn't find a thread. :(

Hi Distracts :wavey: No thread, I will do one soon. It's a Jeff White 2.98ct light-med blue. There's a picture on his FB page shown with a mint garnet & a yellow sapphire. I take horrible pictures ;( Anyway it's beautiful :))

Jeff's pic was posted in the "someone's got to buy this stone" thread in CS. I commissioned it.

I lurve your sapphire & the setting :love: Sorry for the threadjack OP.
Honestly, in my opinion, I think it is interesting, and extremely shameful of you all to over-look the obvious in this situation.
Caysie was banned 3 months ago. "Coincidentally" the same time period that the inquiry and published DEFAMATORY response from "Ella" about Caysie, by a certain PS member, was within just days of Erika Winters launching her custom business. And who is conveniently still here to take new custom orders with her newly launched custom business? Hmmm...... I can't help but feel that this is all a tactic being used to flush out competition by which she feels threatened. Do your research, as I have... come up with YOUR OWN opinion (as I have) based on the blatantly obvious evidence I have provided for you. Keep in mind; self-promotion is against pricescope's rules. Dafamation and Libel are criminal offenses.

Now, I have never posted on this site; but I am a reader. I felt compelled to respond and point out the obvious conflict of interest regardless of "Ella's" identity, as Erika is a blogger (and moderator) on this site.

May I also call attention to the "intimidating innuendo" that has been going out to ALL PS USERS who have not rolled over, and taken Erika's side?

Shame on you. I'm disappointed.

-Shayne Emmert
Gypsy|1415657069|3780850 said:
liaerfbv|1415651621|3780790 said:
Gypsy|1415650533|3780778 said:
DS Caysie was banned from PS for good reasons and there have been very significant complaints about her. I would not recommend her at all.

Can you elaborate please?

ETA: Looks like Harpertoo and I were cross-posting.

I don't know if the links exist anymore.

If you look on Caysie's profile you will see she is banned. When I asked about this I was told it was for Shilling.

The moderators here do not ban vendors often at all. In fact there are vendors I would wish would be banned that are not.

So it must have been egregious and unrepentant. Which is what I have been able to gather from my own insights on the moderators standards for a permanent banning.

You don't know if they exist anymore, or if they ever existed? I'm thinking the latter.
semmert179|1415680187|3781055 said:
Honestly, in my opinion, I think it is interesting, and extremely shameful of you all to over-look the obvious in this situation.
Caysie was banned 3 months ago. "Coincidentally" the same time period that the inquiry and published DEFAMATORY response from "Ella" about Caysie, by a certain PS member, was within just days of Erika Winters launching her custom business. And who is conveniently still here to take new custom orders with her newly launched custom business? Hmmm...... I can't help but feel that this is all a tactic being used to flush out competition by which she feels threatened. Do your research, as I have... come up with YOUR OWN opinion (as I have) based on the blatantly obvious evidence I have provided for you. Keep in mind; self-promotion is against pricescope's rules. Dafamation and Libel are criminal offenses.

Now, I have never posted on this site; but I am a reader. I felt compelled to respond and point out the obvious conflict of interest regardless of "Ella's" identity, as Erika is a blogger (and moderator) on this site.

May I also call attention to the "intimidating innuendo" that has been going out to ALL PS USERS who have not rolled over, and taken Erika's side?

Shame on you. I'm disappointed.

-Shayne Emmert

Um, knowing that I was the one that posted that to a private vendor free group I can tell you I informed other PSers and told them they are free to contact Ella as I had done LAST WEEK; in fact it was on November 5th. I just checked when Erika launched her custom design (as I do not recall off-hand and since this post implicates it was done in conjunction with the launch) it was on October 23rd-- for you to insinuate I did it during the same time as her launch is unbelievable. In fact, I was neutral during the discusson of the thread and never participated in gossip or conjecture.

I am not affliated with either party but as a consumer and having noticed the ban in September; I was vetting CVB out as a vendor for my new engagement ring. I did my due diligence since that was a red flag to me. I am a picky and hard to please consumer and I have paid more for my last engagement ring setting than the majority of people spend on their DIAMOND.

What is this thing about sides??? Is there a memo that I missed out on? I'm here for the bling, not for the drama. I rarely post on PS except for the pieces that I do get made but I felt compelled to correct your erroneous post.
To address concerns, we consider shilling different than innocently having multiple accounts. One is dealt with by banning and one is dealt with discussion. Even banning begins with discussion as it did this time. Users who are unwilling to follow our rules are asked to leave the forum. We give many chances for compliance when innocent mistakes are made.

Shilling is a vendor, or friend or relative, posting as a customer to post untrue reviews to gain business.

I will leave the above comments for members to decipher for themselves. Another new poster.

Our moderation and writing are separate on Pricescope and Erika has never been involved in moderation decisions.
Resonance.Of.Life|1415682728|3781072 said:
semmert179|1415680187|3781055 said:
Honestly, in my opinion, I think it is interesting, and extremely shameful of you all to over-look the obvious in this situation.
Caysie was banned 3 months ago. "Coincidentally" the same time period that the inquiry and published DEFAMATORY response from "Ella" about Caysie, by a certain PS member, was within just days of Erika Winters launching her custom business. And who is conveniently still here to take new custom orders with her newly launched custom business? Hmmm...... I can't help but feel that this is all a tactic being used to flush out competition by which she feels threatened. Do your research, as I have... come up with YOUR OWN opinion (as I have) based on the blatantly obvious evidence I have provided for you. Keep in mind; self-promotion is against pricescope's rules. Dafamation and Libel are criminal offenses.

Now, I have never posted on this site; but I am a reader. I felt compelled to respond and point out the obvious conflict of interest regardless of "Ella's" identity, as Erika is a blogger (and moderator) on this site.

May I also call attention to the "intimidating innuendo" that has been going out to ALL PS USERS who have not rolled over, and taken Erika's side?

Shame on you. I'm disappointed.

-Shayne Emmert

Um, knowing that I was the one that posted that to a private vendor free group I can tell you I informed other PSers and told them they are free to contact Ella as I had done LAST WEEK; in fact it was on November 5th. I just checked when Erika launched her custom design (as I do not recall off-hand and since this post implicates it was done in conjunction with the launch) it was on October 23rd-- for you to insinuate I did it during the same time as her launch is unbelievable. In fact, I was neutral during the discusson of the thread and never participated in gossip or conjecture.

I am not affliated with either party but as a consumer and having noticed the ban in September; I was vetting CVB out as a vendor for my new engagement ring. I did my due diligence since that was a red flag to me. I am a picky and hard to please consumer and I have paid more for my last engagement ring setting than the majority of people spend on their DIAMOND.

What is this thing about sides??? Is there a memo that I missed out on? I'm here for the bling, not for the drama. I rarely post on PS except for the pieces that I do get made but I felt compelled to correct your erroneous post.

It doesn't matter. There is a legal investigation underway. :boohoo: :boohoo:
I have banned our threatening friend from this thread, but left their posts so PS members can draw their own opinions.
semmert179 said:
Resonance.Of.Life|1415682728|3781072 said:
semmert179|1415680187|3781055 said:
Honestly, in my opinion, I think it is interesting, and extremely shameful of you all to over-look the obvious in this situation.
Caysie was banned 3 months ago. "Coincidentally" the same time period that the inquiry and published DEFAMATORY response from "Ella" about Caysie, by a certain PS member, was within just days of Erika Winters launching her custom business. And who is conveniently still here to take new custom orders with her newly launched custom business? Hmmm...... I can't help but feel that this is all a tactic being used to flush out competition by which she feels threatened. Do your research, as I have... come up with YOUR OWN opinion (as I have) based on the blatantly obvious evidence I have provided for you. Keep in mind; self-promotion is against pricescope's rules. Dafamation and Libel are criminal offenses.

Now, I have never posted on this site; but I am a reader. I felt compelled to respond and point out the obvious conflict of interest regardless of "Ella's" identity, as Erika is a blogger (and moderator) on this site.

May I also call attention to the "intimidating innuendo" that has been going out to ALL PS USERS who have not rolled over, and taken Erika's side?

Shame on you. I'm disappointed.

-Shayne Emmert

Um, knowing that I was the one that posted that to a private vendor free group I can tell you I informed other PSers and told them they are free to contact Ella as I had done LAST WEEK; in fact it was on November 5th. I just checked when Erika launched her custom design (as I do not recall off-hand and since this post implicates it was done in conjunction with the launch) it was on October 23rd-- for you to insinuate I did it during the same time as her launch is unbelievable. In fact, I was neutral during the discusson of the thread and never participated in gossip or conjecture.

I am not affliated with either party but as a consumer and having noticed the ban in September; I was vetting CVB out as a vendor for my new engagement ring. I did my due diligence since that was a red flag to me. I am a picky and hard to please consumer and I have paid more for my last engagement ring setting than the majority of people spend on their DIAMOND.

What is this thing about sides??? Is there a memo that I missed out on? I'm here for the bling, not for the drama. I rarely post on PS except for the pieces that I do get made but I felt compelled to correct your erroneous post.

It doesn't matter. There is a legal investigation underway. :boohoo: :boohoo:

Okay? I don't see how that is relevant to my posts. But whatever. I said my piece and now I'm going to go back to being mostly a lurker.
semmert179 said:
Honestly, in my opinion, I think it is interesting, and extremely shameful of you all to over-look the obvious in this situation.
Caysie was banned 3 months ago. "Coincidentally" the same time period that the inquiry and published DEFAMATORY response from "Ella" about Caysie, by a certain PS member, was within just days of Erika Winters launching her custom business. And who is conveniently still here to take new custom orders with her newly launched custom business? Hmmm...... I can't help but feel that this is all a tactic being used to flush out competition by which she feels threatened. Do your research, as I have... come up with YOUR OWN opinion (as I have) based on the blatantly obvious evidence I have provided for you. Keep in mind; self-promotion is against pricescope's rules. Dafamation and Libel are criminal offenses.

Now, I have never posted on this site; but I am a reader. I felt compelled to respond and point out the obvious conflict of interest regardless of "Ella's" identity, as Erika is a blogger (and moderator) on this site.

May I also call attention to the "intimidating innuendo" that has been going out to ALL PS USERS who have not rolled over, and taken Erika's side?

Shame on you. I'm disappointed.

-Shayne Emmert

I did some "fact finding" myself, semmert179. I found that you are a CAD artist who has an affiliation with CVB... hmm coincidental? I think not.
I am only wading in to say this one thing, then I am staying out of this mess.

I have met Andrey quite a few times. And Erika quite a few times. To my knowledge, I have not met the moderator we call "Ella." I have attended GTG's and met Andrey's wife and many of the vendors, including Garry Holloway who is part owner.

We have very clear rules on this forum for vendors, in order to avoid the appearance OR the actuality of conflict of interest. In fact we have much stricter rules, imposed by Andrey, than we ever had under the previous owners. WHY is this?

Because, I know from speaking to Andrey, that it is VERY important to him that there is never a conflict of interest. That is why Gary's involvement is always disclosed. And it is very important to Gary as well that there is no conflict of interest.

Andrey and Erika have both told me that Erika is NOT Ella. That in fact, Erika has NEVER moderated. And I personally know that Erika HERSELF does not even pass on messages ( I have asked) to the moderator or Andrey, instead asking that people reach out directly. Because she has very clear boundaries with the moderation of this board.

Andrey and Gary both know that having a vendor-- ANY VENDOR-- moderate PS would be like asking a FOX to guard the hen house.

They would NOT do that. And therefore I trust them when they say (as they have always said) that Ella is NOT Erika. Erika writes articles, takes and posts pictures. Ella moderates. And they are and would have to be, separate people. So there is no vast anti-CvB conspiracy. Even if "Ella" is two or three different people (which might be for all I know), I firmly believe Andrey when he says that Ella is not Erika. Even part time. SO there is NO conflict. So Ella banning CvB is not a conspiracy to promote Erika Winters.

Now, I realize that off these boards people are making a giant fuss about the JBEG split up and have decided that like fans of some spectator sport they must take sides (which I do not personally understand). And somehow because Erika works with JBG and CvB works with LAD Erika and CvB are being dragged into this (unfortunate) sport.

But this is NOT FB. This is a privately owned and moderated site. CvB is a banned vendor and I WILL NOT recommend banned vendors out of respect for the owners of this board.

Why? Because ANDREY banning ANYONE has always been extremely unusual and only done with egregious and unrepentant cause. I know of several vendors that have been short term banned, and let back on with an apology. So this tells me that CvB DID shill. And did NOT apologize sincerely. I post on this board because I trust Andrey and like him.

I have not bought from EITHER CvB or Erika. I have no horse in this race.

And honestly I don't see the two as competitors. Their styles are COMPLETELY different. So is their product and so are their designs. The only thing they have in common, really, is that they work with two people who, for whatever reason (and no, I do not know why), used to be partners but are now competitors. But that's it. And while Grace and Erica might be competitors CvB and Erika Winters are NOT.

Andrey or Ella if this post offends. Please accept my apology. I am aware that moderator actions are not to be discussed as a general rule. But I am speaking from my experience with you Andrey, and of Gary, as people. Please feel free to delete this post if you feel that it is needed. :wavey:
I'm saddened by the way this thread has gone. It's unfortunate if Caysie was "shilling" ( and by saying this I am not questioning the mods), as she didn't need to. Her pieces are gorgeous and there are several of us "real" customers that posted our rings and are very happy with them. The OP asked about who could set an AVC and Caysie is talented with antique cuts, and her bench does impeccable work. I understand where some people would not recommend a banned member, but LAD still uses Caysie for some of her designs and Benchwork, too. Caysie's work should speak for itself. Let us not turn this thread into a another big "drama" on PS.

eta- punctutation
Back to the original topic ...

I have pave rings from Leon Mege, Steven Kirsch, Maytal Hannah and Caysie. My AVC was set by Leon Mege. I guess all I need is something from Victor Canera than I am done.

I don't know what style you are going for but you can't really go wrong with Steven Kirsch - he has made so many beautiful rings on here. My rings from him - wedding band and e-ring are fantastic. My flower halo from Caysie is crazy intricate and I am amazed at the mastery of the pave in the smallest spots. My Leon Mege ring to me is simply perfection - the curves and lines are fantastic ... but I guess you can't go to him with your AVC. Maytal is also a great choice if you want something more antique looking ... she has a slightly different feel to her rings than the others ... plus, she is great to work with.