
Cushion Cut Pictures....?

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Jul 22, 2005
With so many variations on Cushion cuts, it can be somewhat confusing to try and shop for them on the Internet without a good education. So, I would love to see some more pics of these variations.

I learned much from the recent online PriceScope video with Mark Turnowski about cushions, and the differences between Cushion Brilliant and Cushion Modified Brilliant, so I would like the opportunity to see some nice representative examples of each in photos.

If you have any nice close ups of cushions please post them --with the details about the cut style and stats.
You may find these useful:

Cushion cut story @ Good Old Gold

and a database with pictures & basic stats @ Stuller. If you want to look just for cut types and details, any weight &color
would do in a picture like that, magnified as they are, IMO.

Hope some of this helps.

There must be more than a few stories about successful shopping cushions, if you run a search on this forum.
Not all posters may still be around all the time to volunteer the relevant history.

Cushions can be tricky, just because there are several types of facet patterns and different l:w ratios to choose from. Do you like a cushion with more "chunky" facets, or do you like the pattern of a modified cushion brilliant, which is a newer cut that has quite a bit more brilliance than the older looking stones do. To find that out, look at as many stones as you can, then you can zone in on what you prefer. Definitely run a search as Ana suggested- you will find a lot of pics and stats on many different cushions cuts we have seen here. Good luck!
It appears than most of the stones shown on the Stuller site are Cushion Modified Brilliants rather than Cushion Brilliants. Very few of the chunkier Cushion Brilliants seem to be out there at this time

Is this due to the interest in the more sparkly crushed ice look over the faceted depth of the older style? Should one assume that the older style Cushion Brilliants have fallen out of favor??? Or, is is because the Cushion brilliants are getting snapped up quicker than the modified version?
Date: 4/27/2006 1:25:51 PM
Author: Defender

Is this due to the interest in the more sparkly crushed ice look over the faceted depth of the older style?

... maybe, but it doesn't sound like the public vote has that much to do with how diamonds are cut...

Should one assume that the older style Cushion Brilliants have fallen out of favor?

... no... at least I don't think so.

Or, is is because the Cushion brilliants are getting snapped up quicker than the modified version?

As much as I can tell, there are fewer of the 'brilliant cushions' any way. Maybe because the modified brilliant (=common name for a dozen styles) allows more variation of the shape. Probably useful given that diamonds do not come out of the ground calibrated in any way.

Btw. the brilliant cushions are called 'modern cushion' in the presentation at Good Old Gold. I think the term has been coined on Pricescope (not sure if it used anywhere else with precisely this meaning)

Also, the modern cushion brilliants don't quite resemble old mine cuts. 'Guess they try to follow the style and bright looks of the ideal rounds, rather than the looks of old mine diamonds (no large pavilion facets, no high crowns... different beast), IMO.
Nice explanation Ana!!

Personally, I dont'' care much for the older cushion "Crushed Ice" looking cuts. The newer Modern Cushions cuts are much more pleasing to my eye. But then, I am a symetrical person in life. If you don''t want your hedges level and manicured, don''t ever loan me your hedgetrimmers!!
Rod mentions "the older cushion "Crushed Ice" looking cuts"

...By this, I assume that the Cushion modified is the older version.

That is the opposite of what I have been thinking. I just assumed that that latest incarnation was the modified version.
Date: 4/27/2006 4:08:39 PM
Author: Defender
Rod mentions ''the older cushion ''Crushed Ice'' looking cuts''

...By this, I assume that the Cushion modified is the older version.

That is the opposite of what I have been thinking. I just assumed that that latest incarnation was the modified version.
Sorry for any confusion. I get confused on cushions. Whichever one looks like crushed ice doesn''t appeal to me. Perhaps thats the more modern cut, but it just bothers me when I look at one. I did see a branded cushion (I believe it was called a Regent?) and it looked more like a square round brilliant. ie., it was more symmetrical and less ''ice-like.''
So, far, it just seems like the market is filled with Cushion Modifieds, and there is little in the Cushion Brilliant style available.

Most, if not all, of the photos on Stuller and other sample pictures of Cushions on merchant sites also appear to be Cushion Modified with the crushed ice or busier facets.

I would still love to see some examples of recent Cushion Brilliant stones....?
If you track down the stories about ''Moremoremore''s quest for the perfect cushion trio, there must be pictures and critique of quite a few such stones around - not just those that she purchased in the end. LINK to finished ring

There is a thread in the FAQ forum with all sorts of cushion cuts (called something like ''A Cushion by Any Other Name'' ... or close) that may be of some help.

Otherwise, a seller offering both sorts of cushion and good pictures should be able to help 10^n times better than me any my diamond stock of 0
Mark, say?
Here''s my 1.31 D SI2 Cushion Brilliant, purchased from Whiteflash. (*Sigh*) Hopefully it will be set and I can post hand pics soon..

1.31 cushion hand shot3.jpg
Here''s another cushion brilliant, but it has a more modern look.

wf cushion brilliant pics.jpg
Here''s Josephg''s cushion brilliant...

Since there is so much interest lately, I tried to make up a better comparison than I have in the FAQ. I''ll add this over there as well. Hope this helps, Defender.

They are:

A: Cushion Brilliant OR Cushion Modified Brilliant (I think I have seen certs with both)
B: Cushion Brilliant
C: Cushion Modified Brilliant

modern cushion comparison2.jpg
What would you call this style of Cushion cut????

I would guess that it is a modified cushion brilliant, but I have only seen one poor picture of such a cut, so I''m not sure what it would actually look like. Have you seen this stone?
Here's the pic but you can't tell much from this. Also, I think it was EGL, and they use different names,plots, etc. than GIA. Basically, I think it would look more like a radiant with rounded corners, but I'm not really sure.

ETA: It likely looks a lot like "C" in my post above, but maybe with more facets. Hard to tell, because the stone may actually have a slightly different pattern than what is on the cert.

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