
Could use a little advice

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Oct 13, 2008
As a very faithful lurker, I felt this might be a good time to come out of hiding and reach out to fellow “Pricescopers” for advice
... my story below.

I’m 34 weeks pregnant and my company has been laying people off and is in the process of downsizing. Coincidentally, just last week I was just offered a great job with a secure company. They have offered to wait until I return from my maternity leave (January) before having me start work. When I received the new job offer, I spoke to the owner of my company to let him know what was happening and he became somewhat defensive and reassured me that my current job was not in jeopardy and that he doesn’t want to see me leave. Feeling bad, I turned down the other job, but I’m now feeling as though it wasn’t the right decision.

Here’s my dilemma and appreciate any feedback, opinions-

I’m trying to decide if I should stay put at my current job, take my 3 month maternity leave and come back hoping the company and my current job is still intact. If not, I will at least get 3 months’ severance (full pay + benefits) while enjoying a few extra months at home with the new baby and could look for a new job during that time. OR, is it silly to pass up long-term job security with this new company even though it would mean starting at a brand new company (having to work long hours to prove myself, getting settled into the new corporate culture, etc.) immediately upon returning from maternity leave?

I love the idea of possibly having a few extra months at home with our first little babe, but as the primary financial provider for our family, is it crazy to risk long-term job security especially in this economy?


Oct 27, 2008
Date: 9/4/2009 6:41:47 PM
As a very faithful lurker, I felt this might be a good time to come out of hiding and reach out to fellow “Pricescopers” for advice
... my story below.

I’m 34 weeks pregnant and my company has been laying people off and is in the process of downsizing. Coincidentally, just last week I was just offered a great job with a secure company. They have offered to wait until I return from my maternity leave (January) before having me start work. When I received the new job offer, I spoke to the owner of my company to let him know what was happening and he became somewhat defensive and reassured me that my current job was not in jeopardy and that he doesn’t want to see me leave. Feeling bad, I turned down the other job, but I’m now feeling as though it wasn’t the right decision.

Here’s my dilemma and appreciate any feedback, opinions-

I’m trying to decide if I should stay put at my current job, take my 3 month maternity leave and come back hoping the company and my current job is still intact. If not, I will at least get 3 months’ severance (full pay + benefits) while enjoying a few extra months at home with the new baby and could look for a new job during that time. OR, is it silly to pass up long-term job security with this new company even though it would mean starting at a brand new company (having to work long hours to prove myself, getting settled into the new corporate culture, etc.) immediately upon returning from maternity leave?

I love the idea of possibly having a few extra months at home with our first little babe, but as the primary financial provider for our family, is it crazy to risk long-term job security especially in this economy?
Hi Lizzard- hmmm, toughy, but seeing as you are the primary financial provider for the family, I might have waited a little longer to turn down the secured job, probably haven taken the job offer and then waited before you return to work again, to see how your current position holds up. This way you still have your current job and then have a job that you could fall back on if your current job is no longer available. It seems nice to have the extra three months of severance pay to find another job, but there is a risk of not finding a job within the three months period, and causing more stress to you than actually going back in the corporate world and settling down again so to speak. I''m not sure if you can go back and even accept the job offer still or if it still available, and how will that look?


Mar 31, 2008
Wow, that''s a tough one to answer.

I think you should go with the job that you believe will bring you the greatest sense of fulfillment. If that happens to be the new job, then you get the better security and probably save the job of someone at the old place (headcount reduction usually is about numbers, attrition counts). If it''s where you are now, then no shame in staying either. I wouldn''t stay out of guilt though. You need to make your decision based on what is best for YOU, because when it comes down to it, the corporations won''t have any hesitation in doing what is best for them.


Oct 13, 2008
Thanks for the quick responses. It is a very difficult decision, especially since I''m being told by the owner of my company that my job will be safe. But, of course, nothing is guaranteed in life. I could potentially go back to the new employer and renegotiate my way back into the job - I feel confident they will still honor the original offer; however, I''m not sure if this is something I should be worrying about at 34 weeks pregnant or if I should take a "wait and see" approach after returning in January. I''m feeling completely anxious over this decision and can''t tell if it''s hormones or what!


Oct 27, 2008
Date: 9/4/2009 6:57:23 PM
Author: lizzard
Thanks for the quick responses. It is a very difficult decision, especially since I''m being told by the owner of my company that my job will be safe. But, of course, nothing is guaranteed in life. I could potentially go back to the new employer and renegotiate my way back into the job - I feel confident they will still honor the original offer; however, I''m not sure if this is something I should be worrying about at 34 weeks pregnant or if I should take a ''wait and see'' approach after returning in January. I''m feeling completely anxious over this decision and can''t tell if it''s hormones or what!
well seeing as you already declined the first time, I probably would wait it out then. It would be worse if you went back and said yes, "I want the position" after you had already declined the first time and then you decided against it again a second time, if your job is really still there for you and you would rather stay there. If you had taken it from the beginning then I don''t see any wrong in telling them later that you didn''t want it, but in this case, I would wait then. Its probably hormones
try to relax your almost due, so don''t stress yourself even more.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Personally I would stay with the current job.

New babies really take it out of you (Daisy is nearly 4 months now and still isn't sleeping more than 3.5 hours at a stretch) and I think it would be a lot easier going back to a job you already know the ropes of when bebe is still little rather than having to impress and hit the ground running in a new position.

If there is a problem and you are made redundant then just see it as an opportunity to spend more time with the baby (which you only get the once) and that new doors will open workwise...

I'm an optimist though!

ETA: Congratulations on the baby! Come and join us all on the mommies thread in 6 weeks time!


Oct 13, 2008
A little optimism is a wonderful thing, Pandora! As a new mom yourself, I trust that you understand the difficulties with getting back into the swing of things. I think I may sleep on this over the weekend and make a final decision before returning to work next week. Thanks again for the helpful responses.

PS- I would love to join the new moms on the newborn-12 month thread. I’ve always wanted to jump into the pregnancy forum too, but felt as though I would be intruding! Crazy, I know.


Jan 1, 2007
Date: 9/4/2009 8:23:36 PM
Author: Pandora II
Personally I would stay with the current job.

New babies really take it out of you (Daisy is nearly 4 months now and still isn''t sleeping more than 3.5 hours at a stretch) and I think it would be a lot easier going back to a job you already know the ropes of when bebe is still little rather than having to impress and hit the ground running in a new position.

If there is a problem and you are made redundant then just see it as an opportunity to spend more time with the baby (which you only get the once) and that new doors will open workwise...

I''m an optimist though!

ETA: Congratulations on the baby! Come and join us all on the mommies thread in 6 weeks time!

Ditto all of this! I have no parenting experience but I can imagine it would be very difficult to go to a new job and do well while you''re sleep deprived and coming back from 3 months out of an office environment. Sometimes it takes me a week or two to get back into the swing of things when I come back to work from just a 2 week vacation and I don''t even have a baby to keep me up at night! Best of luck to you in whatever you decide, though!


Oct 11, 2008
Date: 9/4/2009 6:57:23 PM
Author: lizzard
Thanks for the quick responses. It is a very difficult decision, especially since I''m being told by the owner of my company that my job will be safe. But, of course, nothing is guaranteed in life. I could potentially go back to the new employer and renegotiate my way back into the job - I feel confident they will still honor the original offer; however, I''m not sure if this is something I should be worrying about at 34 weeks pregnant or if I should take a ''wait and see'' approach after returning in January. I''m feeling completely anxious over this decision and can''t tell if it''s hormones or what!

You''re right that nothing is guaranteed in life. If you''d like to be certain that a job is waiting for you, and if your current employer is *so* confident in his promise of future employment, ask him to write out a contract saying so. If your employment is currently "at-will" (which I''m assuming it is) then they can let you go for no particular reason, despite your bosses promise of a job. I''m not saying that the/she would agree to contract to a "termination only upon just cause" or employment for a specific period of time (5 years, etc)- but if they''re serious about wanting you as an employee and you feel a strong urge to find a secure job, it may be worthwhile to ask (depending on your level of comfort in doing so).

Hope you figure out what is best for YOU and your family! Early congrats on your first babe, too!
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