
Coronavirus Updates November 2020...please add yours.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning. It's November 1, 2020. Lots happening in the Coronavirus arena. I thought it might be helpful to keep updates by the month so we can see (hopefully) progress as time marches forth.

First up Gerrmany and France and the rest of Europe.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned of a long, hard winter ahead as she defended the reinstatement of a national lockdown.
Mrs Merkel was heckled by right-wing MPs as she outlined the new measures in parliament.
Rising coronavirus infections and deaths are triggering tougher restrictions across Europe.
France restores a lockdown on Friday, ordering people to stay at home except for essential work or medical reasons.
President Emmanuel Macron said the country risked being "overwhelmed by a second wave that no doubt will be harder than the first".
Daily Covid deaths in France are at the highest level since April. On Thursday, authorities reported 47,637 new cases compared to 36,437 a day earlier and 235 new deaths, nine fewer than on Wednesday.
German health officials said on Thursday that another 89 people had died in the past 24 hours, with a record 16,774 infections.
Germany's new measures, which come into force on Monday, are not as far-reaching as in France, but they include the closure of restaurants, bars, gyms and theatres, Mrs Merkel said.
The UK reported a further 23,065 cases on Thursday, and an additional 280 deaths, bringing the total death toll to 45,955. In England, a new study shows almost 100,000 people are catching the virus every day, putting pressure on the government to change policy from a regional approach.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the continent was "deep in the second wave".
"I think that this year's Christmas will be a different Christmas," she said.

How did Europe get here?
The first wave of the virus earlier this year hit some parts of Europe incredibly hard, while other areas were able to escape the worst.

President Macron warned the second wave "no doubt will be harder than the first"
Italy, Spain, France and the UK were among the worst-hit nations, with all imposing strict national lockdowns that over time brought cases, hospital admissions and deaths down to a very low level but ravaged economies.
Restrictions started to lift in the early summer, with non-essential shops, bars and restaurants reopening, and travel restarting. But in August cases began to rise again, with a major acceleration in recent weeks that has alarmed policymakers.

Countries that were not hit badly by the first wave - such as the Czech Republic and Poland - have not been spared this time, with experts warning of alarming infection rates across much of the continent.
What are Germany and France doing?
Addressing parliament on Thursday Mrs Merkel said that "winter will be hard - four long, difficult months - but it will come to an end".
"This pandemic brings the question of freedom to the fore. Freedom is not 'every man for himself', it is responsibility - for oneself, one's family, the workplace. It shows us we are part of a whole," she said.
During her speech, Mrs Merkel was heckled by members of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party who oppose the restrictions. Leader Alexander Gauland accused the government of "corona dictatorship".
In response, Mrs Merkel warned that disinformation and conspiracy theories undermined the fight against the pandemic.

image captionThe AfD has staged protests against the government's coronavirus measures
Germany, like other countries, has seen protests by people claiming restrictions are unwarranted.
While Germany has a lower infection rate than many other parts of Europe, the speed with which the virus has been spreading in recent weeks has alarmed the government.
Germany's partial lockdown will last until 30 November under terms agreed by Mrs Merkel and the 16 state premiers.
Bars and restaurants will close except for takeaway, but schools and kindergartens will remain open. Social contacts will be limited to two households with a maximum of 10 people and tourism will be halted.
In terms of economic help, smaller companies and the self-employed badly hit by the lockdown will be reimbursed with up to 75% of their November 2019 takings.

Meanwhile in France, Mr Macron said that under the new rules, people would need to fill in a form to justify leaving their homes, as had been required in the initial lockdown in March. Social gatherings are banned.
But he made clear that public services and factories would remain open, adding that the economy "must not stop or collapse".
"Like all our neighbours, we are submerged by the sudden acceleration of the virus," said Mr Macron.
Prime Minister Jean Castex told parliament on Thursday that all students aged six and over would have to wear face masks in class "to protect all our children, teachers and parents". Until now masks have only been mandatory for students aged 11 and older.

image captionJean Castex said greater effort was needed to stop the spread of the coronavirus
He said companies would be strongly urged to have their employees work from home "five days a week".
"We have to keep working as much as possible, but of course under strict sanitary conditions that stop the virus from spreading," he said, adding: "Unemployment and poverty can also kill."
He later gave more details on what was permitted under the new rules, including going out for food shopping, going to work, going to a doctor or to a hospital or responding to a judicial or administrative summons. People are also allowed out for up to an hour for physical exercise or to take pets out - but only for a distance of 1km from their home.
Ahead of All Saints Day on 1 November - an important day in France when families traditionally visit the graves of loved ones - the government said florists would be allowed to remain open until Sunday evening.
Unlike the previous lockdown, markets, parks and gardens will be allowed to stay open. Sports halls and gyms are to close.
What's the situation elsewhere in Europe?
Poland reported record daily infections and deaths on Thursday. Health officials said there were 20,156 new cases and 301 fatalities. The country has imposed a nationwide "red zone" lockdown that includes the partial closure of primary schools and restaurants.
Italy, which was the European epicentre at the start of the first wave of the virus, has already introduced new restrictions which will be in place for a month. All bars and restaurants across the country have to close by 18:00, although they can provide takeaways later. Gyms, swimming pools, theatres and cinemas have to close, but museums can remain open. Gatherings for weddings, baptisms and funerals are banned.

Spain began its nationwide curfew on 25 October after the government declared a new state of emergency. People in all regions, with the exception of the Canary Islands, have to stay at home between 23:00 and 06:00.
According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the Czech Republic has the worst infection rate on the continent at 1,448 cases per 100,000 people over 14 days. It has imposed a partial lockdown.
Belgium, which has Europe's second-worst infection rate per capita, has reported its highest number of hospital admissions for Covid-19 since a peak on 6 April. There are 5,924 patients in hospital with the virus, 993 of whom are in intensive care. In a national address on Wednesday night, Prime Minister Alexander De Croo described the situations as "critical".
The Republic of Ireland went into a second national lockdown earlier this month for a six-week period.


Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I just read Australia has had its first day of no new cases of community transmission since their 2nd wave
well done my neighbours
Here's hoping we can get a travel bubble up and running safely before Christmas
In NZ we also do not have community transmission so things feel almost nornal although the economy is hard hit
We (Gary and I) still practice social distancing

Stay safe everybody out there


Jul 7, 2013
UK will go into a second national lockdown on Thursday next week, however, it will not be as strict as the first one back in March 2020.

The second wave is very real indeed!

DK :confused2:


Jun 8, 2008


Jun 8, 2008
UK will go into a second national lockdown on Thursday next week, however, it will not be as strict as the first one back in March 2020.

The second wave is very real indeed!

DK :confused2:

Yes, indeed. We all knew it was coming. It's unfortunate many people didn't take the necessary precautions that would have perhaps softened the second wave. Hold on all, it's going to be a bumpy ride. :(


Jun 8, 2008
I just read Australia has had its first day of no new cases of community transmission since their 2nd wave
well done my neighbours
Here's hoping we can get a travel bubble up and running safely before Christmas
In NZ we also do not have community transmission so things feel almost nornal although the economy is hard hit
We (Gary and I) still practice social distancing

Stay safe everybody out there

Australia is doing a good job. We could all learn from how they are handing this pandemic IMO. Of course Australia has advantages allowing them to isolate from the rest of the world but still, good job Australia! And good job NZ too! Stay safe @Daisys and Diamonds ! And stay safe @dk168 !


Jul 7, 2013
Yes, indeed. We all knew it was coming. It's unfortunate many people didn't take the necessary precautions that would have perhaps softened the second wave. Hold on all, it's going to be a bumpy ride. :(

Indeed - I fully expected a second wave and lockdown at least a month if not 2 months ago.

I was hoping the tiered approach would have spared my home county from a more restrictive lockdown as we have been in the lowest tier so far, hey ho!

DK :confused2:

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019

This article was in our news today
i am very worried about you all
it seems heard immunity was a bad idea, some terrible states from the UK


Sep 25, 2008
Considering myself one of the blessed ones in Oz, no cases in ACT for months now. Travel reopening interstate thankfully. :pray: It's been a particularly tough journey for those in VIC but glad to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Whilst there may be more "waves of covid" I think (hope) we are passed the worst of it, especially coming into summer here.

Honestly I'm not terribly surprised about Europe - we all watched on aghast at the blatant disregard for social distancing & masks over your summer, with lots of travel within the continent to boot. Perhaps rather inevitable but I'm genuinely sorry you are having to deal with fresh outbreaks now.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Considering myself one of the blessed ones in Oz, no cases in ACT for months now. Travel reopening interstate thankfully. :pray: It's been a particularly tough journey for those in VIC but glad to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Whilst there may be more "waves of covid" I think (hope) we are passed the worst of it, especially coming into summer here.

Honestly I'm not terribly surprised about Europe - we all watched on aghast at the blatant disregard for social distancing & masks over your summer, with lots of travel within the continent to boot. Perhaps rather inevitable but I'm genuinely sorry you are having to deal with fresh outbreaks now.

Your Melbourne outbreak of the 2nd wave was due to questionable behaviour by quareteen hotel staff
Did anybody face any legal consequences over this ?
Do you think a lesson was learned ?
Our Auckland only 2nd lock down exposed lack of testing of boarder staff - i don't think they still know where it came from ?


Nov 21, 2013
Your Melbourne outbreak of the 2nd wave was due to questionable behaviour by quareteen hotel staff
Did anybody face any legal consequences over this ?
Do you think a lesson was learned ?
Our Auckland only 2nd lock down exposed lack of testing of boarder staff - i don't think they still know where it came from ?

There was an inquiry into this but don't think anyone is going to get into trouble. There's lots of learnings to be had around using private security staff but no one overseeing them. This particular company is used for guarding of prisons but I guess when you need a lot of security guards, they got new people in without adequate training. Also the whole contact tracing debacle as well. I guess we're all learning as we go.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
There was an inquiry into this but don't think anyone is going to get into trouble. There's lots of learnings to be had around using private security staff but no one overseeing them. This particular company is used for guarding of prisons but I guess when you need a lot of security guards, they got new people in without adequate training. Also the whole contact tracing debacle as well. I guess we're all learning as we go.

We ditched using private security and got the army to do it.
So far its working out much better

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
FFS :x2
Hopefully this unfortunate person does not start off a new cluster
We had these foreign fishing boat crews come in two weeks ago, they were tested negative before departure but once they got here we had multible cases of them developing covid 19 - thank goodness in managed isolation - quareteen but now a person working at this hotel has come down with it

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
The Cook islands are a Pacific nation that is also part of the realm of NZ
Its been hotly debated here opening up a travel bubble as tourism is vital to their economy
I dont think they have had even one case of covid
Serouse medical cases have to be airlifted to NZ as they don't have great infrastructure and they are NZ citizens with NZ passports


Sep 25, 2008
We ditched using private security and got the army to do it.
So far its working out much better

To be fair the Prime Minister offered this repeatedly and was declined - the VIC hotel quarantine using hastily assembled private contractors as guards was a total clusterf*ck from day one...hence the second outbreak. Despite the government inquiry, no one will be seriously punished and I doubt Dan Andrew’s has learnt his lesson!


May 11, 2013
And here in Texas, USA.. red country.

just a mess. deaths will start up again as the hospitals fill, I have read it is mostly the poor, the immigrant, hispanic, and blacks who are bearing the brunt of Covid here in TX..


Jun 8, 2008


Jul 7, 2013
UK begins its 4-week second national lockdown today.

In a way, I am pleased, as it means I shall drink less allowing my liver to recover the excesses of the past 2 weeks since my favourite pub in town re-opened on 22 Oct 2020.

It also means I shall snack less, as I like to snack on savoury snackes as I drink, such as nuts, crisps/chips and nachos etc...

It also means spending less on going out to eat, as I like eating in restaurants at least once a week.

Looking forward to the end of the second lockdown, however, I fully expect it will be extended, or with some form of tiered restrictions in place based on risk/infection levels.

Stay safe everyone!

DK :))


Jun 8, 2008

Oh my. Alarming indeed. Thanks for sharing @Arcadian.

UK begins its 4-week second national lockdown today.

In a way, I am pleased, as it means I shall drink less allowing my liver to recover the excesses of the past 2 weeks since my favourite pub in town re-opened on 22 Oct 2020.

It also means I shall snack less, as I like to snack on savoury snackes as I drink, such as nuts, crisps/chips and nachos etc...

It also means spending less on going out to eat, as I like eating in restaurants at least once a week.

Looking forward to the end of the second lockdown, however, I fully expect it will be extended, or with some form of tiered restrictions in place based on risk/infection levels.

Stay safe everyone!

DK :))

Thanks @dk168
That’s a good way to look at your second lockdown. And you stay safe too!


Jul 7, 2013
@missy I am trying, and it is very trying, as some people I know who were anti the first lockdown are even grumpier/angrier with the second.

I just block them on FB, as I don't need their negativity right now! :roll2:

DK :))


Jun 8, 2008
@missy I am trying, and it is very trying, as some people I know who were anti the first lockdown are even grumpier/angrier with the second.

I just block them on FB, as I don't need their negativity right now! :roll2:

DK :))

Interesting. Here, I’ve noticed some people seem to be in a better mood these past 2 days. I can guess why. :)

We definitely need to take measures here to slow our infection rate. It’s going up too quickly here. Your country is doing it right @dk168.

And I agree. We don’t need negative energy. Nope. We need hope. And strength and perseverance.


Jul 7, 2013
Interesting. Here, I’ve noticed some people seem to be in a better mood these past 2 days. I can guess why. :)

We definitely need to take measures here to slow our infection rate. It’s going up too quickly here. Your country is doing it right @dk168.

And I agree. We don’t need negative energy. Nope. We need hope. And strength and perseverance.

Debatable, depending on whom you speak to! :lol-2:

PS and bling projects help for certain!

I have started a spreadsheet, to keep tracks of the quotes I am receiving from the bench I use, in different metal/stone combinations. Great fun!

DK :))


Jun 8, 2008


May 17, 2014
Australia here

I think we managed to hit another 2 days of zero new cases across the entire nation so yay for us!

DS8 came home with a note for an excursion to the zoo in December. It is to reward the kids for coping so well with 2020. I thought it was lovely and I got a little teary (from happiness) at the thought of them going on an excursion again. We've come a long way since the March lockdowns when they stayed home with no end in sight.

Cross country this week, swimming lessons back again, holiday art camps

I am just so glad they have some semblance of a normal childhood for now in these times.


Jun 8, 2008
Devastating numbers indeed.

"The U.S. has surpassed 1 million new confirmed coronavirus cases since the start of November."



Jul 7, 2013
Reasons to be cheerful:

First of 4 weeks of the national second lockdown in UK is nearly over, and good news with regard to the Pfizer/BionTech vaccine.

Fingers firmly crossed that the second lockdown is effective in curbing the second wave!

DK :))


Nov 21, 2013
Wow that's really scary the number of new cases in the US over the last week. I also looked on that worldometer site and there's something like 3 million active cases. It's going to be so hard to suppress it at this rate.


May 23, 2020
UK here. In a second lockdown as PPs have said. Personally I'm not too bothered as I predicted it coming at this exact time, back in like April. I think it is terrible for the economy though.

My personal feelings are that the first lockdown here should have been shorter and less strict. And then they should have prepared people for a longer, stricter lockdown in winter.

Camaraderie seems to have been lost. People seem to care less and less the longer it goes on. Yet winter was always going to be the toughest point, the point where we need people to comply more.

It has been poorly handled imo
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