
Control - can you give it up and trust your jeweler?

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Aug 15, 2004
I''ve had several custom pieces made for me, each from a different jeweler/artisan, and can truly say I have never had a "bad" experience. For all of these pieces I have supplied the stones (I am a vintage stone junkie) and the basic design criteria. One designer sent me CADs and we had a back and forth with design changes. The other two I didn''t see until they were finished. I had questions on both, but once I saw them in person, I loved the decisions the designers had made. Had I been asked before hand, I may have changed the designs, but their vision ended up being perfect!

I guess the intent of my mini-rant here is to ask about your experience and/or feelings about trusting your designing jeweler to provide you with the the piece they stand behind, or the piece which matches your dream?


Aug 14, 2009
I can safely say that Yssie + Leon Mege = Letter a la Boom (only I'd have earned it!).

I'm a complete control freak. It's one of my new years resolutions to tone it down - and be okay with it.


May 20, 2008
Well, I learned when having my ering designed that the designer wasn't going to give their artistic point of view - they were going to do exactly what I told them. In this case, I wish I had been more detail oriented and given them much more to go on. But at the time, I didn't even *know* exactly what I wanted, so I guess I can't blame myself either. The store is a fabulous custom place, and they stood behind their piece completely. They actually remade it soon after I received it to fix some things I thought I would like but didn't (I now wish I had asked for them to change a bit more ... oh well; they would, but now I'm too attached). They're willing to add milgrain for free 2 years later because they stand behind their ring. So I trust them totally, but I wouldn't put my trust in them to design the ring well. They don't know my taste and are just doing what I tell them, so I would give them more to go on next time.

Now with someone who claimed to be more of an artist, like Leon or something, I would be far more prepaired to give up control because he would not put out something he considered ugly. My jewelry store would absolutely put out something ugly if that was what the customer wanted - they aren't in it for the artistic control when someone wants a custom piece.

Sorry that was so long and rambling!


Aug 15, 2004
This is the kind of input I was hoping for!

I''ve had pieces created by Wink Jones, SingleStone, and James Meyer. Each was beautiful, but a completely different experience.
With Wink, I gave drawings, they provided CADs, and we tweaked them several times before agreeing on the piece.

With Singlestone, I identified a piece on their website I liked and expressed several changes I wanted made. I have to say that during this experience I actually worked through Grace, from Jewels by Erica Grace. She knew my tastes and worked as the intermediary, so I really purchased the piece through her. When the pictures of the finished piece came through I was devistated because I thought it looked too bulky and "prehistoric." She asked me to trust her, and assured me that once I had it on my finger, and if I still wanted changes, they would be made. But she thought I would love it. Through tears, I trusted her. I was trust well placed!!! When I received it, it was perfect for me!!! She admits that she sweated during those 72 hours between my first email and my receipt of the ring assuring her that I loved it!

My third piece was with James Meyer. I had the three stones, and I wanted Coati''s ring made into a three stone with rose gold accents instead of platinum. As far as I know, it was the first three stone he made in this style (it is currently on his website at the bottom of the Engagement Rings page), so though it was new, I pretty much knew exactly what I was getting. When I received it, I was surprised that though the middle stone was milgrained, the two outside were not. I asked him why, and if he would change it for me. He responded that he made that choice in order to "enhance" the middle stone. With the proportions of my stones: .41, .82, .43... I saw his point. And truly he is right.

I think this topic is very relevent for people choosing to have a piece custom made. My experience has told me that the most important decision I make to whom to commission for a piece, communicate effectively with them, and then trust them to do the job I''m paying them for.

For what it''s worth, I''m comissioning Jim to set my star sapphire. I''ve found someone''s whose esthetic I like, and whose judgement I trust!!


Dec 12, 2008
Your star is going to look spectacular-have you talked to him much about it or is it still in the works yet?

I''ve not the foggiest idea what is involved in making jewelry, and I''ve only got the one ring being worked on so far, so I would say I kinda have to let go and trust that Sally and her team will make a gorgeous ring. I don''t know that I''ve ever seen a piece that I didn''t think was beautiful come from her, so it''s not that I don''t *trust* necessarily-I''ve just never commissioned a piece before, and spent that kind of money on myself, so I get a little..deer in the headlights kinda. I think when I''m able to do the next piece (fingers crossed, this Spring), I''ll be able to enjoy it and relax a little more.


Aug 15, 2004
Packy~ I lurve you! Are you aware of that??


Dec 12, 2008
Date: 1/5/2010 6:36:50 PM
Author: Upgradable
Packy~ I lurve you! Are you aware of that??

Awww Uppy that''s so sweet! I love you to reese''s pieces! Big smoochies!


Aug 8, 2005
I've had a few custom pieces made. Some for pricey projects, some for more budget friendly projects (love etsy!). Overall, I'm VERY picky about vetting a designer before starting a project and forking over money. I've seen their work, spoken to them (even if it's just via email), and know their strengths and their weaknesses. I think matching the right designer to the project is something that isn't given enough emphasis. If you KNOW what you want exactly, can't find it anywhere, and can see it, down to the minutest detail in your mind's eye... that's not the time to call a designer. You call a jeweler with a good bench. If you want something by Leon, you don't call James Meyer, vice versa.

My point is, if I've done my homework... then yes, I do trust my jeweler. My engagement setting was a collaboration. My pendant was not-- I had parameters but no design in mind and loved the result. My mom's JKT ring was adapting a designer's existing work to a different shape and making some minor accomodations. All different. All rewarding and fun.

I think the most important thing is to be honest with yourself about what you want out of the experience and make sure you have the right combination of skill and personality to get what you want. If you want to micromanage something down to the tiniest detail-- don't hire Leon. If you want someone to design something all new, never been seen before, and encrusted with pave... don't call James Meyer. I think part of the reason why some folks have issues with custom is that the level of control they want isn't something that they've talked to their designer about. I'm upfront: If I expect to be contacted about every single change to shank width (let's say I wanted around 3 mm, and the designer is playing with 2.5 to 3.5 in the CADS to see what fits thier vision) I tell them that. If I want exactly 3mm come hell or highwater, I tell them that. Not 3.1, not 2.9-- 3 mm. Not negotiable. And if I want to see what they envision, I will tell them to send me a CAD that shows what they think looks good, with the stipulation that I might request changes if I'm not 100% sure.

Personally, I love working on custom projects and helping with them. It's a LOT of fun for me. All of it. And I've had great designers I've worked with. But chosing the right vendor, then being clear in your communications is key. So is documenting your communications in writing. And making sure you understand the vendor's re-work policy.


Feb 27, 2007
I have had a few custom pieces made locally and have some pieces I really like but some of them did not turn out as I imagined they would look. I soon found out my perception of a medium thick band, etc were vastly different than the jewelers. One of the pieces was so hideous I refused it and had him remake it. Even the remake was not something I enjoyed wearing so I had someone else work on it and at least now I will wear it. Now I have my husband make something in Photoshop so I can show them exactly what I want and that has worked out really well.
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