
Colin Powell Endorses Obama!

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Jan 8, 2007
Colin Powell has always been more of a moderate, and my personal opinion is that he left the republican party after he resigned as SOS. While I think that his reasoning for not supporting McCain is genuine, I still don't think he is that worried about disappointing McCain. Why announce it on meet the press? Good thing McCain is taking it in stride.

Star--Good question about Farakhan

I, too was wondering about endorsements the other day (specifically newspaper endorsements). Apparently they were necessary once upon a time, but now they are used as more of a zinger.


Apr 7, 2006
Yeah, do endorsements really matter anymore? I have never paid any attention to them. I could care less if a newspaper endorses someone.


Apr 7, 2006
I almost get the feeling like it is similar to a school playground, where kids are picking teams for ball, and who you "pick" is on your team.....


Aug 31, 2005
Thank you for posting the link to the transcript, Thing! I'm so glad Gen. Powell addressed a) McCain's VP choice and b) his campaign "tone" as of late. And I'm only on page 2.

This Bill Ayers situation that's been going on for weeks became something of a central point of the campaign. But Mr. McCain says that he's a washed-out terrorist. Well, then, why do we keep talking about him? And why do we have these robocalls going on around the country trying to suggest that, because of this very, very limited relationship that Senator Obama has had with Mr. Ayers, somehow, Mr. Obama is tainted. What they're trying to connect him to is some kind of terrorist feelings. And I think that's inappropriate.

No kidding.


On the Obama side, I watched Mr. Obama and I watched him during this seven-week period. And he displayed a steadiness, an intellectual curiosity, a depth of knowledge and an approach to looking at problems like this and picking a vice president that, I think, is ready to be president on day one. And also, in not just jumping in and changing every day, but showing intellectual vigor. I think that he has a, a definitive way of doing business that would serve us well. I also believe that on the Republican side over the last seven weeks, the approach of the Republican Party and Mr. McCain has become narrower and narrower. Mr. Obama, at the same time, has given us a more inclusive, broader reach into the needs and aspirations of our people. He's crossing lines--ethnic lines, racial lines, generational lines. He's thinking about all villages have values, all towns have values, not just small towns have values.



Jan 30, 2008
Date: 10/19/2008 1:04:00 PM
Author: starsapphire
My point being that people think that someone changing their vote because ''someone'' is thowing their support publicly, like I care, behind someone, is going to influence JoeSchmo to vote for the candidate they are endorsing is idiocy. Why do we give airtime to this? Why is this news? Were is the jubilant thread where Louis Farrakhan announces his endorsement of Obama?
It isn''t intended to attempt to influence votes. At this point in the game the vast majority have made up their minds. It is however, news in that it is indicative of just how too too far to the right the Republican party has gone, and how, dare I say it, clearly "erratic" and unprepared McCain is acting, when the best and brightest intellectual and moderate minds and long-time party faithful are publically jumping ship.


Apr 2, 2006
I''m temporarily TV-less. Thanks Thing2of2 and other contributors for filling me in. I''ll be checking out that transcript soon.

I suspect many, many people have made up their minds, and Colin Powell''s endorsement won''t influence their vote. I don''t think that makes it less newsworthy -- he is a prominent American with unique insights into the war and the workings of an administration, so his opinion is worthy of discussion and his having reached this conclusion is arguably also newsworthy.

In any event the polls indicate that some people are still making up or changing their minds. This endorsement might influence some of them -- just as each candidate''s choice of VP candidate influenced some voters.


Jun 20, 2008
Powell''s endorsement made the front page of the BBC:

"Colin Powell backs Barack Obama:
George W Bush''s former secretary of state Colin Powell endorses Barack Obama for US president, in a sharp rebuke to Republicans."


Jan 1, 2007
Date: 10/19/2008 1:37:01 PM
Author: luckystar112
Colin Powell has always been more of a moderate, and my personal opinion is that he left the republican party after he resigned as SOS. While I think that his reasoning for not supporting McCain is genuine, I still don''t think he is that worried about disappointing McCain. Why announce it on meet the press? Good thing McCain is taking it in stride.

Star--Good question about Farakhan

I, too was wondering about endorsements the other day (specifically newspaper endorsements). Apparently they were necessary once upon a time, but now they are used as more of a zinger.

What evidence do you have to support your opinion that Powell left the Republican party after he resigned? He spoke about himself as a Republican and about his own party today. I''m curious as to why you would say that.

As for Farakhan, I think it''s pretty obvious that his endorsement means pretty much nothing compared to Powell''s endorsement. Comparing the two is pretty ridiculous.

I think that well thought out endorsements do have the ability to sway undecided voters. Colin Powell is respected across party lines. Obviously if you already have your mind made up you''re going to discount any endorsement that goes against the candidate you support.


Dec 19, 2006
Date: 10/19/2008 2:42:20 PM
Author: thing2of2

Date: 10/19/2008 1:37:01 PM
Author: luckystar112
Colin Powell has always been more of a moderate, and my personal opinion is that he left the republican party after he resigned as SOS. While I think that his reasoning for not supporting McCain is genuine, I still don't think he is that worried about disappointing McCain. Why announce it on meet the press? Good thing McCain is taking it in stride.

Star--Good question about Farakhan

I, too was wondering about endorsements the other day (specifically newspaper endorsements). Apparently they were necessary once upon a time, but now they are used as more of a zinger.

What evidence do you have to support your opinion that Powell left the Republican party after he resigned? He spoke about himself as a Republican and about his own party today. I'm curious as to why you would say that.

As for Farakhan, I think it's pretty obvious that his endorsement means pretty much nothing compared to Powell's endorsement. Comparing the two is pretty ridiculous.

I think that well thought out endorsements do have the ability to sway undecided voters. Colin Powell is respected across party lines. Obviously if you already have your mind made up you're going to discount any endorsement that goes against the candidate you support.
Surely, no one is comparing Colin Powell to Louis Farakhan, are they? In what world are these two men remotely related?


Jan 8, 2007
I didn't know I needed evidence to support an opinion. The way I see it is Powell (unofficially) gave up on the Republican party (perhaps I shouldn't say Republian party---perhaps I should say republican "leaders") after he resigned as SOS. I noted that he was a moderate Republican. Bush's chief of staff asked him to resign, and when he did Bush nominated Condoleeza Rice the next day. Since he left office he has pretty much laid low except for the occasional criticism of Bush. And well, McCain sides with Bush the overwhelming majority of the time. This has nothing to do with an endorsement of Obama, because like I said, I felt he was genuine in his reasoning. But I think that is partly why he lost faith in the republican party, it no longer represented what he believed.

I agree with you that Farrakhan pales in comparison to Powell, but he is also very respected by many people. He actually hasn't "publicly" endorsed Obama because he said it might hurt his campaign (paraphrazing). I agree it would. But I think people would ignore it.

I'm not discounting Powell's endorsement by any means. I can't tell if you're accusing me of that or not. Anyway, I never said endorsements don't have the ability to sway voters. I believe they do. I'm not trying to discredit Powell by my assessment of why I think he has given up on the republican party, I was merely giving my opinon as to one of the possible reasons for it.


Jan 8, 2007

I don''t believe Star was comparing Powell and Farrakan. I believe she was making the observation that democrats are excited by this news when they remained silent about Farrakhan''s vocal support of Obama. Indeed, he did say some creepy things when offering his support. I took it as she was comparing the reactions. Powell helps Obama, Farrakhan does not.


Apr 7, 2006
Date: 10/19/2008 3:36:14 PM
Author: luckystar112

I don''t believe Star was comparing Powell and Farrakan. I believe she was making the observation that democrats are excited by this news when they remained silent about Farrakhan''s vocal support of Obama. Indeed, he did say some creepy things when offering his support. I took it as she was comparing the reactions. Powell helps Obama, Farrakhan does not.
Thank you for explaining, what really did not need to be explained. If people could not "get" what I was saying, then that is pretty sad.


Apr 18, 2008
Date: 10/19/2008 10:38:08 AM
Author: luckystar112
I don''t know if I believe Colin Powell when he says he regrets disappointing McCain. Why wait until now, when things are most critical, to endorse Obama then?

Yes, I do think it is a big blow to McCain, but I think McCain was ready for it.

And I do agree that the republican party has left some people out.

ETA: It''s kind of ironic too, since Colin Powell is partly to blame for being in Iraq...and he''s a previous Bush supporter!

My understanding was that he was the world''s biggest undecided voter. He wanted to see all three debates before he made his decision. I think he would have really loved McCain to pull it together. He even contributed the max 2,300 to his campaign.

Also, re: Colin Powell on Iraq, you should watch the Frontline special on Bush''s War. Colin Powell was very mislead by the administration, and railroaded by other big wigs. It is a great documentary, and puts most of the onus on Cheney/Rumsfield, et al, not really even Bush.


Jan 8, 2007
Date: 10/19/2008 3:51:15 PM
Author: trillionaire

Date: 10/19/2008 10:38:08 AM
Author: luckystar112
I don''t know if I believe Colin Powell when he says he regrets disappointing McCain. Why wait until now, when things are most critical, to endorse Obama then?

Yes, I do think it is a big blow to McCain, but I think McCain was ready for it.

And I do agree that the republican party has left some people out.

ETA: It''s kind of ironic too, since Colin Powell is partly to blame for being in Iraq...and he''s a previous Bush supporter!

My understanding was that he was the world''s biggest undecided voter. He wanted to see all three debates before he made his decision. I think he would have really loved McCain to pull it together. He even contributed the max 2,300 to his campaign.

Also, re: Colin Powell on Iraq, you should watch the Frontline special on Bush''s War. Colin Powell was very mislead by the administration, and railroaded by other big wigs. It is a great documentary, and puts most of the onus on Cheney/Rumsfield, et al, not really even Bush.
I did not know about his contributing to McCain''s campaign, but I wanted to point out that we agree. I''m not disagreeing with anyone. Is the frontline special available online?


Jul 27, 2005
Date: 10/19/2008 3:45:04 PM
Author: starsapphire
Date: 10/19/2008 3:36:14 PM
Author: luckystar112
I don''t believe Star was comparing Powell and Farrakan. I believe she was making the observation that democrats are excited by this news when they remained silent about Farrakhan''s vocal support of Obama. Indeed, he did say some creepy things when offering his support. I took it as she was comparing the reactions. Powell helps Obama, Farrakhan does not.
Thank you for explaining, what really did not need to be explained. If people could not ''get'' what I was saying, then that is pretty sad.
Well boo hoo because I still don''t understand your point. Is it that surprising to you that Democrats would be excited when someone they respect endorses their candidate, and NOT excited when some obvious fringe dude endorses? Are the Republicans jumping up & down at Pat Robertson''s endorsement? NO. But I bet they would be if Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter jumped ship.

If you''re saying what I think you are -- I guess its a big "duh".


Apr 18, 2008
Date: 10/19/2008 1:39:40 PM
Author: starsapphire
Yeah, do endorsements really matter anymore? I have never paid any attention to them. I could care less if a newspaper endorses someone.

I read an article about whether newspaper endorsements matter anymore. It said that they were fairly good predictors of the thoughts of their readers and their local area. I sadly don''t remember where I read it, but I will post it if I find it. The author was describing how he predicted a Bush win in 2004 based on newspaper endorsements.


Dec 19, 2006
Date: 10/19/2008 3:51:15 PM
Author: trillionaire

Date: 10/19/2008 10:38:08 AM
Author: luckystar112
I don''t know if I believe Colin Powell when he says he regrets disappointing McCain. Why wait until now, when things are most critical, to endorse Obama then?

Yes, I do think it is a big blow to McCain, but I think McCain was ready for it.

And I do agree that the republican party has left some people out.

ETA: It''s kind of ironic too, since Colin Powell is partly to blame for being in Iraq...and he''s a previous Bush supporter!

My understanding was that he was the world''s biggest undecided voter. He wanted to see all three debates before he made his decision. I think he would have really loved McCain to pull it together. He even contributed the max 2,300 to his campaign.

Also, re: Colin Powell on Iraq, you should watch the Frontline special on Bush''s War. Colin Powell was very mislead by the administration, and railroaded by other big wigs. It is a great documentary, and puts most of the onus on Cheney/Rumsfield, et al, not really even Bush.
I was just speaking with my husband about this. In our opinion, Powell was thrown under the proverbial bus by the Bush adminstration regarding the war in Iraq. So was the American public.


Jul 27, 2005
OUCH. The punches keep on coming.

With the election only two weeks away, it is impossible to say whether the disillusionment of the conservative intelligentsia is evidence of a similarly widespread disaffection on the right or is merely the rumblings of a handful of high-profile critics.

'In every election you're going to find some people who are opposed to their party's candidate,' Mr. Matusow said. 'The question is, when is it significant?'

'The migration or desertion of the intellectuals does not reflect the base,' said Mr. Matusow.

I dunno ... when the "intellectuals" are fleeing, what does that say about who is left in the base?


Dec 18, 2005
Date: 10/19/2008 4:00:18 PM
Author: decodelighted
Date: 10/19/2008 3:45:04 PM

Author: starsapphire

Date: 10/19/2008 3:36:14 PM

Author: luckystar112

I don''t believe Star was comparing Powell and Farrakan. I believe she was making the observation that democrats are excited by this news when they remained silent about Farrakhan''s vocal support of Obama. Indeed, he did say some creepy things when offering his support. I took it as she was comparing the reactions. Powell helps Obama, Farrakhan does not.

Thank you for explaining, what really did not need to be explained. If people could not ''get'' what I was saying, then that is pretty sad.

Well boo hoo because I still don''t understand your point. Is it that surprising to you that Democrats would be excited when someone they respect endorses their candidate, and NOT excited when some obvious fringe dude endorses? Are the Republicans jumping up & down at Pat Robertson''s endorsement? NO. But I bet they would be if Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter jumped ship.

If you''re saying what I think you are -- I guess its a big ''duh''.

You are quite nasty (to everyone that dares to think differently than you do) but that''s besides the point.

The Dem''s aren''t happy that "someone they respect" just endorsed their man, they are happy because a life-long Republican endorsed their man. How much did the Dem''s "admire" Powell when he supported the Iraqi war because he believed they had nuclear capabilities? And he was not "mislead" by that. To say he was mislead is an insult to his intelligence and to the 35 years of dedicated service he gave to his country. He''s a smart guy.

As for the Repubs being happy if Jimmy Carter endorsed McCain? Why would you think that a man who embraces the world''s worst dictators (Chavez, Castro, not to mention the entire Hamas gang) would be a welcome addition to the Republican ranks? He''s an embarrassment. I realize he builds houses for the poor, but he''s also never met a despot he didn''t like. No thanks. You guys can keep him.

I think also, it would be more helpful to your point of view if you could simply respond to posters here without the snarky comments like "Well, boo-hoo", or "I guess it''s a big DUH".


Dec 19, 2006
Date: 10/19/2008 1:04:00 PM
Author: starsapphire
My point being that people think that someone changing their vote because ''someone'' is thowing their support publicly, like I care, behind someone, is going to influence JoeSchmo to vote for the candidate they are endorsing is idiocy. Why do we give airtime to this? Why is this news? Were is the jubilant thread where Louis Farrakhan announces his endorsement of Obama?
When a man of great distinction and service to this country makes a cohesive statement of support to a candidate, I choose to listen. When a racist, anti-Semite endorses anything, there is nothing to celebrate. He has been quoted as saying Hitler was a very great man. Obama has rejected and denounced Farrakhan''s support.


Jul 27, 2005
Date: 10/19/2008 4:25:11 PM
Author: beebrisk
I think also, it would be more helpful to your point of view if you could simply respond to posters here without the snarky comments like ''Well, boo-hoo'', or ''I guess it''s a big DUH''.
M''dear ... pot, kettle.
I play by the rules & keep my comments about people''s opinions, not about people. Can you say the same?


Dec 18, 2005
Date: 10/19/2008 4:30:37 PM
Author: risingsun
Date: 10/19/2008 1:04:00 PM

Author: starsapphire

My point being that people think that someone changing their vote because ''someone'' is thowing their support publicly, like I care, behind someone, is going to influence JoeSchmo to vote for the candidate they are endorsing is idiocy. Why do we give airtime to this? Why is this news? Were is the jubilant thread where Louis Farrakhan announces his endorsement of Obama?
When a man of great distinction and service to this country makes a cohesive statement of support to a candidate, I choose to listen. When a racist, anti-Semite endorses anything, there is nothing to celebrate. He has been quoted as saying Hitler was a very great man. Obama has rejected and denounced Farrakhan''s support.

That''s true. He did reject and denounce Farrakhan''s support. As he should.

However, when the Trinity Baptist Church gave Farrakhan an award last year for being a "man of greatness", it wasn''t denounced. Until such time as the church became an issue for Obama.

This is why some folks (still) have problems with Obama.


Jul 27, 2005
Date: 10/19/2008 4:25:11 PM
Author: starsapphire
Thank you for explaining, what really did not need to be explained. If people could not 'get' what I was saying, then that is pretty sad.
My comment: Boo Hoo. Snark for snark. I guess only *some* people are "allowed" to express their frustration with condescension. Curious ... Would you consider these comments "snarky"??

A Brief History of Beebrisk

I won't lose sleep tonight knowing that just maybe I insulted a Socialist, although it sounds like you'd make a great party member!


That WOULD be a biting comment if, in fact, it made any historical and factual sense whatsoever. But really, I think I'm laughing too hard to sleep now!


Jun 13, 2006
Beebrisk, starsapphire was being VERY snarky and Deco responded in kind. Don't criticize one and ignore another just because she in on your "side".

As for Powell, I have always respected him and felt that if the Bush cronies wanted him to leave for what he was saying about the war, I respect him all the more for it.

As for only celebrating certain endorsements, McCain rejected when John Hagee endorsed him, it runs both ways


Dec 18, 2005
Date: 10/19/2008 4:40:51 PM
Author: brazen_irish_hussy
Beebrisk, starsapphire was being VERY snarky and Deco responded in kind. Don''t criticize one and ignore another just because she in on your ''side''.

As for Powell, I have always respected him and felt that if the Bush cronies wanted him to leave for what he was saying about the war, I respect him all the more for it.

As for only celebrating certain endorsements, McCain rejected when John Hagee endorsed him, it runs both ways

I do apologize for that. I think the "snarkyness" should stop no matter what side it''s on. I''ve been thinking about it. It''s silly. I''ve been guilty of it myself and it''s very counter productive (if, in fact, you can call an internet forum "productive"). I don''t believe I am going to change anyone''s mind here and I know I won''t be shifting gears, so it''s kinda pointless. The snippiness doesn''t actually make anyone sound smarter or more informed. It just makes them sound...snippy.

I just think we should all be able to get our points across in a straight forward way...not in a nasty way. That includes me, Deco, Star, everyone.


Jan 1, 2007
To clarify: I was saying that comparing Powell''s ENDORSEMENT with Farakhan''s ENDORSEMENT was ridiculous. Obviously comparing the men themselves is even more ridiculous, and I didn''t think anyone was doing that.


Jan 8, 2007
Date: 10/19/2008 4:40:51 PM
Author: brazen_irish_hussy

As for only celebrating certain endorsements, McCain rejected when John Hagee endorsed him, it runs both ways
Yes, that''s what''s so silly about any endorsement. We''re discussing endorsements in general here, in that they are pointless unless it is someone that helps the cause. Which gets a big "duh" from Deco. lol (not being snarky, I say duh all the time).


Dec 18, 2005
Date: 10/19/2008 5:02:30 PM
Author: thing2of2
To clarify: I was saying that comparing Powell''s ENDORSEMENT with Farakhan''s ENDORSEMENT was ridiculous. Obviously comparing the men themselves is even more ridiculous, and I didn''t think anyone was doing that.

Understood. I don''t think Farkhaan''s endorsement holds a whole lotta weight with most people.

But still, (and I''m not saying this even makes intellectual, rational sense) I would have a hard time voting for the first guy Farrakhan has ever endorsed for president and the man he says is "Messiah" like. I guess I just don''t want to be a "member" of that club.


Aug 31, 2005
Date: 10/19/2008 5:10:44 PM
Author: beebrisk

But still, (and I''m not saying this even makes intellectual, rational sense) I would have a hard time voting for the first guy Farrakhan has ever endorsed for president and the man he says is ''Messiah'' like. I guess I just don''t want to be a ''member'' of that club.

What club? The ''People who respect Farrakhan for Obama!'' club? I''d guess most Obama supporters would agree with you.


Apr 18, 2008
Date: 10/19/2008 4:25:11 PM
Author: beebrisk
Date: 10/19/2008 4:00:18 PM

Author: decodelighted

Date: 10/19/2008 3:45:04 PM

Author: starsapphire

Date: 10/19/2008 3:36:14 PM

Author: luckystar112

I don''t believe Star was comparing Powell and Farrakan. I believe she was making the observation that democrats are excited by this news when they remained silent about Farrakhan''s vocal support of Obama. Indeed, he did say some creepy things when offering his support. I took it as she was comparing the reactions. Powell helps Obama, Farrakhan does not.

Thank you for explaining, what really did not need to be explained. If people could not ''get'' what I was saying, then that is pretty sad.

Well boo hoo because I still don''t understand your point. Is it that surprising to you that Democrats would be excited when someone they respect endorses their candidate, and NOT excited when some obvious fringe dude endorses? Are the Republicans jumping up & down at Pat Robertson''s endorsement? NO. But I bet they would be if Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter jumped ship.

If you''re saying what I think you are -- I guess its a big ''duh''.


You are quite nasty (to everyone that dares to think differently than you do) but that''s besides the point.

The Dem''s aren''t happy that ''someone they respect'' just endorsed their man, they are happy because a life-long Republican endorsed their man. How much did the Dem''s ''admire'' Powell when he supported the Iraqi war because he believed they had nuclear capabilities? And he was not ''mislead'' by that. To say he was mislead is an insult to his intelligence and to the 35 years of dedicated service he gave to his country. He''s a smart guy.

As for the Repubs being happy if Jimmy Carter endorsed McCain? Why would you think that a man who embraces the world''s worst dictators (Chavez, Castro, not to mention the entire Hamas gang) would be a welcome addition to the Republican ranks? He''s an embarrassment. I realize he builds houses for the poor, but he''s also never met a despot he didn''t like. No thanks. You guys can keep him.

I think also, it would be more helpful to your point of view if you could simply respond to posters here without the snarky comments like ''Well, boo-hoo'', or ''I guess it''s a big DUH''.

According to the Frontline documentary, Bush''s War, which I thought was pretty fair, he was lied to about the report that he defended at the UN. He was very suspicious, but trusted that he wouldn''t be lied to and thrown under the bus. Those who wanted the war knew that they could use his credibility to advance their cause, so they did. That is not to say that they didn''t believe that there were WMD''s, it seems that they thought they find them when they go there. No such luck. Colin Powell was a military man, someone who is taught to trust the chain of command. But watch the documentary and draw your own conclusions, it is really eye opening. And loooooong....
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