


May 20, 2008
elledizzy5 said:
FrekeChild said:
I'm totally in a few cliques...

Super Ideal Rock clique.
LIW clique of 2008.
BIW clique of 2009.
ATW Liberal clique of election year 2008.
Colored Stones clique.

And probably more that I'm just not aware of, and able to give a name to. :naughty: :tongue:

And no, I don't think newbs get as much respect/aren't taken as seriously as old PSers. Once you're around for a longer time, people know more about you, and have an idea of your personality/thoughts/opinions/knowledge base. Monnie summed it all up very well.

I'm in 4/5 of those cliques! I feel so speshul!

You should totally start a clique for people in the most cliques!


Apr 30, 2005
I think clique is in the eye of the beholder.

The people seen as being in a clique do not see themselves as being in a clique.
They are just friends.

I think clique is a label that is the result of insecurity and envy.

We all want to be accepted and loved.
Sometimes that does not happen.
It is not realistic to expect everyone will like everyone equally.


Aug 31, 2005
Dancing Fire said:
the Liberals ganged up on me. .. ;( Freke,karen,Thing2 ,Moonwater and list goes on......

I never make the 'bad liberals' list, which means I must have been one of the 'fair and balanced' ones? :saint: :lol: ;))


Jul 7, 2003
Well, there are "cliques" here... I can see that. THe older PSERs all know each other and are tight.

I am none - I really don't think I am that well liked here anyways - hence, my rare posts.


Apr 28, 2010
Amethyste said:
Well, there are "cliques" here... I can see that. THe older PSERs all know each other and are tight.

I am none - I really don't think I am that well liked here anyways - hence, my rare posts.

WHAT!! I like you!!!!!! I'm sad to hear that you think that....I always enjoy reading your posts Amethyste!


Jan 10, 2009
kenny said:
I think there are anti-cliques too.
I'm certainly in one.
I'm pretty sure I rub quite a few people the wrong way.

Kenny, you are like a little brother. Sometimes a pain in the butt, but we love you anyway!


Jan 10, 2009
When I joined over 1 1/2 years ago, there were always certain people who were always there to help. Not only in RT, but in the other forums as well. I felt these were the old-timers (not old, but experienced members) who I considered my mentors. They helped me a lot not only with my diamond purchase, but also become comfortable here on PS.

I personally have not noticed any cliques, but just a group of people who have gotten to know each other virtually! PS is my escape, sometimes it is like a soap opera, but mostly it is a group of very helpful and interesting people.


Apr 25, 2008
E B said:
Dancing Fire said:
the Liberals ganged up on me. .. ;( Freke,karen,Thing2 ,Moonwater and list goes on......

I never make the 'bad liberals' list, which means I must have been one of the 'fair and balanced' ones? :saint: :lol: ;))

I never make that list either, EB! :naughty:


Nov 27, 2007
Autumnovember said:
risingsun said:
Autumnovember said:
Curious as to what everyone thinks regarding cliques.

Are there obvious cliques on PS?

Do you think you're part of one?

Do you think that "newer" PSer's aren't taken as seriously as some of the older PSer's?

I think that monnie gave you a very good answer. Now I would like to turn the question back to you. What caused you to open this topic? Do you think that there are cliques on PS? Are they obvious? How do they affect you? If newer PSers aren't taken as seriously as long-term members, why would this be? I am asking because you started the topic. I imagine that you have some thoughts of your own on the subject. Thank you.

Agreed, she answered perfectly.

A forum I used to frequent often had VERY distinct 'cliques'. It was different than the ones here though, because they were very "mean girls" kind of cliques. I stopped posting there as a result. I opened this topic because someone mentioned something about PS getting very "cliquey" but I never took notice to that here. Ever since reading that particular thread, I've been trying to pay more attention to it to see if I can pick up on anything. While I think there are 'cliques' to an extent, Monarch put it perfectly...its more about peoples similar views on various topics. They don't really affect me much but there have been times where I didn't understand something because it was an inside joke. Sure, I felt a little left out but nothing serious and nothing to the extent that would make me stop coming here.

I don't think new PSer's are taken as seriously as much as long term members are. I have no idea why. I still don't feel like I'm taken seriously. As Monarch has pointed out, I *do* feel like I have to prove myself. I have noticed that when I add my two cents to a thread, a lot of times it goes unnoticed. I'm not really bothered by it, but it is definitely something that I've noticed.

Also...just to add, I really love PS. Truly. While I may not agree with what everyone says, and I *do* feel invisible at times, PS has really given me the ability to try to look at everything from various perspectives. Perspectives that I would have never thought of on my own.

Oh yeah. I was a pretty frequent poster for a few years on a Seattle based niche-interest board, and everybody knew each other IRL it seemed. (And in fact I see a lot of them around town still.) And some chick in the really tight knit "inner circle" took a dislike to me, and followed up every. single. post. I made with something snarky. Took about two weeks of that for me to just say screw it.

PS is nothing *remotely* like that. I don't find PS particularly cliquey, not after that experience anyway.

Yeah, I do think it takes people awhile to accept new posters. The nature of the board means a lot of people just post briefly while they're e-ring shopping, then never again. I think that's a big reason.


Apr 28, 2008
Haven said:
Autumnovember said:
I don't think new PSer's are taken as seriously as much as long term members are. I have no idea why. I still don't feel like I'm taken seriously. As Monarch has pointed out, I *do* feel like I have to prove myself. I have noticed that when I add my two cents to a thread, a lot of times it goes unnoticed. I'm not really bothered by it, but it is definitely something that I've noticed.
That happens to me all the time, Autumnovember. I think it has less to do with being new and more to do with the fact that once a thread really gets rolling people tend to grab onto one strand of the conversation, so a lot of comments get lost in the shuffle.

At least, that's what I tell myself. :cheeky:

Happens to me too.


Jul 7, 2003
Autumnovember said:
Curious as to what everyone thinks regarding cliques.

Are there obvious cliques on PS?

Do you think you're part of one?

Do you think that "newer" PSer's aren't taken as seriously as some of the older PSer's?

AWWWWWWWWWWWWW... I :love: you too cutie!

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
E B said:
Dancing Fire said:
the Liberals ganged up on me. .. ;( Freke,karen,Thing2 ,Moonwater and list goes on......

I never make the 'bad liberals' list, which means I must have been one of the 'fair and balanced' ones? :saint: :lol: ;))
were you on my side?... :bigsmile:


Jul 7, 2003
kenny said:
I think clique is in the eye of the beholder.

The people seen as being in a clique do not see themselves as being in a clique.
They are just friends.

I think clique is a label that is the result of insecurity and envy.

We all want to be accepted and loved.
Sometimes that does not happen.
It is not realistic to expect everyone will like everyone equally.

Yeah....... That's easier said than done. We all know it is not realistic, but we are all humans and does affect us one way or another. We all love it when everything is fine and dandy...

You cna have a bad day, post a thread about it, and all hell breaks loose: and then you can really see people's ugly, judgemental and down-right mean sides. Makes you wonder why you are still living and breathing ( according to the poster ), detrimental comments are made about your person and it can really really deeply hurt.

It did happen to me - and since then, I have not been really active. In all honesty, I do NOT want to EVER open myself up again like that and let people insinuating that I am a bad person - through this, I didn't really notice Cliques associated with posters/poeple, but mostly how easy it is to jump on a bandwagon and keep the rampage going.

Anyway - ...............


Apr 28, 2010
Amethyste said:
kenny said:
I think clique is in the eye of the beholder.

The people seen as being in a clique do not see themselves as being in a clique.
They are just friends.

I think clique is a label that is the result of insecurity and envy.

We all want to be accepted and loved.
Sometimes that does not happen.
It is not realistic to expect everyone will like everyone equally.

Yeah....... That's easier said than done. We all know it is not realistic, but we are all humans and does affect us one way or another. We all love it when everything is fine and dandy...

You cna have a bad day, post a thread about it, and all hell breaks loose: and then you can really see people's ugly, judgemental and down-right mean sides. Makes you wonder why you are still living and breathing ( according to the poster ), detrimental comments are made about your person and it can really really deeply hurt.

It did happen to me - and since then, I have not been really active. In all honesty, I do NOT want to EVER open myself up again like that and let people insinuating that I am a bad person - through this, I didn't really notice Cliques associated with posters/poeple, but mostly how easy it is to jump on a bandwagon and keep the rampage going.

Anyway - ...............

Agreed 100% and I know exactly which thread you're talking about....I couldn't believe some of the responses some people gave. Downright nasty..we'll leave it at that.

Amber St. Clare

Dec 15, 2009
Are there obvious cliques on PS? DEFINITELY

Do you think you're part of one? NO, I'm pretty much ignored

Do you think that "newer" PSer's aren't taken as seriously as some of the older PSer's? See question #2


Apr 28, 2010
Amber St. Clare said:
Are there obvious cliques on PS? DEFINITELY

Do you think you're part of one? NO, I'm pretty much ignored

Do you think that "newer" PSer's aren't taken as seriously as some of the older PSer's? See question #2

We're in the same boat ;-)


Apr 25, 2008
Dancing Fire said:
E B said:
Dancing Fire said:
the Liberals ganged up on me. .. ;( Freke,karen,Thing2 ,Moonwater and list goes on......

I never make the 'bad liberals' list, which means I must have been one of the 'fair and balanced' ones? :saint: :lol: ;))
were you on my side?... :bigsmile:

Is anyone ever on your side, DF? :lol:


Dec 12, 2008
Crap. I'm only in one of Freke's cliques. Well..StepCutGirl and myself are charter members of the "I can't make up my mind help me help me please somebody" group.


Feb 5, 2002
I don't think the groupings that occur on PS are intentional, but a phenomenon of what happens when you spend a large amount of time with other posters with the same affinity for "X". For me (I have been around forever) I have fondness for those I have met, those that were LIW when I was, BIW when I was, Newly Wed, DSLR lover....etc. I am sure that when it is my time to TTC I will have bond there too.

Truthfully, newbies generally come and go but time always reveals whether or not a person can be a useful contributor to the site, offering some longevity.


May 18, 2008
I've seen the word clique thrown around PS lately.

At first it turned me off because I see clique as negative. To me clique is a group of people that don't allow for new members. I don't feel like any "group" on PS is like that. Even if you go by definition, there are really no groups on PS that is exclusive.

I guess I would belong on the PS mommy threads clique although most never turned away input from people that weren't part of the group. I've never been a BIW so I'm not part of that group and it's been so long since I was a LIW that I'm not really part of that group either.

I never look at screennames when I'm reading a response or replying so I don't know if I'm speaking to people who are newbies or oldies. I can't. It's easier for me to be inconspicuous at work if I reduce the screen to only see text and not the avatars :tongue:


Jun 25, 2007
I'm not in any of Freke's cliques - boo

I think there are some cliques here, but they always seem very amiable to me.

I sometimes feel overlooked, but I expect it really. This is a fast paced forum and sometimes threads go one way, sometimes another. I take it in stride and go with the subject matter, or if I'm late to a conversation, I wait to post.

I AM a thuper thaddle thniffer - Lorelei :lol:

BTW - Autumn and Amethyste, I always read your posts :kiss:


Apr 28, 2010
Ok so since mostly everyone has agreed that it takes 'time' for a new PSer to 'prove' themselves....then here is another question:

How *much* time does it take until the PSer has proven themselves? One month, five months, a year?


Aug 12, 2005
Autumnovember said:
Ok so since mostly everyone has agreed that it takes 'time' for a new PSer to 'prove' themselves....then here is another question:

How *much* time does it take until the PSer has proven themselves? One month, five months, a year?

I think 142 days is typical.



Feb 5, 2002
For me its not time served, its usefulness/meaningfulness of contribution. Just like in real life, I gravitate towards people with similar interests. There are some people here that I have never conversed, not for any other reason but they haven't posted anything that a) I can comment on b) vice versa :wink2:


May 18, 2008
LOL Monnie.

AN-I think you're going to find through time that PSers have different temperaments. For the most part I think people look for quality over quantity. You can be here for a long time but that doesn't really mean that you are respected more than someone that has been here a short time. There has only really been one PSer (who doesn't post here anymore) that I can remember who was always very stuck on "I'm an oldie and you're just a newbie" but other than that, I never see that occuring.

Plus, it's hard to define what makes a newbie. Is it post count? Is it years? I've been here 2 years and still consider myself a newbie because there are people that have been here 5 years+. But then again, to someone who has been here just a few months, they may not see me as a newbie because I've been here for 2 years, KWIM?


Apr 28, 2010
monarch64 said:
Autumnovember said:
Ok so since mostly everyone has agreed that it takes 'time' for a new PSer to 'prove' themselves....then here is another question:

How *much* time does it take until the PSer has proven themselves? One month, five months, a year?

I think 142 days is typical.



Feb 5, 2002
Fiery- I don't think of you as a newbie at all.

I have been absent for a while, so some people will see me as a newbie...but I have bigger fish to fry lol


Mar 18, 2007
It's just about how well you integrate yourself into the community. Most posters that hide out in only one or two subforums feel like newbies longer (like the posters that stay in LIW and never really venture out). People that post in a variety of places "meet" more people and generally seem like more of a regular presence.


Dec 14, 2007
iwannaprettyone said:
Fiery- I don't think of you as a newbie at all.

I have been absent for a while, so some people will see me as a newbie...but I have bigger fish to fry lol
Hah! Just because you haven't been around for a while, doesn't mean you're a newb. How you doin' IWPO? Missin' you!

(And I lurk a lot more than I used I haven't been around much either!)

As for "When newbs get noticed" I'd say that it has a lot with how someone presents themselves and what parts of the forums they hang out in. When I started I was in CS, LIW and BIW pretty exclusively. Then in 2008 I added ATW and Hangout, with a dash of SMTB. In 2009 I was in BIW and CS.

Back when I started, CS was a much quieter place. I wanted a colored stone ering, so people in CS took notice of me because I asked a lot of stupid questions, started a lot of threads and bought a lot of learning stones--and posted a LOT of pictures. Since it was quieter there, people HAD to notice me. :tongue:

But I also posted A LOT. I hit 10k posts in less than a year and a half. People started to know who I was because I was in every thread! (I didn't pay a lot of attention in class, and I was in class or waiting for class for about 8 hours per day...thats a lot of PS time.) And I presented myself well, not using text speak, grammatically correct, being kind (for the most part) etc. I didn't post a lot of dramatic threads, although I have certainly participated in MANY.

Sometimes people get noticed shortly after joining PS for bad things...or dramatic things. Often that doesn't bode well for their future here. The people that usually stick around are often the people that don't get noticed right away, and just quietly make their presence known.

I don't consider myself an oldie or a newb. I'm middle aged. :cheeky: But I do think I have had a pretty good grip on what kind of members flourish on PS, and what kind of members crash and burn. Trust me, it's better to be ignored at first! ;-)

I miss PS! Although I'm really not a huge fan of 2.0. Stupid work! (Although it does allow for a lot more participating in CS! :naughty: )


Nov 29, 2008
I really like it here and find that people are generally very welcoming. There is a closeness among some of the regular posters which I chalk up to shared experiences and interests and actually meeting in person.

I do sometimes feel a bit left out but I think it's because I'm too busy to post often and I don't really have any expertise to offer. I'm past the LIW & BWW stage and my children are ages 6 to 14 so I'm also out of the baby and toddler phase. That leaves me posting in Hangout sometimes, complimenting people's jewelry in SMTB, and offering my opinion on settings and designs occasionally. I suppose I'm a generalist who stays here b/c it is a friendly, supportive place, b/c I love jewelry and b/c you guys are so helpful when I do have a question. Plus, I love to come here for a laugh (thanks especially to Dancing Fire). I wish I lived close enough to join in some GTGs as it would be fun to get to know posters better.

Freke, is there a clique for Over 40, overscheduled, and planning more jewelry projects than my budget permits?

BTW Amethyste & Autumnovember, I'm always interested in your posts. Seems like you both have a lot to add to PS.
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