
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Glad to see everyone is dong well (great belly shots and some good u/s news). I'm sorry about your daughter DS, hoping the next few weeks are calmer.

As for me, it was an exciting week last week. I'll try to keep it brief though. I went in for a u/s on my due date - I actually tried to cancel it because I felt like I was being overmonitored - with no issues, why the u/s's every other week and visits 2x a week? I was so tired of waiting rooms (for 5 minute visits) and leaving urine samples! To me the baby would come when it comes. Well the doctor insisted...they thought the baby was getting big, etc etc. So I begrudgingly went (and DH took day off to take care of DD). The u/s had the baby at 9, almost 10lbs so the dr. recommended a csection (basically much bigger than my first, plus its stomach was a healthy size so there was some concern I'd be "stuck" halfway).

I was pretty upset at the news - I had always envisioned a smooth delivery like DD1 (but just faster like others had) but I only had a few hours to think it over. I did some googling and of course lots of ladies on the web were anti-c-section and suspcious of u/s's. I myself found it hard to believe that I had such a big baby (even though I have said all along I'm huge!). I also knew it was possible for ultrasounds to be be off 1-2lbs. Still my dr. said this u/s doctor was rarely wrong and it wasn't worth the risk. So I booked the procedure, which was now hrs away and in those hrs, I packed, boiled bottles, did last minute things, got some final work emails out,etc.

When morning rolled around I was on autopilot..had my mom come down, started the drive to the hospital. I had alot of nerves and second thoughts. The whole procedure went very smooth though - it was very routine and run like an orchestra with everyone doing their part and it all coming together. Our baby Annabelle was born that morning, and weighed a healthy 9lbs 8oz - so the u/s was only 2oz off! I have to say the planned c-section experience was better than I was a quick recovery and, for me, less traumatic than my first vaginal labor.

Things are going great otherwise..Annabelle sleeps constantly, is a great latcher (a new experience for me since BF did not really work out last time). I know the first 2 weeks are a bit deceptive since all they do is sleep, but still is lovely and she is really a joy..I forgot how sweet and innocent a newborn is - it really does make you have faith all over again :). DD1 has been a great big sister - she is a bit concerned about this new set up and so we do try to spend one on one time with her too, but I think she'll come around once the baby's more interactive.

Hope everyone is doing well and look forward to following your stories as well.
Janine, Congratulations!!! Welcome to the world Baby Annabelle!!! I'm sure DD1 will be a great big sister!!!

Janine - Congratulations and welcome Annabelle!! Glad to hear everything is going smoothly. Yay for latching going well! You know we'd all love to see photos of your little girl (if your comfortable posting, of course.)

KatyWI - Eeeeee! Glad my post helped you make the purchase! What color did you get???

LC - I don't know much about the Vista, but I'd imagine they get tons of snow in WI too, so hopefully Katy will chime in on your question. Have you looked at the Bumbleride Indie? That's what I have a la' craigslist deal, and I love it. Haven't used it in the snow yet, but it seems like it'd do perfectly fine.
Congrats Janine!!! So sorry you had to have a C-section but I'm glad you had a good experience anyway. And yay for a good latch and a relatively happy big sis! Welcome to the world, Annabelle :-)

Sending everyone else here good vibrations in the hopes for happy healthy pregnancies and easy L&Ds!

Congrats Janine!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Looking forward to pictures!!!!
Janine!! Congratulations! I honestly thought your post was just an update until about half way through. So glad to hear that everybody is doing well and that the c-section went very smoothly for you. I'm also glad you opted to have the c-section after hearing that Annabelle weight 9 lbs. 8oz.!

DS, I've been thinking about your daughter all week, I hope she's doing well and that the stones have passed.

Mayachel, good to hear from you! I can't believe you're at 34 weeks! I'm so sorry to hear about the hyperemesis--morning sickness for one trimester is bad enough, the thought of having it the entire pregnancy makes my head spin. And yay for picking up the Frog on CL for a good price. We've also pretty much decided on the BOB and are figuring out an umbrella stroller. Here's hoping DD takes it easy so you can finish the nursery!

S&I, I'm glad to hear the spotting is over and hopefully the nausea will quickly follow suit. I'm hoping your second trimester is much more relaxing and less draining for you!

LC, between the retirement home research and daycare research, you must be researched out! Hopefully you have a very relaxing weekend and can take a little break from thinking about everybody else's care!

Katy, woohoo for picking up the Vista after LV's post! That's definitely a fantastic price, so it was a very good buy!

AFM, crazy work week. Didn't get anything baby-related done. Katie is now kicking me in the bladder several times a day, which kind of hurts. I still can't feel her kick very well unless she kicks me in the bladder. I guess it's good she's getting her exercise...
mayachel, I think my problem with the nausea is that I spend most of the day trying to play catch up. It's worse at night because when I get home from work, I just want to plop down on the couch and take a nap. I am not craving anything in particular (unless you count coffee and sushi - neither of which I've given into yet), so it's hard for me to think of what I want to eat when I get home. Yay for starting your maternity leave! Your birth plan for not vomiting sounds like a great one, and I hope your home birth goes smoothly. Sorry about your crib choice being discontinued, but it sounds like you're set in the stroller department.

LC, thanks for the movement description. I'll be on the look-out in the future!

Katy, yay for getting in on the Vista deal!

janine, congrats :appl: :appl: :appl: on Annabelle's arrival, and what a beautiful name! Sorry you had to make the decision about a c-section on the spot, but it sounds like you made the right decision. What a big girl! Glad everything went smoothly, and that things are going so well at home!

NEL, sorry to hear that work has been crazy lately. Has Katie been kicking on your bladder at specific times throughout the day, like after you eat or something? Or is it just random?

AFM, 15 weeks today! We have a friend's baby shower tomorrow, and another friend's son's 1st birthday party on Sunday. This is sort of going to be the weekend where a lot of our friends who don't already know about our pregnancy will see my new semi-bump, so I'm sure there's going to be quite a few shocked people. I guess it's easier than having to tell each person individually though, so that's good. Word has also started spreading around at work, and I've already gotten to use the pregnancy-card once. We're in the process of moving everyone around to different offices so that we're closer to the people we work with on a daily basis, and I got an exception to not have to move out of my current office (I was scheduled to move to the office across the aisle, like 4 feet away!). It just seemed ridiculous, so my manager convinced the space planner to allow me to stay on the basis of me being pregnant and it being a stupid move. :lol:
Thank you all again for the thoughts and concern about my daughter. She still has some pain on and off indicating the stones are still there, but she actually made it through working on Thurs. and Fri. So I am just hoping she can pass them on her own.

Janine!!! Congratulations on your new little one! I am glad her birth went well and was uneventful other than the c-section! Annabelle is a sweet name!
Janine- congrats! :appl:

Will be back with longer post later. Quickly stopping in with a 20 week belly pic! We're halfway to Weston's birthday!

S&I, hope everything has settled down for you re: spotting. I would be really scared, too! Glad to hear the doc said things were okay. MS, ugh - feel better soon! Enjoy showing off the new bump in the meantime!

Pancake, you are a bit ahead of me and sounds like you are doing well! Hope you had a fun time at the wedding. My best friend lives out of state and she just got married today! Wish I could have been there for her - she and her husband made a quick courthouse visit in MD for insurance purposes, but have been planning to marry for a while. SO excited for them!

Katy, my hubby and I have been talking a lot about budgeting for day care, too. Right now, we'd be okay taking our LO to a center, but we'd need an in home person if we have another due to cost. So much of my check is going to go toward day care, it's ridiculous. :(( Hope your presentation went well!

PT, so sorry to hear about your GD, but happy that Ava is doing well. I hope you were able to enjoy your shower! How thoughtful of your sisters to host and arrange a change in date for you and Ava.

LC, Happy (belated) Anniversary! I will be in the same boat on Sunday this week - it will be my one year anniversary and I will be scrounging for something nice to wear that fits well enough to go out in public.

Mayachel - hope you are doing well. Baby's birthday is coming soon, how exciting! I am way behind on getting a nursery started, too - hope your LO arrives with plenty of time for you to get a room ready!

Diamondseeker- glad to hear your daughter is okay! Kidney stones, OUCH! Not something anyone wants to deal with, let alone while preggo!

NEL - Hope you and miss Katie are having a good week so far. Work has been really busy for me, too. Less PS posting, more grading papers and planning lessons!

21 weeks today! Weston is going in for his EKG on Thursday. I do not anticipate any problems, and I am looking forward to seeing him again soon via ultrasound. I am definitely looking preggo now, got a cute little bump and there's no denying what's in there. :lol: I've gained about ten pounds since the pregnancy started, and it all seems to be popping right out in front. I find myself patting and rubbing my belly often. I am feeling lots of kicks and activity some days, mixed in with quiet days. Today, Weston was having his own Halloween party during a staff meeting and seemed to be drumming his feet on my belly! Silly kid. :wacko:

Been more tired than usual, but work has been really stressful and chaotic. The teacher with whom I share a Math/LA block left school about two weeks ago and we do not know when or if he is returning, so the kids have been in a state of upheaval. Everything he and I put into place with our shared group of kids (procedures and behavior expectations/training) in the first quarter of school seems to be gone after two weeks of subs, and we are back to SIT and STAY. :nono: I am hoping things settle down soon, and I am glad to have made it through October (our longest month without any extended breaks).

DH and I have been embroiled in a HUGE disagreement recently, the biggest fight of our almost year-long marriage. The roommate he moved into our house three years ago (before I even moved in) is currently using the room I want to make into Weston's nursery. She's behind on her rent, she's gotten lazier and lazier about housework, her cat throws up daily and claws stuff, and she is using tons of storage space in our bathroom and kitchen. I've been wanting her to leave for quite a while, but Hubs made an agreement with her without my input to have her stay until MARCH. Apparently he forgot when the baby is due- March 13th??????? :angryfire: After a massive argument, he worked something out with this dumb lady (again without my complete consent) to have her move to a different room in the house - my office. Now in order to even start on the nursery, I have to strip my office and relocate all of my files and furniture and belongings to somewhere else in our crowded house so that she can move out of the nursery and across the hall. She's made no progress on her life in three years and I am going to have a hard time watching her loaf around until March. Needless to say, Hubs and roomie are currently on my sh*t list.

Sorry for the pity party, but this month has been rotten. Thanks for letting me vent. Happy Halloween to all of you!
Mannequin, yay for being halfway there! It is going to fly now! You look great!!!

All you preggo's look wonderful!!! I love seeing the belly pics; it makes me miss mine! :wavey:
I'm in a crappy mood. Luckily nothing baby related, it's all about work. Anyway, I figured I'd give a short update so none of you think I've gone into labor and popped out a kid yet.

Nursery is almost done. Hung some art. Going to Target for a studfinder and hospital bag supplies this weekend. We packed the bag this past weekend, minus a few items.

Still working full time...starting to take a day off each week.

I'm still walking like a normal person, which I think is weird, but probably due to these good ol' child birthing hips. I can't imagine getting much bigger at this point, but I know it'll happen....I still have 3 weeks left after all.

37 weeks. Yikes. As I said, I'm grouchy. I'll be back with a better post some time. (Provided I don't go into labor before that!)
Freke, I love following you because you and my daughter are due at the same time! (She has been better the last two days, incidentally, so we are hoping the kidney stone is gone for good!). She has also packed a bag for herself and the baby, and has washed all the newborn clothes. We made a trip to fill in the essential things she didn't get as gifts. Found decent nursing bras at Target! look great! I am going to have to say that I would be livid with that situation, too. The fact that the girl has zero common sense in this situation is astounding. She is in the way and needs to leave now! March???!!! I really think that time table needs to be undone. She needs to be gone before the baby comes.
Hello there ladies!!!

I just got back from a quickie weekend trip to Seattle to visit my two very good girlfriends. It was a short trip, Friday night to Sunday afternoon, but it was SOOO nice seeing them. And this will most likely be my last "friend trip" in a while so I'm really glad I got to go see them.

DS, how is your daughter doing? I hope everything has gotten better. Has she been to the new doc yet? I hope she really likes the practice.

Freke, sorry you're in a bummer mood, but it'll get better. Go you for taking 1 day off per week. How are you feeling working full time. That's kind of how I pictured my plan to work until the baby gets here, but some people look at me like I'm crazy. Glad the nursery is coming together and you're really getting in the "gonna have a baby" mode.

MQ, oooh! Tough situation with the roommate! OUCH! I'd be totally with you and super annoyed with my DH too. I hope you get some nice pics of Weston at your U/S. What is the EKG for? My doc didn't put me down for one. That's awesome you're getting extra attention. Sorry work is totally crazy. I can see how the order you establish quickly goes to pot in just a few weeks. I hope the other teacher comes back soon. Great picture by the way! YOu look fantastic!

S&I, how's everything going? I hope the M/S has subsided. What a fun baby/kid filled weekend. Were you able to share your news with everyone? Go you for not having to move offices. :)

NEL, how's Katie doing? I'm starting to feel more movement now, and I think DH will be able to feel some by now too. But whenever he's NOT around the baby decides to move around a lot (like now, because DH is in the shower). But whenever he's here, nothing, no movement at all.

Katy, did you get your Vista? That's a fantastic price I hope you snatched it up!

AFM, well, I mentioned my SEA weekend, it was fantastic! I really miss seeing my friends and it's great that I was able to go out there. We had some late night dinner when we flew in, then sis and I were on our own Saturday AM. We did a TON of walking, we were trying to hang a coat rack for our BFF, but ended up having to walk to the hardware store twice. It's a good thing the weather was super nice. Then we hung out at Friend2's house for a good bit, then finally got ready for a Halloween party. I called the "I'm pregnant so I"m not dressing up" excuse, and BFF stayed not dressed up in solidarity with me. :) Sunday was an AWESOME brunch, and then I flew back.

Did some research for senior facilities for the ILs. DH and I will probably talk about what to do next tomorrow, then start touring some places. Haven't done much more for daycare. Started a Target and Amazon registry since we sent our family baby shower invites out already. Thanksgiving Sunday. DH still doesn't want to tell anyone what we're having so I'm getting all neutral stuff. It's a good thing my favorite color is green :)

~LC (22W, 4D)
LC, A weekend trip to Seattle sounds lovely--I'm glad you got to go and see your friends before it's too late! And yay for sending out the baby shower invites! I happen to love green, too, and even though I think it lends itself a little more to a boy, I've been buying a lot of green for Katie. Anyway, your shower is now just a few weeks away! And we haven't done anything more with daycare, either. I spent a lot of time narrowing down our options geographically, but we still have to actually call the places. It sounds like you've spent a lot of time researching nursing facilities for the ILs, how is your MIL doing??

DS, I am definitely keeping my fingers crossed that your daughter's stone is gone!! That would be fantastic!

Freke, I'm sorry to hear that you're getting so uncomfortable. I would be grouchy, too. Heck, I'm grouchy enough with all the bladder kicking lately. Only a few more weeks to go--I know that probably sounds like a lot right now, but I'm hoping it will fly right by. And your appts. are weekly now, right? And that is the day you're taking off from work? Kudos to you for even going in to the office 4 days per week at this point!

MQ, congrats on reaching the half-way point! And happy upcoming anniversary! Even though you and DH are not exactly seeing eye-to-eye right now. I have to admit, I can't imagine going through all of this (I've admittedly been a little overwhelmed lately) while also dealing with a challenging roommate. Just having somebody in the nursery space would drive me batty, forget having to re-arrange everyting to accommodate her. I don't blame you at all for being frustrated--the fact that your DH made the decision to keep her around until 2 weeks before you're due is kee-razy! I wonder if spouses can suffer from pregnancy brain...

S&I, how was your weekend of spilling the beans to all of your remaining friends? And how are you feeling? And good for you for being able to keep your current workspace without having to move!

AFM, a few things going on:

1. At 22 weeks and 5 days, I'm finally starting to feel some movement. Mostly it is just the bladder kicks, but I'm starting to feel general movement as well. Nothing that I think D could feel (yet), but he keeps asking when he will be able to feel something. I feel sort of bad for him because I can tell he's bummed I can feel her moving and he can't. Then again, I also get heartburn, leg cramps and hip pain and he doesn't.

2. The crib hasn't come in yet, but I bought a changing table at my favorite antique store over the weekend. It's not an ACTUAL changing table, it's just a small, antique bureau that I'll be using as a changing table. I bought a changing pad for it yesterday on Amazon, but it hasn't come in yet.

3. I bought my plane ticket home for xmas. I'm going to be staying for 11 (!) days between 30 and 31 weeks pregant, so I'm slightly nervous. I did buy direct flights (3 hours each way, which is stretching it!) and I bought travel insurance in case I'm feeling too uncomfortable and need to cancel.
DS, I'm glad your daughter is feeling a bit better, and hope that the stones pass or have already passed without too much additional pain.

MQ, you look fabulous! And wow, I would be totally upset at the roommate situation too! I don't think it's acceptable that you have to move your home office to accommodate her, just so she can move out of the nursery. I hope you and your DH can talk it out, and hopefully come up with a better solution to have that lady move out sooner than March.

Freke, yay for taking 1 day off per week! Only 3 short weeks left - so exciting!

LC, yay for your quick Seattle trip! Good luck with the decision on the senior homes for your ILs. That must be tough to have to worry about in addition to finding daycare solutions for DS. I love green too! Congrats on sending out your baby shower invites. My sister has been asking me when I want mine to happen, and I just have no idea. She won't be home except for this Christmas (or after the baby is born), which I think is a bit too early for a baby shower.

NEL, that's awesome that you've started to feel more consistent movement! Post pics of the antique changing table when you can. I hope you don't have to cash in on the flight insurance, and are able to enjoy a nice 11 days at home. I will say that I'm glad I don't have to fly anywhere to go "home" since most of my family lives in the same city.

AFM, the weekend baby shower and birthday/Halloween party was fun. We had 3 preggo ladies at the baby shower - the guest of honor, my cousin, and myself. My cousin also announced that they are having a boy, which is what my cousin's DH really wanted. My costume for the birthday party was just a black shirt that had a yellow triangle with BUMP in the middle, so I told people I was a "street sign at night". I had lots of people asking if we knew the sex of the baby yet. I can't wait to find out!

Just a quick little fly by. I had my shower on Sunday. It was really, truly lovely, with lots of sweet little details, and a lot of fun. It was re-put together in less than a week by my sisters and mother, and luckily all of the people I really wanted there were able to make it. My favorite touch - my sisters had the woman who made my wedding cake bake the most beautiful, delicious cake for my shower.

However, later that evening, I started feeling some painful contractions. Like, I couldn't speak and started whimpering contractions. We called the prenatal services nurse, who asked if we'd prefer to stay at home and monitor for an additional hour, or go directly to labor & delivery. We opted for the latter. I had dilated an additional two centimeters since my last appointment (I'm now at 5+cm), and was 100% effaced. I've been bleeding a little bit. I'm back on steroids and a magnesium drip. They're hoping to keep me from going into full blown labor, but haven't sounded terribly optimstic about it. I'm hoping my body will hold out for at least another two weeks, but I've mentally prepared myself to meet Ava any day now. I half expected a Halloween baby!
Parrot, I'm so glad you had a wonderful shower. How was the cake? How thoughtful your sis got your wedding cake baker to make your cake. I really hope Ava stays put just a little bit longer. Dust to you and your little girl!!

S&I, it's SOOO exciting to find out the sex of the baby. I was totally consumed by it for the whole week. I'm glad you had a fun baby shower/birthday/Halloween party weekend. It's totally up to you if you wanted ot have a family shower when you go down for the holidays. I'll be approx 27 wks, so still quite early, during my family shower, but it will be the only time we're with our family. We live far away from them, 3 hr plane ride, so it was an early shower or no shower.

NEL, my MIL is doing well, thanks for asking. DH went down there this weekend to check in on them, and he said he feels a little bit better about them being there. However we would feel much better about them being closer to us. Hooray for feeling Katie moving. I started feeling movement around the same time too. Now he moves around a lot, espeically right when I'm trying to fall asleep. DH hasn't really felt anything yet, but I think because he's impatient and wants to feel the baby RIGHT NOW when he puts his hand on my belly. After about 30s, he looses interest and goes off to do something else. How nice you're going to have a nice long trip for the holidays. I'm sure your family will be so happy to have you around. And I agree with S&I, you must post pictures of the bureau you bought. I still love that dresser.

AFM, not much new. Turns out we'll need to buy two new HVAC units for our condo. Something along the tune of $9K. BOOO!!!! Why two units for a tiny condo? Beats the hell out of me. Probably because the builders were lazy and didn't want to run ducting throughout the unit. Ugh!

~LC (22W, 5D)
Hi all, I've been terribly slack! Will do my best but if I miss you out, I apologise. Pulling up my socks now!

Janine - CONGRATULATIONS on Annabelle's arrival, and I'm glad that your birthing experience was a good one, even if it didn't follow your original plan.

PT - Good luck, no matter what happens now. You have done a stellar job of incubating Ava for as long as you possibly can, and you have maintained admirable grace and acceptance of what has happened throughout, so now it's up to nature and medical intervention to see what they can come up with. Please update us when you can!

NEL - how exciting that you can feel Katie feeling moving more consistently now! I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures of the dresser - I don't have the patience to trawl through antique stores and I have no idea about what prices are appropriate so I envy you your know-how! I think you'll be ok at 31 weeks, as long as your back is. Fingers crossed.

Mannequin - no reason to apologise for venting, I can't blame you, what an incredibly stressful month! I hope that things improve from here... at least you are now able to DO something about Weston's room rather than just stressing about how you'll get ready in time. I have definitely been stressed about getting Dot's room and stuff ready in time, and I don't even have the other factors going on that you do at the moment. If it's any consolation, you look fantastic!

LC - Glad to hear your MIL is going well. It sounds like you and your husband are very organised in the way you are going about looking at supported facilities, hopefully it will mean that when your little boy arrives things will be more sorted, if not already established. Your Seattle weekend sounds like it was so fun!

Freke - I think you're allowed to be grumpy at 37 weeks. As long as you allow yourself a little bit of excited anticipation too ;)

Katy - yay for buying your stroller! Which colour did you get?

S&I - it's fun once you can spill the beans hey?! Sounds like you are enjoying it. I hope your nausea goes away for good soon... until then just keep doing what you gotta do.

DS - I'm sorry your daughter had to go through that so late in her pregnancy - both that she had stones at all, and that she struggled so much to find a clinician who would listen to her! I am relieved for her that she's feeling better now. Fingers crossed she can just concentrate on waiting for the baby now!

As for me... well, I am 25+2 weeks today, and it has been a nice week with the realisation that I have cared for babies who are younger than Dot! Obviously I don't want to deliver her any time soon, but the concreteness of viability is sinking in a bit and I am feeling good. Antenatal appointment last week was uneventful, I have to do my glucose challenge test before my next appointment in 3 weeks time - I have a request slip to do it at the path lab on site where my obstetrician's rooms are, but I am sorely tempted just to get it done at work as it will be much less disruptive. Can take the drink at morning tea time, and then just do the bloods at lunch!

Nursery-wise, the stumps were done very efficiently last week and we're now deciding between polishing the floorboards (which are not perfect and have been cut into for the restumping but charming in their original kind of a way), recarpeting in a lighter colour, or installing floating floorboards. Leaning towards polishing or installing the floating boards at the moment. My in-laws have decided to gift us our pram for Christmas, which we are totally DELIGHTED with - we don't mind receiving baby stuff as Christmas gifts and the pram is definitely one of the bigger ticket items. It should be arriving in the next week or so.

I have also been worried about running out of things to wear in the next month or so. Dot is entirely all out in front of me - I am not noticeably wider or bigger anywhere else, but my tummy looks really big - I know girls who looked this size at 30 weeks! So I have had to buy a few more jersey maternity things (mostly dresses as they are easiest in summer - and indeed in general) and found some nice-looking things from Maternal America, Olian and Everly Grey. Ordered them yesterday and they should arrive in time for me to get a good deal of wear out of them in the last trimester.
Too tired to post much, but Ava made her arrival this morning. She 's 2 lbs 11oz and 15" of perfection. She's breathing regular room air on her own and seems to be doing incredibly well. Better in fact, than we or the doctors expected. Hopefully she continues to thrive so we can bring her home sooner rather than later.
PT- Congratulations and welcome AVA!!!!!!!! This has been such a rollercoaster, I can't even imagine! I hope that Ava continues to get stronger and bigger so that she can come home ASAP and that you get some rest and some space to process the past few weeks/months. You are an incredible mommy!!!!!!! Ava is so blessed!!!!!!!
Congratulations, PT! I'm so thrilled for you, and relieved beyond belief that things are going so well so far. Please keep us in the Ava loop!
Parrot, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Welcome to the world Ava. Sounds like she's doing quite well, I can't believe she's breathing regular room air and everything. Keep getting stronger little Ava! Get such much needed rest mama. You definitely earned it.

Pancake, what a generous gift from your in-laws to get you a pram! Sounds like you're making a fair amount of progress on the nursery. This might be a silly question but what are stumps? Sounds like you have a nice collection of clothes now. Hopefully it'll get you through till the end. I'm a little jealous you get to wear dresses, it'll be WAY TOO COLD to wear dresses up here in my 3rd tri. I would think dresses would be way comfortable when we get that big.

AFM, not much new going on. I got a UPS slip from Target, one of my registry places. Wow, I can't believe people are buying us stuff already. I told my brother to tell my family to just give us Target gift cards. I also emailed my cousin-in-law (she married my cousin), that she can just give us hand-me-downs as baby shower presents. I really see no need for people to buy us new stuff.

Has anyone else been experiencing the shrinking belly button? Mine is like maybe a centimeter deep, if that. I feel like a freak. DH says I should take a picture...

~LC (23W, 6D)
PT, I'm so glad Ava is here and doing well! I can't believe she's on room air! There are a few kiddos in the newborn thread that were preterm and are thriving and well so when you have time to make it over to that thread, you'll have lots of support and advice.
Congrats PT! And welcome to the world Ava!

Even crankier than I was when I posted the other day...had 37 week doc appt, got my cervix checked. CLOSED. And it hurt like whoa.

PLUS the doc told me that his patient that he had before me was sent to Labor and Delivery from her appointment. So jealous.

Nursery is almost done though. But still. I'm a freaking grouch right now.
PT, I have been thinking about you and Ava. That is wonderful she is breathing room air! Congratulations!!! hugs to both of you!!!! :appl: Keeping you two in my prayers that if you are in the NICU your stay is short and you two go home soon.
PT!!! Congratulations on Ava's arrival!! It is so amazing that she is breathing room air and doing so well, and I hope that you will be able to bring her home sooner rather than later. She's such a little fighter, she definitely takes after her momma. :appl:

And congrats to Janine too on the birth of Annabelle!! Anna was one of my front-runner names, but I believe we've settled on something else. :))

LC - Ok first of all, MY BELLY BUTTON IS DISAPPEARING TOO AND I AM NOT HAPPY!!!! I have a little more left than you do, but isn't it too early for this weird stuff?! And I can't believe you sent out shower invites already! I know you're having yours a little early, but doesn't it make it seem that much more real?! People keep telling me I have to have showers, but no one has pinned down any dates yet. I guess we'll see. :) Good luck finding both a daycare and a senior care facility! I am just looking for day care, and I am kind of paralyzed by how much more trouble it is than I thought. Geez.

NEL - Sorry that little munchkin is kicking you in the bladder so often! I haven't ever felt that on my end, in fact, I don't feel her move that much at all! I mean, if I'm quiet and concentrating I can feel her bopping around in there, but either she's really laid back or she's just not very strong, because it never really makes me sit up and take notice! How's the nursery coming along, is the crib in yet? I know you said November, right? So probably not, but I guess we have plenty of time. :))

MQ - Jealous of all of Weston's movement! But definitely NOT jealous of the roomie situation!! We asked ours to leave basically as soon as I found out I was pregnant (we already hated having him here anyway, so...) and it was a months long process due to his... lazy nature. I can't believe your DH thought it was a good idea to let her stay until the baby is born, or AFTER assuming that you might go early!! I would think that he would need to go back and say "On second thought, you have until the end of January" or something... that's plenty of time to find a new place, and as a brand new family of three you really don't need to be worrying about someone else in/moving from your house!! Good luck with that, lady, I know how frustrating it is to have a roommate you don't want, and I hope that you and your DH can make it onto the same page soon. :)) You look great!

S&I - Wow, you're truckin' right along in this pregnancy!! How did it go telling all your friends?! And it's pretty awesome that you got to keep your office! Seems silly that they would have had you move across the hall anyway, but gotta love those office politics!!

pancake - Hi, lady!! So nice of the in-laws to purchase the pram for you!! I wouldn't have minded saving that money myself! ;)) I do love the Vista though, we got it in the silver color - it matches the nursery's grey and yellow scheme, and it totally gender neutral for another baby or for resale if we decide we're not using it enough!! Congrats on making it to the real viability point! I know it seems awful to think of it that way, but as mommies I think we grasp at any comforting straws we can find. :)) So nice that you can do the glucose test at work on your own time! I would definitely do it that way if it were an option for me! Too funny that you're carrying all out in front, too! I have gained very little weight, but it's definitely all in my tummy! If anything I feel like the rest of me looks a little thinner, but maybe that's just in comparison, haha! Glad you were able to find some nice stuff in jersey, I loved it for the fall, but I'm starting to hide in my cardigans now that it's getting pretty cool here!

Freke - Sorry about the cervix check, and hooray for the nursery! You can go from closed to baby in like .2 seconds, so don't be too discouraged. You're so close to meeting that peanut!!

Elle - thought you were going to check in more often! How's that nursery?! Do you still look freaking amazing? Come baaack!


THE STROLLER SHIPPED! They said it would be 2-4 weeks, so I'm crazy excited to see it! For those who asked, we got the silver, and I think it's gorgeous. The only thing that worries me is the basket, while awesomely huge and accessible, is kinda low to the ground. But I figure if we're going to be anywhere in winter that we expect the ground to be gross and slushy, we can always unsnap it. Problem solved!

Also, I think we've named our little girl! We haven't come close to finding a name we like as much as Madeline, and we've started tentatively using it to see if it fits, and I think it might! Strangely enough the few people we've told haven't come back with any stories about people with the name that they can't stand, and some downright love it. :)) It sounds good with our middle name (Doris, after both our mom's mothers) and our last name! So that's a load off, although we reserve the right to change our minds. :))

We also set up our first registry! We were near the only Buy Buy Baby in the state when I was visiting a friend last weekend, so we decided what the heck. DH has a bunch of family in that area, and we're going to register at Babies R Us too when we can, since it's more convenient for many people. DH got to test drive the Vista too (we had already ordered it!) and luckily, he likes it!

Madeline (!!!) doesn't seem to be much of a rocker and roller in there! She's pretty quiet and not often strong enough to make me really take notice, although she's usually bopping around if I pay attention and she's awake. DH felt her (barely!) for the first time the other night, and his response was typically male.... "Weird!"

I'm trying to learn to crochet, and I'm taking a knitting class with a friend that starts next weekend, so I'm super excited to spend some downtime making things for my little girl!

Oh, and for those of you who asked, the work project went great, at least the planning part. The implementation is taking place this week, and our new system should be up and running by next week!! It wasn't as big of a deal as I made it out to be, I don't think... but maybe I just think that because I did okay and didn't get chewed out for doing anything wrong ;))

Ok, enough for now. I'll be back with a belly pic tomorrow or Saturday!! 22w5d today, I can't even believe it!
Congratulations PT! I'm glad to hear she is doing well despite arriving early to the party. It sounds like you've got a little fighter on your hands!
PT, congrats on the arrival of Ava!!! And I'm so happy that she's breathing on her own and doing so well - she's definitely a fighter like you! Fingers crossed that she continues to grow strong and healthy so you can bring her home!

LC, yikes about the new HVAC units! It's nice that your family has already started buying stuff off your registry - they're excited! Most of my family live in the same city as we do, with the exception of my sister and her husband in New York and my ILs about 4.5 hours away. I also have a cousin who's about 5 weeks ahead of me, so I don't want to jump the gun and have a family shower ahead of her. I don't think my sister is too terribly upset about having to miss my shower, so I'll just play it by ear.

pancake, yay for your ILs gifting you a pram! Glad your nursery stumping went well. I think either re-polishing or installing floating floorboards will be nice. It sounds like you are set clothes-wise, and good luck with the glucose test! My nausea is still here unfortunately, but I'm just dealing with it, since there's nothing else I can do about it.

Freke, sorry about the painful cervix check. I had a dream last night that they were digging around in mine for a good while, and it was painful too.

Katy, I love the name Madeline! You could call her Maddie for short too. Yay for setting up your registry, and for the stroller shipping earlier than expected. Glad your work project turned out to be a smashing success. I don't think many of our friends were too surprised about our announcement, since practically everyone knew we were going to start trying soon.

AFM, nothing much. We had a cold front blow in last night, so it's only about 50 degrees today. We don't handle cold so well down here in Texas, so I feel like I need to dig out my ski jacket already. :lol: I have my boring (I think) 16-week appointment tomorrow, and am taking the rest of the day off from work. I think I might just have to get a relaxing pedicure!

Real quick drive bye update!

Leora Devereux was born on October 31st (yay for my october baby that I wanted) at 6:38am- she was 8lbs 15 oz and 21 inches long. She was 12 days early. Labor was pretty easy, though I will say recovery took way more out of me this time around.

Goodluck to all the other pregnant PSers!!!!!!!!!!!!
