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Dec 28, 2004

so I'm a new member to pricescope because I stumbled accross the site midst a search for my girlfriend's engagement ring. I am not educated fully on diamond buying, much less, online diamond buying. So hopefully, someone can help.

I hope I don't get blasted for asking this, and I must say that I searched the site for it but couldn't find my answer, specifically.

I've searched a number of different online retailers and found a couple of good stones through I saw a thread on here that had some bad things to say about them, so I was wondering if anyone knew, or if anyone could tell me about their own experience with them. I don't even know if they are a reputible company or not. I guess I just need some reassurance on the issue.

I have had a couple of conversations with Ron via telephone and he seems very nice, but when I asked about the BBB, he said they were not registered with them, but would be soon. Is there any other resource that reports the validity of a online diamond retailer? (excuse my ignorance if there is)

Also, how do I know if the stone is real/the cut and clarity claimed by the company/etc.? I guess if I can find out about the company that changes the question. We discussed the return policy, but I guess I am a little leary.

I am buying the stone as a surprise for my girlfriend for valentines day and was hoping to find around a 1.25 carat emerald cut for under $4,000.00. I found a couple (giving up color and cut, mind you). But I just need that extra opinion. And advise is welcome, thanks you guys!



Sep 19, 2004

Welcome to pricescope.

The simple answer is to have the diamond sent to an appriaser before you see it. Ask the appraiser to either verify the characteristics against the Mfr or cert, or just for an independent appraisal and you do the comparing.

There are other services you can ask for as well, and I believe in the FAQ and the tutorial you will find more information.

There is a list of appriasers under Resources above. However, the following appraisers routinely contribute to this forum: RocDoc - Florida, Richard Sherwood - Florida, DenverAppriasier-Colorado, OldTimer-Pensyvainia. These fully understand the typcial issues and questions internet buyers have.

Please discuss with them what services they can provide you up front before they get the diamond (find a post from them, click on their "picture" and send them a PM or an E-mail if you cannot locate their firms directly).

Typical procedure is for the vendor to send the diamond to the appraiser. The appriaser then does their work and discusses the resultes with you. The diamond is either returned to the diamond vendor or sent to you. If you don''t like it after you recieve it - then you send it back to the internet vendor. Be sure that the return window is large enough to allow this process, and get any extension from their standard policy in writing (via e-mail) before ordering (in the case of 10 day return windows).

I wish you well with your purchase. Things probably will go smoothly.

I should mention that you also have several other options should you wish to consider ordering from other sites:

My standard advice to new people is:

1) If you want a great looking diamond with no problems and need it now... Go directly to NiceIce, Good Old Gold, or to the WhiteFlash "A Cut Above" line, or to Supperbcert line and pick out a diamond. All of these are great diamonds. NiceIce and Good Old Gold only list on the internet the best of the best. All of these companies have excellent reputations with interneet sales. You will pay a bit more than the next option, but you are getting a high value for your money.

2) If you have time to hang arround and learn about diamonds, cut qualtity, etc (weeks to months) you can do so and then shop the other vendors to find a great looking diamond - but without some of the reports and services that NiceIce and Good Old Gold includes.

3) You can ask for help on this site - perferably listing your budget and type of diamond (round, princess, etc) and setting style and a half dozen people at least will start looking for you. However, I have seen this process extend into a week or more (even longer than a month) as the person gets presented with options they never knew existed...

Best of luck.



Dec 28, 2004

Thanks so much for your input, it was very helpful. I didn''t even know about appraisers. How much does that typically cost? Also, I assume I pay for the appraiser to ship the diamond to me, or is that included in his price? Or does it depend? I know the appraisers you mentioned can tell me this once I contact them, but I figured I''d ask in case you got a chance to respond to my post again.

I''m in Florida so I plan on contacting one of the ones you mentioned. Also, is there any sort of "typical" specific services they do provide? or would it just be best to ask them? Either way I feel confident about the transaction with one involved. I will also post what I''m looking for on PS and hopefully someone can find me other diamonds to consider before I need to buy the stone. (Feb 14)

Thanks again


Feb 20, 2004
I bought from Whteflash. They sent the stone to an appraiser I chose who is on the Pricescpe list. I saw the stone there. If I did not like the stone or if the appraiser said anything negative, Whiteflash would have arranged to ship the stone back to them. It costs about $100.

I liked the stone so Whiteflash arranged to have the appraiser send it back to them for setting.
After the setting was made, Whiteflash sent me pictures. I approved of the way it looked and wired them the money. I received the ring the next morning by Fedex overnight.

I found it easier to call and speak with someone--in ths case Lesley and I told her what I was looking for. It took a while but she found a great stone for me.

Appraisals vary in cost. Most of the vendors here will provide you with a sarin report and GIA or other certification. It depends on how detailed a report yu want from the appraiser. Some charge by the carat,others by the piece or by the hour. Call or look on their web site for prices. It should be somewhere in the area of $100 or less.

Any of the above mentioned vendors will give you excellent service and value. Good luck.


Nov 11, 2002
I saw this thread and decided to answer some of the question. The reason we are not registered with the better business bureau is beacuse they didnot like the fact that we had written on our home page "at wholesale prices to the public" which is now"at below retail prices" I guess would be more acceptable by them even though they both mean the same to me , since we are working on changing the look of our site ,we figured that we'll wait until the new look will be up and then we'll incorporate logos and become members with the BBB.
As far as knowing what you are getting, We thought about that when we created the site, and came up with this solution, We send the stone to a well known and reputable 3rd. party laboratory,that is not affiliated with us,they check the validity of the stone with the certificate it came with ( if the stone doesnot match the certificate it came with, they would not under no circumstance send it to the consumer,as they will not ruein their reputation),then they send to the consumer ,the stone,the original cert. ,and a passport size document thats called gem audit that states that the stone has passed the examination , then the 3rd party laboratory sends the stone directly on our behalf to the consumer in an insured overnight package.(We offer this service out for free to consumers who are purchasing over $10,000 , under 10k there is only a charge of $100.00)Thus protecting the consumer and ourselves. Many of our satisfied clients were very happy with this service and had mentioned that gem audit and our prices (and of course our friendly and knowledgable staff) are the reasons they liked buying from us.
Hope this answers some of the questions
I dont often frequent these forums ,and somtimes don't answer all the questions, my appologies.
when in doubt feel free to call or email and we'lll explain

best regards


Sep 19, 2004

Any problem with the customer choosing that independent 3rd party - as long as you agree that they are reputable?

As much as most people are above board, there is always a question if the dealer selects the independent appraiser.

I do like the idea that you are willing to pay for such a service on large purchases.

Also, note that sometimes the customer wants a bit more information than perhaps what you have arranged.



Dec 28, 2004
Diamonds man:

Just some there a charge for getting the stone appraised under 10 grand?


"As far as knowing what you are getting, We thought about that when we created the site, and came up with this solution, We send the stone to a well known and reputable 3rd. party laboratory,that is not affiliated with us,they check the validity of the stone with the certificate it came with ( if the stone doesnot match the certificate it came with, they would not under no circumstance send it to the consumer,as they will not ruein their reputation),then they send to the consumer ,the stone,the original cert. ,and a passport size document thats called gem audit that states that the stone has passed the examination , then the 3rd party laboratory sends the stone directly on our behalf to the consumer in an insured overnight package.(We offer this service out for free to consumers who are purchasing over $10,000 , under 10k there is only a charge of $100.00)"

and then, from your website:

In order to verify and authenticate the validity of the item(s) you have purchased, will ship all diamonds and jewelry over $10,000.00 Dollars to the International Gemological Institute located in New York City, N.Y. After verification and a multi-tiered quality inspection byGem Audit Services by I.G.I you will receive the item(s) via. FedEx Insured Overnight delivery,with a passport sized document from the Gem Audit Services by I.G.I authenticating that the diamond(s) or jewelry are free of any damage and match the description of your purchase. These services are free of charge as long as the sale is finalized.
1. All shipments will be delivered to a street address only, no shipments will be delivered to a P.O. Box. For any other arrangements please contact customer service department for price quotes at (800) 886-1515.
2. Diamonds & Jewelry less than $10,000.00 Dollars will be shipped from BuyDiamondDirect to the customers billing address, via. FedEx Insured Overnight delivery.
3. Shipping & Handling charges of $50.00 will apply on purchases of less than $10,000.00 and will be shown on Invoice, This charge will not be credited if items are purchased or returned



Jul 21, 2004


Thanks for coming onto the forum and clarifying your policies. One of the original questions was if the customer is able to select an appraiser of their own who they feel may better suit their needs than IGI. In reading your site and your posts, I think the answer is clearly yes. They have 10 days from the original purchase to consider the stone using any consultants they wish and they can return the stone for a 100% refund for any reason if it’s within that time. Correct?

Does the 10 day return window include shipping time either direction? As you know, for customers who are far from you, Hawaii for example, your preferred shipping method of USPS can sometimes be a little slow and 10 days can be consumed quite easily.

Neil Beaty
Independent Appraisals in Denver


Mar 3, 2004
Date: 1/24/2005 9:10:41 AM
Author: diamondsman
Being that we are the lowest (or one of the lowest) priced on the internet .....
This is a rather bold unsubstantiated statement and I think unnecessary to clarify your policies. It could also be considered self promotion.


Nov 25, 2002
Hi, Seth:

Only you can decide what your comfortable with, but a few things to consider.

*You* should pick your appraiser....that really is the only way to insure impartiality. There are several really good ones listed through PS (such as Rich Sherwood, Dave Atlas, Marty Haske, etc. depending on where you are located). They have stellar reputations.

In my opinion, having it independently appraised is much more meaningful than submitting it to another lab. Consistency of some labs can vary greatly. I personally don''t have a great deal of faith in IGI......they don''t enjoy the stringent reputation that AGS and GIA do. Before I learned much about diamonds, I bought a pair of diamond earrings from Zales that were IGI graded. I have since learned they are *not* F/G stones (which is what the IGI paper said); they are closer to I, and the clarity was overstated as well.

If economy is important, you may do well to consider an EGL USA graded stone....but again, have an *independent* appraiser verify the grading for you.

There are several vendors here who will allow the stone to be sent to a qualified appraiser *prior* to purchasing the stone.....might be something to consider if that is important to you.

Good luck, whatever you decide.

Lord Summerisle

Dec 14, 2004

Just thought I would add… if you are concerned about the possibility of a link between the 3rd party appraiser and the seller… (I’m sure there is none, but for your own piece of mind if your worried) I believe a chap called Richard Stone, who posts on these forums works in Florida, he is also a independent appraiser, and like many offers the option of you visiting his lab, (I think if I remember from his website) a couple of other locations, that way he can show you the stone while he is appraising it.

I’m sure that if it isn’t practical to get to his lab, then there are other Appraisers around your area that would offer you a similar service, my own enquires have yielded fairly similar fee quotes… similar to the $100 mentioned by Diamondsman.

My own purchase is currently with the appraiser I choose, after it was shipped from the seller last week.


Hope this helps.



Nov 11, 2002
"In my opinion, having it independently appraised is much more meaningful than submitting it to another lab. Consistency of some labs can vary greatly. I personally don't have a great deal of faith in IGI......they don't enjoy the stringent reputation that AGS and GIA do. Before I learned much about diamonds, I bought a pair of diamond earrings from Zales that were IGI graded. I have since learned they are *not* F/G stones (which is what the IGI paper said); they are closer to I, and the clarity was overstated as well. "

We are not giving the stone to I.G.I for Recertification, We are merely having them check to see that the stone matches the certificate it came with! dimentions,table ,depth etc....
there is no reason for them to recertify a g.i.a or an e.g.l certified stones, We are doing it to make sure that it is the stone that the consumer has ordered.Then they ship it to him directly on our behalf with a document that's called Gem Audit along with the original cert. that it came with.

Thank You denver appriaser,you are right the consumer has 10 days to change their mind and take it to their own appraiser, and for whatever reason they are not happy we'll refund their money back.


Dec 9, 2004

I bought a very beautiful diamond from Buydiamonddirect a few months ago for my husband. I had a very happy experience with them . Ron was very helpful, and I felt very comfortable. I am currently working with Ron and Danny in buying another diamond around $21,000 to $25,000. Their price is the best.
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