
Britney Spears is so sad

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Mar 16, 2005
I know she has brought a lot of things on herself with her behavior, but I really feel badly for the girl. Apparently last night she had a police standoff at her house because she refused to give her children back and was then taken into the hospital for mental evaluation. I just think the media needs to stop bashing her the way they do before she takes her own life. Hopefully she will get the help she needs. Just goes to show fame and money don''t equal happiness.


Nov 2, 2004
I read that this morning. I too am afraid that she might end up commiting suicide...she seems to be spiralling downward into that direction. I really hope that this is rock bottom and she realizes she needs help.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I just saw this on the news. It is VERY sad indeed.


Dec 9, 2007
she''s definitely mental . . . . no normal person would do 99% of the stunts she''s pulled.
She parades in front of teh paps, goes shopping on teh most famously paparazzi filled streets in LA, deliberatly snubs her nose at the courts, judges and law. . . her children need to be taken away ASAP before something terrible happens to them.
She''s unfit IMO and needs to be closely watched for a few months and evaluated.
I have 3 little ones and I can''t even begin to fathom how she justifies her behavior.


Nov 18, 2004
Very sad, praying that she gets the help that she so deperately needs.


Feb 25, 2006
I have yet to see the latest news, but I have been feeling sorry for her for some time now.I wonder if people who don''t even know her notice that tragedy could happen ,where are the people who know her well? Hopefully someone can step in and help her out to recognize the problem and deal with it.She has talent the there is great hope for her if only she gets much needed help.I wish her the very best from the bottom of my heart.


Dec 6, 2007
Yeah my heart goes out to her. She is really having a tough time getting herself together and it looks like it won''t ever get easier for her... Unless SHE wants it...
I read on that a very well known psychic actually predicted that she will commit suicide in 2008... And with all this it looks like it my be true.


Oct 6, 2004
When I went to this morning, that''s all I saw - news about Britney. It is really sad and I hope that she gets the help she needs.


Aug 17, 2007
I agree. She does seem like a lost soul these days but honestly, what solid role model does the poor girl have to turn to? I think about how many times in any given 6 month period I call my mother or a very good friend for advice just to make it through the trials and tribulations I have (which are undoubtedly small when compared to Brit''s) and it''s very easy for me to see why she has gone off the deep end.

Let''s just hope the media backs off a bit and she''s able to get her life together if not for her sake than at least for the sake of all the pre-teen and teen girls she has influenced over the years.


Mar 2, 2004
I just wish the media would LEAVE IT ALONE! Especially the news - I don''t really want to be slammed with stories of her day after day while I''m just trying to watch my morning weather and trafffic. It''s not NEWS in the very least.

I think she''s seriously depressed, probably bipolar or paranoid schizophrenic, but she needs the media to lay off of her, and really needs to get help.


Jun 17, 2005
She clearly needs help. This group of young music stars and actresses (Lohan and Spears come to mind) really seem so off kilter. It is dangerous and sad that she is not getting what she needs. Her mother should be ashamed of herself, but it is so axiomatic to me. Parents who view their kids as cash cows are NOT going to be proper parents for the most part, their motivation is totally skewed and based on self interest and the wallet versus what is best for the child. But Britney clearly is mentally ill, and needs support out of the media spotlight.


Jul 8, 2006
I don''t know the girl, but my heart breaks for her and her children.

Get well soon.


Jun 27, 2007
Yeah, the article I read said she was apparently under the influence of an "unknown substance". The hospital where she was taken declined to name the substance. I think much of the behaviour she is showing is influenced by drugs. She is just not acting normally. Maybe she got hooked on something during the wild partying/drinking sessions she had after her divorce.

I wonder if she is inwardly sad about the life choices she has made that hurt her career (marrying Kevin Federline at the height of her career, having two babies in quick succession, getting divorced), and is depressed? Maybe she is self-medicating with the drugs and alcohol?


Dec 9, 2007
I think she HAS to be depressed.
She definitely has an addictive personality. . . she needs LONG term care and fast!


Jul 17, 2007
Date: 1/4/2008 1:41:30 PM
Author: LaurenThePartier
I just wish the media would LEAVE IT ALONE! Especially the news - I don''t really want to be slammed with stories of her day after day while I''m just trying to watch my morning weather and trafffic. It''s not NEWS in the very least.

I think she''s seriously depressed, probably bipolar or paranoid schizophrenic, but she needs the media to lay off of her, and really needs to get help.

i TOTALLY agree that the media should leave her alone....but why would they when people all across america buy the sh*t magazines and watch the ridiculous tv shows that highlight celebrities? the media isn''t going to do the responsible thing on their own. people in general need to reign in their sick fascination with her (and celebrities in general) and stop buying into all that star lifestyle bs. when they stop making money off her, that''s when they''ll stop.

i don''t think that any of us are qualified to diagnose her, especially just based on media reports. and it''s probably that sort of speculation that employs the people that pester her. (i''m not pointing fingers at anyone i just wanted to point that out!!


Mar 2, 2007
I am really sad about her situation but come on, when is she going to take responsibility for herself and more importantly her children. How many chances is she going to get? We can''t blame the paparazzi for everything. She perpetuates the cycle and unless she is willing to change her life for the sake of her children, things will continue to spiral out of control. The world is a big place and she has the money to go and live anywhere, in secrecy with all the help she needs but she has chosen to live in the epicentre of hollyweird with all the trappings.

If she was to committ suicide that would be a travesty but no-body would be suprised. But where are the people who love her, why aren''t they taking responsibility for her? If she can''t get her butt out of bed in the morning to go to the courthouse for 9.30am to ensure she keeps her kids, something is seriously wrong.

I hope she sorts herself out and soon.


May 15, 2005
I wish she could get it together and step out one day in a new look (ala Christina). She needs therapy, and new stylist, and a strong family support. Poor girl


Dec 30, 2006
She desperately needs help. I think its atrocious that someone has ''predicted'' that this young woman will commit suicide in 2008. I can''t imagine how she must have felt reading that, especially in her depressed state.

Depression is a dreadful illness. Anyone who has suffered with it will know just how terrifying and dangerous it can be. I sincerely hope she gets the help she needs now.


Nov 2, 2007
When I read that this morning, I was thinking the same thing - I just feel so bad for her. I never in a million years thought she would end up like this.

SDL, you are so right, life isn''t about how much money you have. And this is a prime example of a person with a lot of money, but very little true happiness. I honestly don''t think that Kevin is using the kids. From what I''ve read, he seems like he''s truly trying to be a good parent and I think his ex girlfriend even stated that he was a good dad.

Who knows, but maybe they''ll make her get some real treatment. Not a stay at one of those fancy rehabs.


Sep 21, 2006
i agree with most of the above posts, but there is another side to the belief that the media is 100% to blame for hounding certain celebs and creating a magazine frenzy.

alot of these celebs (seem to be the young girls mostly) are extremely needy and SEEK out the attention. Paparazzi typically haunt the same areas in LA, and well if you want your photo taken, that''s where you go. The Ivy, Robertson Blvd, certain nightclubs, Vegas,etc.etc. If you don''t want your photo taken, uhhh, just avoid those heavily photographed hot spots! That would be a good start. Britney takes it even a step further...often calling the paparazzi to tip off where she is, going to the same spots every day over and over (Starbucks, gas station bathrooms) and seems to have become addicted/emotionally attached to the paparzzi who folllow her. Meaning if they''re not there with bulbs flashing, she feels ignored and alone! it''s definitely screwed up and surely her family situation (parents, sister) are the root a lot of her neurosis (along with record lables who pimped her out at 15 in short short skirts and pigtails), BUT it''s not quite a case of her being hounded while trying to live a quiet, private life. Alot of this stuff she has brought on herself and is a result of her need for constant attention. There are other people in this world who are more deserving of our sympathy..sorry to sound harsh.


Jul 15, 2006
having a brother who has had drug issues since he was a teen-ager, i also believe that britney has some severe issues like this. the addicted person must want and seek help of their own volition, or it will ultimately not work. but for me, as a mom of five, her children''s well-being are the most important to my heart. i don''t know k-fed, lynn spears-i bet these people love those little boys dearly. but when someone is addicted, it is very hard/sometimes impossible to make them concede to you. and of course, britney has many "yes" people surrounding her, who certainly are paid to do so. it''s funny, though, how the media makes us feel as if we know these people and frankly, we only know what we see through the media or are told. i hope she gets the help she desperately needs, but she has to want it. my personal thought watching my own mother for years try to "save" my brother from himself, is that i bet her mom is desperate to have britney get help, but britney probably is not complying. somewhere down the line, people must be accountable for their own behavior and actions. we just happen to be watching all of this in a public forum.
i also still feel that a shame on you is in order to all of these young celebs who can and do have a tremendous effect as role models on our young people. when are they going to turn their celebrity and income into good for others?


May 14, 2006
I feel really bad for her but I don''t know how anyone is going to get through to her as she is surrounded by "yes" people all the time who are never going to try and show her the right way. I hope that she gets help.


Dec 29, 2006
On some level, I do feel bad for her but she got herself into this. Her parents probably haven''t been much help but she IS an adult now, with two children to take care of. There''s so much of this all over the news and who knows how much is really true. The only thing I know is that clearly she needs help and she needs to surround herself with others who will be a positive influence.


Aug 12, 2005
I think she''s going right down the Anna Nicole path...there''s another one who didn''t have much of a chance in life from the beginning, didn''t have strong role models, and didn''t have people around her who had her best interests in mind. I do feel bad for Britney and of course her''s a thought: maybe Angelina Jolie could adopt her and get her on the right path. After all, Angie has certainly turned herself around in the past few years.


Jul 5, 2007
I hate to report this as a source, but E! did a really good THS about her. Basically, they said that she was never able to develop a sense of self in her teens and then everyone who was positive for her has left her. She has the social development of a 12 year old but the responsibility of a 30 year old. Add in a ton of money...seriously, I don''t think it would take that much to get her back on track, why doesn''t SOMEONE step in?

Poor girl.

From a sociological standpoint though, I think it''s really interesting how the media responds to her lack of parenting/not showing in court. I kindof think that she doesn''t want the kids and that''s why she does the crazy stuff/misses court. We wouldn''t be surprised if the father relinquished custody, but for a mother to do it is still very taboo.


Jun 27, 2007
I think it is so very, very sad what she is going through; it''s really heartbreaking. I''m sure there''s no one reason it has come to this. I really hope this 72 hour hold will address her mental issues... I had worked in short term psych. and it was so discouraging to see the system be manipulated into uselessness; I hope this isn''t the case and she gets the help she needs. My prayers are with her and all those involved in this mess.


Jan 4, 2006
This is so tragic, along with the pregnancy of her sister. Apparently her mother is already putting a (3?) million dollar offer for photos of the yet to be born baby. It''s going to take a miracle to fix this situation. The two little boys are in their most formative years, and look what they''re learning about life.

Lift them all up in prayer . . .


Jun 17, 2005
the mother should be ashamed cashing in on her children like that.

also, I do not blame Britney too much. She was a huge star as a youngster, was looked at as a meal ticket, and not parented properly. I am sure, if this is deep seating mental stuff, signs WERE there before, but helping her then would have meant putting her first and not her career. This would then mean the money would stop at least temporarily. I am sure the fear was if she slowed down or was out of the spotlight for any length of time, it could end her career and therefore her earning potential. The family members of kid stars become surprisingly accustomed to all of the money coming in and are loathe to give it up. Their judgment is totally clouded by the money, and the child grows up but is not totally supported emotionally or given the proper tools to mature into functional adults. I am sure most of her career she has been surrounded by people yessing her and giving her whatever she wants whenever, it is like a prolonged adolescence. She really cannot be faulted for not knowing how to fix this or compensate for this, and now it is coming home to roost. The mother is paying a dear price for not having been a proper parent, both the girls are on a bad path. It is sad. If she were not Britney Spears and anything like this was happening, I would think, since career would not be at stake, someone would step in and help her, via therapy and rehab etc. However, we have been watching her spiral into craziness and it is like a freak show to me.


Jun 1, 2004
Date: 1/4/2008 10:39:56 AM
Author: ringabling
she''s definitely mental . . . . no normal person would do 99% of the stunts she''s pulled.
She parades in front of teh paps, goes shopping on teh most famously paparazzi filled streets in LA, deliberatly snubs her nose at the courts, judges and law. . . her children need to be taken away ASAP before something terrible happens to them.
She''s unfit IMO and needs to be closely watched for a few months and evaluated.
I have 3 little ones and I can''t even begin to fathom how she justifies her behavior.
Brit has had two children at a young age and from what it seems, has had little or no help (prior to her separation) from K-Fed. Is it reallly surprising that she has ended up like this? Even those with the most loving support and assistance suffer from post natal and further deteriorate. I''m not saying this is what she is suffering from but this could be a possibility. Imagine being a young mother and everything you do is photographed - she nearly once dropped her child and so the papers report on what a pathetic mother she is - how she is a danger to her children. For goodness sake, how many of us have accidentally dropped their children or something else. How does this make a vulnerable young mother feel? It eats away at her, destroys her mentally, make her do more stupid things, reporters slam her again, and so on.

So how does she justify her behaviour? Because it appears she is suffering some sort of breakdown. One in five of us will suffer from a mental illness at some stage in our lives. It''s not easy to accept help, it''s not easy to break out of this cycle.

Hopefully, there will be light at the end of this dark dark tunnel that Brit is in and my heart goes out to her and her boys and to anyone one elase there is is suffering from mental illness and their loved ones. No one deserevs the pain she is going through right now.


May 24, 2005
I do feel for her. It seems like everyone from her parents to the papparazzi to even Dr. Phil are trying to cash in on her. Who can she trust? Not even the hospital. If any one of us did what she did we would have spent the maximum amount of time in the hospital for observation, but because she's so famous and has so much money, and she wasn't on any street drugs, she throws a tantrum and they let her go. I think Diamondfan is absolutely right on target -- she's probably had problems for a LONG time and as long as she was making everyone money, no one wanted to jeopardize that by getting her help. Poor girl. And poor babies.

ETA: I'm appalled that her family called Dr. Phil and tried to put her on his show!!!! OMG, who DOES THAT??? She needs a real doctor and she needs privacy. If her parents REALLY loved her, they would not put her up for more public scrutiny. Dr. Phil is such a creep.
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