
Breast Cancer Scare

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Dec 30, 2007
They found a spot on my mammogram. Went back and had a compression mammogram and an ultrasound. They still see the spot so now I have to get a biopsy done. I have an appointment on Aug. 5 with a surgeon. I''m a teacher and around Aug. 5 is when things are getting started. I know my health has to come first it just stinks though. I''ve been married for 4 weeks and my husband is worried sick. Anyway I was just wondering if anyone has gone through a breast biopsy. I had the choice of doing it awake or being put under. If anyone has done this and has a suggestion as to which proceduere you recommend and you don''t mind sharing I''d really appreciate it.


Jun 28, 2006
Hi Laurie, I haven''t been through it, but my mom has. It was a while ago (almost 10 years), but if I remember correctly, she was awake for it and she passed out. I don''t think it was from pain or anything, but from seeing the needle and/or being unable to eat for a while beforehand.

Personally, I''d prefer to be put under for anything like that, but I''m a really big baby when it comes to stuff like that.

I''m so sorry that you have to go through this! I hope your biopsy goes well. I''ll keep you in my thoughts.


Apr 19, 2004

Sorry for your worry--I've lived this experience countless times for heavily fibrocystic breasts. I've had 5 biopsies/cyst removals and about the same number of cyst aspirations in a 15 year period--all done under local. The freezing of the area can be painful but it is very short lived. I never felt any pain during the procedure--just the pressure of the insturment on my breast as they take the samples. There is a little "punching" sound when the biopsy is taken.

Discomfort post biopsy is minimal--and depending on the localtion of the lump. Closer to the nerves/tail is more uncomfortable--but plain tylenol did the trick for me. I never had any problems from a biopsy/cyst aspiration or removal.

Keep well. Of course you know that posessing/finding a lump does not necessarily mean it is a dangerous one--but it is necessary to have it assessed. Let us know what happens.

kind regards--Sharon

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
I don''t have any experience with this, but just wanted to wish you well. Sorry that you are going through this stress, and the unfortunate timing.
Here''s to hoping it is nothing to worry about!


Jul 14, 2006
I have been in your shoes and it is very scary, so I am sorry that you are facing this. I could feel a little bump in my breast and it was there for years, literally. They never took notice of it, despite mammos and ultrasounds each year. Then I mentioned it last time I was in and they decided to do a bioposy. Unpleasant. Core needle. My boob was black and blue like you would not believe.

However, it was benign. There was a very long name for what it was but all that I care is that it was not cancer. I have fibrocystic breasts, always feel stuff, my mom had breast cancer - it''s very scary. However, the biposy doesn''t hurt much, and worst case, if it is cancer, you''ll cure it because you are finding it now. Be glad you are getting good care and finding these things early on.

Waiting for the results is hard and it''s a weird time. Listen to your intuition and feelings, it''s a bad time but also you will have some interesting insights - your mind will producing interesting thoughts that might be helpful to you. Be ready for them.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
My mom gets these all the time and they always turn out to be cysts. Just like Canuk Gal, she just has very bumpy bb's! I know it's scary, but try not to panic yet. Likely it's nothing, and then you'll have wasted all this energy being sad and scared. So if you possibly can, talk yourself into thinking 'It is probably nothing, and IF it turns out to be something at that point, and only at that point, will I worry." Otherwise, we could all spend our whole lives worrying about things that never happen! And since they are catching it so early, as the previous poster said, your chances are excellent anyway, so even the worst case scenario is not soooo bad.

Mind you, with my mom if it wasn't for her bumpy bbs, they would never have found the actual cancerous tumor in her thymus gland just by chance while they were checking out yet another bb-lump! So she feels lucky. As lucky as you can feel with stage 4 thymus cancer, anyway.


Dec 30, 2007
Thanks for all the kind words. You have all made me feel so much better. The breast in question has lots of fibro cysts. Then the doctor that did the ultrasound said there are some calcification looking spots. Sounds like my breast should be too full for there to even be room for cancer.

I''m not going to stress. You all are such nice people. Thanks again


Dec 8, 2005
One of my good friends just went through something similar.

Lots of fibrous cysts...but she started having some pain. They did a mammogram and found a cyst that they found to be worrisome. She had it biopsied and, long story short, everything was fine.

But she lost a lot of night''s sleep over it. So I understand the worry.

I just called and spoke with her about the biopsy. She was awake for hers, and described it as kind of disturbing. She could feel what they were doing and was pretty unnerved. It wasn''t painful, but her recommendation was that if you are squeamish, have them put you under.

If she has to have another, she said she''d go under for it.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Another strategy, if you just can''t keep yourself from worrying, is to fully visualize the worst case scenario, and become OK with that (to the extent you can!). It can be a tough route, but if you can handle it, then feeling like "I will be OK, even if it is cancer" means you can relax that way. Sounds weird! But it works really well for me sometimes. Of course, if you really can''t handle the worst case scenario, then obviously this is not a good method for helping you relax.
We''ll be rooting for you! Please let us know what happens.


Feb 18, 2006
My mom had a biopsy last summer. She was awake. While it was not something she wanted to do ever again, it wasn''t terrible. She has a bum shoulder and for her the worst part was getting positioned so that they could do the xray and biopsy. Her spot was very close to her ribcage.

Sending good thoughts your way! I know how much stress this puts you and your family under.


Nov 3, 2007
I had a core needle ultrasound guided biopsy done almost five years ago. It wasn''t bad at all. The only discomfort was the numbing shot and the pinch when they took the samples (four I think).


Apr 5, 2007
A core biopsy and a full removal and biopsy are two very different things. I''ve had both done. The former stings and you can easily be awake. The latter, I was put under for and I''d recommend doing anesthesia just in case they get in there and have more to remove than they''re anticipating. It''s better for you and for the surgeon. If you''re under they dont need to freak you out by removing more, you know what I mean? I''m around your age and I have fibroids too. I''m not sure if you''ve ever had kids or not, I''ve not, but women who dont have children tend to have more fibroids. One doc once told me that when you get pregnant it sort of cleans out your breast tissue with all the changes and breastfeeding, etc. If you never go through that, well...Not sure how true it is but it makes sense to me. Anyway, it''s never an easy situation to go through but more often than not, it''s benign. Mine was. It was the size of a quarter when they removed it but I''m glad I was under for it.

I think it was a bit sore and recovering from anesthesia is always a bit tough so plan on taking the week off and taking it easy.

Also, I had a needle biopsy done by the first doc I saw - an older man - who was like "dont worry your pretty little head" sort of mentality. He did a needle biopsy to see if it was a cyst or not. It wasn''t a cyst. I ended up not liking his style so I went for a second opinion and I''m so thankful I did! I ended up seeing the best breast surgeon in SoCal - she''s amazing and all she does now is breast surgery so I felt like she knows her stuff. She''s also a woman and that made a huge difference as she knows what this would be like to have happen to her. Lastly, she took a long time to explain why she didn''t want to do a core biopsy and wanted to do a full removal and then biopsy, and the reason was because she didn''t want to risk the needle hitting an area of the lump that might not yet have cancerous cells, thus giving us a false negative on the biopsy. With a full removal of the lump and being able to biopsy all areas of it, she''d know for sure it was 100% clean or not. Makes sense to me. Anyway, I share that with you just as reference info. Just do nice things for you and your new husband until you know what''s what.


Dec 30, 2007

Thanks for sharing your experience. Honestly I don''t even know what kind of biopsy they will do. The hospital just called after the ultrasound and compared the lastest mammogram to the ones for the previous two years. I felt kind of like a baby because they said I could just go to radiology at the hospital and probably get it done quicker but would be awake. So I took the cowards way out and have an appointment with a surgeon on Aug. 5. What''s weird is I have two children, aged 18 and 20 and my fibroids really came out in my 40''s go figure.

Anyway thanks so much for the support, I appreciate it.


Jul 22, 2007
I''m sorry you''re going through this.

Very recently, my two closest friends each had similar issues. They both have fibrous breasts to begin with. One was diagnosed simply as an unusual fibrous cyst, the other was an infected milk duct (several years after her last child). Each of them have said they experienced a lot of bruising, but not severe pain during the procedure, and both were given the diagnosis within the day.

Good Luck!


Dec 30, 2007
Thanks Shiny for your supportive words.


Jan 6, 2005
No experience, but I''m so sorry to hear that you are going through this, especially so newly married. Wishing you the best possible results from the biopsy, and that the procedure itself isn''t too traumatic.


Apr 5, 2007
Laurie, I think you really need to a clearer understanding of exactly what procedure they''re wanting to do and why. The more educated YOU are, the better you''ll be able to handle the situation, you know? Are you comfortable with your doc? You can always get a second opinion have options...but you really need to understand what and why, so you can ask informed questions, both from the doctors as well as the technicians.


Oct 18, 2005
I''m sorry you''re going through this! I really hope it isn''t a cancer. My mom just finished her chemo treatments for breast cancer on Friday. She''s doing great, but it''s still not something I would wish on anyone and their family! Prayers outgoing.


Apr 22, 2007
Hi Laurie

Everyone has given wonderful advice about how treatable breast cancer is nowadays, and how you are absolutely doing the right thing getting it checked out. Some of my friends don''t even self examine because they are afraid of finding something.

I found a slightly painful lump about three months ago and went straight to my doctor. Doctor sent me for an ultrasound and gave me a referral to a surgeon. She didn''t think there was anything to worry about because I''m so young (I''m 28) but at that time there was a huge scandal going on here about breast cancer mis-diagnoses and everyone is now being super-douper careful. The doctor who did the ultrasound gave me the all-clear. I didn''t have a mammogram as they don''t do them here on women under 50.

I saw the surgeon a week later and he did a fine needle aspiration (FNA). Seriously, I hardly felt a thing. There was the mildest scratch as the needle went in but it''s much less than even with a blood sample. It felt a bit like when you nick yourself with your fingernail. The device makes a strange whooshing sound but it''s not uncomfortable. There was no aftercare involved, just a teeny plaster I could take off that night. No bleeding or swelling at all. Unfortunately the results from that test came back suspicous and I had to go in for a core biopsy.

I read up about the procedure for the core biopsy and all the journals and medical sites I read said it would involve ''minimal discomfort''. Sadly, for me, it wasn''t very pleasant. Afterward, I spoke to a friend who works in radiography, and she said that where she works they always wait after administering the local anaesthetic, to let it take effect (they wait half an hour). With me, my surgeon dived right in, literally seconds after the local. He also took twice the number of samples they usually take in her hospital, and naturally it got more painful towards the last few. I had a very bulky bandage for three days afterward (they told me not to change it), and a lot of swelling. A month post-biopsy I still had rather a lot of pain so I rang the surgeon back and he told me to allow six months for it to fully heal. If I still have pain at that point, he''ll want me to come back in. I''m at three months now and I still have some pain, although it''s lessening.

I don''t know if the ladies on this board who experienced minimal discomfort with a biopsy had a wait between the local and the actual biopsy, or if maybe I''m just a bit of a wimp!!! A family member who had a biopsy years ago told me she found it distressing, but then, her lump was right behind her nipple. Mine is up high, close to my underarm. Some things my surgeon did that helped were that he explained everything very clearly ahead of time, and he clicked the biopsy gun a couple times to let me hear the sound ahead of time so it wouldn''t frighten me (it''s surprisingly loud!). He also told me ahead of time how many samples he was going to take and he counted down as he went. Those results came back with a diagnosis of fibroadenoma and my doctor will monitor it going forward. If the pain continues they''ll probably just remove the lump, to relieve the discomfort. I''ll cross that bridge if/when I come to it.

This was a very long winded post but I thought I ought to write it as I felt a bit blindided when the procedure was painful, as everything I''d read had said it wouldn''t be. I think that added to the shock and caused me even more distress than if I''d been mentally prepared.

OK, the short version is, if you''re going for the local anaesthetic, I''d say that I think it''s important to make sure the local has fully ''taken'' before the surgeon does anything more. The administration of the local isn''t anything to worry about, it feels just like the local a dentist would give you. If you are a nervous person, I might consider the full anaesthetic.

Also I wanted to say that I''m so sorry to hear your husband is worrying, and that my FI was in bits worrying about me too. He bottled it all in until I got the all clear and then he just fell apart. I think men just lose it when they feel they can''t protect their loved ones. I''ve no advice really other than to lean on him and let him be helpful, and be there for him too if he needs you. It won''t help matters if you bottle everything up as well, trying to spare his feelings.

Good luck and take care, I''ll be saying prayers that everything turns out for the best!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Laurie: I just read your post and I wanted you to know that I am thinking about you. I just know everything will be ok. Please let us know how your biopsy goes.

Sending you a big hug.



Nov 3, 2007
Delster, my core biopsy was done with local administered just prior to the biopsy-no waiting at all. It was done by a radiologist. I'm a real wimp when it comes to medical procedures but the only pain involved was a stinging pain when the tissue was taken. It was very tolerable. You might not have been administered enough anesthetic.


Apr 22, 2007
Heidi I'm so glad to hear your experience was better than mine! Maybe you're right and I didn't get enough anaesthetic. He numbed the surface area and then gave maybe ten or so jabs up along the biopsy route and around the lump itself. When he made the wee incision for the biopsy needle I didn't feel a thing so the surface was numbed for sure. And as I said before, that part was all fine, no pain whatsoever. I found the pinch of the sample being taken to be unpleasant but I was able to bear it. It was actually the insertion of the biopsy needle that went beyond my comfort zone and I won't go into more detail on that unless Laurie wants to know.

ETA - I had a question at the end here but I'll leave it out as I don't want to threadjack! Laurie, still thinking of you and sending healing vibes and prayers. You will be just fine. Take care.


Dec 30, 2007
Thank you again everyone for your words of encouragement. I got a good distraction from this today. I was walking into a workshop and I tripped on the sidewalk and fell. Ended up with 7 stitches on my head right in my eyebrow. Nice idiversion. I am and always will be a clutz.


Feb 18, 2006
Date: 7/29/2008 9:48:54 PM
Author: Laurie2
Thank you again everyone for your words of encouragement. I got a good distraction from this today. I was walking into a workshop and I tripped on the sidewalk and fell. Ended up with 7 stitches on my head right in my eyebrow. Nice idiversion. I am and always will be a clutz.
Oh no! Are you ok? Falls can really hurt!


Jan 8, 2007
Hi. I too am sorry you are going through this and I will say a prayer that everything turns out to be ok.
Last year I had severe pain in my left breast and kept thinking "I''m 24 this can''t be anything" but I was a nervous wreck and made an appointment to see my gyno the same day. She felt a small lump and sent me for a sonogram. As soon as I left the office I was balling and telling my mom what I wanted her to dress me in for my funeral. I couldn''t get an appointment with any breast center for WEEKS, that just wouldnt due...I couldn''t go weeks w/o knowing what was up. Luckily someone called me back with a cancellation for the NEXT morning at 7am, had to be there by 6:30- NO PROBLEM. Being there and seeing the other women there going through what I was going through and much more extensive procedures (or already had) was very difficult and sad, I started to cry in the changing room. I waited DAYS for my doctor to call, turns out she called me the SAME DAY I had the ultrasound, but I was expecting her to call my cell phone and she called my home line and I never check the messages. It turns out it''s a cyst and they aren''t concerned about it and she said it could get larger over time and become even more bothersome (the pain has not returned for almost 1 year, recently I have had slight discomfort and start to worry all over again), she said if it does get larger they would have to drain it or remove it.
My aunt has also gone through this several times- more invasive procedures, but turns out to just be calcifications, but she got a lot of different answers from doctors and radiologists. My mom too has gone through these "misreadings" or different "opinions" from cardiologists so I just want to put this out there- make sure you trust your doctors and who they send you to and make sure they have good reputations. You have to feel comfortable and feel like you are in good hands.
Anyway, sorry to babble, but don''t worry, it''s probably nothing! And to make yourself feel better, why don''t you try to get an appointment sooner the August 5th? You know, if they were really concerned, they would make sure you had it done immediately.


Apr 22, 2007
Laurie, I hope everything went well for you yesterday, I was thinking of you


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 7/29/2008 9:48:54 PM
Author: Laurie2
Thank you again everyone for your words of encouragement. I got a good distraction from this today. I was walking into a workshop and I tripped on the sidewalk and fell. Ended up with 7 stitches on my head right in my eyebrow. Nice idiversion. I am and always will be a clutz.


Hope your other appointment went well. Let us know.



May 9, 2006
Thinking of you today.


Dec 30, 2007
I had the biopsy today, and I''m glad to have that done. I will get the result on Wed. It was a mammatone biopsy. The doc said that if it is cancer we''ve caught it very early. So only 2 more days to wait. Thanks for all the well wishes.


Jun 17, 2005
hope it is all good news for you! sending dust your way...
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