
Book of the Month Clubs


Jun 8, 2008
Hi, does anyone here belong to a BOTM club or ever joined one in the past?

I want to get excited about reading again and this option looks interesting.
Just wondering if anyone here ever joined a book of the month club and how did it work out for you?

Here's the one I am considering.



Jun 8, 2008
I prefer hard copies vs reading on a device like the Kindle though I agree it is much easier carrying one kindle or other reading device around than carrying a few books around.

Anyone else prefer reading hard copies to reading a kindle?


Nov 2, 2012
A BOTM club looks interesting. On the one hand, you can always get any book you want at any time through Amazon and maybe a lower price with a paperback. On the other hand, with a book of the month club, that actually gets done. Books are a nice pastime that it's easy to not get around to on your own. Especially nice for a pandemic.

Like many of us elders, I do prefer a physical book. But I'm trying to get over it and starting to get over it. That's because I can get an e-book in seconds and it cuts down on book clutter too.


Apr 21, 2010
I was partial to physical books too, but now really love digital books ... I can keep a stack of pending books without it taking any room in my house lol but more important to me is with my Kindle app I can select the font and line spacing that works best for me.

I also am a heavy library user, mostly reserving books that I want to try out but don't know if I will love.

My digital book library is not quite as fun to browse as the physical library I used to have, but I am someone who does like to reread books, so having them available in my digital library "at the ready" is great.

Not every book I read is worth rereading though, and that's where the local public library comes in.

And there are still a few books I keep in hard copy, but I am chary about what deserves to be on my bookshelves.

Anyway, and more to the point, I am not a "book of the month club" person ... I enjoy going through the Amazon new releases and the NYT book lists every couple of weeks, and then I make my reservation requests through my library. I also keep a "Books" bookmark folder which includes release dates of upcoming books from my favorite authors.

I am a reader, a lifelong reader; a large part of my sense of self and my wellbeing comes from being a reader and the act of reading.

For myself, I like to have different kinds of books ... I favor fiction but I always keep a couple of biography and/or nonfiction (birds, moral character, home organization, cookbooks), and I like to have a book of short stories or poetry available as well ... sometimes there's not time/space for a whole book but a poem or a chapter about home storage fills the daily minimum reading requirement that makes my life balanced and pleasurable.

More than you wanted to know perhaps, but readers love to read, right?!


Jun 8, 2008
I was partial to physical books too, but now really love digital books ... I can keep a stack of pending books without it taking any room in my house lol but more important to me is with my Kindle app I can select the font and line spacing that works best for me.

I also am a heavy library user, mostly reserving books that I want to try out but don't know if I will love.

My digital book library is not quite as fun to browse as the physical library I used to have, but I am someone who does like to reread books, so having them available in my digital library "at the ready" is great.

Not every book I read is worth rereading though, and that's where the local public library comes in.

And there are still a few books I keep in hard copy, but I am chary about what deserves to be on my bookshelves.

Anyway, and more to the point, I am not a "book of the month club" person ... I enjoy going through the Amazon new releases and the NYT book lists every couple of weeks, and then I make my reservation requests through my library. I also keep a "Books" bookmark folder which includes release dates of upcoming books from my favorite authors.

I am a reader, a lifelong reader; a large part of my sense of self and my wellbeing comes from being a reader and the act of reading.

For myself, I like to have different kinds of books ... I favor fiction but I always keep a couple of biography and/or nonfiction (birds, moral character, home organization, cookbooks), and I like to have a book of short stories or poetry available as well ... sometimes there's not time/space for a whole book but a poem or a chapter about home storage fills the daily minimum reading requirement that makes my life balanced and pleasurable.

More than you wanted to know perhaps, but readers love to read, right?!

Haha I enjoyed reading what you wrote, thank you @marymm :)

A BOTM club looks interesting. On the one hand, you can always get any book you want at any time through Amazon and maybe a lower price with a paperback. On the other hand, with a book of the month club, that actually gets done. Books are a nice pastime that it's easy to not get around to on your own. Especially nice for a pandemic.

Like many of us elders, I do prefer a physical book. But I'm trying to get over it and starting to get over it. That's because I can get an e-book in seconds and it cuts down on book clutter too.

Haha elders indeed. IDK I have many kindle books but cannot seem to read them. I just want a real actual book. I am so old :lol:


Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I read every day & will only read physical books. I love the feel of them, the weight of them & love turning pages.

I have a very cluttered book case, but here in our village we have an old red telephone box (England) that we turned into a book library, which has sat outside our old pub for many years. You can take & leave anything you want, and recently it was given listed building status. Every now & again i have a clear out & pop unwanted books in there for my neighbours to take. As an aside, there is a defibrillator in there now & during lockdown, the village children had a competition to design a stained glass window, to remember what was important during Covid. The winning entry was fitted by a glazier on Christmas Eve & it's beautiful - I must take a picture for you!

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