
Bling on the Little Fingers

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Jan 3, 2006
I was just curious to know what size of diamond would look good on a size 5.25 finger. I know ones own preference is what matters. But I don't want to wear a 1.25 stone and have it look big on my finger. With all the jewellery stores we walked into they pressure you to buy the bigger diamond. I also know that it is better to have all 4c's of the diamond rather than having a lacking large stone.

So if you were to purchase a round or /princess cut diamond what size would you buy for a 5.25 engagement finger? so that the diamond looks classy on the finger and not BLINGED out.

What size do you small fingered girls wear?


Date: 1/8/2006 2:02:56 AM
I was just curious to know what size of diamond would look good on a size 5.25 finger. I know ones own preference is what matters. But I don''t want to wear a 1.25 stone and have it look big on my finger. With all the jewellery stores we walked into they pressure you to buy the bigger diamond. I also know that it is better to have all 4c''s of the diamond rather than having a lacking large stone.

So if you were to purchase a round or /princess cut diamond what size would you buy for a 5.25 engagement finger? so that the diamond looks classy on the finger and not BLINGED out.

What size do you small fingered girls wear?


I don''t think the 1.25 would look too big on a size 5.25 finger. I wear a size 5 & 1/2 & was initially looking for a 1.25 carat ring. The size was nice & classy, not too big & not too small. Now I have a 1.85 carat & have diamond shrinking syndrome. When you & the people around you see that ring on your finger everyday it tends to "shrink" psychologically. In other words, when you get used to the diamond that 1.25 that you thought was so huge won''t be!
Hi Diamonelle!

I have a 1.27ct radiant cut diamond...and my finger size is 2.75!

Here's my ring:

Just remember that a well-cut 1.25ct round diamond will always look bigger than a fancy shape diamond (i.e. princess, radiant, etc)

I think a 1.25ct on a 5.25 finger size will look great!
5.25 is not really a small finger (size 6 is about the average) I think you'd be fine with a 1.25 not looking too big! I have a 1.6c on a size 6 finger and plan to upgrade this year to a 2c+!
Thanks girls,

I always thought a 5.25 finger was small. But I am still unsure if I can wear a 1.25 diamond. I do not have have long fingers. My hand is actually pretty small compared to most.

Do you think a .80-.90 would be more ideal for my small hands.
Date: 1/8/2006 2:52:53 AM
Author: diamonelle
Thanks girls,

I always thought a 5.25 finger was small. But I am still unsure if I can wear a 1.25 diamond. I do not have have long fingers. My hand is actually pretty small compared to most.

Do you think a .80-.90 would be more ideal for my small hands.
Not really!!
But then again I know how fast shrinkage can set in!!

Size 6 is about the average...pretty much most stores stock size 6's for trying things on, so maybe you can go into jewelry stores and try on some things and various sizes to see?

I wear a size 6 and I don't think of my hands as small or even normal, even though it's the average size...I would love to have a size 3 finger!! But oh well, that finger lipo's not coming anytime soon.

Keep in mind that it depends on what your style is...aka I got a 1.25c on a size 6 finger to start with and it ended up feeling tiny and small. But I like large rings...don't wear much else in jewelry but gotta have the large rings. That's just me though. So if you want something very understated, maybe a 1c would work best.

But honestly, going into a store and trying things on your fingers and seeing what really speaks to you is the best way to go!
As a guy using PS to decide on the best diamond to buy my girfriend - this thread is a little scary. I get the feeling that no matter what size stone I decided on, in a few years it will be too small.
Shrinkage happens to the best of us Baby
It is a horrible disease with only one cure.....upgrading....
Be very very scared......
I posted a thread with lot of pictures of my collection of rings, they range from 1.12ct to a 2ct. equivalent here: jaysonsmom''s rings

My ring finger is a 5.5, so a smidge larger than yours, but close enough so that you can get a visual.

I think total hand size and finger length plays a huge role in the size of diamond that a hand can handle. Even though I''m a size 5.5, I think I can wear a 2.5-3 ct without it looking ridiculously huge because I have really long fingers. My best friend has a size 6 ring size, with very short tapered fingers, and her 3/4 ct looks pretty big because her hands are actually quite small compared to mine, even though the ring size is slightly bigger.
1.25ct is huge to many folks...but on Pricescope where everyone is a "Diamond fan" it is a different perspective. I have a size 5.5 ring, with a 1.51 ct round. I have short, "stocky" looking fingers, making my hand kind of wide. The type of settings has a lot to do with how big and "bulky" the ring will seem. Wide style settings on me didn''t look right, regardless of the size of the center stone. I don''t find my 1.51ct too big to wear, and I am not a jewelry person either. I would feel comfortable wearing up to a 3 ct. Attach is a picture of my ring on my hand. Sorry for the poor quality, camera isn''t the best.

Date: 1/8/2006 3:34:14 AM
Author: Gonzodogg
As a guy using PS to decide on the best diamond to buy my girfriend - this thread is a little scary. I get the feeling that no matter what size stone I decided on, in a few years it will be too small.

I do understand what you mean. No matter what you buy, you are worried that your partner will be dissatified with it somewhere down the line. But us gals on pricescope are more the exception than the ''norm'' Many people get engaged and keep their original ering for life!

But seriously, you make a very valid point. It is sad that when we are given something precious like an ering, we can''t be satisfied with it and have the need to look for something bigger and better. The last time I upgraded my ering, my husband said to me ''what will it take to make you satisfied?'' and that really hit home for me. I felt selfish and ungrateful. So I have had my last upgrade, and yes I am content and happy with what i have got.

I''m not completely cured though, because i do like browsing this site and looking at what other people have bought. (but i guess that''s ok)

Thanks for your post, It is a really valid point (from an guys perspective)

Hi Diamondelle,

My sister wears a 5.25 and has a 1 carat round stone. It looks gorgeous on her and is the perfect size for her. She doesn''t visit this forum and has no desire to ever upgrade. I agree with Mara and others. Try to go and try on a bunch of sizes and see what you feel comfortable wearing. I always thought I wanted a 2 carat round on my size 3.5 but found when I tried it on, much to hubby''s pleasure, it did not flatter my hand at all. it looked too big and fake on ME. There is no "right" diamond size. Focus on cut, that''s where you will be the most sparkle, it''s the most important "c." You found Pricescope which can be a great tool in finding the perfect stone first time around and educate yourself on what makes a good diamond buy.
I wear a 5 and have a 1.98 ct. It doesn't look too big. I used to have a 1.06ct and my original e-ring I got when I was 20 and had a size 4.5 finger was a .46 ct. 5.25 isn't that small. There are girls who post on here who wear as small as size 2.75 rings. I think shape makes a difference, but the reality is, too big for me would probably be 3+ cts just because it looks sooooo big.
Here''s my 1.38 with a ring size of 4.75 although it''s too big and should be sized down to 4.5 or 4.25.

Here''s my new diamond on my size 5 fingers:

Copy of 051228122.JPG
My ring size is 5.25 and my engagement ring diamond is 1.6ct. I don''t feel it''s too large, it seems to shrink every month!

Unless you start out really big, I think you''re in danger of wishing you''d gone that bit larger. I recommend you go larger than you think you want, you won''t regret it. The sparkle really brings on the disease of wanting more!

it depends on what part of the country you are from. where do you live?

US midwest, canada, and england 0.5 carat is considered huge.
Here''s my .78ct on a 3.75 finger. My stone is much smaller than most people''s here on PS, and my husband doesn''t believe in upgrades.
I stil love it though!

I wear a 5.5 and I have a .86 ct, I think that the biggest Id go is 1.25. It didn''t look weird on my hand but anything bigger seemed to look out of place. Maybe way off in the futuer I can sport a honker but I think that 1.25 is a great size. Id almost even say if you havent tried it on yet, go do so. See what looks good and right to you.
I don''t think a 1.25ct would be too big on your fingers. I wear a 5.25 ring with a 1.30ct center and it looks fine (*to me at least!). I don''t have any decent hand shots, but here is one:

New Ring PICT0390ab.jpg
you bitches! LOL.... My stone looks like a chip on my man hands! Darn you all to heck!
Ring size=3
E-ring - Center stone .95 ct, sides .30 each (1.55 tcw)


Hi diamonelle! Here is my e-ring. I wear a 4 1/2 to 4.75 my ring setting is currently a 5 though. The center is a 1.05 Jubilee. I don''t think a 1.25 will be too big at all
My e-ring has a 1.25 center, and my ring size is the same as yours: 5.25. I've been really happy with my 1.25...I wanted something that was big enough to make a statement, but not so big that it looked ridiculous on a 23 year old student's hand! hehe. And I think it's been just about right!

Although, I must say, I've got my eyes on the upgrade...I'd like to go up to 1.5 eventually. *sigh* The madness never ends.

Edited to add pictures!


Full hand:

Closer up:

Side shot:
Just had to say everyone''s rings are beautiful!!! From these pictures it seems like you can''t go wrong at any size!!
Hi Diamonelle!

My e-ring was originally designed as a size 5.25 but was recently resized to a size 5. My stone is a 0.74 RB and personally I think that our size finger could accomodate a smaller or a larger stone. I don''t think the other girls'' rings with larger stones look too "blinged" out. And definitely figure out what is more important to you in regards to the 4 C''s. I got a 0.74, VS2, F colour instead of a 0.91, SI2 (almost an I1), H colour which was about the same price.

I would go try on settings with all sorts of different size stones and walk around the store for a while and see what you feel comfortable with. PLUS, the larger the stone, the higher (usually) the setting is going to be (unless you build up the band higher).

Anywhoo.... here''s a hand pic!

0.74 on a size 5 ring.JPG
I agree that you must try on some sizes to see what looks best on your hand. The length of your fingers also plays into the equation. I wear a 5.25 and I have long fingers.

The center stone on my wedding ring is .95c on an 8mm band...


And then I have a three stone ring with a 1.35 center diamond and .75c sapphires on each side...

Hi Diamonelle.

I think it''s really a matter of personal preference more than what size center stone is "right" for a particular finger size. I''m not engaged yet, but when I''ve been ring shopping with my boyfriend we have looked at various size center stones. We knew we wanted at least 1 carat.

I''m between a 5.25 and a 5.5 and I think the best size on me that looks nice, but not too large or obnoxious, is around 2 carats. That''s a big difference to what some other people have said in response to your question, so I think you just have to try a lot of rings on and go with how it looks visually to you rather than focusing on the carat size so much.

Sorry I don''t have any pics -- like I said I''m not engaged yet.
I wear a 5.25 and have very short fingers. My stone is a 1.12 carat pear shaped and I think it''s just right. In fact I could go a little bigger and still be fine.
I think where small fingers may have problems is when they have a three stone ring with big stones. Then you have the problem of not enough finger width for the width of the ring. If you''re thinking solitaire or perhaps very small melee stones then you''ll be fine with a big stone. If your boyfriend is willing and able to go for a 1.25 carat stone then I''d jump on it!!!

I have a .85 ct on a size 6 ring finger, and I *love* the size. It's really not that much smaller on my finger than the much larger diamonds I'm seeing in this thread. I, like you, have small hands and shorter fingers.

To be safe, why don't you try for the classic? A 1 carat round. I think it'd be a perfect size!

(Sorry for the crappy pic...the others that I have are HUGE)

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