
Bad Experience with Natural Sapphire Company (long)

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Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/23/2009 10:05:03 PM
Author: MakingTheGrade
Fair enough Tgal, we all interpret different things different ways :)
I guess I was just rubbed the wrong way a little when people were saying what poor quality and overpriced NSC was, and I got a bit defensive. :) No way reflects on Fox. Also, I thought she intended this post as a warning post, not necessarily to get advice?

And I think Michael said that pics can''t be posted due to confidentiality? But I agree, it''d be helpful.
I read it that he can''t post them, but I figured she can unless there''s some legal reason.

I don''t think they are poor quality - will have to go back and see who said what. I do think they don''t necessarily have the best cuts. But you''re talking to a bunch of cut nuts on Pricescope.

She may have wrote this as a warning thread, but we as consumers have the right to ask questions as to why the warning.

And no offense to you at all MTG, but you bought a stone they took out of a setting, didn''t check thoroughly enough to see there was a chip in it (if you as a novice consumer could find it, I would hope their more savvy staff could), and when you called you got an answer of essentially, "what chip?" Then you posted the story here, we all told you that was unacceptable, to which you did send an email to them. Call me a cynic, but now that NSC has posted today, I wonder if they saw your story and decided to mollify you as they couldn''t have two bad stories going at once. You were the cheaper and easier option to solve.

Yeah, I know. I have a rampant imagination.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/23/2009 10:12:28 PM
Author: Fox2009
I, too, was a little chargrinned by the negative reaction, when really, I am just sharing in hopes of helping someone like myself doing online research. I don''t need to vent or needlessly tarnish NSC''s name, there would be no reason for that. Like I said, up until the ring started breaking, I would have been on here writing a GLOWING review. I was thrilled with my ring. It''s just unwearable now.

Shopping online, especially for a big purchase, is hard, and having feedback is important and helpful. So, hopefully PS stays receptive to reviews and considers honest and thorough accounts completely without ''taking sides'' or criticizing the reviewer.

I do need to take some photos, and I plan on it. I''m in law school and it is midterm season right now, so I will probably take some next week (spring break!).

Michael implies that he has pictures, or something, and he has never told me that, or mentioned any picture to us in all of our private correspondence (which there has been much of). So I don''t know if he really has any. But, I am happy to take my own.
Actually, in thinking, not sure what seeing pics would solve except satisfy our morbid curiosity, lol. I think your best choice as an independent, as we have all said ad nauseum.


Mar 2, 2009
Date: 3/23/2009 10:16:34 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 3/23/2009 10:05:03 PM

Author: MakingTheGrade

Fair enough Tgal, we all interpret different things different ways :)

I guess I was just rubbed the wrong way a little when people were saying what poor quality and overpriced NSC was, and I got a bit defensive. :) No way reflects on Fox. Also, I thought she intended this post as a warning post, not necessarily to get advice?

And I think Michael said that pics can''t be posted due to confidentiality? But I agree, it''d be helpful.
I read it that he can''t post them, but I figured she can unless there''s some legal reason.

I don''t think they are poor quality - will have to go back and see who said what. I do think they don''t necessarily have the best cuts. But you''re talking to a bunch of cut nuts on Pricescope.

She may have wrote this as a warning thread, but we as consumers have the right to ask questions as to why the warning.

And no offense to you at all MTG, but you bought a stone they took out of a setting, didn''t check thoroughly enough to see there was a chip in it (if you as a novice consumer could find it, I would hope their more savvy staff could), and when you called you got an answer of essentially, ''what chip?'' Then you posted the story here, we all told you that was unacceptable, to which you did send an email to them. Call me a cynic, but now that NSC has posted today, I wonder if they saw your story and decided to mollify you as they couldn''t have two bad stories going at once. You were the cheaper and easier option to solve.

Yeah, I know. I have a rampant imagination.

And I thought I was the cynic. The thought occurred to me too, but I emailed Livia who responded within 5 minutes. And I doubt she would have conferred with Michael and talked about all this in such a short time.. I think it''s perfectly believable that she didn''t carefully inspect the stone before shipping.

I definitely hope though that all this public attention will help put pressure on NSC to work with Fox to resolve things instead of just giving a ultimatum.


Mar 2, 2009
You never know, assuming there are no legal ramifications of the pictures being posted, there might be someone here who can offer useful feedback. I certainly would be useless, but there are some brilliant and experienced pricescopers here who might offer insight.


Feb 22, 2008
How unfortunate for this to happen. It seems like the solution would be quite simple. NSC should have you take the ring to a local jeweler to take out the stone, you could send the setting back for a refund on the setting. Case Closed! No need for this to drag on! They should not be reluctant to do so, especially given your situation,and the fact that they have a lifetime guarantee, it only makes sense to take a little loss and make the customer happy by doing what IS RIGHT. Doing what makes the customer happy speaks volumes in my book and it will carry the reputation of the business a long way!!!


Dec 29, 2004
MTG, ha no...your initial post about the response you got was posted pretty much two hours before you got your response. Plenty of time to read about it.

Threadjack over, sorry!


Mar 2, 2009
Date: 3/23/2009 10:25:25 PM
Author: TravelingGal
MTG, ha no...your initial post about the response you got was posted pretty much two hours before you got your response. Plenty of time to read about it.

Threadjack over, sorry!
Haha, see, now you ARE implying something slightly sinister about them :razz: True, if they followed Pricescope closely, it's a possibility, but I still think it's an unlikely one.

But yeah, sorry about the threadjack, I'm out for the day (Seriously, discovering Pricescope greatly increases my risks for failing med school right now, haha. Forums are addictive).
Please let us know how this all plays out, we're rooting for a happy ending!


Mar 2, 2009
Date: 3/23/2009 10:25:18 PM
Author: cushioncutnut
How unfortunate for this to happen. It seems like the solution would be quite simple. NSC should have you take the ring to a local jeweler to take out the stone, you could send the setting back for a refund on the setting. Case Closed! No need for this to drag on! They should not be reluctant to do so, especially given your situation,and the fact that they have a lifetime guarantee, it only makes sense to take a little loss and make the customer happy by doing what IS RIGHT. Doing what makes the customer happy speaks volumes in my book and it will carry the reputation of the business a long way!!!

Agreed :)


Dec 14, 2007
Date: 3/23/2009 9:57:17 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 3/23/2009 9:43:05 PM
Author: MakingTheGrade
Personally, I'd feel better if I posted a complaint about a company and got good feedback about them as it'd make me more hopeful to resolve things than if I found that many other people also had negative experiences that were unresolved. In some way, our posting about our positive experience is (in my opinion) a reinforcement that Fox's decision to go to NSC wasn't unfounded since many of us did have good experiences there, and it's not her fault that this has happened (there were no bad precedents to warn her).

It's certainly not my intent to put her down in anyways, and I hope she knows that. But I stand behind posting my positive experiences on this thread none the less. Not to be discouraging towards negative posts, but as a fair response to many posts that were very strongly putting down NSC. I don't think NSC is the best vendor in the world, but neither do I think they should be avoided like the plague or that they're the worst choice.

Might I also add, that some of the posts that are along the lines of 'I would never do business with NSC' etc, are kind of hurtful for those of us who did buy from them as it kind of insinuates that we don't know better, or that we made a bad choice. I know that isn't what anyone intends, but like you said, it's how it comes across.

Again, best of luck to Fox, I'm sure all of us at Pricescope, regardless of our opinions of NSC, wish her nothing but luck and support in resolving things.
I disagree MTG. For instance, I know Linda is happy with NSC and got a lovely pad. Personally, I didn't care to do business with NSC long before I saw this post and even after knowing of Linda's experience. I have my reasons, and it's nothing sinister. I just am not into a lot of their stuff and yes, I have read in the past here some customer experiences I don't care for. It's just my degree of comfort. And yet I would totally work with someone like Leon who has had many bad customer service reviews. It's just that he doesn't particulary care to come on PS and defend himself.

I do think on threads like this, I agree with's not particularly helpful to come and say 'I had a great experience'. It's like going on a positive thread and saying 'Gosh, I had a terrible experience.' What would more helpful is asking questions and getting to the bottom of things and hoping (and suggesting things) for a positive outcome.

That being said, Fox2009, it would be helpful since you decided to air this story if we could see photos of the damage you are talking about. Pictures are worth 1000 words, after all.
Hmmm...since I'm the one who keeps reiterating this point that I will not buy from NSC I shall explain why.

1. It's too expensive. My average stone purchase is around $100. But I'm a poor student, so no huge surprise.
2. The cuts are awful on 75% of the stones. Color is my first priority, but cut is second. Sometimes cut comes first. This is why most of my stones are from cutters, not storefronts.
3. I'm not interested in any of their settings.
4. I don't care about untreated stones. That's (IMHO) the biggest draw for going to NSC. I could get a heated/otherwise treated stone of the same color for a HECK of a lot less, and a similar cut from AJS or GemSelect.
5. The customer service is lacking. Apparently.

A lot of this has to do with my priorities. Making the Grade, I spent over 2 months looking for my engagement ring stone because I wasn't happy with various cuts, color, prices or sizes of stones I found on websites. Lost Sapphire spent 4 months looking for her sapphire. And these weren't "I'm going to look at a couple of websites and see what they have." kinds of searches, they were long, drawn out quests for the right stone. I searched every website I could find for the right stone. I harassed, I think 7 different cutters. I must have seen at least a thousand stones. I wasn't going to settle for a stone because of my priorities. During said quest, I searched NSC. Due to their prices, their cuts, and the fact that I didn't like any settings, I didn't even consider them for longer than a day or two.

So it all boils down to priorities. Yours differ from mine. That is all there is to it.

Fox, I would also like to see whatever pictures you have.


Dec 14, 2007
Date: 3/23/2009 10:25:18 PM
Author: cushioncutnut
How unfortunate for this to happen. It seems like the solution would be quite simple. NSC should have you take the ring to a local jeweler to take out the stone, you could send the setting back for a refund on the setting. Case Closed! No need for this to drag on! They should not be reluctant to do so, especially given your situation,and the fact that they have a lifetime guarantee, it only makes sense to take a little loss and make the customer happy by doing what IS RIGHT. Doing what makes the customer happy speaks volumes in my book and it will carry the reputation of the business a long way!!!


Aug 31, 2005
Date: 3/23/2009 10:45:25 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Date: 3/23/2009 10:25:18 PM

Author: cushioncutnut

How unfortunate for this to happen. It seems like the solution would be quite simple. NSC should have you take the ring to a local jeweler to take out the stone, you could send the setting back for a refund on the setting. Case Closed! No need for this to drag on! They should not be reluctant to do so, especially given your situation,and the fact that they have a lifetime guarantee, it only makes sense to take a little loss and make the customer happy by doing what IS RIGHT. Doing what makes the customer happy speaks volumes in my book and it will carry the reputation of the business a long way!!!


I completely agree. It seems there was a misunderstanding somewhere along the way, but NSC can still make this right.

I'm sorry you've had such trouble with your setting, Fox. For it to break three times in a matter of months must be incredibly frustrating. I hope you and NSC can come to an agreement you're both happy with- it sounds like a refund for the setting only is the best choice for both.


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 3/23/2009 10:05:03 PM
Author: MakingTheGrade
Fair enough Tgal, we all interpret different things different ways :)
I guess I was just rubbed the wrong way a little when people were saying what poor quality NSC sapphires were, and I got a bit defensive. :) No way reflects on Fox. Also, I thought she intended this post as a warning post, not necessarily to get advice? Which is why I didn''t think it was inappropriate to post a positive experience, I wouldn''t have done so if I had known she was looking for advice on how to proceed (I agree, my input would have been pretty unhelpful). I thought this was just a ''FYI'' kind of post.

And just because I posted a positive experience, doesn''t mean I''m siding with (or defending) NSC on this case. In fact, I would be disappointed with NSC if I was Fox, and I absolutely think she should be fighting for what she believes is fair and right.

And I think Michael said that pics can''t be posted due to confidentiality? But I agree, it''d be helpful.
MTG, I don''t believe anybody said this?

We were commenting on service not product, So sort of no need to get defensive, yanno?

Of course you are entitle to post a positive experience, but Fox is also entitle to post a negative one withhout being made to feel like a culprit, kwim..?
anyway, just my 2c of course!


Mar 22, 2009
I''m still very willing to work things out, that is all I want. Even with all of this water under the bridge that is my only desire.

What you said, CushionCut is exactly what I was hoping for from NSC. And, it is still what I hope for. But, they don''t seem interested in that.

I''m a law student, and my dad is a lawyer, and the general consensus between us is that there is no reason Michael can''t post pictures if he really has them. I''d love it if he did because it would show the crazy amount of damage that occurred from simple everyday wear of my ring--and it happened 3 times!


Nov 4, 2007
Date: 3/23/2009 4:28:08 PM
Author: TheNaturalSapphireCompany

As mentioned by others, Fox2009 has taken this “disagreement” public. We have the right to defend our company on any website. I want to assure all our past, current, and future customers that their business and correspondence with us, is and always will be, private. This actually is the first negative review of our company that we have ever come across and we will defend ourselves vigorously.

The fact remains that we offered a refund to Fox2009 after more than 1 year of their owning this item. This is way beyond the return policy of ANY company. Fox2009 is demanding a FULL refund for the item without returning the sapphire. This is not acceptable. No company in the world would do this and still stay in business. We have bent over backwards, but we will not break our back doing so.

Of course going to another jewelry company and asking if their competitor’s ring is designed well, will get a negative response. Especially when you discuss buying a mounting from them instead. This unfortunately, is too common a practice in the jewelry business.

I regret to say that there is no more we can or will do for Fox2009. The full refund was offered and denied. We have exhausted all options and Fox2009 has stated clearly in their emails to us that they will not budge from a full refund for a return of less than half their purchase. We have twice repaired a ring that was custom made and expertly cast for them in palladium at no cost. We have always honored our lifetime guarantee. This can be attested to by all the positive reviews on this site. However, if a ring is not damaged due to normal wear and tear, we cannot and will not be responsible. Unfortunately, we cannot show the picture of the twisted ring as that may breach any privacy issues with Fox2009, but in our expert opinion, it was obvious to us that the resulting damage was not normal.

This is all we would like to discuss about this matter, as we do NOT want to get into a He said/She said argument.
I''m always saddened when a dispute such as this becomes a public muck-about.

One thing struck me, however, in Michael Arnstein''s post above: the OP is asking for a full refund without returning the sapphire. This seems to be a major sticking point for him. And I would have to agree, if that is where the 2 of them are stuck.

None of us have been privy to the correspondence between the OP and NSC. It sounds like this has been going on for some time. And often when sides get ''hardened'' the rhetoric cranks up a notch. Unfortunately, the dispute has been made public before a resolution has been achieved. I''ve seen other threads of a similar nature, where the OP and the vendor came to an amicable solution, but in the meantime, the Vendor has been dragged through the wringer.

A reasonable alternative (IMO) would seem to be that the sapphire stays with her and the setting be returned and THAT portion of the purchase refunded. But to expect a full refund on the ring while keeping the stone doesn''t make sense to me. I''m sure the OP believes her aggravation is worth something. As does NSC. Perhaps if they can agree on a refund of the setting they can then negotiate as to the value of the aggravation.

Hopefully this will get sorted out for both of them.



Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/23/2009 11:26:10 PM
Author: LostSapphire

Date: 3/23/2009 4:28:08 PM
Author: TheNaturalSapphireCompany

As mentioned by others, Fox2009 has taken this “disagreement” public. We have the right to defend our company on any website. I want to assure all our past, current, and future customers that their business and correspondence with us, is and always will be, private. This actually is the first negative review of our company that we have ever come across and we will defend ourselves vigorously.

The fact remains that we offered a refund to Fox2009 after more than 1 year of their owning this item. This is way beyond the return policy of ANY company. Fox2009 is demanding a FULL refund for the item without returning the sapphire. This is not acceptable. No company in the world would do this and still stay in business. We have bent over backwards, but we will not break our back doing so.

Of course going to another jewelry company and asking if their competitor’s ring is designed well, will get a negative response. Especially when you discuss buying a mounting from them instead. This unfortunately, is too common a practice in the jewelry business.

I regret to say that there is no more we can or will do for Fox2009. The full refund was offered and denied. We have exhausted all options and Fox2009 has stated clearly in their emails to us that they will not budge from a full refund for a return of less than half their purchase. We have twice repaired a ring that was custom made and expertly cast for them in palladium at no cost. We have always honored our lifetime guarantee. This can be attested to by all the positive reviews on this site. However, if a ring is not damaged due to normal wear and tear, we cannot and will not be responsible. Unfortunately, we cannot show the picture of the twisted ring as that may breach any privacy issues with Fox2009, but in our expert opinion, it was obvious to us that the resulting damage was not normal.

This is all we would like to discuss about this matter, as we do NOT want to get into a He said/She said argument.
I''m always saddened when a dispute such as this becomes a public muck-about.

One thing struck me, however, in Michael Arnstein''s post above: the OP is asking for a full refund without returning the sapphire. This seems to be a major sticking point for him. And I would have to agree, if that is where the 2 of them are stuck.

None of us have been privy to the correspondence between the OP and NSC. It sounds like this has been going on for some time. And often when sides get ''hardened'' the rhetoric cranks up a notch. Unfortunately, the dispute has been made public before a resolution has been achieved. I''ve seen other threads of a similar nature, where the OP and the vendor came to an amicable solution, but in the meantime, the Vendor has been dragged through the wringer.

A reasonable alternative (IMO) would seem to be that the sapphire stays with her and the setting be returned and THAT portion of the purchase refunded. But to expect a full refund on the ring while keeping the stone doesn''t make sense to me. I''m sure the OP believes her aggravation is worth something. As does NSC. Perhaps if they can agree on a refund of the setting they can then negotiate as to the value of the aggravation.

Hopefully this will get sorted out for both of them.

Fox, what is it you are asking for? The full refund on the SETTING portion of the ring and thus being able to keep your sapphire or a FULL refund on both transactions you made, while being able to keep the stone? That sounds a bit crazy to me, if true? It seems to me since they are two separate transactions on your credit card, you could get a full refund on one and not the other?


Dec 14, 2007
Date: 3/23/2009 11:26:10 PM
Author: LostSapphire
I'm always saddened when a dispute such as this becomes a public muck-about.

One thing struck me, however, in Michael Arnstein's post above: the OP is asking for a full refund without returning the sapphire. This seems to be a major sticking point for him. And I would have to agree, if that is where the 2 of them are stuck.

None of us have been privy to the correspondence between the OP and NSC. It sounds like this has been going on for some time. And often when sides get 'hardened' the rhetoric cranks up a notch. Unfortunately, the dispute has been made public before a resolution has been achieved. I've seen other threads of a similar nature, where the OP and the vendor came to an amicable solution, but in the meantime, the Vendor has been dragged through the wringer.

A reasonable alternative (IMO) would seem to be that the sapphire stays with her and the setting be returned and THAT portion of the purchase refunded. But to expect a full refund on the ring while keeping the stone doesn't make sense to me. I'm sure the OP believes her aggravation is worth something. As does NSC. Perhaps if they can agree on a refund of the setting they can then negotiate as to the value of the aggravation.

Hopefully this will get sorted out for both of them.

This has been clarified already, but several people seemed to have missed it (on page 2):
Date: 3/23/2009 7:51:38 PM
Author: Fox2009
To clear up any confusion--all I want is a refund on the setting. I'd be happy to send the setting back to them for evaluation with the stone or without the stone, as long as we get the stone back. Ive made this clear to them too. Not that it really matters at this point, but I just wanted to clear that up.

Another thing--we purchased and paid for the stone 2 months before we had it set, and we paid for the setting separately. They were two separate purchases on our credit card.


Mar 22, 2009
Frekechild--thanks for re-posting that.

I would never expect a full refund on the whole ring while keeping the stone. I just want the money for the setting back because it is faulty. I want to keep the stone and let them keep the money we paid for the stone, because I am more than satisfied with it.

The funniest part about this is that the stone was less expensive than the setting. I don''t know why he''s so stuck on getting the stone back.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/23/2009 11:43:05 PM
Author: Fox2009
Frekechild--thanks for re-posting that.

I would never expect a full refund on the whole ring while keeping the stone. I just want the money for the setting back because it is faulty. I want to keep the stone and let them keep the money we paid for the stone, because I am more than satisfied with it.

The funniest part about this is that the stone was less expensive than the setting. I don''t know why he''s so stuck on getting the stone back.
whoops...I obviously read one part of the post and not the other! Sorry!

Maybe they make more profit on the setting, hence why they don''t want to refund just the setting?

I am really having a hard time understanding why if they would refund the full ring, why they just wouldn''t refund the setting and just move on, profit or not. The fact is the setting broke multiple times. Not sure how it happened, but if I were NSC, I would refund and cut my losses. I don''t think any setting should be breaking so many times in one year, and since it is an e-ring (and probably sentimental), I have a hard time thinking that a woman would be that tough on her ring, especially after it broke the first time.


Nov 4, 2007
Date: 3/23/2009 4:28:08 PM
Author: TheNaturalSapphireCompany

Fox2009 is demanding a FULL refund for the item without returning the sapphire.

We have exhausted all options and Fox2009 has stated clearly in their emails to us that they will not budge from a full refund for a return of less than half their purchase.
All clarifications on this forum aside, there still seems to be a disconnect between the OP's and NSC's understanding....I'm not taking sides, but I think there's more to this than what is being said. Something doesn't make sense to me.

And I continue to hope that the 2 parties can reach an amicable solution to the problem.

Fox2009: being a sapphire lover myself, I hope you once again find joy in your sapphire. I am sorry to hear you have been experiencing problems with it.



Dec 14, 2007
Date: 3/24/2009 12:00:27 AM
Author: LostSapphire
All clarifications on this forum aside, there still seems to be a disconnect between the OP''s and NSC''s understanding....I''m not taking sides, but I think there''s more to this than what is being said. Something doesn''t make sense to me.

And I continue to hope that the 2 parties can reach an amicable solution to the problem.



Aug 22, 2008
Date: 3/23/2009 11:00:16 PM
Author: Fox2009
I''m still very willing to work things out, that is all I want. Even with all of this water under the bridge that is my only desire.

What you said, CushionCut is exactly what I was hoping for from NSC. And, it is still what I hope for. But, they don''t seem interested in that.

I''m a law student, and my dad is a lawyer, and the general consensus between us is that there is no reason Michael can''t post pictures if he really has them. I''d love it if he did because it would show the crazy amount of damage that occurred from simple everyday wear of my ring--and it happened 3 times!
Since you are implying you didn''t send him the pictures, these are clearly images NSC have taken prior to repairing the ring. However, they are of an item that belongs to you, so it is fair (and probably legally necessary, very strictly speaking) that they obtain your permission.

The cynic in me also says that since fishing out the photo and posting it requires some energy, and they clearly feel that - holier than thou as they are - they have expended enough energy in the matter, why bother?


Nov 10, 2002
Date: 3/23/2009 2:54:24 PM
Author: Fox2009
I second your questions Travelinggal, and I'd be all for getting an independent evaluation, but, Michael hasn't asked me to do that, he's simply said, as you see, that we are trying to take advantage. I agree that would be a good way to get things evaluated! But I'm not going to do that unless it is requested, or unless it would really do any good.

I do not appreciate having Michael getting on this board and making it into a public 'fight,' as I do want to keep all interactions private. I just put this up as a warning to other buyers, and NOT for any other reason. So, Michael, if you have something to say, please email me privately.

But, I do have to say--I do not think it is nasty to tell a company that you will take the only avenues available to resolve a dispute if neccesary (i.e., contacting the BBB). I don't think there is anything wrong with that, especially after trying to resolve things amicably first.

I don't think Michael is making it into a public 'fight', he has every right to post his view of the situation when YOU HAVE BROUGHT IT OUT INTO THE PUBLIC!


Nov 10, 2002
Date: 3/23/2009 9:35:16 AM
Author: kribbie
Oh no! I was just considering this for my e-ring. It''s a padparadscha from NSC:

I was going to ask what everyone thought of it but now I''m concerned about the company!
I chose them because they seemed reputable. Has that changed?

Can anyone recommend a reputable company selling padparadschas? I live in South Africa so my fiancee will have to ship it in.

Example, this is what your post did before Michael had a chance to defend his company. Whether they are right or wrong, he still should get to speak, would you like it if he posted about his ''fight'' with a customer and then did not want you to reply, not that a company should do that?


Nov 10, 2002
Date: 3/23/2009 3:19:12 PM
Author: Fox2009
No where did I say Michael doesn''t have a right to post, of course he does. Everyone does. I just don''t appreciate having him level some pretty serious accusations at me. I''m just trying to say ''buyer beware.'' But, while Michael may be defending himself and his co., he also is calling me a liar, for no necessary reason, which I have every right to defend against.

My point here, again, is not a Who is Right, Who is Wrong match, just a buyer beware alert. I didn''t mean for any disagreement or discord, just wanted to share my experience for the possible benefit of others, that is all.

My point, also, with this is to just say that if their customer service was slightly different, this would be resolved. It''s not a big complicated issue. If you have a lifetime guarantee, you should honor it, without forcing the customer to give up something they DO like and are sentimentally attached to, such as an engagement stone. I''d be happy to send in the ring for inspection, or to have it neutrally appraised...but I don''t want to lose my engagement stone. Would anyone?

Just read this, I will read the rest before I post, which I should have done.


Jun 29, 2008
Fox - I do hope that you''re not taking any of the above personally?

It''s just a thought but it really doesn''t make sense that Michael wants you to return the ring, complete with gemstone, if you''re only asking for a refund on the setting. If they were two separate transactions, NSC has no right to ask for both back! If you bought a shirt and a pair of trousers and the trousers were faulty, you wouldn''t be expected to take the shirt back too!

Personally I would get an independent evaluation of your ring, send the document it to Michael and then let the legal route take it''s course.

Don''t let it get you down hun. At the end of the day, you''ll still have your lovely sapphire.


Mar 31, 2008
Based strictly on what has been posted, I don''t see anything wrong with NSC or the way they have responded. No red flags for me.

They''ve replaced/repaired it twice. That''s at least once more than they were obligated IMO.


Jul 17, 2008
He said, she said, he said she said...and after all this reading I still don''t understand why they need the stone back for a refund on the setting?


Dec 14, 2007
Date: 3/24/2009 4:45:51 PM
Author: purrfectpear
Based strictly on what has been posted, I don''t see anything wrong with NSC or the way they have responded. No red flags for me.

They''ve replaced/repaired it twice. That''s at least once more than they were obligated IMO.
For a lifetime warranty?


Jun 13, 2005
As several other posters mentioned, I second that PS should be a place where consumers can freely share both their positive *and* negative vendor experiences. And yes, even name names!! The first thing I do when considering a new vendor is do a search here. I want to know both the good and the bad.

Not to say either side should participate in bashing or slandering. There is always a way for one to tell their version of what they believe to be the truth in a respectful manner.

I do also believe a vendor has a right to reply to any feedback posted on PS. In a professional way of course.



Jun 13, 2005
Okay, and on this specific thread... I too would like to see pics.
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