
Babymoon''s... is traveling during the 3rd Tri a big no-no?

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Nov 13, 2007
Date: 1/12/2010 2:19:53 PM
Author: Mara
ibut one thing to note is some airlines in Europe will not let you fly if you are past about 24-26 weeks. they will literally ask you and deny you entrance on the plane. i had an attendant ask me at 18 weeks when we were traveling in spain and they were scrutinizing me!
We would be taking Southwest, and I already checked their rules. It said they "recommend" not raveling after your 38th week. Thank you for the warning!

Fiery- That is horrible to hear about your friend. How sad.


Mar 16, 2005
Date: 1/12/2010 2:19:53 PM
Author: Mara
i had a friend who did a babymoon at about 32 weeks and she was fine, but yeah i don''t know that i would take a long flight in 3rd tri, i would have been too uncomfortable. short flight yes.

but one thing to note is some airlines in Europe will not let you fly if you are past about 24-26 weeks. they will literally ask you and deny you entrance on the plane. i had an attendant ask me at 18 weeks when we were traveling in spain and they were scrutinizing me!
I was just thinking, how would they know? Do they blatently ask people? I don''t really even think I look that pregnant especially with a coat on, I could probably go get on a flight today at 37+ weeks (not that I would). I would hate to have to have the job of asking women, b/c I''m sure you would get the "I''m not pregnant, what are you talking about" response quite a bit!

Mere, I would go late in the 2nd trimester/early in the 3rd on a trip, but I don''t think I would do the airplane thing in the can never really predict who will go into preterm labor and I wouldn''t want to be surprised on a flight and make the 11 o''clock news!


Jun 18, 2004
I thought 24 weeks was the the limit for going on a cruise? I know a co-worker did last year, and she just had to get a note from her doctor saying how far along she was (she had him fidge the dates, she was actually like 25 or 26 but he wasn''t worried aparently).


Oct 30, 2002
lol Steph in Europe they don't really care about hurting your feelings when they ask you questions in my experience!

and this was at 18 weeks when I was still really small and most people didn't even know. the guy was like 'are you pregnant?' and i said yes and he goes 'how far along' and I told him. he stared at me really well for a while! i had read online that they will not allow you to fly after 24-26 weeks (depends on airline), guess they are pretty serious!

but yeah i was like what if he doesn't believe me!!

MG...from researching online it seems like diff companies have diff policies.


May 17, 2009
Date: 1/12/2010 2:29:22 PM
Author: fiery
One of my Directors was 24 weeks pregnant when she tried to go on a cruise. The travel agent knew she was 24 weeks pregnant but didn''t say anything. They wouldn''t let her get on. It was for her anniversary and she cried. Poor girl.
What an awful Travel Agent your friend had!


Feb 20, 2003
I flew from CA to France when I was 26 weeks pregnant and back at 28 weeks. (I got clearance from my Dr. to make sure it was ok, but no one at the airport said anything about my ability to fly. The airport personnel in France were very nice and put me to the head of the check in line so I wouldn''t have to stand so long.) Basically my trip straddled the last week of the second trimester and the first week of the third, and I felt a lot more tired (and heavy and swollen) at 28 weeks than I did at 26.

As long as you don''t have pregnancy complications, and discuss the proposed trip with your Dr., you should be fine to travel in the early part of the third trimester. However, you might be more tired than you expect. A short trip would be better than a long trip. My personal vote, if I had it to do over, would be for DH and I to tell everyone we were going on vacation, and then just lay low at home for a week.


Apr 9, 2005
I vaguely remember my doctor saying not to travel after 36 weeks with an uncomplicated pregnancy. With my first pregnancy, I had a business trip to Vegas (across the country) at around 34 weeks. I''ll admit that I upgraded to business class and it was well worth it! I got pampered and really appreciated the extra room. With my 2nd pregnancy, I think I had my last trip around 32 weeks. It was only a 2 hour flight so not excruciating but not necessarily fun either!


Nov 6, 2009
My daughter is almost 2. I''m still waiting for my babymoon.


Nov 13, 2007
Date: 1/12/2010 7:04:03 PM
Author: PinkAsscher678
My daughter is almost 2. I''m still waiting for my babymoon.
My BIL took my sister to Mexico when their daughter was 5 months, and my sister cried the whole time! Maybe he''s just worried about you

So, DH and I sat down to look over some ideas and we are on 2 totally different wave lengths. He really wants to go to Vegas, which I would be fine with and actually really enjoy (normally). Being pregnant, I would prefer if it was summer. It will still only be 60 during the day, 30''s at night, and involves lots and lots of walking... not to mention the fact that people can smoke at the "tables", so I never know how long I could sit down and play with hubby.

I would prefer to go to a beach where we can both relax, but the deals that I found were at hotels that are on the decline... so not such a great deal afterall.

Right now we are in limbo, and neither of us want to "waste" money just to go somewhere.


Oct 30, 2002
booo on Vegas hahaa. I am not a fan. All that smoke is CRAZY, it just permeates everything. And if it's not hot out you can't hang much by the pool. and it is a lot of walking, which when I feel great is one thing.

When we were in Europe everyone was smoking but thankfully it's mostly outside so I didn't really feel affected, but inside I don't think I'd take my 3rd tri preggo self there for 24 hours a day.

I am a tropical beach person but I hear you re: not just wanting to do 'something'. Is there a local place you can visit for some R&R? We loved this 5 star resort we visited in AZ in May (it's where we got preggo actually) and AZ will be warmer in another month or two.


Nov 2, 2006
Someone earlier recommended the Kessler chain of hotels and they''re
gorgeous! Now I''m dreaming about going to one for a weekend away babymoon.


Jun 25, 2008
Date: 1/12/2010 1:44:59 PM
Author: kama_s
The concern with hot tubs is the resulting increase in body temperature. Studies have shown that high body temperature (102F and higher) for prolonged periods of time can cause birth defects. So depending on how hot the tub is, your core body temperature can rise significantly. We usually recommend a warm bath instead, or hot tubs with the temperature adjusted. You can monitor your body temp, and make sure it oesn''t go higher than 100F.
Not pregnant, but this makes me sad for when I am! I''m called the Gecko for a reason - always freezing my arse off, and take a daily bath that DH likens to broiling myself. Meh.


Jul 6, 2005
mer - we just booked such a vacay and I''ll be 24 weeks headed there and 25 weeks upon return. I cleared it with my doctor, so as long as all remains uncomplicated, I can''t wait for the first week of march

I completely understand about not going somewhere just to go somewhere. This is our first kid and we haven''t been on a proper vacation in a while (France over two years ago) so it wasn''t too hard to justify getting away. However, there have been times when we couldn''t travel to far off locales due to schedules or finances and we''ve vacationed right in our own city. booked a hotel, delicious dinner out, just relaxed, explored, spent time together. not sure where you live, but something as simple as that could be really quite special!

so cal girl

Mar 22, 2007
We went on our babymoon when I was 17 weeks, and it was great. My doctor said I could travel up until 32 or 34 weeks, I think, but I probably wouldn''t go much past 30 weeks, because you will start to get uncomfortable (at least I was).

Mer - I''m with you on your feelings about Vegas. When I was pregnant smoke really bothered me, and some of the places in Vegas can get pretty smokey. Plus, I love everything beachy (hence why I live at the beach), but luckily my husband does too.

We went to Hawaii for our babymoon, and it was fantastic. We stayed in a middle of the road hotel, nothing super fancy. But in my opinion, in a place like that, you don''t stay in the room too much anyway, and we only ate at the hotel once. I''d definitely pick someplace where you''re comfortable, though.

I agree with what some others said about just a quick little trip, even somewhere close, so you''re not really wasting too much money. Some of our best trips have been within driving distance. It''s just fun to go spend the night in a hotel someplace and act like a tourist. And you can always book a spa package or something, too.


Mar 5, 2009
Every year for our anniversary we go away. Last year I was 6 months pregnant and just beginning to show, but I definately felt pregnant.

I would limit your sitting time and be mindful of how much walking you will be doing. After 3-4 hours in the car or on a plane my back and hips would start to bother me. We also kept close to our hotel for frequent rests. After an hour or two of walking I would get fatigued and feel very heavy. We slept in late and took a nap together each afternoon.

If you are going to take a babymoon, my biggest piece of advice is make it a relaxing one. Dont go somewhere you feel that you need to be on the go and see everything.


Nov 13, 2007
Thanks everyone for your replies!

Doing something here in our city, just isn''t an option. DH works for his dad, 6 days a week, and if he is in town, then he is working. His dad would not understand the concept of a "Stay-cation".

I just got back into town last night, so we haven''t talked about it anymore, but I''m sure we will touch on the subject sometime this week. I''ve started comtemplating NYC again though. We really enjoy being there, and it is where we got engaged. I think that we could make it work, if we stop and rest for meals, instead of doing something fast and on-the-go.
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