
aren''t those bottle water a rip off ? why do we still buy them?

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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
our tap water taste just as good.
Date: 9/22/2008 11:00:07 AM
Author:Dancing Fire
our tap water taste just as good.
My guess is convenience?

Tap is probably better because it has fluoride in it; I read some article saying an increasing number of people are getting cavities because they drink bottled water. Plus it is better for the environment not to have bottled water. If you want the bottled water taste get a filter and use a refillable water bottle. Also it has been found some bottled water is tap water.
Honestly, FF and I were buying it out of pure laziness. It''s easier to throw a bottle in the fridge than actually have to *gasp* wash out a reusable bottle and put tap water and ice in it.

We don''t buy bottled water anymore. We''re trying to do our part! We are also saving a lot of money.
My tap water is pretty terrible, so I have a Brita and a big water bottle that I use.

The individual water bottles are definitely not worth it, though. I really only buy them when I''d be buying a bottle of soda (road trips, etc.).
Date: 9/22/2008 11:20:04 AM
Author: princesss
My tap water is pretty terrible, so I have a Brita and a big water bottle that I use.

The individual water bottles are definitely not worth it, though. I really only buy them when I''d be buying a bottle of soda (road trips, etc.).

We have the same water and I agree it does not taste good. I don''t like the taste of Britas either. We buy ours from Sam''s Club. I think it breaks down to something like 15 cents a bottle (so it isn''t like it is breaking the bank). I do feel badly how it affects the environment but I am kind of addicted. At least we recycle the empty bottles.
Timely, I was just thinking about this last night...

L.A. water got voted best tasting. However, I think our water (in the burbs) isn''t LA water, because it tastes like swamp sludge. However I am thinking we will transition to drinking it anyway because I want Amelia to drink tap (better for the teeth, as mentioned). We do recycle to help make it better.
Tap water in FL is not good, even with a filter. So bottled water for us is a must have.
I dislike tap water. It does not taste good (and I can tell the difference between bottled water brands, too -- I''m not a fan of all bottled water either). Sometimes in restaurants the tap water is so bad that it''s undrinkable to me. And I''m no ''water hater''. I drink tons of it, just certain kinds.

I may be spoiled, though -- when I lived with my parents, we had a reverse osmosis unit and that was the BEST water. Once SO and I move into our new house, we''ll get another RO unit.
We are constantly at the rock gym, golfing, hiking, kayaking, whatever, so bottled water is a must. We ran out of bottles on Sunday before kayaking and I used a Nalgene bottle with filtered tap, then promptly spilled half of it on me when trying to drink out of it because the opening is huge. If I''m at home, I''ll drink from the Brita, but most of the time we''re outside.
I DO NOT drink water straight out of the tap. I have a reverse osmosis filter that takes OUT most of the flouride and clorine. My kids are given ACT mouthwash that has floride in it that they GARGLE and spit out and then the flouride ONLY stays in their mouth at night, it's not ingested into their bodies.

Fluoride has banned from some countries. Does anyone know that???

Do a google.

Here's a quote," The first occurrence of fluoridated drinking water on Earth was found in Germany’s Nazi prison camps. The Gestapo had little concern about fluoride’s supposed effect on children’s teeth; their alleged reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the people in their concentration camps into calm submission."

Another: The Scientific American study “Concluded that fluoride can subtly alter endocrine function, especially in the thyroid — the gland that produces hormones regulating growth and metabolism.”

From the website:

Russia doesn't even put fluoride in drinking water.

Dr. Mercola says, "There are relatively few countries in the world that use fluoridation. In many countries it's against the law to contemplate the mass medication of a whole population with a substance that everyone admits has the potential to be toxic at certain levels."


I'm not saying bottled water is better. . . just that tap water isn't THE BEST. People should filter their tap water. RO units aren't that expensive, especially for those of us spending tons of bottled water or fashion hand bags, etc. Clearly $ isn't a concern.
Man, I guess we got lucky. Detroit area tap water tastes just fine to me!
We used to live in CA--HORRIBLE tap water. I wouldn''t even drink it. Now we live in Oregon, where they don''t add fluoride (or pretty much anything else) to the tap water and it is DELICIOUS. I can''t imagine why you''d buy bottled water here--you don''t even need to filter the tap water.
Date: 9/22/2008 12:43:20 PM
Author: ladypirate
We used to live in CA--HORRIBLE tap water. I wouldn''t even drink it. Now we live in Oregon, where they don''t add fluoride (or pretty much anything else) to the tap water and it is DELICIOUS. I can''t imagine why you''d buy bottled water here--you don''t even need to filter the tap water.
CA water is bad. When we visited San Diego and I washed my hair, I swear it felt more unclean AFTER I washed my hair almost like a filmy resude had been left on there.
I recently bought a Camelbak BPA free waterbottle. I LOVE it. I take it everywhere, and it forces you to drink your daily allowance of water. It''s great because it''s reusable and you aren''t harming the environment by wasting plastic. I suggest this to everyone!
I agree with Fiery, tap here sucks. But I do plan on investing in a water filter so I don''t have to buy bottled. It''s far to expensive.
Date: 9/22/2008 12:46:28 PM
Author: MC
Date: 9/22/2008 12:43:20 PM

Author: ladypirate

We used to live in CA--HORRIBLE tap water. I wouldn''t even drink it. Now we live in Oregon, where they don''t add fluoride (or pretty much anything else) to the tap water and it is DELICIOUS. I can''t imagine why you''d buy bottled water here--you don''t even need to filter the tap water.
CA water is bad. When we visited San Diego and I washed my hair, I swear it felt more unclean AFTER I washed my hair almost like a filmy resude had been left on there.

Seriously! My parents had an RO filter, so I grew up on that and it was fine, but the actual tap water was sickening. A brita wouldn''t do anything. My parents won''t even feed unfiltered tap water to their pets.
Date: 9/22/2008 12:58:41 PM
Author: ladypirate

Date: 9/22/2008 12:46:28 PM
Author: MC
CA water is bad. When we visited San Diego and I washed my hair, I swear it felt more unclean AFTER I washed my hair almost like a filmy resude had been left on there.

Seriously! My parents had an RO filter, so I grew up on that and it was fine, but the actual tap water was sickening. A brita wouldn''t do anything. My parents won''t even feed unfiltered tap water to their pets.
My cats drink filtered water too. So do my African Violets! lol
My refrigerator has a filter on it and I love the way it tastes. Although, there are rumors that they are about to switch our water source, and the lake they are going to use is nicknamed "Lake dirty bird" soooo... I might be switching to bottles soon.
I don''t mind drinking tap water, but I always have bottled water to take with me when I leave the house.

I''d love to have a refillable water bottle, but I haven''t found one that meets my requirements yet. I want it to be as lightweight as the disposable bottles, and I want the water to not taste weird after being in the reusable bottle for more than 5 minutes. No matter what I do, every reusable bottle I''ve ever tried--from Nalgenes to the stainless bottles to the cheap ones they give out at the gym--makes the water taste awful. Anyone have any suggestions for reusable bottles that I might like?
Our tap water is gross!

DH and I used to get bottled water, but we decided to switch to filtered due to the impact on the environment as well as the expense of bottled water. We have the Pur Flavor Options pitcher and I love it!
Your water might taste ok but could have a lot of ick things in it.

Also, much of the city infrastructures in older cities is not in great shape and allows stuff into the water.

I am very smell and taste sensitive. I find most tap water has a mineral taste or worse a chlorine taste.

Now with the issue of chemicals in the plastic, I think bottles made of glass are best but not practical for toting around.
Not only are disposable water bottles a rip off, but the waste from use and production of water bottles is putting an enormous strain on the environment.

I watched a documentary about it and an English official said that using disposable water bottles is unconscionable. I agree.
Date: 9/22/2008 4:32:43 PM
Author: diamondfan
Your water might taste ok but could have a lot of ick things in it.

Also, much of the city infrastructures in older cities is not in great shape and allows stuff into the water.

I am very smell and taste sensitive. I find most tap water has a mineral taste or worse a chlorine taste.

Now with the issue of chemicals in the plastic, I think bottles made of glass are best but not practical for toting around.
Diamondfan, I''m the same way! I can''t stand that chemical taste in tap water. YUCK!

Here''s a gross fact about the tap water in our town: If you put a glass of tap water on the kitchen counter overnight, you will have a thin layer of silt at the bottom of the glass in the morning!
i buy bottled water because fluoride is really bad for you and i live in one of the few countries where they still fluoridate water.
Date: 9/22/2008 5:15:49 PM
Author: vita*dolce
i buy bottled water because fluoride is really bad for you and i live in one of the few countries where they still fluoridate water.
I''m glad someone else has posted this too. I posted about this above as it seems important that people know fluoride in water is bad, but it seems that it''s not acknowlegded as much as one would have hoped.
Date: 9/22/2008 4:39:23 PM
Author: Haven
Not only are disposable water bottles a rip off, but the waste from use and production of water bottles is putting an enormous strain on the environment.

I watched a documentary about it and an English official said that using disposable water bottles is unconscionable. I agree.
Ditto! Water bottles are incredibly terrible for the environment.
We live in CA. Our house has a water softening system and an RO filter.

I have a reusable aluminum water bottle that I fill with filtered water.
Date: 9/22/2008 2:58:38 PM
Author: kittybean
I don't mind drinking tap water, but I always have bottled water to take with me when I leave the house.

I'd love to have a refillable water bottle, but I haven't found one that meets my requirements yet. I want it to be as lightweight as the disposable bottles, and I want the water to not taste weird after being in the reusable bottle for more than 5 minutes. No matter what I do, every reusable bottle I've ever tried--from Nalgenes to the stainless bottles to the cheap ones they give out at the gym--makes the water taste awful. Anyone have any suggestions for reusable bottles that I might like?

SIGG!!!! Link

Mine is aluminum, not the stainless. It has a safe inner coating that keeps the drink from tasting bad.
I loathe bottled water. It actually makes me feel MORE thirsty and dry than it did before.
My tap water is the best. When my husband and I first moved out, I was so sad to not have "home" water.
Siggs are awesome but they can get very hot to the touch.

A lot of new bottles now from these water companies are more eco friendly.
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