
April Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
We are watching "Hungry Girl" on the Cooking channel. It is a great show. She reminds me of Rachel Ray.


Apr 19, 2004

Went to the pool--ran against the lazy river and did my deep water workout as well. Also decided to the hit gym and walked on the treadmill on the highest incline for 20 minutes--at a good pace. Felt good.

Keep well folks!



Feb 27, 2007
Sharon, glad to hear you had quite the work out today.

I wandered the halls at work a lot today quite a few times. It was nice to get some nice long walks in at work. Sweet.

We went to supper with friends tonight. I didn't eat much but they had happy hour so I had more wine to drink that I should. I kind of "voiced" my stress to Marty about his job search. Rats. I am trying to be strong but I truly just want to cry. :(( It's my nature to keep things bottled up. Sigh.

I hope you had a great day.


Apr 27, 2007

marcy - I guess we occasionally have to let the boys spend money too, huh? We bought all those appliances on Saturday and then mailed our tax payment today. No fun purchases for a while in my house! I love my super sparkly diamond. It's very eye catching, and people in stores comment on it quite a lot. Once a lady came from across a restaurant to look at it, which I thought was kind of funny. If I think I need to change it in any way, it sparkles its little heart out at me and wins me over all over again! Hang in there with Marty's job search. I feel for you - I know that's stressful. The not knowing what's going to happen is tough.

Today was a beautiful, sunny day. It felt so nice and smelled so good outside that I sat on the porch and read as long as I could see the writing on my kindle. It's going to rain soon, so Matt and I are headed out to walk. We had chicken fajitas and rice for dinner. After we walk, I think I'll have a Black & Tan and then head to bed. Have a great day tomorrow!


Feb 27, 2007
Thanks, Deegee I needed that. Your diamond sounds very pretty. That is very neat people see your diamond sparkle across the room. Don’t get me wrong my diamond is very pretty I just wanted an upgrade for my birthday. It’s a GIA EX and the stats come in the same range as an AGS0. Oh well, one thing at a time. You are so right - the uncertainty is what’s killing me. I haven’t even told my parents yet because I know my mom will freak out. The IT manager spot with the state is coming open and he has an inside track to that but I fear he will turn it down. Sometimes I just have to shed a few tears then I move on. That’s the way I roll . . . ha ha. We had rain here today; it smelled so good.

Okay, I’m better now and I brushed my teeth and flossed so I wont be tempted to hit the chocolate. Woo hoo!



Apr 19, 2004

Off to the pool and gym again shortly.

Marcy--are you and Marty both looking for work?

Degee hope your jaw is better soon.



Feb 27, 2007
Sharon, Marty is looking for a different job. I doubt he will find what he wants where we live so if he finds something and we move then I’ll be looking for a job. I don’t take well to change. I hope you had fun at the pool and the gym.

Work was crazy busy again today so the day zipped by for me. I made us some noodles with ground beef for supper with veggies and bread sticks. I haven’t bought groceries for a few weeks so I went tonight and picked up stuff for tacos tomorrow night. We should have enough food now for the rest of the week. I forgot to get Marty more bagels but he has cereal so hopefully that will work for breakfast for him.

I went to bed early last night and slept pretty good until about 3 then kept waking up.

I hope you all had a great day. :wavey:
Take care.


Apr 27, 2007

marcy - our IT manager is retiring, as well as our 2 programmers. Tell Marty he can come & work for us! Although I'd kind of like to look for a new job myself. I'm like you about not liking change, so I probably won't look unless I am miserable. I hope he can find something where you live so you won't have to look too.

Hi sharon!

Today was a lousy day at work. I officially was notified that I am on the long-term computer project, which is something I totally do not want to do. Later in the year I'll be pulled out of my job and moved to a completely different location to work on nothing but this project...for the next 5 years. I really like my job, my staff and coworkers, and this project is something I have really been dreading. So - if I'm miserable, I'll have to look for another job. I tear up every time I think about it. I went to the dr this morning for a follow up on my jaw and to have my TMJ splint adjusted. I'm still healing on schedule, and the dr thinks the TMJ splint will help with some of my swelling issues. My poor 19 yr old niece K, who we have nicknamed Dee Jr. because the craziest things happen to her like they do me, broke her foot playing basketball and is now wearing a lovely cast up to her knee. She is pretty bummed because she wasn't quite over the last weird thing that happened to her when she broke her foot this week. She still has a couple weeks to go before finals, so she's going to be maneuvering around campus with heavy cast and crutches. I feel so bad for her because I know how frustrating it is to keep having accidents! I had mashed potatoes & green beans for dinner. The rain stopped for a bit so we took our walk, and then as a nightcap I had 2 bottles of Guinness. I could go for more, but I think I should head to bed instead. I have a meeting with our director bright and early, and I don't want to go dragging in all hung-over! Have a great day tomorrow!!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Greetings! :wavey:

Deegee, I am so sorry they are pulling you off your job to work on that computer project you don’t enjoy working on. I hope you aren’t miserable and have to go look for a new job. I dread looking for work so hopefully neither one of us will have to go do that. I’ve actually only worked 2 places since high school so I am not a job hopper. I think there are good and bad things about any job. I am glad to hear the doctor thinks you are progressing as expected but you poor thing it seems like it is a slow process for you. Your poor niece too; hobbling around campus is not going to be fun for her. I hope both of you have speedy recoveries.

Work was crazy again yesterday. My team went to HR and complained about being on call now that they are hourly. They automatically get 2 hours extra for the week they are on call but in order to get OT for it they have to make sure they work their 40 hours (which sorry I have no sympathy for them if they don't). We all had to set down and have a meeting. I was kind of irritated they didn’t talk to me or my boss first because we could have addressed their concerns without dragging HR in to it but oh well. I think they ended up satisfied. They are actually getting compensated for being on call which they weren’t when they were salaried employees. We had our had first quarter all team meeting and awards for announced for 2010. I got an award for outstanding employee of the year. I was quite surprised.

Last night I went to the mall and bought a pair of earrings from Kays that matches a pendant I have from Jarads. They are tear drop shaped settings (WG) with a 1/4 ctw in the center of each tear drop. I knew they wouldn’t be big diamonds but since they matched one of my favorite pendants I wanted them. In the store they sparkled okay so I took them although they certainly weren’t the greatest diamonds. I got home, looked at them in 3 different mirrors with different lighting. Ewe! Then I took them off and looked at them in 3 different lighting situations around the house and went back to the mall to return them. They just didn’t sparkle at all. The guy who rang up the refund on my debit card then messed up and didn’t credit me back the tax. The manager spent about 30 minutes on the phone with their headquarters trying to figure out how to give me back that $21. I was there past when the store closed. They were very nice about it though because I keep trying on their 1 ct. Leo solitaire and she is just sure I am going to buy it from her.

Speaking of 1 carat diamonds I think I am driving myself crazy with the numbers and HCA scores. The place where I have my diamond from just doesn’t have that many diamonds that are “ideal”. I think I will just have to go look and trust my eye instead of being caught up in what looks the best on paper. Online I find a few diamonds that fall inside AGS0 specs but of course they are spread across about 2 dozen stores so when I check with the 2 stores in Denver they never have the ones I want to see. This store doesn’t have anything like an Idealscope or Sarin reports. I have too much invested with them to try and get an upgrade elsewhere. I can trade in jewelry from them towards the purchase as well if I find something more than I am willing to pay. Maybe I should just get an iPad2. LOL.

Well, Marty is just getting dressed and we need to leave in minutes so I’d best go nag at him.

Have a great day.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! :wavey:

We woke up to a snow covered world but once again it melted quickly. It is raining pretty good right now.

My day was busy at work again so the day zipped by.

Thursday is our date night and we went to one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. I had a taco and some of a small enchilada. After supper we went to Target, Walmart, Office Depot and Verizon to look for a stylus for Marty’s iPad. I picked up some of the pink jewelry cleaner at Walmart. I don’t like going to our Walmart so while I was there I decided I would get a bottle. I usually give my employees some money to pick it up when they go - yes I don’t like our Walmart that much. The one that is near where we camp is great.

Tomorrow is finally Friday. Yippee.

See ya!


Feb 27, 2007
We went out with friends last night. I don't want to see alcohol for weeks. And that's all I've got to say about that. :bigsmile:

I do have a video on my phone of Marty singing karaoke with some other guys though. That should be funny to watch.

I have no idea what we are doing today but I am not feeling too ambitious.

Have a great day!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi. We ventured out and picked up Marty's suits today. We had dinner at the Macaroni Grill - they offered us some samples of their house wine. We both turned green at the thought and said no thanks - just water and ice tea. I had spaghetti and Marty had some curry sausage pasta. We split a piece of chocolate cake.

I hope all of you are having a great weekend.



Feb 27, 2007
Happy Easter! I hope all your eggs are golden and your bunnies are chocolate (just not too many of them). :wavey:


Apr 27, 2007
Good evening! Matt and I took Friday off, so our long weekend is coming to an end. Boo-hoo! We got lots of things done around the house that we've been putting off (my ceiling fan that has been sitting in the box for 2 years has been installed!), and we have developed a plan for the outside door/shutter color combo. We went to mom & dad's today for dinner, but we couldn't play wiffleball since my niece is sporting a cast to her knee. She tried to be all-time pitcher, but she had a really hard time keeping her balance so they couldn't play. I don't think she's supposed to be standing on it either. I did okay with dinner (ham, green beans, corn, small serving of sweet potato casserole), but then my sister pulled out the homemade hot fudge cake (layer of homemade chocolate cake, layer of ice cream, another layer of cake, homemade hot fudge, whipped cream & cherry). It was sooooo good. We can't walk because it's storming outside, and I so need to take a walk. My belly is feeling mighty big this evening!

marcy - you must have really overdone it if you passed up a sample of wine at dinner! One of my best friends moved away in 2006 and I had too many margaritas at the Mexican restaurant at her going away party, and I still can't stand the smell of them! Makes me shiver a little just thinking about it. Blech! I'm bummed more than I can express about being pulled out of my job. Our director made me talk to her at length on Wed and Thurs, and she made me promise that if I'm as miserable as I think I'm going to be that I'll talk to her about it before looking for another job. Deep down I already knew, as she expressed, that there are only 2 people in the entire office that have the experience needed and who she trusts to work on this. I have more experience than the other person, so I'm stuck. That's what I get for trying to learn as much as I could about the agency. Grrr me! I am going to have to talk to my staff soon, since they'll be reporting to someone else for the next few years. We have problems in our office with OT too, especially if it is a holiday week. People will schedule themselves for OT and then miss a day or realize it's a holiday week, and then they complain about having to work over. Yay for being recognized as an outstanding employee! Congrats! And I think an iPad would be a less stressful purchase than a diamond. I drove myself nuts over my replacement diamond. It has awesome numbers and is of the highest class, and it is beautiful - but for some reason, it doesn't have the same something that I can't put my finger on as the H & A diamond it replaced.

I'm being super chatty tonight. Sorry about that! I'm off to find something to wear tomorrow and head to bed. Have a great Monday!


Feb 27, 2007
Deegee, I am glad you had a nice weekend. Yay for getting the ceiling fan installed. They are nice to have during the warmer months (which at most are about 3 months here). Your Easter dinner sounds great. We had homemade beef noodle soup and Marty made some fried beans patties from a recipe he saw on the Cooking network. He liked them but I didn’t try any of them. It sounds like there will be big changes for you and your employees at work. That is always rough on everyone. I hope it isn’t as bad as you think when you start working on it. I am sure our office will have issues with holidays and OT too. I know exactly what you mean about the difference in diamonds. My new diamond looks great by the numbers but it just doesn’t appear the same to me as my old diamond. The specs on it even are inside AGS0 standards but it just doesn’t seem the same to me. When we do finally go look at diamonds maybe I should see if they have my old diamond and get it put in a 3 stone ring. Ha! I should just get an iPad2 - there are only 2 choices in hard drives size and then I’d get a pink cover. Done! No more decisions to make. Funny about the margaritas; I didn’t get sick but wine doesn’t even sound good to me today.

We woke up to snow and it is snowing now. At least it gets in the 50’s during the day so it melts quickly.

Sleep well!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Monday! I left potatoes baking in the oven and Marty cooked us some small steaks on the grill. I love grilled meat.

I ran a few errands tonight so made sure I parked far away and walked some extra steps. I wish it would warm up though so I can really get out for a walk.

Deegee, I must be having sympathy pains for you. I have a very sore mouth and I am sure it's nothing compared to yours. Friday night when we were at the bar a friend of mine grabbed me off my chair and wanted me to come see something. I feel on the floor and I think I smacked me teeth together somehow because as the days go by I am getting worse. This afternoon I was almost in tears at work. Some Advil helped but talking and eating flare it up pretty bad. Probably a good idea to quit both of them for awhile. Marty will enjoy the piece and quiet. I made mac and cheese (Kraft) for lunch tomorrow so that should be easy to chew.

Laters. :wavey:


Aug 12, 2005
Hey all! I've been thinking of re-joining the HLT for awhile now and finally decided to! I was a member a long, long time ago (think 2007 or 2008!) and so many changes happened in my life that I dropped out. I would love to hang out with you all again, if you'll have me!

Turns out I am really good at gaining winter weight, or "being in love" weight and would like to lose some pounds and need motivation! I've always been a healthy eater (I'm vegetarian) but many times I choose pasta and marinara with cheese over healthier veggie ideas such as lots of veggies with a small side of pasta! Comfort foods, and all that...

I have a totally different job now at an outdoor/adventure store where most of the employees and customers are really active outdoors, and that is a plus for me because I want to join them!!! Being fit is not a "must" but it is definitely encouraged, so that stokes my motivation. A few years ago I was in great shape, and I would love to get there again. I know that I can count on this thread to keep me thinking about the future and give me a huge push in the right direction when I'm feeling lax...everyone who posts here is always inspiring and that's what I'm seeking once again.

That's it for now...looking forward to sharing here again! :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

:wavey: gangaronni and rewelcome to Monnie!

I went to the pool and did my water run + deep water workout for an hour, and did the treadmill on the steepest incline for 20 minutes. THEN on my way out I caught the Zumba class--and I stopped in to try it out (nearly fainted) but loved how much I did! I plan to return and do the full class--it was fun! BUT how do you shake your booty and stay steady?????? Not used to that! (I must be a bum cleancher!!! heheee)

Keep well and active folks!



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Everyone! :wavey:

Monnie, I am so excited to see you posting here again. :appl: Sounds like your life is going well. Woo hoo for being in love and your new job sounds marvelous. Comfort food is always appealing but I try to make smarter choices more often than not and save the comfort foods for treats or in moderation. I have been quite lazy this winter and need to work off some winter weight as well. We can do it! I know my summer pants are TIGHT.

Sharon, you certainly had an active day. LOL at trying to remain steady while shaking your booty. I would fall flat on my face. :bigsmile:

Yes, I am calling the dentist in tomorrow morning. OMG I want to stick my head in a vice. Aak. ;(

We had a little free time at work this afternoon and had fun going on an Easter Egg hunt. One of my employees put assorted candies in plastic eggs and hid them all over our office. We’ve been finding them since Monday but the ones we hunted down today were fairly well hidden. He said we’ve now found about 3/4 of them.

We tried frozen pizza for supper tonight (a new thin crust one) but it was too chewy for me so I didn’t eat much of it.

Maybe I’ll go browse diamonds that should add some sparkle to my life. :naughty:

Take care.


Apr 27, 2007
marcy - ouch! I'm so sorry to hear you hurt your mouth. I hope the dentist can help. Someone asked if alcohol was involved when I hurt my mouth. Sadly, no. Right now I'm having trouble with my bottom tooth right above the fracture on my left side and the top tooth directly above, and the right joint is completely out of whack. When I open my mouth very wide at all, the right side pops out. The two teeth that are hurting have both had root canals and crowns, so the pain is coming from the injured tissue around each tooth. It's been over a month and I'm tired of soft food, so I'm eating regular food cut up in very small pieces. I sure hope you haven't hurt yours too badly. When I first did it, the oral surgeon prescribed a muscle relaxer specifically for the face/neck, an anti-inflammatory, and pain medication. It took the edge off the pain, so maybe something like that might help you. I'm noticing a big improvement after I started using the mouth splint every night. Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear you're having problems. I just want to give you a big hug.

sharon - I'm so jealous of your pool workouts. When I lived with my parents, I used to do pool workouts during the summer months in their pool. I really miss that! I'm way too big of a klutz for Zumba.

monnie - Hi - glad to meet you! I tend to eat a lot of whole grain pasta, but now I measure it every time to make sure I keep it to one portion. I love the tomato based sauces and veggies along with it. I am really proud of myself for not gaining any winter weight this year. Last year's summer clothes are a little big. Woo-hoo! (That's the first time that's ever happened!)

Today was a hectic day at work. I'm trying to stay positive about this project, although I had a meltdown on Thursday and our director is convinced I'm looking for another job. She keeps making me go talk to her every day. I've worked with her for 11 years and I think she's being genuine in the very kind things she has said to me. Tonight for dinner I made pizza - 1/2 pepperoni and full fat cheese for Matt and 1/2 veggie and fat free cheese for me. I must say, that was the tastiest pizza I have ever made! (I think I was really hungry.) We went grocery shopping after dinner and I bought all kinds of fresh fruit and veggies. I made myself a fruit salad to go along with my oatmeal for breakfast, and a spinach salad for lunch. I'm hoping we'll get a break in the rain long enough to walk a mile or two before bed. I have a big project meeting tomorrow morning, so I have to get to bed at a decent hour so I won't nod off. Have a great day tomorrow!!


Feb 27, 2007
Okay. Marty really thinks I am nuts now. I used a straw to bite down on all my teeth to try and see which ones hurt the worst and to see if I could then find what’s going on. Well one thing came out of it - I am worse now than I was. D’oh! I think the worst spots are around a few crowns one of which gives me fits off and on usually from my sinuses. I figure if I am really sore and can get in to the dentist tomorrow it’ll be easier for him to figure out what is wrong with me.

Deegee, thanks for the hug and well wishes. See that is just what kind of a PS / HLT friend I am! I not only get sympathy pains for you I end up getting teeth pain so we can be in this together. Sort of anyway. LOL. It sounds like you will be hurting for quite some time and I know you are hurting far more than I am. I think I’ll try cutting up strawberries in the morning. I gave up on my cheerios for awhile. Too crunchy. If someone asks me if alcohol is involved in my teeth pain I’d have to say - maybe. I honestly don’t know if I hurt myself when I fell down but I know that it started very soon afterwards. That is nice your director is trying to help you through this and hopefully it’s not all for her sake but she has your best interests in mind too. Your pizza sounds very good.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. :wavey: The dentist took x-rays and filed down some of the edges on a few crowns. I think I hurt worse than I did but we will see how I feel in a day or two. If it doesn't improve I guess I will go see a doctor. He couldn't see any infection. This area has given me fits before so he said I could have a nerve dying there that flares up. I took Advil, Tylenol and Aspirin during the day and none of them helped. I am off to play cards with a few friends tonight. I don't feel like it but one of them is moving and going to Africa to join the Peace Corp so I figure I should see her while I can.

We had cheese raviolis for supper. They weren't very chewy. I think I will pick up some yogurt on the way home tonight.

Have a great evening.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! Poor Marty was on a conference call till about midnight last night then went to work at 7 this morning. I woke up about 4 and had to get up and take some more Advil. I got out our heating pad and kind of smashed it on my check when I went back to sleep. One of the 2 helped a little but I am still not doing well. I have the name of another dentist I might go see. I made soft shell tacos for supper and I ate all of mine because I am so hungry. I have reached a point where maybe if I flare it up even more someone can figure out what is wrong. :bigsmile:

Tomorrow is finally Friday. Yippee. We are kind of slowing down at work for awhile. We won't get super busy again until August but I am ready for some down time.

I hope all of you and yours are safe and sound if you live anywhere they had those horrible tornadoes. My aunt and uncle live in Alabama. They are okay but have no electricity, their son and his family are fine but this morning they hadn't heard from their daughter yet who lives in Birmingham.

Take care.


Apr 27, 2007
marcy - I'm sorry you're still hurting so bad. I overdid it by eating my usual broccoli and rice meal for lunch at my favorite Chinese restaurant 2 days ago. I hadn't been there since I hurt my mouth and the owner asked where I had been (we usually go for lunch 1-2 days every week). I've been back to yogurt and soup for for now. A few days ago I had a bowl of soup and too many glasses of Dead Guy Ale. I have noticed that since I can't eat much and I'm hungry, I'm drinking way too much beer! Can you think of alcohol yet? A big glass of wine before bed might help you sleep. Have you already had root canals on the teeth that are bugging you? With my last one, the tooth looked fine in the xray but it had hurt really bad for a couple of months. The dentist decided that the nerve was dying and sent me for a root canal, and it was feeling better...and then I cracked my jaw. Poor Marty and the long hours. Matt worked on a bunch of drawings at the kitchen table after dinner tonight. The project manager on the computer project I'm stuck on keeps asking if I took stuff home to work on, and the answer is an emphatic NO! I hope you hear that all of your family in Alabama is safe & sound. Those were some unbelievable storms.

We had to drop Matt's SUV off at the Honda dealer on the way to work today for maintenance and a recall item, and the Honda dealer isn't quite on the way to work. Somehow after that and dropping Matt off at his office, I actually made it to work on time. We plan to leave work early tomorrow to head to KY for my niece's 12th birthday party. We don't have anything for her yet, so we're going to have to stop by the mall on the way. Tonight for dinner we had minestrone soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. I think I'm going to have a pudding cup and a Black & Tan for my snack and then head to bed. I'm pooped! Have a great day tomorrow!!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Thanks, Deegee. It sounds like you know exactly what I am talking about. Hopefully we'll both get over this soon. Have a fun time on your trip for your niece's birthday party. I did hear from my aunt; they finally heard from my cousin so all of their families are okay. My boy cousin is an adjuster for insurance so he is already in the field trying to resolve claims for people. I feel so bad for everyone there. It looks very, very bad. I am going to pick up some yogurt tomorrow. Marty isn't one for soup but I think I'll get some for me anyway. I think a day or two of less talking and less chewing would be helpful. Sorry to hear Matt had to work at home and also that his SUV in for a recall. We got one on our new car too.

Good night everyone! I hope you sleep well. :snore:


Apr 27, 2007
Yay - the weekend is here! I stayed home today to get some stuff done before we head to KY this afternoon. Truthfully, every time I think of that stupid computer project, it makes me want to go to work even less. I was checking my work email today, and saw one from the project manager letting us know not to schedule vacation/time off between June 2 - August 5. Nice. Did I mention how much I don't want to work on this project? For lunch today I had leftover minestrone soup, a cheese sandwich and 4 Advil. My sister is getting Subway trays for food for her daughter's bday party, but I think I'm going to have to take my own soft bread. Seems like the Subway bread is thick and hard to chew. We got ready to take our walk last night, and discovered upon opening the door that it was pouring rain, so no walk. It was weird because it rained all morning/afternoon, and then there was nothing else in the forecast. We're having some weird weather.

marcy - don't you hate getting a recall on a brand new car? His was only 6 months old when we got the notice. It wasn't anything major, the sunroof needed programmed. It would only close halfway once you opened it! I'm still loving my new car. I have driven more in the 4 months that I've had it than I have in the last 12 years since my accident. I can't imagine being an insurance adjuster right now, with all the damage in the South. It's incredible. I'm glad you're family is safe. Matt thinks you can't eat soup between April and November. He says it's too warm outside for soup, but I'm good for a tasty bowl any time of the year. (Although right now I can't stand the thoughts of tomato soup - too many bowls of it this past month.) I hope you start feeling better. If you can find something to take the edge off the throb, it's a major help. Matt is having a root canal next Thursday. He broke such a huge piece of his tooth that I can't believe there is anything left in there. He's on antibiotics right now, and is on the cancellation list because it's really bothering him. Mouth pain stinks!

It's not supposed to rain until Sunday, which is a big dry spell for us this Spring. Yay! Hopefully we can spend some time outside. Have a great weekend!!!!!


Apr 19, 2004

Dental/jaw/mouth pain--what a PAIN! Up there right next to kidney pain for top ten of rated pain(s). Total yuk ladies!

Blazed thru the white out sleet--yes it is still snowing here--to get to the gym. Did the pool and treadmill. Saw A CLIMBER thingie and will try that next time.

Yanno what? Oatmeal just does not fill me up. I could eat a kilo of it and not get any satiation. Is that just me or what? Guess I should stick to Red River cereal--but I do like Oatmeal.

Keep well folks!



Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I am very excited the weekend is finally here. I am working on my laundry tonight so I can get that out of the way.

I made us PBJ’s for lunch and picked up some Cheetos at work - I gave my bag away they were way too crunchy. We stopped at a Mexican restaurant on the way home and I ate 1/2 of a beef and cheese enchilada. Now i have some left for lunch.

Deegee, I hate to hear that you dread going to work because of that project you have to work on. Marty is right there with you. I think I will have to join your soup and yogurt diet. Sounds like Matt is right there with us in mouth pain. Poor guy. I hope they get in in soon. I can’t recall what part they have to replace on my car but it was something I thought I should get taken care of soon. We have to drive 50 miles to get service so that limits it to Saturday mornings. Have a fun and safe trip to KY.

Sharon, I find cereal keeps me the most full for breakfast. I try toast sometimes but get hungry by 10. How fun to have something new to try out at the gym. I would have to agree mouth pain ranks high on the OMG please stop this NOW list. I’ve had feet, knee, back and neck pain and this is pretty miserable.

I did call my dentist this morning and just asked for antibiotics. He called in penicillin for me but I might be allergic to it. We are probably going shopping tomorrow (yes including looking at diamonds) so I might wait to take it when we get home.

Have a great weekend. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007
You know my mouth felt great while shopping for my new diamond today. DSS cures many things. I got a one carat AGS0 G VS2. It's huge.


Apr 27, 2007
marcy - you got a new diamond! Woo-hoo!!!!!!! Congrats! Is it already set or are you going to pick something out? I can't wait to see it. I've got nothing nearly as exciting to report... I bought a gallon of paint at Home Depot. Hee-hee.
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