
Anyone interested in a Weight Watcher''s thread?


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys. So for the first time since I started tracking points 2 1/2 weeks ago, I actually felt smaller. So instead of doing my weight, I decided to see if my measurements have changed. In those 2 1/2 weeks, I have lost an inch off my chest, 1/2 inch of my waist, and an inch off my hips. And I tried on my jeans I have a size down and they weren't even close to buttoning when I started, and they now button and zip all the way up! Yea! I think everyone should write their measurements down at the beginning b/c that is more of an indicator than weight on how the program is working. How's everyone else doing?


Dec 16, 2007
FL Steph said:
Hey, guys. So for the first time since I started tracking points 2 1/2 weeks ago, I actually felt smaller. So instead of doing my weight, I decided to see if my measurements have changed. In those 2 1/2 weeks, I have lost an inch off my chest, 1/2 inch of my waist, and an inch off my hips. And I tried on my jeans I have a size down and they weren't even close to buttoning when I started, and they now button and zip all the way up! Yea! I think everyone should write their measurements down at the beginning b/c that is more of an indicator than weight on how the program is working. How's everyone else doing?

Great work Steph! I have not been dong my measurements, but going by how my clothing feels, there is no doubt I am losing inches.


Dec 16, 2007
Weigh in Day!!

So this week I lost 2lbs! :appl: DH lost 3lbs. My total weight loss for the first 4 weeks is 5lbs and DH has lost 7lbs. We feel great!

How is everyone else doing?


Mar 16, 2005
Great job, Dreamer! :appl:

I lost 1lb this week. It was actually a 2lb loss at midweek, but this weekend I ate 3 pretty bad meals so I'm happy with any loss at all. I'm down a total of 6lbs in 3 weeks.


Dec 29, 2004
Congrats everyone! That's a lot of weight off! Steph, 6 lbs in 3 weeks is awesome. It took me 6 weeks to get there.

I'm down half pound this week. I've noticed a trend over the last month...2 lbs lost, then half the following week. Lost a measureable amount in my waist as well. A pair of pants I bought to fit into finally fit this week.

I did pretty well last week in terms of eating. It seems to go in cycles. This week, goal is to maintain as I am going on vacation and won't be weighing in next Monday.


Mar 16, 2005
TravelingGal said:
Congrats everyone! That's a lot of weight off! Steph, 6 lbs in 3 weeks is awesome. It took me 6 weeks to get there.

I'm down half pound this week. I've noticed a trend over the last month...2 lbs lost, then half the following week. Lost a measureable amount in my waist as well. A pair of pants I bought to fit into finally fit this week.

I did pretty well last week in terms of eating. It seems to go in cycles. This week, goal is to maintain as I am going on vacation and won't be weighing in next Monday.
Thanks, TGal...yeah, the bulk of it was lost in the first week. I actually lost 7 pounds that first week, then I gained 2 the following week, and lost 1 this week. So I'm pretty sure it's probably leveled out now and I will continue to lose 1-2 pounds per week, which is fine with me. Good luck on maintaining on vacation.


Dec 16, 2007
Great job Steph! Keep it up!

You too TGal! I am on vacation the first week on August but I am hoping to still lose in that week. It is visiting family so tracking points shouldn't be too hard. If it was a vacation to a resort or something I think maintenance would be a-ok!


Dec 3, 2007
I am officially a WW drop-out. I lost 34lbs between January and June, but with my intense focus on training for a half marathon it wasn't feasible for me to keep losing weight. I met with a nutritionist who suggested trying to maintain for now, and just follow the healthy living choices I had been making with WW.


Dec 16, 2007
EricaR said:
I am officially a WW drop-out. I lost 34lbs between January and June, but with my intense focus on training for a half marathon it wasn't feasible for me to keep losing weight. I met with a nutritionist who suggested trying to maintain for now, and just follow the healthy living choices I had been making with WW.

Did you have more weight to lose Erica or are you at a healthy weight now? Will you be happy to maintain where you are?

Will you still track points to maintain? I know for me I gained the weight back when I stopped counting calories years back.


Jun 4, 2010
I drop in and out of WW all the time. I hate it. I'm SO bad at tracking my points and get discouraged when I've eaten waaay too many.

I could stand to lose about 20-30 lbs so I"m going to try and stick to it!


Dec 16, 2007
heyme said:
I drop in and out of WW all the time. I hate it. I'm SO bad at tracking my points and get discouraged when I've eaten waaay too many.

I could stand to lose about 20-30 lbs so I"m going to try and stick to it!

If you stick with it you will lose!! Don't let your little inner voice derail you, stick it out and it will work for sure! You may want to ask your self why you are not tracking your points. I think for me and DH for a long time we did not stick with calorie counting because we were afraid of failure, and if we did not *really* try then there was always a handy excuse for why it did not work. Self-sabotage is a bitch!


Dec 16, 2007
Well I don't know who is still around for weigh in...

But I am down another pound this week! Woop woop!

So 6lbs total in a month. Very pleased!


Dec 3, 2007
Dreamer_D said:
EricaR said:
I am officially a WW drop-out. I lost 34lbs between January and June, but with my intense focus on training for a half marathon it wasn't feasible for me to keep losing weight. I met with a nutritionist who suggested trying to maintain for now, and just follow the healthy living choices I had been making with WW.

Did you have more weight to lose Erica or are you at a healthy weight now? Will you be happy to maintain where you are?

Will you still track points to maintain? I know for me I gained the weight back when I stopped counting calories years back.

I am at a very healthy weight for me. Technically I'm about 4 lbs over the top of my healthy range, but I'm also large chested so I'm not too concerned about the 4 lbs. I'm in the best shape of my life and I've never felt better.


Dec 16, 2007
EricaR said:
Dreamer_D said:
EricaR said:
I am officially a WW drop-out. I lost 34lbs between January and June, but with my intense focus on training for a half marathon it wasn't feasible for me to keep losing weight. I met with a nutritionist who suggested trying to maintain for now, and just follow the healthy living choices I had been making with WW.

Did you have more weight to lose Erica or are you at a healthy weight now? Will you be happy to maintain where you are?

Will you still track points to maintain? I know for me I gained the weight back when I stopped counting calories years back.

I am at a very healthy weight for me. Technically I'm about 4 lbs over the top of my healthy range, but I'm also large chested so I'm not too concerned about the 4 lbs. I'm in the best shape of my life and I've never felt better.

:appl: Awesome!! It must feel great! Do you have a maintenance plan?


Dec 29, 2004
Congrats Dreamer! Erica, it sounds like you're doing great!

Back from vacation. Made smart food choices the majority of the time, but also had a cheeseburger with onion rings, a few bites of tiramisu one night, and wine every night! Could have been way worse. Choose chicken or fish for dinner most nights and had salads for lunch when I could. Always ate breakfast, although I just ate the light brekky we got at the inn, which was a hardboiled egg and a muffin (I didn't eat the yogurt or drink OJ).

So I didn't gain an ounce. Lost one, in fact. Lost a titch in the waist. All in all, successful at my goal for the week. I can only imagine what it might have looked like if I indulged every whim!


Dec 29, 2004
Good luck SDL! I hope it works out well for you!


Apr 28, 2010
I've been MIA---Sorry!

How is everyone doing with their progression?

I hit lifetime about three weeks ago. I must say that maintaining is a lot harder than losing the weight. It's been difficult but I'm trying to adjust.


Aug 1, 2008
Okay, I quit doing WW because it was impossible with my travel schedule. Well, not impossible, but really stressful for me. I switched to South Beach and that is much easier for me mentally.

At any rate, that's not why I'm posting. I was missing something "crunchy" and since chips and crackers are out for me right now, DH has been researching an alternative. Enter the eggplant chip. He burnt them last night, but today they are PERFECT. I will warn that it's a little time consuming, but worth it IMO. We used an oriental eggplant sliced slightly longwise, slightly thinner than 1/4". Baked at 375 for ten mins each side. Then we turned down the oven to 200 and let the moisture bake out. I cut them into "chip" sizes and then threw them into a dry skillet to do a final crisping (hit it once with Pam). Once they cooled, they turned crisp. I'm using them with salsa and it's soooo good. It's also WW and SB friendly. :lickout:


Dec 16, 2007
Autumnovember said:
I've been MIA---Sorry!

How is everyone doing with their progression?

I hit lifetime about three weeks ago. I must say that maintaining is a lot harder than losing the weight. It's been difficult but I'm trying to adjust.

How do you get lifetime membership? Does it apply if you are doing WW online?


I was on vacation for the last two weeks. I tried to stick to my points but it was hard with lots of parties. Still, I think I did pretty good. I had lost another half pound before I left, and this morning when I weighed myself I was the same! I suspect I have some water weight though from sushi last night and flying yesterday, so I plan to weigh myself tomorrow and see if perhaps I lost another half pound.

So my total loss after 6 weeks is 6.5 lbs! Not bad. Wish is was more, but I'll take it.


Dec 29, 2004
Dreamer, when you pay for the meetings, once you hit your goal weight (I have no idea how that's determined) you get lifetime which means you can continue to go to meetings for free, as long as you are still at goal weight.

Congrats on maintaining! I forgot to log in last week since it was so slow around here. I lost 3.2...the most I have ever lost in one week. I just came off my period, so I think some of it was that. This last week I went on a business trip and made good choices when I can, but certainly did have a few drinks in the evening. I was thrilled to actually see a .2 loss on the scale. As I said, it seems to even week good loss, the next week, next to nothing.

Oh, and Dreamer, I was at about 6.5 at 6 weeks (actually, I was exactly 6.4). That's when it started getting tough for me...a month and a half and "only" 6 pounds...but that is a lot. It started getting easier from there. Now at 13 weeks in, I'm 14.4 and now can tell solid difference and feel great. The first 10 pounds is right around the continue doing a great job!

ETA, meant to add that lifetime does not apply to online.


Dec 16, 2007
TGal I think its just you and me now! Lost another 1.5lbs this week! So 8 lbs total loss. How about you?

I think I need to get a digital scale. So much more precise. On our scale we really have to guess and can only really estimate half lb increments.

I am officially sitting on the precipice of a *very* meaningful loss -- if I lose at all this week, then next week I will dip below a point on the scale that represents my "scary number". For all of my adult life I have weighed over this point and have often gotten stuck and unable to get below it when I have tried to lose. Last time I was below this point on the scale was about 5 years ago, right before I gained back the weight I had lost in my early 20s. I am very excited for next week! Here's hoping for a big loss. Two more lbs and I will hit my first goal of losing 10lbs.

DH lost 1.5lbs this week too, he is at 9.5lbs lost. So next week will be a big week for us both, me for dropping below a dreaded number and him for hitting his first 10lb target!


Dec 29, 2004
Great job dreamer!

I haven't weighed in today yet, but I think it will be a gain of about a pound. I'm feeling super bloated right now and a bit sick to my stomach, so I am going to wait a bit and weigh in in a few hours.

Last week, I stayed constant...lost .2, which seems to happen after a big loss. We'll see what this week brings.

Here's to reaching that "scary number!"


Dec 29, 2004
I was a half pound up, but today that half pound is gone. So for now, I'm exactly maintaining. Goal is to maintain through Sept. I don't think I can lose that much on vacation to Hawaii.


Jun 16, 2010
I'm still here but haven't posted recently. My weight has been bouncing around lately. I lost 3 pounds one week, then .6 the next and this week I gained .6. AGH! During the weeks where I lost weight I was on vacation a few days for my birthday. This week where I gained weight I was on the program 100% - go figure???? And, my FI's birthday was Sunday so I have definitely 'strained' (cough, exceeded) my extra 35 points. (How many points are in a shared piece of chocolate cake???) I weigh in on Thursdays or Saturdays, so I guess I will see the full damage then. Now I am back to being good (I hope!). Glad to see you both doing well! Dreamer, good luck on hitting your goal!


Mar 16, 2005
Hello :wavey: I'm still here too although I've modified my plan a little. I am only tracking points during the day, and since I'm such a creature of habit, I usually eat the same 2 or 3 things for breakfast, lunch, and snack so I can just keep track in my head. Then at night, I just have a small portion of lean protein, green veggies or a big salad, and I measure out a 1/4 cup of whatever starch I make. If I make something particularly "bad" like cheeseburgers for the boys, I will usually heat up a Kashi meal. This method works for me because it's easy and I don't have to spend a lot of time thinking about it. Even though it may take longer to reach my goal this way, I feel like I can keep it up for the long haul. I'm also doing some sort of activity every day for at least 30 mins. I usually either run/walk with the baby or do a 30 day shread video. I've had to put my scale away b/c I was getting too caught up in the numbers. I fluctuate a ton, so it would get discouraging when I was up 3 lbs after being so good. My only number focus now is pant size. I am just now finally down one size, so I'm going out today to buy a few things. I would be happy down one more size, but ideally would like to be down 2 more. Everyone is doing great, keep up the good work!


Dec 29, 2004
Aryana, that's the story of my life too for the last few weeks!

Steph, yay! I find I am doing that kind of keeping too on many days. But I find tallying it up every day, all means actually does work best for weight loss and accountability. Like you said though, if you don't mind it coming off slower, I think it's a great way to go.

According to the scale this morning, I'm down a couple of pounds for the week after Monday's bloated weigh in. In fact, I'm .2 off from my 10% goal. We'll see if it keeps. But more telling is that this week, 2 more pants fit me without scary muffin top bulge. If this scale is accurate this morning, I'm about 17 pounds down.

I went shopping at Loehmans and was happy to buy all medium size tops...for the longest time I was a large because of upper gut rolls and broad back syndrome. Kind of's all perspective, I think. I am 5 pounds heavier than when I went to Europe (when I felt really overweight) but I have been so much heavier for so long, I feel positively svelte! I'm wearing more form fitting/tailored clothes and feel great. Plus I walked away with 15 items at Loehman for $132. :appl: T's for $2.50 and a Calvin Klein sundress for Hawaii for $16. The problem is that the sundress is a titch too zips, but isn't quite right. I have 3 weeks to somehow get it to look right!

Shopping's been fun. I keep buying clothes that fit a little snug, and it gives me great pleasure when in a few weeks, they fit! I keep wondering though if maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me, but the scale and tape measure do not seem to be lying.


Mar 16, 2005
Yea TGal for new clothes! I just was able to switch back to medium tops for the same reason and it is a really great feeling. Wow, 17 lbs is awesome.


Dec 16, 2007
BAH I hit backspace and lost my post. So I will be brief...

Good for you all! Progress is great!

I lost another lb., total of 9lbs lost and I am below the scary number at last! :appl: First time in 5 years I am this low. Actually, apart from 3 years in my early 20s, this is the lowest I have weighed in my adult life. Feels good. Clothing all fits great, bought new underwear 8) I need new clothing but don't want to waste too much money on it.

I want to lose 15 more lbs before getting pregnant again and gaining it all back :rolleyes: If I lose 1lb per week as I have been, then it means starting to TTC before Christmas, which is my hope. But I'd prefer sooner, so I guess if I can amp up the loss a tad I can cut a month off? Oh well, que sera sera.


Jun 16, 2010
Dreamer, congratulations on being below the scary number! That is such a great feeling. You are doing great!

As for me, I weighed in on Saturday and lost 2 pounds - yay! It has been a rough 30 days, with birthdays and vacation, so I am happy to be back on track (hopefully). But I have to be honest, those 2 pieces of chocolate cake were worth it! (For each of our birthdays we went to Cheesecake Factory and bought a single slice of cake to share - at least we didn't have an entire cake taunting me.)

At our WW meeting the leader shares recipes. Here is one for cheesecake which I think is pretty good:

Sue's Cheesecake:
16 oz container Greek-style nonfat plain yogurt
1 package (4 serving size) sugar free fat free instant cheesecake pudding mix
4 graham crackers, squares, crushed (divide)
1/2 cup fat free whipped topping, thawed
1 cup blueberries and sliced strawberries

Gradually stir dry pudding mix into yogurt. Set aside. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon graham cracker
into each of 4 ramekins. Place 1/2 cup yogurt mixture into each ramekin. Refrigerate at least 1 hour.
When serving top with whipped topping (2 tablespoons), remaining graham crackers and berries.
Serves 4 - 2 points/serving


Dec 16, 2007
Aryana, great progress! I think the true test of committment to weightloss is perseverence when it does not seem to be working or it is hard, and you have shown that in the last 30 days for sure!

QUestion for you, what does you group lead recommend about flex points? Eat them or don't? Spread out or not?


Weigh in day!

I lost 2 lbs this week! So I have lost 11lbs total since starting WW, and 13 since I started counting calories on my own :appl:

I am now 7 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight, and 67lbs less than when my son was born :oops:
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