
Anyone here good with color? (makeup, hair color, etc.)


Jun 7, 2014
CJ2008|1407945258|3731526 said:
VRBeauty|1407944293|3731516 said:
CJ2008|1407863503|3730940 said:
AprilBaby I know I'm DEFINITELY on the cooler side...

But not all whites look good on me...
Not all blues look good on me...
Some Kelly greens looks good, some hideous...
Some magentas, same thing...

Same with silver jewelry - most of it looks hideous on me. Same with gold. What looks best on me is very dark almost black looking silver - not pewter necessarily - I don't know what the word would be.

That's why I think I'm more of a cool/neutral...and that my skin tone is really tricky.

That's why I feel like I've never met the makeup artist or hair colorist that has the level of knowledge and eye for color that I would need. It would take someone really good and detailed who will not just "box me into" cool and try to understand why one magenta works and not the other...why one blue works, and not the other...same with makeup...

I've posted before that years ago, I had my colors done. The woman that did it wasn't a franchisee that did just the winter/spring/summer/fall thing, she developed her own approach that basically expanded on that. She identified me as a fall/winter for example. I wasn't coloring my hair at that time so didn't use her for that, but she did help with makeup and of course clothing. I poked around on the internet and it appears the whole caolor consulting industry has gotten to be quite a bit more sophisticated and has gone beyond just the four basic season groups. Anyhow, a session with a good color consultant might be an option if you can't find a hair color expert with that skill. It would be more expensive, of course... but if you find the right color consultant you'll end up looking fabulous and it could save you a lot of time and money and aggravation down the road. (The woman I went to is in the Sacramento CA area, if you're in Northern California)

I did take the first step yesterday...and asked that woman for her colorist's #. So I will start there.

But a colorist is a good idea...and would obviously go beyond just the hair...maybe I'm at the point where I need it. Even though it would cost some money, I think the reality is it seems the older I get the more I need to spend...just today I made an appointment for Botox because I saw a picture of myself, and...yeah...I look pissed off, with a permanent frown. Does not help. It makes me look older and unhappy even at my resting face.

CJ, I recently got fillers around my mouth for that same reason. I looked like I was frowning and I was happy at the time. They used a very small amount and did it make a difference. At least I don't look mad/sad now. I wish I could just grow old gracefully but it's just not going to happen.


Dec 31, 2006
purplesparklies|1407949070|3731577 said:
CJ2008 said:
purplesparklies, love that color! It looks great. Thank you for posting it so I can see it. (ETA definitely reminds me of the couple of pieces/chunks I had put in hair for halloween...and I had liked it)

I must say, though, you have very nice skin tone, and a young looking, full face, and that is at least part of the reason you carry it so well.

I'm...older...and my face has lost some of its I couldn't do something as drastic...but even a little chunk of a magenta like that a chunk of hair or two away from my face - with the right base color - might look really nice and not be too much.

:) Definitely try a chunk for a pop of something unique and fun. Frankly, I wish my face was a bit less full and I am working on it....again. I think it would look great with a bit slimmer, more angular face. Good luck finding something that makes you smile.

Oh, purple, your face looks great. But I hear you - I have things too that people say are nice but I wished they were different in one way or another. And thank you - I hope so - I have a feeling I could look better than I do. =)


Dec 31, 2006
Calliecake|1407962709|3731735 said:
CJ, I recently got fillers around my mouth for that same reason. I looked like I was frowning and I was happy at the time. They used a very small amount and did it make a difference. At least I don't look mad/sad now. I wish I could just grow old gracefully but it's just not going to happen.

Callie, what did you use? Restylane? I've been "eyeing" my nasolabial folds lately...those make me look tired/miserable too.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi CJ, It believe it was Restalyne. It came In a couple different strengths. Do not use the lowest one as it does not last long. I think it cost about $600 a syringe and if you don't use it all they save it for you to use another time. I think I used about half a syringe. My sister in law wants to use it too. The doctor told her they may need to use more than one syringe on her. Her nasal folds are pretty deep. He also put a small amount under my bottom lip on my chin which prevented my mouth from looking like I was frowning. Would you like me to ask my doctor what they used?

The only thing I would tell you if you proceed with using fillers is to find a doctor who is very conservative. If they over use fillers or Botox you can end up not looking good. The nice thing about Restalyne is they now have something they can inject if they use to much that makes it go away. Isn't this getting older fun? What I wouldn't give to have my 30 yr old face back.


Dec 31, 2006
Calliecake|1407985484|3731997 said:
Hi CJ, It believe it was Restalyne. It came In a couple different strengths. Do not use the lowest one as it does not last long. I think it cost about $600 a syringe and if you don't use it all they save it for you to use another time. I think I used about half a syringe. My sister in law wants to use it too. The doctor told her they may need to use more than one syringe on her. Her nasal folds are pretty deep. He also put a small amount under my bottom lip on my chin which prevented my mouth from looking like I was frowning. Would you like me to ask my doctor what they used?

The only thing I would tell you if you proceed with using fillers is to find a doctor who is very conservative. If they over use fillers or Botox you can end up not looking good. The nice thing about Restalyne is they now have something they can inject if they use to much that makes it go away. Isn't this getting older fun? What I wouldn't give to have my 30 yr old face back.

Yes, that's what stopped me from doing it before...the price...the Botox I can deal with it, costs me about $300...but $600...yikes. (how long is it supposed to last, by the way?)

But yeah, getting older isn't any fun at all. And getting older AND looking miserable definitely not good!

Did you have a reason for going with Restylane other that the other choices available out there or was it mostly that's what your doctor offered?

I've done the Botox with this doctor several times already so I trust him...sometimes I'm tempted to shop around for a better price and then I get scared of trying someone else.


Jun 7, 2014
CJ, if your happy with your doctors Botox results I'd just stay with him. The first time I got Botox the doctor went overboard. It was about 5 years ago and I think it cost around $700. I actually felt sick for a couple days afterward. My face looked awful and I swore i'd never do it again. My sister in law went to a different doctor about two years later. The doctor used small amounts ($200) and It looked wonderful. I went to her doctor and have been happy ever since.

I will find out what filler my doctor used. I know there are a few different kinds. It lasted about 5 months the first time. They added more and the second time they used it, it lasted a little over a year. There is supposed to be a new product that will last close to 2 years. My under eyes are getting that sunken look and I know they use fillers for that too but I'm too afraid to try it in that spot. I wish this stuff wasn't so expensive and I do get nervous that someday they will say it has terrible affects on your health down the road. I get mad at myself for being so vain. I feel so fortunate for my health. Just wish I could accept this whole aging thing a little more gracefully. One of my friends used to tell me how ridiculous it was. Of course she' was a few years younger at the time. Now that she has gotten a few years older she is singing a whole different tune. Once you hit menopause everything changes.


Dec 31, 2006
Calliecake|1407987788|3732021 said:
CJ, if your happy with your doctors Botox results I'd just stay with him. The first time I got Botox the doctor went overboard. It was about 5 years ago and I think it cost around $700. I actually felt sick for a couple days afterward. My face looked awful and I swore i'd never do it again. My sister in law went to a different doctor about two years later. The doctor used small amounts ($200) and It looked wonderful. I went to her doctor and have been happy ever since.

I will find out what filler my doctor used. I know there are a few different kinds. It lasted about 5 months the first time. They added more and the second time they used it, it lasted a little over a year. There is supposed to be a new product that will last close to 2 years. My under eyes are getting that sunken look and I know they use fillers for that too but I'm too afraid to try it in that spot. I wish this stuff wasn't so expensive and I do get nervous that someday they will say it has terrible affects on your health down the road. I get mad at myself for being so vain. I feel so fortunate for my health. Just wish I could accept this whole aging thing a little more gracefully. One of my friends used to tell me how ridiculous it was. Of course she' was a few years younger at the time. Now that she has gotten a few years older she is singing a whole different tune. Once you hit menopause everything changes.

Yes, definitely, Botox and / or fillers are definitely something to be careful with. If I ever move, I'd be petrified at having to find all new doctors.

Funny that you mention feeling sick - I do get a SLIGHT feeling of not being feels like a very mild head cold...even though the doctor keeps telling me "he's never heard of such a thing" if you look it up...huh...yeah...some people do report that feeling (can't stand it when doctors act as if you don't know what you're talking about. It's like do you think I'm making this up? :roll:)

I called him today, he offers Restylane ($600/syringe) and Perlane ($550/syringe) - so I like that he could choose based on what he thinks is best for me. But receptionist said that syringe will not be stored for me...if I don't use all of it...I don't. She said that once you open the syringe it doesn't "keep." But obviously that hasn't been your experience, right?

And yeah...some things I'll accept...looking miserable? No...


Jun 7, 2014
Hi CJ, I will call my doctor tomorrow to find out what brand name filler they used. The receptionist is not being truthful with you. I've used the remaining filler almost a year later and it worked fine. As long as it's not beyond the expiration date they can use it. Makes me think the girls in the office are getting their fillers for free. The doctor fills the syringe with the needed amount and they store the remainder. I would really feel like it was a waste of money if they couldnt use it all. The stuff is expensive!

I have never had the sick feeling after Botox injections with the doctor I see now. I know the first doctor I saw put way too much in my face. I know what you mean about doctors saying they haven't heard of reactions. Years ago I had my teeth whitened with Zoom that was done at the dentist office. While driving back to work I started having these awful pains that felt like electric shocks in my teeth. I was at work for five minutes and the shocks were excruciating. I passed out while talking to a co worker and woke up laying on the floor. The dentist said he'd never heard of anyone being in pain and told me it could be my heart. The doctor checked my heart and said it was from the pain I had experienced. The dentist I now see said many of his patients experienced the same type of pain. They now have a treatment they use before and after to desensitize the teeth.

I totally understand where your coming from on wanting to look better. A very dear friend of mine has stage four melanoma and she started getting botox and fillers. I was stunned when she had it done. Her comment was as long as I'm breathing, I'm going to look good.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi CJ, I just spoke to the doctors office. The filler he used was Juvaderm.

I'm watching the Today show as I type this. They have a well know dermatologist to the stars on and are discussing Ultherapy which is an ultra sound facelift. Price is from $4,500, but prices vary across the country. It is supposed to tighten the jawline and list checks and brow. Also woks on the neck. They are also talking about Voluma. Prices start at $1,000. Much denser than Juvaderm and they are calling it a game changer. It lasts twice has long as regular Juvaderm. It's supposed to be fantastic. I'll let you know what my doctor says about this when I see him next month. I'm going to have to go back to work just to fix my face. :angel:


Aug 8, 2011
CJ, have you seen Jodie Foster's hair in Elysium? I think it's one of her best looks; the blonde color is very flattering.
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