
Any non married people buy rings?


Apr 6, 2008
So my husband is divorcing me..... Is being horrible in the process but i still live bling so am wondering
If i can wear an ering on right hand if i ever choose to buy myself one.
Is that pathetic?
I am heart broken actually, but just trying to fill my mind with retail therapy to keep me going. :(
Hugs, sweetie!

You can buy and wear whatever you want - but - if you wear something that looks very much like a traditional e-ring, you run the risk of people assuming it's an e-ring no matter which hand it's on. Trust me on this! :wink2: That doesn't mean diamond rings are out, it just means that you do need to think about the style if you're concerned about things like that.

I'm sorry you're going through this terrible time. Take a lot of deep breaths and be careful not to do anything in haste (like giving him back your e-ring) that you'll regret later.
First of all, I'm sorry!

Second of all, not pathetic to love a great rock!! Personally, I'd probably put it in a different setting and then wear it on my right hand. I think keeping it in tact would be too much of a reminded *for me*, but nothing wrong with keeping a pretty stone!
Oh, I am sorry, hugs and dust to you!

I would probably re-set my diamond in a necklace where I wouldn't see it but could still enjoy wearing it, OR trade in for something different, like a different stone shape in a custom setting that looks more RHR than e-ring.

Again, you will get through this, and just keep on loving bling!
Oh no i never got a ring from him! I just meant if i ever chiose to buy myself one.
I do not want anyone else, trust me 2 divorces at age 35 and i feel like a loser.
Abby12|1346459344|3260656 said:
Oh no i never got a ring from him! I just meant if i ever chiose to buy myself one.
I do not want anyone else, trust me 2 divorces at age 35 and i feel like a loser.

Umm, NO! You are not a loser. Maybe married some crummy guys, but that doesn't mean YOU are to blame.

I would totally buy myself a ring for a freedom celebration present! What are you thinking? We can find options and have fun dreaming of possibilities. :bigsmile:
Abby12|1346459344|3260656 said:
Oh no i never got a ring from him! I just meant if i ever chiose to buy myself one.
I do not want anyone else, trust me 2 divorces at age 35 and i feel like a loser.

Oh sorry! I misread your original post. There is NOTHING wrong with buying a nice ring for yourself! I'd probably avoid a traditional solitaire and get at least a 3-stone or a more tradition right-hand-ring design, but you CERTAINLY deserve some nice bling!
First hubby both to blame. Second one, abusive and screwed me financially.
No bling yet. Lawyers and agreements first. Ugh not where i wanted to be....
ABBY!!! {{{HUGS}}} and more {{{HUGS}}}!! I'm so sorry you are going thru this. Unrelated to your question, but I'm hoping you have a good strong support network that you can call upon in your dark moments. Please just come here and chat with us - we would love to help get you thru this....

Now - buying a ring? - you go girl!!! Sure - treat yourself to something amazing, just like rubybeth said- a FREEDOM ring!! Wear it thru your nose if you feel like it! (ok, just kidding on that one!) but I also agree, not to get to 'engagement-y' with your setting style. Try something out of your comfort zone, perhaps, since... you are kind of being forced out of your comfort zone already... or not...whatever appeals to you :halo:

Please keep posting, we'd love to hear from you. Wishing a smooth process with the legal end of things.

(oh, what the heck, one more for the road... {{{HUG}}} :)) )
Enerchi|1346461130|3260681 said:
Now - buying a ring? - you go girl!!! Sure - treat yourself to something amazing, just like rubybeth said- a FREEDOM ring!! Wear it thru your nose if you feel like it! (ok, just kidding on that one!) but I also agree, not to get to 'engagement-y' with your setting style. Try something out of your comfort zone, perhaps, since... you are kind of being forced out of your comfort zone already... or not...whatever appeals to you :halo:

Love it! Absolutely - you need a freedom ring!!!
Thanks guys!

Oh i wish i could write it all here, everything this man has done, but i will spare the details and assure you that it appears i was conned.
Oh, Abby, I am so very sorry! I hope you can move past this process as soon as possible!
Abby I am sorry!

My good friend bought a diamond ring when she got divorced, she just missed having a diamond so much. She chose a style that was clearly not an e-ring and wears it on her right middle finger. It looks GREAT!! So go for it!! Just make sure its not "e-ring like" so you dont scare off future suitors one day.
Abby, I am so very sorry for what you are going through. I think it's perfectly fine for you to get a diamond ring if you would like one. If it gives you some comfort, provides some distraction, and brings a little joy into your life at a very difficult time, I say go for it! (((Hugs))) to you, please take care of yourself and hang in there.
Buy what ever makes you happy: an engagement style ring, a three stone ring or even a wedding band...I know plenty women who wear a ring on their left finger just because they like it, no matter their marital status...
I'm so sorry he turned out to be a jerk. :blackeye:

However, buy and wear whatever you want! Treat it like someone said earlier a freedom or achievement ring. Something you bought FOR you and no one else.
I would totally wear a diamond ring on my right hand if I was not married, bling should be enjoyed by all.
purplesilk|1346481232|3260778 said:
Buy what ever makes you happy: an engagement style ring, a three stone ring or even a wedding band...I know plenty women who wear a ring on their left finger just because they like it, no matter their marital status...

This is my feelings as well, buy whatever you want and enjoy it. Sorry about the divorce, I hope you find happiness.
So sorry for you...

Of course you should get yourself a ring, and enjoy it as a symbol of your new life :bigsmile:

Don't let anybody judge you, you're entitled to whatever makes you happy.

Sorry for your trouble. :((

I have been buying diamond rings for myself since I was 17. My Dad bought me my first diamond ring at 16 (ruby and diamond) so he is to blame!


I have a nice collection of vintage engraved wedding bands and engagement rings and I wear various combinations on both hands. I don't care what anyone thinks! Wear what you want to wear. There's no reason for you to have to rely on a man to get you what you want.

I'm wearing two modest but gorgeous little e-rings right now, a 1/3 ct. oval and the other a 1/3 ct. RB, both in delicate vintage platinum settings with tiny sidestones.

If you happen to like the vintage stuff, you can always say it's family heirloom (wasn't YOUR family's heirloom until you bought it, but no point in getting technical :lol:)

Firstly Im sorry for your painful present circumstance, I too send hugs to ya!
As for retail therapy, on yeess and bling retail therapy? yes yes yes!! Why should we stop wearing beautiful rocks just because some men or relationships fail. I'm 38 and thought Id never get married so I was gonna just buy myself a rock, so yes buying rocks for ourselves, why not! If we can afford them then we should buy them as we buy ourselves everything else...I actually have just bought my own e -ring cos I met my fiance through working in a prison ministry anad my fiance is in prison, so Ive just bought an AVC and Im totally delighted with it. the situation we are in is hard as he wont be out for 3 years so we have to wait to be together and you know sad as it sounds my little sparkly now makes me soo happy and smile even more while I wait patiently for him. I love it and it does make me smile so I say yess yess go buy yourself what ever bit of sparkly makes you happy and yes in a ring is fine, wear whatever style you want on your right hand. Many Blessings I pray for you.
Of course!

I am very sorry that you are going through all this. I vote to buy yourself a FREEDOM RING. The best part of this type of retail therapy is that it can be very meaningful to you. Also, all the time you consume searching for the perfect stone and the perfect setting is less time thinking about that other stuff. It would be a great hobby to help focus on your well being.
Seriously thanks to everyone! Although i do not know you, getting these messages gives me hope. Sometimes it is the things we hear from perfect strangers that help the most. This will be a very emotional time for me as i was so devoted to this person and making things work. When really awful things arose, i should have walked at that time, but i guess because i was married i wanted to try really hard.
The way i have been spoken to and treated, i feel shame, yet i know i deserve better. Hopefully we can agree on things and both move on. I am not meant to be married or have a child and that is ok.

Thanks to all of you for your supporting, kind words.
I remember when I was in my 20's working retail and I saw a woman wearing an AMAZING diamond ring and I commented that her husband must love her a lot to have bought that for her. I've never forgotten what she told me.

She said "Oh honey - he didn't buy this for me, and don't you wait for a man to buy you diamonds - buy them for yourself".

So. I do.

Blessings going out to your amazing future!
I'm so sorry your marriage is ending.
It can be a terribly upsetting experience.

Now aout the bling.
Where it on which ever finger you want.
Enjoy it.

If others have a problem with it, too bad.
That's their problem.

One downside of continuing to wear a ring on that "ring" finger is the future guy of your dreams may not strike up that first conversation with you.
kenny|1346538318|3261030 said:
One downside of continuing to wear a ring on that "ring" finger is the future guy of your dreams may not strike up that first conversation with you.

GOOOOOOOD point Kenny!
Oh Abby, hon I am so sorry you are going through all this! When all is said and done, you SO deserve some beautiful bling!! Before I was engaged I wore a beautiful 6 prong solitaire on my right ring finger, I was totally unfazed what others thought, it was my preferred style and that's that! Big hugs and best wishes for a brighter future!
Abby12|1346534066|3261019 said:
Seriously thanks to everyone! Although i do not know you, getting these messages gives me hope. Sometimes it is the things we hear from perfect strangers that help the most. This will be a very emotional time for me as i was so devoted to this person and making things work. When really awful things arose, i should have walked at that time, but i guess because i was married i wanted to try really hard.
The way i have been spoken to and treated, i feel shame, yet i know i deserve better. Hopefully we can agree on things and both move on. I am not meant to be married or have a child and that is ok.

Thanks to all of you for your supporting, kind words.

I understand how you feel, as I did the same thing in a relationship with someone who sounds a little like your soon-to-be-ex-husband. It sucks. I'm very sorry you have to go through it.

And girl, it's not only diamonds you can get on your own. You can have kids on your own too. It's more expensive and more work, but if you really want a kid, go for it. The husband can come later. I know several people who have done things that way and had everything work out perfectly, if not the way they expected things too. Basically, whether diamonds or children, don't wait around for a man to get it if it's something you really want and you have the resources.
And girl, it's not only diamonds you can get on your own. You can have kids on your own too. It's more expensive and more work, but if you really want a kid, go for it. The husband can come later. I know several people who have done things that way and had everything work out perfectly, if not the way they expected things too. Basically, whether diamonds or children, don't wait around for a man to get it if it's something you really want and you have the resources.

Couldn't have said it better !

First, big hugs to you. Time makes things better. That may not console you that much right now but you will find it is so true.

Never wait for a man to give you what you want ! That is a horrible and dis-empowering feeling. I've bought my own diamonds and own house. It makes you feel great and even stronger (and people will admire that - not that that matters). Yeah, it can be harder but it feels glorious to be the one in control. And that feeling snowballs into being even stronger which affects life greatly. Do not get too hung up in "it can't look like an engagement ring at all". That is giving over control again - no good.

I've worn an engraved VanCraeynest band on the fourth finger of my left hand lots. That is the finger it fits on and I love it - so there, world !

Now lets talk fun for a second - what kind of stone are you looking for?

Again, lots of hugs and xxxxxooo to you. If you need some soft shoulders sometimes, maybe put up a post in "Diamond Hangout" - strangers can have wonderful ideas and words, even more than people you know.