
Animal rescue -- heartbreaking


May 11, 2009
Yssie|1362185138|3394154 said:
Is there a link somewhere in this thread? If so could someone repost it, I can't see anything?

ETA this is the right site, right Ginger?

Yes, that's our site, yssie. Thank you for posting it - I should have put it on here instead of the FB page, but I wasn't thinking clearly in the late night hours (and being a crying mess!).


May 11, 2009
gemtastic|1362185280|3394156 said:
I tried to brace for the photo.....but I am shocked and just so unbelievably sad. There is a special place in h*ll for those people. To me is is scary that they should be out in society and not locked up--to me this displays sociopathic/antisocial behavior. That poor baby girl :((
Please keep us updated on her.

I agree completely. I will definitely be continuing to ask if formal charges are going to be be brought against the ex-owners.


Nov 18, 2010
This makes me so upset! How can people do this? And why can't we have stricter laws so that people who mistreat their pets don't get away with kind of horrible abuse.. She has such hauntingly beautiful eyes. I won't be able to sleep tonight.


May 11, 2009
ForteKitty|1362188887|3394205 said:
Airplanes full of dust heading her way!!

I can't even come up with the right words for this. :angryfire:

Thank you FK for your extra special dust. I completely understand the speechlessness.


May 11, 2009
hlmr|1362189618|3394215 said:
I really didn't want to see that picture, but I had to look, so I can't ever block out how despicable some people can be in this world. I hope she makes it through, and that her pictures help change the cruelty and ambivalence shown by so many in this world, when it comes to the suffering of the vulnerable.

Beautifully put. Even in terrible, gutwrenching situations like this there is a silver lining - it brights to light the importance of the community to prevent such atrocities. It showcases that we are far from being a showcase first world society, whose every pet enjoys a life of health and happiness. Poor Journey carries with her the stories of THOUSANDS of others dogs who never received a second chance.


May 11, 2009
PintoBean|1362190606|3394224 said:
Anyone that knows me knows that I am constantly saying that I don't like people.

Why don't I like people? Because people do f'd up stuff like this to the INNOCENT. :angryfire:

Lots and lots of healing dust!!

You're not alone with those thoughts.

At least half a dozen different people have said variations of:

The more I know men, the more I like my dog.


May 11, 2009
packrat|1362192191|3394247 said:
Oh my heart is breaking. I've not read anything than your initial post. That poor thing. I follow a few rescues on FB and there's been quite a few dogs that are basically barely alive come in and then they show them even a week later and they're doing so well. I hope that's the case w/this poor girl. Gawd I just hate people sometimes. I really do.

Me too. It might be completely unfounded, but I have a good feeling about her. The fact that she conceived and delivered a litter of puppies that all survived, and managed to lactate enough to keep them alive, and she's still standing herself -- well, it's a huge testament to her incredible will to survive. I reckon she's a fighter.


May 11, 2009
woofmama|1362198300|3394299 said:
I'm horrified by this & physically ill. That poor girl. :nono: I work with quite a few rescue groups and never saw a dog come in this emaciated.
How can anyone be so evil-may they rot in hell :angryfire:
Cruelty to animals is unforgiveable. So sorry for her :(sad I hope she recovers.

Thank you, woofmama - for your well wishes and the rescue work I know you are involved with. I hope you never, ever have to deal with a situation like this in your travels through life.


May 11, 2009
maccers|1362201321|3394316 said:
Ok I have tears starting...this is so upsetting. I have no words, just heartbreak.

Thanks so much for the work you do.

My dog Charlie (avatar) says thank you too. He's a rescue who was chained up for so long that the chain embedded in his neck and was surgically removed. How his former 'family' was okay with that and starving 3 of his siblings to death, I'll never understand. You've inspired me that I need to do more for these animals. I see too many newspaper articles about abused animals and I know it's a problem where i live.

Thank you

No, thank you, maccers. Your home has forever changed the life of your Charlie (who is beautiful!) -- his whole world has been made possible by you. :appl: That is priceless.

I love the idea of you getting involved with your local rescue group, I know they will appreciate any and all support you can offer from arranging transportation, listing rescues online, designing new information brochures, organizing fundraisers, or even fostering rescues until their forever homes are found. You'll be doing something great, no matter what. :))


May 11, 2009
Hospatogi|1362213583|3394426 said:
This makes me so upset! How can people do this? And why can't we have stricter laws so that people who mistreat their pets don't get away with kind of horrible abuse.. She has such hauntingly beautiful eyes. I won't be able to sleep tonight.

I am sorry, Hospatogi - I promise I did not intend to upset all of the members of PS. I just know how dust and prayers add up across the world and want to give Journey the best hope of recovery.


May 11, 2009
I worked early this morning, but managed to slam through everything and scurry off to a SAFE adoption event, held at one of the local pet supply stores. Amongst the other volunteers was our (superhero) dog coordinator, Nicole, who updated me on Journey.

She was admitted to one of the eastern suburb vets, who works absolutely tirelessly with our most severe cases. He was adamant that she needed to rest entirely - she was hooked up to saline/nutrient drip all night, and left to have quiet time. She received a visit this morning from one of our volunteers, who took a couple of photos. She was reportedly in good spirits, happy to be lavished with attention, and her bone structure doesn't look as sharp as before - she must have been severely dehydrated.

She should be having a uterine ultrasound either today or tomorrow, and has been started on antibiotics in the meantime. The surgery is not something that can be rushed into as her health is still entirely unstable. They are going to hold off on any invasive treatment as long as is practical.

Donations for Journey were collected at the adoption event today - we received about 6 20kg bags of specialized puppy food, a lovely soft toy to keep her company, and 3 large boxes of puppy milk replacement. Additionally, we received donations for our other fosters, which was such an unexpected bonus!

While discussing the situation regarding monetary donations and the cost of her intensive hospital bills, our treasurer turned to me and said, "We've had donations all the way from the States, you know." All I could do was smile and say, "Yeah, I've got some really incredible friends there." It made me teary.

So, for all of the PSers who were moved to make a donation, a big, big, big THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. You guys are the best. :bigsmile:

Our girl today, her ribs are slightly less pronounced after nearly 24 hours of IV fluids.

You can see the relief on her face. She knows she's SAFE.
journey2.jpg ]


May 7, 2012
Wow I've never seen any animal so thin and still alive. How could somebody do this to her and the other dogs that were surrendered. To think this happened in Perth just blows my mind. She looks like a total darling and deserves a second chance. Journey has made it this far so I have a good feeling about her to. Thanks for the update and new pictures justginger.


Mar 24, 2011
Such a sweet happy face. It's incredible that dogs can be treated so terribly by people, yet still love and trust them. I have a strong intuition that she is going to make it and be adopted by a loving family who will adore her and give her the life she deserves.

As for the people who neglected her... I don't even know what to say about that. I would like to say, "I hope they die in a fire", but I almost think it would be worse to wish that they find the enlightenment to realize the gravity of what they have done and are horrified. People who mistreat animals totally baffle me. I cannot comprehend how a person can be so callous that they cannot see that an animal is a living creature with feelings. I often flash back to a memory from when I was a child. A boy in my class was telling a story about how a cat came up to him and rubbed against his leg so he bashed it in the head with his skateboard. Even 20 years later thinking about it makes my blood run cold and gives me a pit in my stomach.

Tuffy, my dog that died last year, was abused and neglected. He was dumped in a horse stable on my friend's parent's property, along with another little dog. He fought fiercely to protect his little friend--it took several hours, big leather gloves and a stack of towels to capture him. Both dogs were skinny and matted. Tuffy calmed down, but he was still neurotic and would become aggressive. My friend's mom found a home for the other dog, but knew she couldn't take Tuffy to the pound or a rescue because he would have been euthanized because of the aggression. Long story short, I fell in love and took him. He put on some weight (from about 5lbs-6.6lbs--still tiny!) and he became friendlier and less aggressive over time, but you could still feel that all his ribs on one side had callouses from being broken and healing, he never like men much--ever, and even after I had him for YEARS, he would still hide under the bed and cower when he heard me pull my belt off when I was undressing. Some sick f#ck was beating a 5lb dog with a belt. Disgusting.

And then there are the kind of people we got out current dog from: not abusive, but neglectful. Keeping the dog in the yard--no love, no training, and then one day they move or the dog gets too big or they get sick of taking care of the dog, so they dump it at the pound. Unluckily enough, they live nearby and when we first got Dax he would see or smell them and become anxious, confused and depressed. He's much better now, but I was horrified to see that the family recently got a new little fluffy white dog... I really hope they don't do the same to her. It's so unfair.


Dec 12, 2008
I'm glad to see she is looking better today. I think she will make leaps and bounds in recovery. Did you ever see the story about Patrick the Miracle Dog? I follow his page on FB, and that's one of the pages that posts a lot about abandoned/neglected/abused dogs that they are trying to help. It gets your heart all turned inside out and upside down, but yet at the same time it also makes your throat swell and your nose get that stingy trying not to cry but in a good way feeling, when they post happy updates.

Patrick was found in a dumpster-he'd been starved and put down a garbage shoot, and left for dead. How in the world that dog managed to survive I honestly don't know-in his initial pics, he looked like a shriveled up mummified dog. Every so often they post new pics of him to show that he really did survive, b/c it's just so hard to fathom such a..well, a miracle.

It's so hard to see those things but know that there are people in the world that will come together and basically make miracles like that happen, makes me smile through the tears.

I look forward to seeing more updates on Journey as her health improves.

I reposted a picture for Patrick's site last night on my FB wall of a pitbull that a pit rescue has been trying to find a home for, and he's been passed over many times b/c of his appearance. He was used as a bait dog and left on the side of the road when they were done w/him, so he's kinda mangled..but you look in his eyes and oh his eyes just...I told JD if we were in a better position and the kids were a little older to help w/a dog, I'd've been on the phone right then and there to get him, and he agreed that we would've found a way to make it happen were our situation different.

Deactivated member 42515

Yayyyyy!!! Way to go Journey!!! Keep up the awesome work! You can do it! All the PSers are rooting for you!!!

Deactivated member 42515

tuffyluvr said:
Such a sweet happy face. It's incredible that dogs can be treated so terribly by people, yet still love and trust them. I have a strong intuition that she is going to make it and be adopted by a loving family who will adore her and give her the life she deserves.

As for the people who neglected her... I don't even know what to say about that. I would like to say, "I hope they die in a fire", but I almost think it would be worse to wish that they find the enlightenment to realize the gravity of what they have done and are horrified. People who mistreat animals totally baffle me. I cannot comprehend how a person can be so callous that they cannot see that an animal is a living creature with feelings. I often flash back to a memory from when I was a child. A boy in my class was telling a story about how a cat came up to him and rubbed against his leg so he bashed it in the head with his skateboard. Even 20 years later thinking about it makes my blood run cold and gives me a pit in my stomach.

Tuffy, my dog that died last year, was abused and neglected. He was dumped in a horse stable on my friend's parent's property, along with another little dog. He fought fiercely to protect his little friend--it took several hours, big leather gloves and a stack of towels to capture him. Both dogs were skinny and matted. Tuffy calmed down, but he was still neurotic and would become aggressive. My friend's mom found a home for the other dog, but knew she couldn't take Tuffy to the pound or a rescue because he would have been euthanized because of the aggression. Long story short, I fell in love and took him. He put on some weight (from about 5lbs-6.6lbs--still tiny!) and he became friendlier and less aggressive over time, but you could still feel that all his ribs on one side had callouses from being broken and healing, he never like men much--ever, and even after I had him for YEARS, he would still hide under the bed and cower when he heard me pull my belt off when I was undressing. Some sick f#ck was beating a 5lb dog with a belt. Disgusting.

And then there are the kind of people we got out current dog from: not abusive, but neglectful. Keeping the dog in the yard--no love, no training, and then one day they move or the dog gets too big or they get sick of taking care of the dog, so they dump it at the pound. Unluckily enough, they live nearby and when we first got Dax he would see or smell them and become anxious, confused and depressed. He's much better now, but I was horrified to see that the family recently got a new little fluffy white dog... I really hope they don't do the same to her. It's so unfair.
You're story about the kid with the skateboard is going to stay with me for the rest of my life. This is what gets my blood boiling. Was the cat attacking him? No? Was she viscous? No. It was only giving him love and he kills it with a skateboard??? All animals ever do is give you love! Why on earth is there a reason to neglect them! It's like that fire fighter that shot his dogs because he was going on vacation and didn't want to spend the money to get a babysitter. And then, he bragged to all his coworkers about it. I just think about the way my dog looks at me with such love and I just imagine that poor dog looking at him the same way right before he shot them... They ask nothing of us!!! Nothing! And some people can't even give them the one thing that's actually free in life, love! Simple, honest love!

I blame the parents. Well... My parents taught me nothing. I learned everything on my own, even about drugs and sex. (Not to abuse them) But when it came to animals, I've always had a deep compassion for them. My mom would not let me get a dog and all I EVER wanted was a dog of my own. So, I would go to the library and check out as many dog breed books as possible and imagine having dogs. I would sit in the library just studying about the different breeds because no matter how much I begged, she said no.
Anyway, I've gone off topic... Parents... Some parents teach their children that animals are sacred too. That they are living things and not just a play thing to kill. And then there's those parents (like someone that will not be named that makes me so angry!), who get pellet guns for her son and tell him to go kill the squirrels in the backyard to amuse himself.



Mar 24, 2011
YT--I actually don't know if the cat died. It might have been fine. He was sitting near me and I said, "why would you do that??? Did it die??" he replied, "I dunno. It ran away into the bushes. Cats are stupid" and cackled. I still hate that kid. He still lives nearby--with his wife and 2 kids. I just hope he has matured and become more empathetic.

I broke up with a guy in HS because I went to his house and he was in the backyard shooting pigeons with a bb gun. He said, "they're only pigeons?!?!" exactly... They're only pigeons. Why would you hurt them?

Deactivated member 42515

tuffyluvr said:
YT--I actually don't know if the cat died. It might have been fine. He was sitting near me and I said, "why would you do that??? Did it die??" he replied, "I dunno. It ran away into the bushes. Cats are stupid" and cackled. I still hate that kid. He still lives nearby--with his wife and 2 kids. I just hope he has matured and become more empathetic.

I broke up with a guy in HS because I went to his house and he was in the backyard shooting pigeons with a bb gun. He said, "they're only pigeons?!?!" exactly... They're only pigeons. Why would you hurt them?
I know its bad... but sometimes I get so angry to the point I wanna yell "how about I bash your child in the head with a skateboard?" I just want to get my point across... I know.... It's so bad. I just get so angry!


Mar 24, 2011
YT said:
tuffyluvr said:
YT--I actually don't know if the cat died. It might have been fine. He was sitting near me and I said, "why would you do that??? Did it die??" he replied, "I dunno. It ran away into the bushes. Cats are stupid" and cackled. I still hate that kid. He still lives nearby--with his wife and 2 kids. I just hope he has matured and become more empathetic.

I broke up with a guy in HS because I went to his house and he was in the backyard shooting pigeons with a bb gun. He said, "they're only pigeons?!?!" exactly... They're only pigeons. Why would you hurt them?
I know its bad... but sometimes I get so angry to the point I wanna yell "how about I bash your child in the head with a skateboard?" I just want to get my point across... I know.... It's so bad. I just get so angry!

I get that. The sad thing is that no matter what you do, most of the time you can't get through to these people. But, I totally agree that it is completely frustrating and infuriating.


Apr 13, 2008
Oh sweet Jesus, I hope this poor angel makes it! That is despicable! :angryfire:


Sep 10, 2003
Heartbreaking, nightmare inducing, stomach churning horror. And yet, if she survives, she will forgive and love unconditionally. For me, that engenders a different kind of heartbreak – poignant & sweetly hinting at the potential salvation for humanity.

There are 3 things in this world that evoke rage in me to the point where I could cause another human bodily harm – abuse of animals, children, and the elderly. From my personal experience, the motivating factors I’ve seen most frequently for abuse are lack of respect for life (which may be affected by cultural norms), mental impairment, emotional impairment (the abuser was abused).
I’m going to share a story that has nothing to do with this dog in particular but is related to human/animal relationships that I hope will bring a bit of hope to those who think we may never outgrow our savagery.

When I was the animal care director at a wildlife rehabilitation center, I worked with the police department in my city to have convicted animal abusers do their community service at the rehab center. One day they phoned me to ask if I wanted one of the hardest core cases they had yet seen and a little while later I opened the door to a 6’5” 300lb column of muscle with hands as big as hams and an attitude so bad he could turn water into acid. First thought that came into my mind was “holy shit” what have I gotten into”; second thought was, “he has to be humbled, gotta break through his defenses.”

Luckily we received an injured turkey vulture just minutes after Mr. Ham Hands arrival. I showed him how to hold the bird so I could examine it knowing full well that the bird’s fear response would be to crap and vomit all over him. Turkey Vulture bodily effluences make skunk smell like Chanel #5. He became enraged at the effrontery of the bird and so I led the reeking hulk into the nursery apologizing for the inconvenience and saying that perhaps we should start his training on more mild mannered critters. I hauled a berry basked lined with paper towels containing chickadee hatchlings out of the incubator and plopped one of the alien looking creatures into his hand. I was pretty sure I knew the reason for this man’s rage but nonetheless held my breath as I waited to see what he would do with a helpless fragile tiny creature sitting in the middle of his ham sized palm.

He stopped breathing, looked at the hatchling and started to sob so hard he fell to his knees. Back into the incubator went the bird, and he spent the next hour telling me his story of physical, sexual, emotional abuse by his father. He stayed with the center for a long time, became one of our most valued volunteers, and finally ended up going back to school to get a degree that would allow him to work with abused kids. Animals have taught me the most about being human and people like Mr. Ham Hands have taught me that redemption is possible if someone is willing to take a bit of time, give a bit of care, listen with the heart. Where there is a will, there is hope.

To all of you who work tirelessly for and on behalf of the voiceless, I send you love.

Deactivated member 42515

Matata said:
Heartbreaking, nightmare inducing, stomach churning horror. And yet, if she survives, she will forgive and love unconditionally. For me, that engenders a different kind of heartbreak – poignant & sweetly hinting at the potential salvation for humanity.

There are 3 things in this world that evoke rage in me to the point where I could cause another human bodily harm – abuse of animals, children, and the elderly. From my personal experience, the motivating factors I’ve seen most frequently for abuse are lack of respect for life (which may be affected by cultural norms), mental impairment, emotional impairment (the abuser was abused).
I’m going to share a story that has nothing to do with this dog in particular but is related to human/animal relationships that I hope will bring a bit of hope to those who think we may never outgrow our savagery.

When I was the animal care director at a wildlife rehabilitation center, I worked with the police department in my city to have convicted animal abusers do their community service at the rehab center. One day they phoned me to ask if I wanted one of the hardest core cases they had yet seen and a little while later I opened the door to a 6’5” 300lb column of muscle with hands as big as hams and an attitude so bad he could turn water into acid. First thought that came into my mind was “holy shit” what have I gotten into”; second thought was, “he has to be humbled, gotta break through his defenses.”

Luckily we received an injured turkey vulture just minutes after Mr. Ham Hands arrival. I showed him how to hold the bird so I could examine it knowing full well that the bird’s fear response would be to crap and vomit all over him. Turkey Vulture bodily effluences make skunk smell like Chanel #5. He became enraged at the effrontery of the bird and so I led the reeking hulk into the nursery apologizing for the inconvenience and saying that perhaps we should start his training on more mild mannered critters. I hauled a berry basked lined with paper towels containing chickadee hatchlings out of the incubator and plopped one of the alien looking creatures into his hand. I was pretty sure I knew the reason for this man’s rage but nonetheless held my breath as I waited to see what he would do with a helpless fragile tiny creature sitting in the middle of his ham sized palm.

He stopped breathing, looked at the hatchling and started to sob so hard he fell to his knees. Back into the incubator went the bird, and he spent the next hour telling me his story of physical, sexual, emotional abuse by his father. He stayed with the center for a long time, became one of our most valued volunteers, and finally ended up going back to school to get a degree that would allow him to work with abused kids. Animals have taught me the most about being human and people like Mr. Ham Hands have taught me that redemption is possible if someone is willing to take a bit of time, give a bit of care, listen with the heart. Where there is a will, there is hope.

To all of you who work tirelessly for and on behalf of the voiceless, I send you love.
Thank you for the story Matata.


Aug 8, 2005
OMG. I gasped, actually fully gasped in horror upon seeing the pic of her.

SO MUCH DUST. And just.... OMG.


Aug 5, 2010
Thank you so much for the update - the pictures made me cry. Why? Because despite all that she's been through, despite the cruelty, and pain, despite the total neglect which probably meant being starved for affection, she looks like she has a great capacity to love still in her. How she could not want to turn her back on humans, I don't know - but that is why dogs are so loved.

I'm relieved that they're not doing the surgery right away, but letting the antibiotics get in her system, along with nutrients.

Ginger, thank God you do what you do. We all have dust or money or prayers, or good thoughts we can give, but you are doing the real work. :appl:


Aug 5, 2010
Oh, Matata, beautiful story and beautifully told. I wish that were the case of all humanity. Unfortunately, I have more faith in Journey's continued willingness to love, then that of so many people. Matata, you are one smart (and courageous) cookie.


Oct 21, 2004
minousbijoux|1362279342|3394869 said:
Oh, Matata, beautiful story and beautifully told. I wish that were the case of all humanity. Unfortunately, I have more faith in Journey's continued willingness to love, then that of so many people. Matata, you are one smart (and courageous) cookie.

Me too!

Thank you though Matata, for your beautiful story, and too bad you couldn't get a crack at all the hard cases.


Feb 28, 2012
It really offers hope to read your story of redemption Matata. The sorts of programmes that bring offenders to account for their actions in some way I'm sure yield unexpected positive results.

It's very difficult though when people have don't appear to have any empathy. The idea of finding it acceptable to stand around doing nothing while your dog starves over a long period of time is really difficult to fathom.

And while it must be heartbraking work at times working with abused/neglected animals, the rewards of seeing the difference to this dog of just being on a drip overnight would make it a hundred times worthwhile. It also makes it a very worthwhile cause to donat to.


Aug 5, 2010
I'm not even out of bed but logging on immediately for an update. Ginger, please post as soon as you can. Sending positive thoughts, dust and prayers.

We are all hoping for good news! :saint: :saint: :praise:


Sep 10, 2003
Polished|1362291790|3394954 said:
It's very difficult though when people have don't appear to have any empathy. The idea of finding it acceptable to stand around doing nothing while your dog starves over a long period of time is really difficult to fathom.

And while it must be heartbraking work at times working with abused/neglected animals, the rewards of seeing the difference to this dog of just being on a drip overnight would make it a hundred times worthwhile. It also makes it a very worthwhile cause to donat to.

Agree completely. And your last two sentences are spot on. People who do this work are in a never ending emotional cyclone of hope & despair, joy & grief. They so deserve respect and support.

Journey is on my mind every minute of the day. I know everyone participating in this thread in pulling for her and sending prayers, karma, PS dust that she fully recovers. I am already anticipating the joy of hearing that she has found her forever home where she will be showered with love.


Aug 5, 2010
Matata: since you have been on this thread and hopefully will come back to it, I know this is terrible, but do you see any veil in Journey's eyes? Wow, my heart is thumping so hard just asking the question...
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