
Anbody Get POJ E-mail Today?


Feb 20, 2014
I have been stalking my e-mail all day waiting for a POJ e-mail with a link to the Baby Ripple sale page Kevin e-mailed about yesterday; but, I have not gotten an e-mail. I ran a search on the POJ website for baby ripples and found listings sold out! Did aybody get an e-mail from Kevin today? Maybe I just did not get one and missed out. :((
Yes, I got an email about the metallic ripple strands this morning. If I remember right, it was at about 11:30 a.m. (U.S. central time). By the time I saw it at about 2:30 p.m, they were sold out. I got one last time anyway but wow, some lucky ladies out there got themselves quite a deal! Anyway, I guess your email address didn't make it into the system somehow so I'd definitely tell Kevin.

Can't wait to see what goodies show up at the pearl shops for Mother's Day. I wish there was a training module so I could practice picking out what I want and hitting the "buy" button with great speed before someone else gets all those first!
Noooooooo! I just checked my Spam folder and it is there. :(( :blackeye: I'm really bummed out. I'm adding that e-mail addy to my contact list right now so I don't miss out on the next sale. I hope everyone who got a strand posts pics!!!!! I'm dying to see them.
Thank you for the info seaurchin! It helped me figure out where my e-mail went. I guess this just means I have money set aside for the Mother's Day sale.
I got it also. Sorry to hear that you missed it. I decided to pass this time, but the prices were good. Do you want to put yourself on the waiting list for one? There may be a return.
I received the email, but they were sold out by the time I read it.
I find that all of these emails go to my spam folder no matter how many times I try to mark the senders 'safe.'
I didn't get the e-mail even though I was signed-up to receive them.....bummer. Looking forward to seeing pictures from those who purchased them!
I hope the lucky ducks who got one post pics!

And don't worry, I'm sure there will be lots more tasty goodies to choose from for Mother's Day!
Just for posterity, I wanted to post the picture for the listing of the multicolor 18" Baby Ripples

seaurchin|1428095114|3856551 said:
I hope the lucky ducks who got one post pics!

And don't worry, I'm sure there will be lots more tasty goodies to choose from for Mother's Day!
I am already looking forward to Mother's Day! What kinds of specials have they had in the past?
Oh gosh, I just remember it being the same big deal as at Christmas time. Besides a "special," PP had all those pages of listings of individual pieces, many of them marked down. And the other shops had stuff too. Maybe others remember more... Of course, what they'll all do this year remains to be seen.

Here are my POJ ripples from another time. They just love to be worn outdoors, with white or cream colored clothes. So summery!

Thanks, Seaurchin. I am new to pearls and it's helpful to know what to expect. Also, thanks for describing how you wear your ripples. We have to buy without seeing so every bit helps.
UGH it was in my spam!!
I got it but I think they sold out in under an hour. I wanted a strand badly but no luck.
Hi guys,

I bought a strand of these when they first came out (Kevin picked me out one of the darker, more intense coloured strands), but have never ended up wearing them. Sadly, the peachy tones do NOT work on me, no matter how many times I have pulled these out and told myself how beautiful that they would look with my summer clothes. I also don't have anyone who I think would either suit them or appreciate them, so If anyone would be interested in them, PM me on the other forum. I'm under the same name there.
Cmd, they sound lovely. Too bad they don't suit you but nice of you to offer them to someone else. It would be nice to see a pic of them.
baby nurse|1463170210|4031392 said:
Cmd, they sound lovely. Too bad they don't suit you but nice of you to offer them to someone else. It would be nice to see a pic of them.

That's a good idea. I'll take some over the weekend and post them.
The light has been terrible this weekend, so these aren't the best pictures, but here's the strand. These are all in direct natural light:




Here's more diffuse natural light:




Just as an update: the strand has been gifted.