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Oct 10, 2005
I was reading on a different forum where the majority of posters do not like the AGS grading scale. They are saying that this is simply a marketing tool for jewelers so they can manipulate the consumer. Why do they think that?

Any thoughts?
Perhaps because they don't sell them.

Follow the money.
I was under the impression that you do indeed want an AGS grading for a princess cut. An AGS grading of 0 is the best.
IMO the reason some people do not like the AGS grading scale is it makes it harder to sell the stones they have in stock. BUT, I do have to say that there are gems to be found in the non-AGS 0 stones but they are few and far between. I personally would not rule out a stone because it''s not an AGS-0 (as long as it was graded BEFORE the AGS scales came into play) but you will have more assurance a stone is good if it has the certification.
We conducted a survey of grading strictness that you can read here
AGS was slightly stricter than GIA over these 16 stones.

AGS introduce princess cut grading in May this year. Only 1 advertising vendor on the site I think you refer to specializes in AGS stones 9they list and participate here too). One of the other active vendors there that specialize in better cut princess has a lot of off square stones - AGS will / can only grade princess that are square (1 to 1.05 max l x w).

The owner of that site is very pro GIA and anti aGS - probably because he has abee in bonnet about Pricescope.

Most AGS graded diamonds end up in top end of town retail aGS stores - being a member of AGS demands high ethical and education / quality standards. So you will not see too many of the AGS 0 princess online yet; there is a ready market for them without the need to list them.

The good people on the other site have not seemed to find heaps of examples of bad stones with aGS 0 grading - and I think it is not for want of trying. The way they claim stones are good or bad seems to be mainly based on questionable technology anyway. I know for example of a stone that rates very well on that device that is clearly horrid looking - I believe this well publicized and studied stone might be discussed openly soon by a respected vendor.

And why would anyone imagine an ethical and strict lab that has used the latest technology and openly published its work want to grade diamonds badly? AGS have done a lot of work to develop better cut and more attractive princess cuts - work that will help many manufacturers to produce better looking stones even if they do not use AGS lasbs service.

Sorry you seem to have discovered our dirty washing.
There was a fairly lengthy thread on this a couple of weeks ago that discussed a lot of this in greater detail. I do not remember the name of the thread and it is 4:30 in the morning, I am getting ready to take my son and granddaughter to the airport after a wonderful weekend visit from them so I don''t have time to go look for it. Perhaps someone will reference it for you.

AGS threw a curve ball with the new princess designs and grading with very little education outside of some circles.
That gives people that dont like nor understand the AGS grading something to attack them with.
Without going into too much detail the b-scope measure stationary light return under 6 positions.
Diamonds in the real world are never stationary.
They are always moving and the lighting is also always changing.
Take a well cut diamond and sit under a tree on a bright day when the wind is blowing the leaves and you will see one of the best light shows this side of a lightning storm.
Diamonds performance is dynamic not static and while static measuring can tell you the raw light return of the diamond it can not tell you directly how it performes. The pictures can be used to get an idea of the diamonds performacne and personality. I find the bar graph interesting and somewhat informative but the pictures tell the real story.

In the thread wink references this is demonstrated.
Ill see if I can find the link.
btw if you want to see this effect to the max degree find a well cut asscher and rock it back and forth in your hands.
Id noticed it before with asschers but never really thought of it applying to other cuts until those threads.
It was a DUH! moment for me.
It seems to me that AGS has chosen to promote the manufacture and sale of princess cut diamonds that are quite different from the ones commonly in the market before. The configuration of the pavilion faceting along with higher crown height are the primary changes. There are very specific ingredients necessary to get the AGS 0 grade and cutters will have the devil of a time not to also get many AGS 1 and AGS 2 stones in the process of attempting to cut the new AGS 0 stones. The difficulty in cutting them to the new standard will be frustrating and costly for these innovative and dedicated cutters. Who will buy their 1's and 2's? How much discount will they need to offer to move these near as lovely stones out? WIll they make money or lose? The questions have not yet been answered in the market place.

I can't imagine that the AGS 0 princess cut as it is presently designed is the only configuration of maximum light return and beauty. We'll know more as time goes on. Some dealers are strongly claiming that other princess cuts, more standard makes, are just as pretty and better economically to cut. They will make their case in due course. Right now, there are competing voices making us not totally certain that the AGS 0 princess is exactly the right choice or the only choice. Aside from the many known defenders of the status quo are a few knowledgeable dealers who insist they know more than AGS does. I surely can't tell who is right, just yet.

I'll be content to let the market sort this out in a dollars and cents sort of way. You can't hide the real truth forever, but for now, we don't claim to know it all.
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