
A rant against passive-aggressive behavior ....

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Apr 26, 2007
I confess: I used to smoke. But I quit. The problem is that while I''ve quit *my* bad habit, a lot of other people appear to be unaware of theirs.

You know what I really used to hate when I did smoke? The people who would pointedly, in loud voices, discuss how much they haaaaaaaaaaaaated smoking and how awful it was and how rude smokers were: talking *about* me rather than *to* me. Because, seriously? Ask me directly. I''m a person with a bad habit, not an ogre: if I''m doing something to bother you, from hogging the arm-rest to engaging in a nervous tic to, yes, smoking, SAY SO.

So, three weeks ago, I quit smoking, and I''m using a nicotine-replacement thingy to do it: the thingy is an electronic cigarette. It looks a lot like a cigarette, except it''s red and shiny, but it emits fake smoke (glycerol) and every time you inhale, a little red LED on the end blinks to mimic the ember. (I will admit, I wish they''d made the LED blue or green or something to make it *less* cigarette-like, but that''s what Customer Service suggestion boxes are for.) And I''m walking to the bank when the girl behind me does the loud-voice complaint and then breaks into an enormous fake fit of coughing. How do I know it''s fake? Well, the danged thing doesn''t emit any actual smoke, so it''s either psychosomatic or it''s just plain old bad manners. Given the earlier behavior, I''m betting on the latter. What on earth does everyone seem to have against direct engagement? Gaaaaaaaaaah.

Sorry guys, rant over: we now return you to your regularly scheduled dose of shiny.


Apr 30, 2005
Bleh....I hear you Circe, I know how hard it is, I probably would have said something like " oh gosh, so sorry if my fake cigarette which does not emit any smoke or chemicals is bothering you..." - with some people you can''t win anyway dear, I lurk on a perfume forum at times and some of the posters there mention about people coughing and spluttering about their perfume!
Of course if cigarette smoke or perfume does trigger allergies then that must be miserable, but some people just seem to like making a fuss.

You are doing great - keep at it!


Apr 25, 2008
I think people are passive aggressive because if the other person turns out to be aggressive-aggressive, you can *maybe* talk your way out of it.

In that situation, if you would have called her out, she could have said "Oh, no, I wasn''t talking about you, I was talking about XXX"

If you confront someone straight on, there''s no backing down. Hopefully you didn''t mess with the wrong person.

Good Job on quitting smoking!


Aug 12, 2005
Circe, congrats on quitting for three weeks now, that''s awesome! I have heard of those smokeless cigarette things but have never seen one in person, I guess the girl who saw you using it didn''t know what it was either! It is hard enough to quit smoking without others giving you grief, so shame on her anyway...but I enjoyed reading your post, it was hilarious!


Feb 18, 2008
I guess I am going to play the other side because I am allergic to cigarette smoke.

As you said, its your bad habit, BUT it is YOUR bad habit that is provoking people to act that way... I mean they wouldnt do that if you werent smoking right?

I dont really think people acting that way is a bad habit. I have dealt with all kinds of people who smoke. ON the majority of occasions I will ask the people to go smoke somewhere else or not blow it in my face, and most seem to not care. I get sick after maybe inhaling the smoke twice...or smelling it on someone for a few mins... its sad, and it sucks because Ill be sick for days. So i do admit I will act that way sometimes (although I dont do it if I dont smell the smoke and its not bothering me). Its just me reacting from the way I have been treated previously... My only reasoning behind it would be maybe if I said something or acted that way other people would see it and maybe if the persons smoking saw it bothered EVERYONE and not just myself they would stop.

I mean If you want to smoke cancer sticks and kill yourself... more power to you.. but its not fair to put my health in danger for your bad habit, sorry thats just how I see it.

This was not an attack on you.. give giving another side... and CONGRATS for quitting smoking! :)


Mar 18, 2007
I really hate it when people are passive aggressive like that. There are legitimate reasons to ask somebody not to smoke around you (allergies, heart issues, lung issues, etc.) and I find that most people are very nice about moving/not blowing smoke on me when asked directly. I just don''t see why (in this situation or any other) people aren''t direct about what they want to get across.

Congratulations on quitting! (And if anybody does that again, I would totally turn around and make them feel like a nincompoop.)


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 9/18/2008 2:50:09 PM
Author: blondebunny
I guess I am going to play the other side because I am allergic to cigarette smoke.

As you said, its your bad habit, BUT it is YOUR bad habit that is provoking people to act that way... I mean they wouldnt do that if you werent smoking right?

I dont really think people acting that way is a bad habit. I have dealt with all kinds of people who smoke. ON the majority of occasions I will ask the people to go smoke somewhere else or not blow it in my face, and most seem to not care. I get sick after maybe inhaling the smoke twice...or smelling it on someone for a few mins... its sad, and it sucks because Ill be sick for days. So i do admit I will act that way sometimes (although I dont do it if I dont smell the smoke and its not bothering me). Its just me reacting from the way I have been treated previously... My only reasoning behind it would be maybe if I said something or acted that way other people would see it and maybe if the persons smoking saw it bothered EVERYONE and not just myself they would stop.

I mean If you want to smoke cancer sticks and kill yourself... more power to you.. but its not fair to put my health in danger for your bad habit, sorry thats just how I see it.

This was not an attack on you.. give giving another side... and CONGRATS for quitting smoking! :)
BB, Circe was using an artificial cigarette, not a real one.


Apr 23, 2008
Date: 9/18/2008 2:50:09 PM
Author: blondebunny
I guess I am going to play the other side because I am allergic to cigarette smoke.

As you said, its your bad habit, BUT it is YOUR bad habit that is provoking people to act that way... I mean they wouldnt do that if you werent smoking right?

I dont really think people acting that way is a bad habit. I have dealt with all kinds of people who smoke. ON the majority of occasions I will ask the people to go smoke somewhere else or not blow it in my face, and most seem to not care. I get sick after maybe inhaling the smoke twice...or smelling it on someone for a few mins... its sad, and it sucks because Ill be sick for days. So i do admit I will act that way sometimes (although I dont do it if I dont smell the smoke and its not bothering me). Its just me reacting from the way I have been treated previously... My only reasoning behind it would be maybe if I said something or acted that way other people would see it and maybe if the persons smoking saw it bothered EVERYONE and not just myself they would stop.

I mean If you want to smoke cancer sticks and kill yourself... more power to you.. but its not fair to put my health in danger for your bad habit, sorry thats just how I see it.

This was not an attack on you.. give giving another side... and CONGRATS for quitting smoking! :)
I don''t smoke, but my dad does. And I have a bit of a problem with that line because, well, if the SMOKER can walk away, then so can YOU. Right?

But Circe, all kinds of kudos to you for quitting. It''s a hard thing to do!


Mar 18, 2007
Date: 9/18/2008 3:21:14 PM
Author: MonkeyPie

Date: 9/18/2008 2:50:09 PM
Author: blondebunny
I guess I am going to play the other side because I am allergic to cigarette smoke.

As you said, its your bad habit, BUT it is YOUR bad habit that is provoking people to act that way... I mean they wouldnt do that if you werent smoking right?

I dont really think people acting that way is a bad habit. I have dealt with all kinds of people who smoke. ON the majority of occasions I will ask the people to go smoke somewhere else or not blow it in my face, and most seem to not care. I get sick after maybe inhaling the smoke twice...or smelling it on someone for a few mins... its sad, and it sucks because Ill be sick for days. So i do admit I will act that way sometimes (although I dont do it if I dont smell the smoke and its not bothering me). Its just me reacting from the way I have been treated previously... My only reasoning behind it would be maybe if I said something or acted that way other people would see it and maybe if the persons smoking saw it bothered EVERYONE and not just myself they would stop.

I mean If you want to smoke cancer sticks and kill yourself... more power to you.. but its not fair to put my health in danger for your bad habit, sorry thats just how I see it.

This was not an attack on you.. give giving another side... and CONGRATS for quitting smoking! :)
I don''t smoke, but my dad does. And I have a bit of a problem with that line because, well, if the SMOKER can walk away, then so can YOU. Right?

But Circe, all kinds of kudos to you for quitting. It''s a hard thing to do!
Very true. It''s often much easier (especially walking to the''d think a person could just slow down or speed up to get around it).


May 18, 2008
Two things:

1. Maybe its just me but I would never go up to a stranger in a public place and ask them to put off their cigarette because it bothers me. I would say something if we were in a restaurant (you aren’t allowed to smoke indoors in FL) or in an area where it is clearly marked non-smoking. If I was that girl, I would not have had direct engagement with you because as much as I hate it, its not my place to tell you what to do in public. I will admit to having done the rolling of the eyes and saying “smoking is disgusting” to someone in pure passive-aggressive manner (and one time where I told a mom to her face that she should be ashamed of herself while smoking directly on top of what had to be a 6 month old).

And 2

You totally should have turned around and told her “it’s fake dumba$$” that would have been Hilarious with a capital H.


Apr 23, 2008
Date: 9/18/2008 3:28:51 PM
Author: fieryred33143

You totally should have turned around and told her “it’s fake dumba$$” that would have been Hilarious with a capital H.

Hehehehehe, I totally agree. I''d have done it.


Apr 25, 2008
I see everyones point about walking around it. However, I''d like to think that I have as much of a right to breathe clean air as they do to smoke cigarettes.

Both should be considerate of others. Smokers shouldn''t smoke in areas where people clearly can''t get away from them, and non-smokers should avoid crossing paths with the smokers if possible, without making passive-aggressive remarks about it.

It''s all about being considerate and respecting one another. I don''t think non-smokers should always just have to re-route for smokers. Smokers can be (and often times ARE) considerate of non-smokers.


Apr 26, 2007
Heh - thanks, guys, for weighing in, and for tolerating my curmudgeonly ways.

BlondeBunny, thanks especially for providing the alternate perspective. It hadn't actually occurred to me, but it makes perfect sense: for every non-smoker acting passive-aggressive, there's probably a smoker out there being assy and not caring about who their smoke is bothering (in my own defense I will say that I always did ask the people around me if it bugged, and if anyone so much as looked uneasy, off to the nearest curb I hied.) Both groups need to cut it out, pronto, but I have the sneaking suspicion that neither group limits it to this one arena ... which is kinda the scary part. CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?

The one thing I'm really loving about the EC is how *other smokers* are reacting to it: my elderly cab driver on Sunday night was *fascinated* by this thing. At first, he didn't grasp that it was electronic and was just commiserating and saying, sure, I could smoke in his cab if I wanted, I'd probably just come off a long flight, no problem (which I ... wouldn't do, 'cause I know the smell does linger for non-smokers, just to be clear), but once it got across that it was a smoking-cessation thing that was apparently working for me, he was really intrigued. He said he smoked two packs a day and had been wanting to quit, but couldn't figure out how, so, hey, maybe some good will come of it.

P.S. - Lorelei, which perfume forum? I am a huge perfume aficionado.

P.P.S. - ElleDizzy5, Princess, the temptation is hard to resist!

P.P.P.S. - Monarch64, apparently they look more like "one-hitters" than real cigarettes (I have no idea what this is, but I got the comment from a woman with her eyebrows in her hairline, so I'm guessing it's illicit) - sort of the same general size and shape, but no more convincing than a candy cigarette.

P.P.P.P.S - MonkeyPie, so does mine, has since he was 12 (!). I'm getting him a set of these for his birthday. I mean, hey, if it appealed to my cabbie, maybe dad might get over his techphobia as well ....

And, a final P.P.P.P.P.S. (now, with ETA!): Elle, you just said that a lot better than I did in the cross-post. Thanks!


Mar 18, 2007
Circe, I''m sure it is. BF and his dad are both ex-smokers, and I know BF really struggled with it. But I promise you''re doing really well.

(P.S. I''ve never encountered a really jerkfaced I just live in a charmed world or something?)


May 18, 2008
Date: 9/18/2008 3:58:43 PM
Author: princesss
Circe, I''m sure it is. BF and his dad are both ex-smokers, and I know BF really struggled with it. But I promise you''re doing really well.

(P.S. I''ve never encountered a really jerkfaced I just live in a charmed world or something?)
Some people are awesome about it. I didn''t know my best friend smoked until I moved in with her...two years into our friendship
. She just never did it around me. Then one night she was stressed out because her car was towed and I picked her up and she was smoking. I was shocked but really grateful that she had always been considerate of my feelings (I don''t do too well with cigaratte smoke).

Others are total a-holes. But that''s like everything else in life.


Apr 23, 2008
Date: 9/18/2008 3:58:43 PM
Author: princesss
Circe, I''m sure it is. BF and his dad are both ex-smokers, and I know BF really struggled with it. But I promise you''re doing really well.

(P.S. I''ve never encountered a really jerkfaced I just live in a charmed world or something?)
The only ones I have encountered are the little old men smoking cigars in the casinos. OMFG, I just want to cut my nose off. They make my eyes water and they smell so much more awful than cigs, I think.

And Circe, that''s a good idea. My dad has been smoking since he was 10 (you have to wonder why they started so early, huh?) but their money is tight now so he is cutting back. Maybe the electronic one will help, since it''s more of a "my hands are bored" issue with him. Where did you find it?


Feb 6, 2008
Circe - it really is wonderful that you are trying to quit! I am keeping my fingers crossed!!
OK - sorry to bash the "smokers and non-smokers should just get along party" - I personally do NOT think that this should be an equal playing field because (others'')smoking affects MY health and well-being. So I should be inconvenienced by having to walk away to protect my own health? Sorry, but that is just plain wrong. I respect people''s choices to smoke, but don''t burden me. Of course there are a lot of respectful smokers out there who really are considerate and aware of their surroundings, but a lot of them are not. Should non-smokers say something if it bothers them? I guess so. But again the responsibility is shifted to me. And honestly, I am not interested in getting into any confrontations. How about smokers asking non-smokers if it bothers them? That may be another angle from which to look at things. And yes, passive-aggressive behavior is not good in any situation.
Again - anybody has the right to smoke. But that right does not supersede or equal my right to stay healthy. And now I need a cigarette to help me calm down.


Apr 26, 2007
Date: 9/18/2008 4:04:18 PM
Author: MonkeyPie
Date: 9/18/2008 3:58:43 PM

Author: princesss

Circe, I''m sure it is. BF and his dad are both ex-smokers, and I know BF really struggled with it. But I promise you''re doing really well.

(P.S. I''ve never encountered a really jerkfaced I just live in a charmed world or something?)

The only ones I have encountered are the little old men smoking cigars in the casinos. OMFG, I just want to cut my nose off. They make my eyes water and they smell so much more awful than cigs, I think.

And Circe, that''s a good idea. My dad has been smoking since he was 10 (you have to wonder why they started so early, huh?) but their money is tight now so he is cutting back. Maybe the electronic one will help, since it''s more of a ''my hands are bored'' issue with him. Where did you find it?

Thanks, Princess. This is the third time I''ve tried to quit, and the first time it''s actually felt like it''s been working.

Monkeypie, ironically enough, I adore the smell of cigars! And, better yet, pipes, or cloves ... but my husband and other non-smoking friends performed a collective rebellion at the notion of my going there. All for the better, I guess. With my dad, it was Soviet Russia the the 50''s ... I get the feeling it wasn''t even a question of "if" or even "when" when it came to smoking. It just ... was. I''m hoping the rising cost will be a factor for him, to, aside from any New-Age-Whipper-Snapper health concerns: aside from the initial cost, these things are a lot cheaper than normal cigarettes. The most reputable American company I''ve found is (this isn''t some weird patriotic thing - I just want to be sure they''ll be around for as long as I need them).


Apr 27, 2007
I smoked all through college. I absolutely can''t stand smoke now (although I sometimes crave a cigarette) because my eyes swell and I immediately start hacking. I''m sure smokers think I''m doing the hacking thing on purpose, but I''m not. I have a scar on my lung from pneumonia, and I think the smoke does something with that. Anyway, one day I was waiting for my husband on a bench outside of my office when a guy sat down and lit up. I was tired, I was enjoying the fresh air, and he really ticked me off. I called him a jacka$$ and got up and walked away. Unfortunately that was the only bench so I had to find a place to stand to wait for my hubby. I wasn''t trying to be rude, I was just rather ticked.

I had a co-worker that used to come in my office right after a smoke break because he knew I couldn''t stand the smell. He stopped doing it after I grabbed my febreeze and sprayed him. Hey, he was in my office . . . I had every right!

Quitting smoking is tough - I send good thoughts your way!


Feb 18, 2008
Lorelei- I knew she was smoking a fake... I was just saying it as in she used to do it...

Monkey Pie- Its hard to "get away" from the smoke smell... I do run around the people or cover my mouth with my sweater or whatever i can... But really why should I have to run around these people because they are smoking?? Thats not fair to me... I dont bring my bad habits around other people and possibly affect their health, and id appreciate if they didnt do it to me... I dont care what people do in their own homes, but i think its disgesting when Im walking to class and by the time I get in Im coughing and smell of smoke because of the people Im trying to get around to get to class because they are smoking...

i also think its rude to flick your cigarette out the window and onto someones car... thats just wrong..

I guess its hard to understand my strong opinions when youre not allergic to smoke as I am... It SUCKS to get sick because of someone else''s bad habit....

I DONT go to bars or anywhere I know that will have smoke. I do everything I can to avoid it. Im that allergic to it.


Jul 12, 2007
I don''t understand. The cigarette emits a fake smoke and that smoke doesn''t bother people? How is that possible?


Apr 21, 2008
Awww, regardless of where I stand on this argument I just wanted to offer you a hug
! I think it''s great that you''ve decided to stop smoking. You have our support and well wishes. Sorry that you had to go through that today. Indirect comments are oftentimes much more hurtful than something that is said to you directly.

Good luck, stay strong!!


Jul 12, 2007
Date: 9/19/2008 1:50:56 AM
Author: heraanderson
I don''t understand. The cigarette emits a fake smoke and that smoke doesn''t bother people? How is that possible?
Sorry, I just reread this post and it sounded a little snarky. I was just curious if the smoke that it emits might actually cause someone to start coughing. I know some people cough when they inhale any kind of smoke.


Jun 3, 2008
Date: 9/19/2008 2:31:29 AM
Author: somehowcollide
Awww, regardless of where I stand on this argument I just wanted to offer you a hug
! I think it''s great that you''ve decided to stop smoking. You have our support and well wishes. Sorry that you had to go through that today. Indirect comments are oftentimes much more hurtful than something that is said to you directly.

Good luck, stay strong!!
Ditto, Somehow! Circe, I''m so excited for you! I bet you feel much better now that you''re not smoking anymore.

DH smoked for something like fifteen years (about a pack a day) and he recently quit. He tried to use the nicotine gum, but that didn''t really seem to help him much and it was pretty expensive. So, he just quit cold turkey. He finished his pack, and just didn''t buy another one. I think it was really hard for him at first, but he''s been smoke-free for about 18 months now! YAY!

When DH smoked, he was always a very considerate smoker. He didn''t smoke in areas where there were a lot of non-smokers, and would always walk outside (or away from the group if we were already outside). In restaurants where smoking was allowed, we always sat in the smoking section, which mildly bugged me but I was pretty much OK with it. If people at other tables were smoking, it didn''t bother me too much. But I''m a slow eater, and I would always ask DH to wait until I was finished eating before he lit a cigarette. I felt bad making him wait, because he always wanted a cigarette after eating and I do eat very slowly, but he didn''t seem to mind. (I''ve tried eating at the same speed as a normal person, but I just can''t do it for some reason . . . guess I''m just weird!) It just irritates the crap out of me when someone is smoking very close to me while I''m trying to eat! (XH did that and it used to drive me BONKERS!!!)

I have to confess something, though . . . when DH smoked, he smoked Marlboro Lights, which is the same brand of cigarettes my grandfather smoked. My grandfather and I were very close, and when he passed away several years ago, I was devastated. I actually kinda liked the smell of DH''s cigarettes, because it reminded me of my Pappy!

About the rude comments: I don''t think it''s fair to expect non-smokers to put up with cigarette smoke (although I realize that is NOT what you were doing since the cigarette was fake). But, lets say Rude Girl was near someone who was smoking a real cigarette and it was bothering her. If I were Rude Girl, instead of making a scene like she did, I would simply ask the person politely to either go somewhere else to smoke or put the cigarette out. If that failed, I would then walk far enough away that the smoke was no longer bothersome. Passive-agressive behavior rarely does any good, in any situation!


Apr 26, 2007
Date: 9/19/2008 1:50:56 AM
Author: heraanderson
I don''t understand. The cigarette emits a fake smoke and that smoke doesn''t bother people? How is that possible?

It''s water-based vapor with a little bit of what amounts to food coloring (glycerol) added. Kinda nifty when you think about it.

And, SomehowCollide, Irishgrrl, thanks! I would/will comment at more length, but I have an all-day meeting to get to. Early meetings, grrr.


Nov 27, 2007
Date: 9/19/2008 10:34:02 AM
Author: Circe

It''s water-based vapor with a little bit of what amounts to food coloring (glycerol) added. Kinda nifty when you think about it.

Extremely nifty! I wish I could give those out as Christmas presents.

Also, I''d like to join the chorus of "Good for you!"
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