
“The Last Days”


Jun 8, 2008
I highly recommend the Netflix documentary “The Last Days”

It is poignant, heartbreaking and shows how true evil does exist but how the human spirit can endure

Let us never forget



Sep 1, 2009
Thanks for the reminder. I think we saw this once a number of years ago. Just ordered the Blu-ray so that we can have it around. It is so important to remember!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
i watched it last year


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks for the reminder. I think we saw this once a number of years ago. Just ordered the Blu-ray so that we can have it around. It is so important to remember!

I find it hard to watch documentaries and movies about the Holocaust but am always glad I have when I finally end up watching. It takes much mental energy and motivation on my part. For example, Schinder's List. I saw it when it first came out with my parents under mild protest. Just because it is a very very upsetting topic for me. However we saw it together as a family and I was glad we did. Then when Greg and I were together and he told me he never saw Schindler's List and wanted to I had to talk myself into seeing it again. So I did and when we saw it together, Greg for the first time and me for the second, I was glad we had. But it always take me time to convince myself to watch anything about the Holocaust.


Sep 1, 2009
I find it hard to watch documentaries and movies about the Holocaust but am always glad I have when I finally end up watching. It takes much mental energy and motivation on my part. For example, Schinder's List. I saw it when it first came out with my parents under mild protest. Just because it is a very very upsetting topic for me. However we saw it together as a family and I was glad we did. Then when Greg and I were together and he told me he never saw Schindler's List and wanted to I had to talk myself into seeing it again. So I did and when we saw it together, Greg for the first time and me for the second, I was glad we had. But it always take me time to convince myself to watch anything about the Holocaust.

Same. This is a particularly difficult one as it still hits close to home. DH's ex wife was born into a family that had been nearly wiped out in Hungary. Her grandmother survived by hiding in a convent. Almost everyone else was killed. She raised her daughter (ex's mom) to hide her faith completely and be terrified that she could be found out. To this day, most in the family are still actively covering their faith publicly and in fear for the next time. So much unhappiness and mental instability due to the anxieties passed down the generations.


Jun 8, 2008
Same. This is a particularly difficult one as it still hits close to home. DH's ex wife was born into a family that had been nearly wiped out in Hungary. Her grandmother survived by hiding in a convent. Almost everyone else was killed. She raised her daughter (ex's mom) to hide her faith completely and be terrified that she could be found out. To this day, most in the family are still actively covering their faith publicly and in fear for the next time. So much unhappiness and mental instability due to the anxieties passed down the generations.

I am so sorry :(

The atrocities that man commits upon fellow man is still hard for me to comprehend TBH.
And I have zero faith it will not happen again.
I see the wave of anti semitism rising and rising and rising with no signs of abating.
Hate is everywhere.
And I know. It can happen again.

"Better than one heart be broken a thousand times in the retelling, he has decided, if it means that a thousand other hearts need not be broken at all."
Elie Wiesel

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Same. This is a particularly difficult one as it still hits close to home. DH's ex wife was born into a family that had been nearly wiped out in Hungary. Her grandmother survived by hiding in a convent. Almost everyone else was killed. She raised her daughter (ex's mom) to hide her faith completely and be terrified that she could be found out. To this day, most in the family are still actively covering their faith publicly and in fear for the next time. So much unhappiness and mental instability due to the anxieties passed down the generations.

this is so sad :(2

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I find it hard to watch documentaries and movies about the Holocaust but am always glad I have when I finally end up watching. It takes much mental energy and motivation on my part. For example, Schinder's List. I saw it when it first came out with my parents under mild protest. Just because it is a very very upsetting topic for me. However we saw it together as a family and I was glad we did. Then when Greg and I were together and he told me he never saw Schindler's List and wanted to I had to talk myself into seeing it again. So I did and when we saw it together, Greg for the first time and me for the second, I was glad we had. But it always take me time to convince myself to watch anything about the Holocaust.

i watch a lot of docos/movies on WW2
like sometimes one every night
but im on a break for a couple of months, till the spring at least
but then i feel quilty because the persecuted Jews and the other victims of Hitler never got to take time off
the people who lived through the blitz or even Winston Churchill and the King didnt take the winter off because it was too sad

we must be now living in the last few years that we will hear (new) first hand accounts of the holicoust, WW2 veterens are turning 100, their ranks deminishing before our eyes on ANZAC day each year
we must remember for them


Jul 24, 2003
I love to watch all those documentaries about those times, to me it's very interesting. You always learn something. Good or bad.
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