
Now I really did it :((


Aug 15, 2005
Aw missy, that just stinks :(sad .

Is there no drug that can at least lessen the pain to a tolerable level????????

How could anyone possibly concentrate on reading while in such agony- high pain tolerance or not??

I hope that someone in the medical profession could 'muse' on here about how wonderful this @#$%^& is at lowering pain levels.

I'm sending truckloads of *PS extra powerful pain diminishing dust** and maybe even a couple of 'fairy godmothers' to do their magic for you. :wavey:


Dec 12, 2006
Goodness this is horrible, I am so sorry you are going thru this...lots of healing dust for you..I hope you can get the pain under control :(sad


Mar 3, 2013
Dear Missy,
I am so sorry to hear that you had such a bad injury from a bike accident. I hope that your pain lessens soon and that you will get your surgery over and done with and forget how awful this time was. I actually discovered Pricescope right after my DH broke his hip in a bike accident last February had surgery and was in a rehab facility for a month. We started to look at diamonds to upgrade for our 25th anniversary since he was kind of stuck in rehab. Crazy but that is how he had enough time to look with me online. He is an orthopaedic surgeon. All I can say is that you will hopefully be pretty close to yourself in much less time than the first Dr. told you. My DH went back to seeing patients after 4 months and he had a bad fracture that required immediate surgery and 2 pieces of metal in the hip. He is back to bike riding again although I am not so happy about that.He says he is much more careful and doesn't ride in the road anymore. You will be able to work out your upper body if you want pretty soon after your sx. With lots of support from your friends , family and online friends I hope that your spirits will rise. Please try to keep a positive outlook although that isn't easy with the pain right now.
I am sending healing thoughts and best wishes your way!!!


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you Monnie. And I am glad you came through your ordeal but sorry you went through something similar. I had a lot of firsts yesterday. First ambulance ride, first hospital ER visit, first broken ankle, first time on crutches... Lots of firsts.

Isabel, I'm with you. This pain sucks. Though I will say that the 10 mg Vicodin I am now taking is taking the pain to a more tolerable 7 to 7.5 so better than when I was on just 5 mg but still really uncomfortable. And I am feeling a bit queasy now too. I am just hoping the surgeon I am seeing on Monday can help me. That's what I am holding on to right now. And thank you for the extra pain diminishing dust and those lovely fairy godmothers. I'll take all the extra help I can get!

diamondrnglover, thank you. With all of the PS good wishes and dust I am sure I will be feeling better soon!

bbziggy, I am so sorry that your dh had a bad bike accident too. Yes, I need metal in my ankle and not thrilled about that. The surgeon told me because my ankle is (was at least cause it's huge now) thin the metal plates/pins will stick through the skin. Lovely haha. But all I really care about is getting my full functioning back. Truly if I can get that I will be so happy. It's great that your dh is back to bike riding. It's really a safe activity but freak accidents happen. Good for him to be able to get back and ride.

A month in rehab. That's difficult but I know that's the best way to get the most out of the PT. I remember visiting my parents when they were in rehab for their hip/knees and it was not a fun place. Glad he got through and was able to resume his career without issue. I am sure with him being an orthopedic surgeon he knew all the best doctors and people to see. Thanks so much for sharing your story with me. All the success stories do lift my spirits. You are right though it's hard to be upbeat through the pain but I know that the pain is to be expected after what I did to my ankle, foot and leg. Thanks again and happy belated 25th anniversary!!!


Apr 19, 2004
HI Missy:

The pain you are suffering makes me sad and I hope it really is short term.

When you can't get your hair washed---HOT BUNS! Of late, I think that was my favorite thread. Or dry shampoo, :bigsmile: but I don't think there is a thread for that.

In your honor, I tried on some Tiffany diamond by the yard (bezeled) earrings on today.. Ohhhh lala! Since you cannot move much, I think Cartier, Van Cleef, and Tiffany should make house calls!!! I didn't buy today, and I have "calls" out, but it sure made me feel good! :cheeky: Call Brinks directly!!!



Sep 23, 2011
Hi Missy,

So very sorry to hear you're injured and in such pain. Fingers crossed the pain meds work for you, if they are making you nauseous be aware of your fluid intake. Try to stay hydrated. If it becomes a real problem request Zofran so you can keep fluids down.

Many years ago my sister fell on the ice and had a terrible break to her leg. She was in a cast to her thigh for four months. We got her a wheelchair so she was able to make her way around the house. She also had long hair so we would pull her wheel chair up to the sink, shove a couple of big phone books on the seat for her to sit on and have her lean back into the sink to wash her hair. My mom and I took turns washing it for her every couple of days.

I think you need a nurses aid staying with you during the day. Please try to get someone, you'll need help with meals and using the bathroom.

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
canuk-gal|1403999903|3702998 said:
.......Ohhhh lala! Since you cannot move much, I think Cartier, Van Cleef, and Tiffany should make house calls!!! ...... Call Brinks directly!!!


I agree!


May 1, 2007
missy, I am so sorry for your pain and injury. Sending more dust for lessened pain, successful surgery, and continued hopes that your recovery allows you to get back to the things you love (a little extra dust for sooner rather than later!).


Jun 24, 2012
I second the dry shampoo suggestion. I cannot imagine the pain you are having right now. Please do let me know if there's something I can do for you. I remember you live in Brooklyn and I'm in the Park Slope/Brooklyn Museum area a lot. Most days, I don' go into work until 3pm.


Mar 1, 2011
So sorry to hear about this, Missy! Hoping for a quick recovery for you!!!


Aug 12, 2005
Missy, I didn't have time to write what I wanted to earlier, so now that I'm home and relaxing...

My mother fell on ice outside our house when I was 12 or 13, breaking both bones and requiring surgery/plates/screws. She came through everything ok but I'll never forget seeing her in so much pain. It was just awful. About 10 years later I also slipped and fell on black ice and broke both bones in MY ankle, also requiring surgery/screws! I went to my mom's surgeon and was very happy with her work. I wasn't allowed to work while I was using crutches, so I stayed with my parents for about 5 weeks until I got a walking boot. I spent a lot of time knitting a throw for my friend who took me to the ER and stayed with me until my surgery. I remember her roommate asking me if I would sell her some of my Vicodin. :shock: :roll: Back then I really had no idea people did things like that, I was so shocked that she'd even ask! Anyway, I broke my right ankle and had to learn to drive with only my left foot. That was a real fun lesson. Every once in awhile I do it just to see if I still can. Ha!

I thought the worst of the pain was waking up in recovery right after the surgery. I think they gave me morphine and it didn't do anything for the pain. I had a bit of nerve damage in 3 of my toes but all sensation gradually returned (probably took a good 5 years, though.) I was wearing heels again 3-4 months after the night I broke it. I never did the PT because I didn't have time and I was on my feet all day which was probably the best PT for me since I bounced back pretty fast. You can't see my screws, but you can see my mom's. I'm not sure why that is, because neither of us have fleshy ankles.

Anyway, I wanted to share more because I thought maybe it would help you a bit to hear that others have survived this and life did return to normal. It's not an easy thing to go through, but it's like anything--you will adapt and the discomfort will not last forever. Hugs!!!!


Dec 17, 2008
I'm so sorry Missy. Everything you're going through just seems so overwhelming. I've never been through
Anything like that. I know I always feel better after a good cry... like I have to get it out of the way before
I can logically figure out how to deal with the other issues. Just a few pointers... Try not to deal with
everything at once. Postpone anything you can until a later date. One day at a time to keep from getting overwhelmed. Accept help from anyone that offers.

I'm hoping the pain dulls soon and becomes a little more bearable. Try to get some sleep.
Lots of healing dust,


Aug 31, 2010
No, don't cut your hair. Maybe braid it so it won't get so tangled?


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, Damn! This is awful.
Not fair!! You're really having a time of it and I am so sorry this has happened.
I wish we all lived near-by so we could take care of you with more than just words.
Sending Lots of Love your way tonight.

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
texaskj|1404012164|3703107 said:
No, don't cut your hair. Maybe braid it so it won't get so tangled?

good idea!

also, I'm betting you won't be going out lots so who really cares if you decide to go for pony tails?!


Apr 6, 2006
So sorry to hear about your break. Let's hope for a quick heal and reduced swelling and pain. Go ahead and complain all you want. Sending healing dust.


Jun 23, 2010
Missy, I am so sorry to hear about your accident, and the pain you are in. I'm hoping that the increased dosage of pain meds has offered you at least some relief, and that your appointment for a second opinion tomorrow gives you some answers. When stuff like this happens it sometimes seems as though it's the unknowns that are so terrifying and exhausting.

For (hopefully) reassuring anecdotes, I can offer up my older sister, who literally fell down the side of a mountain while hiking several years ago. She broke her ankle and ended up with a couple of plates and several screws holding it together. Like you, her greatest fear was that she would be unable to resume her previous activities, including cycling. Her recovery was long, and not easy, but her doctors told her that her level of fitness, especially for a woman in her early 60's, contributed greatly to her recovery. Within 6 months she was back on her road bike, and is now back to her previous level of activity, biking 30-40 miles several times a week.

Sending healing thoughts your way!


Jun 8, 2008
Warning- big cry ahead. It was a very painful night. I thought the pain was bad yesterday well nothing like last night. If there was a 10 plus that would be the number I would give it. :cry: Shooting pains up my foot to my leg and nothing helped. I was crying literally much of the night as I just couldn't help it. I wanted to stop but I cannot adequately describe the pain shooting through me. I cannot even move my leg without my dh to help me so though I have crutches I cannot swing off the bed or couch without him to move the leg laterally off for me to get onto the crutches. This pain has reduced me to someone I don't recognize. Through it all I am remaining coherent despite the Vicodin which I am taking more often than prescribed but it only very dully touches the pain but better than nothing. I wish I could better describe this because just reading this doesn't begin to explain. Thank you so much for allowing me to cry here and for sharing your similar experiences. It helps to know others have gone through this and come out just fine. Like I said I can take the pain but it's the not knowing how it will all turn out that is the worst part.

Woofmama, thank you for those tips-so helpful you have no idea! I am going to try that because it was difficult yesterday when I took a shower and washed my hair. My dh bought a special waterproof protection cover for my leg which kept my cast dry and the master bathroom at the beach house has a bench in the shower so I sat there while my dh stayed with me helping and I shampooed and conditioned and washed. It was difficult holding my heavy casted leg up and getting the waterproof cover on it was also painful. Not the best experience but at least I was able to do it. Leaving today for NY and there is no bench in the showers there and no real room to accommodate my casted leg sticking out so we are going to have to figure out how I am going to do it there because we are probably staying there most of the time if I am having the surgery at HSS. Though that remains to be seen because it depends on what Dr. Wellman says when he examines me. I really am praying he can fix my ankle/leg.

Monnie, thank you for coming back and going into detail about you and your mom. How awful that sounds and I am so glad you both fully recovered. Like I said they told me the plates/screws would show through my ankle but that is not even a concern on my radar in any way at this point in time. Function is the only concern I have. Sure I am probably going to be upset if I cannot wear my skinny pants and cute shoes and beautiful boots but again that is so far into the future I cannot even fathom caring about that at this time. So thank you for letting me know you both recovered and came through shining.

Sharon, LOL thanks for the smile. Wouldn't that be lovely. Of course with me not working for so long and not to get dramatic perhaps ever again :cry: :cry: :cry:
I can hardly think about buying any jewelry. I am not going to be such a good PSer I guess anymore. :cry:

Thank you so much rainydaze and mom2boys and swingirl for your PS dust and good healing wishes.


Jun 8, 2008
Sakuracherry, your post touched me and brought good tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for your too generous and kind offer. I do live in that area and I bet we have passed each other on the street or train. :wavey:
Thank you but I don't think I could ever impose. It's hard enough accepting help from good friends and family but asking my PS family for that kind of help would be overstepping (though I share more with my PS family at times than my real family and friends because it can be easier to be brutally honest with you guys yanno?) I think but your warm offer is so very much appreciated. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Tyty, thank you. It is all overwhelming and I am crying. A lot more than I have ever cried before and it makes me feel better for maybe a few minutes but the pain is just so awful I cannot feel much besides that. Thinking about the future but right now the pain is so acute that the one good thing is I can barely think about anything but the right now pain I am dealing with so future worries on hold. I guess one positive of the pain is it prevents me worrying too far ahead haha. ::)

texasj, I am holding off on cutting my hair for a few reasons. First of all the tips you guys have shared with me for one. Makes it seem much more manageable. Secondly, being incapacitated like this takes away so much from me to begin with and cutting my hair would add a whole other level of vulnerability that I am not strong enough for yet. The problem with my hair is that ideally I want to wash it every day but I can do every other. I cannot do less than that without it getting and without me feeling gross but I soon will have nothing but time on my hands so with the tips here and with all the time I will have I probably can maintain keeping it. Wearing it in a ponytail is something I do often anyway. Thanks for your suggestion of the braid.

Thank you Jimmianne. I appreciate that and sending love and hugs back to you and my whole PS family.

Aoife, thank you for sharing your sister's story. I am so glad she was able to resume all her activities and especially biking. It gives me hope and something to work for and look forward to especially when I start feeling scared. Thank you!


Jun 8, 2008
Just wanted to add for those who asked and I forgot to reply- my dh is just fine. He got a few cuts and bruises but no real injuries thank goodness. I have to say I am feeling very stressed about all that is on his plate now as if he wasn't already doing too much.

Now he is doing everything including dressing, bathing me, taking me to the bathroom and caring 100% for all 4 kitties. Taking care of everything no matter how minute. I hate how helpless I feel and how I cannot do a thing to lighten his load except keep my mouth shut as to how he is doing it all lol. No micromanaging from me that is for sure.

We are getting ready to go back to NY now and the packing up he has to do is a lot because we are not sure when we will be able to return here. So all the food, supplies,etc and clothes I might need because for now I can only wear dresses as nothing will fit over my leg. And I am not looking forward to the car trip back with the cats screaming the whole way and not sure where I will sit with them taking up so much space. And Francesca usually sits on my lap or else she vomits but I don't think we are going to be able to have her sit on me today.

Hoping by leaving early we won't hit too much traffic. See you in NY. :wavey:


Aug 25, 2009
Oh my goodness MIssy! Im so sorry! Sorry for the fall, sorry you are in so much pain and so sorry it will be a long road to recovery! I will write a more lengthy reply tomorrow when I have more then 10 seconds on the computer. Oh I wish I were just there to help you!!!!


Jun 8, 2008
SB621|1404053312|3703226 said:
Oh my goodness MIssy! Im so sorry! Sorry for the fall, sorry you are in so much pain and so sorry it will be a long road to recovery! I will write a more lengthy reply tomorrow when I have more then 10 seconds on the computer. Oh I wish I were just there to help you!!!!

Sarah, I wish you were here too LOL for totally selfish reasons.

I have to post how embarrassed I am (so very embarrassed) about all this drama that I have been sharing with PS this year. People who truly know me know this drama is not me. This is so foreign to me. I have avoided drama at almost all costs my entire life but 2014 started out badly for me and just keeps going in that direction despite all my efforts to remain positive and upbeat.

I promise to maintain the best attitude possible no matter the challenges ahead and appreciate that PSers are so generous with their support and advice and well wishes. I think that is what made me feel safe to post on PS all that has been happening to me this past year. And it means so much to me to be able to do so.

Thank you for saying hi and I miss you dear Sarah. What you can do for me though is enjoy enjoy enjoy. When you have time I would love to hear about all your adventures with your family in your new home and country and about your travels there. It will take my mind off me as I have been focusing too much on me. Just thinking of all the threads I started this year about me is enough to make me feel so :blackeye: and :knockout: and mostly :oops: :oops: :oops:

Sometimes pics say it all. ::)



Mar 10, 2010
Damn, hate to hear this. Dust for healing for you.


Apr 19, 2004

Let us know how thing go, Missy. Hope your drive isn't too uncomfortable. Big hugs.

Thinking of you--Sharon


Jul 13, 2007
I'm so very sorry for the pain you are experiencing Missy. Sending healing dust!!

I watch some beauty gurus on YT. A lot of them highly recommend Batiste brand dry shampoo. Some with long hair are actually able to go many days without washing their hair when using this product. It's available everywhere. Maybe you could try it when you're up to it.

Good luck. I hope you find some relief soon. Take care. :wavey:


Jun 6, 2010
Just seeing this now Missy! I am so very, very sorry! I hope that the second doctor has better news for you. Sending hugs and prayers. :(


Dec 25, 2012
This all sounds horrible ;( ;( ;(

Please feel better soon missy!


Jul 2, 2010
I'm so sorry to hear the pain is so bad. I'm glad you are going to the doctor Monday.
Did they cast you even though the swelling was still substantial? Cause that may be what is causing the pain to increase, you may be swelling. One of my students was in a cast and he had increased swelling under the cast and was in terrible pain.

Just found this from my ortho when I fractured the ankle this year
Excessive swelling can produce increased pain, slower healing, and in more severe cases can be dangerous to the circulation of the arm or leg. You should contact us immediately if any of these warning signs occur:

• Severe pain, with a feeling that the cast or splint has become too tight
• Numbness and tingling which does not go away promptly as you change position
• Persistent burning and stinging pain under the cast
• Severe swelling below the cast
• Loss of ability to move toes or fingers below the cast
Hope I don't scare you.


Feb 27, 2010
missy, thanks for sharing. I think posting in Hangout will help your healing with all the warm support!

At the risk of this coming off the wrong way, I wanted to let you know that in the past 5 years, a person I know is a paraplegic from a bike accident and a friend of a friend of ours was killed near my house in a bike accident - a drunk driver hit her and then went home "hit & run" and ordered a pizza with the girl's blood on her car. She later told police she thought she hit a deer.

I don't mean to say, "it could be worse," but more like, "I am glad that you will be able to heal and recover." Hugs...and more dust to you!!


Aug 12, 2005
Sky56|1404068196|3703317 said:
missy, thanks for sharing. I think posting in Hangout will help your healing with all the warm support!

At the risk of this coming off the wrong way, I wanted to let you know that in the past 5 years, a person I know is a paraplegic from a bike accident and a friend of a friend of ours was killed near my house in a bike accident - a drunk driver hit her and then went home "hit & run" and ordered a pizza with the girl's blood on her car. She later told police she thought she hit a deer.

I don't mean to say, "it could be worse," but more like, "I am glad that you will be able to heal and recover." Hugs...and more dust to you!!

Sky is right--people get into terrible bike accidents and some either die or suffer terrible injuries from which they never recover. My next door neighbor was mountain biking a few months ago and not only broke her clavicle but injured her head (although she was wearing a helmet) and is at risk of losing her RN job now because her brain is not properly functioning. It's very sad. But she can't be allowed to take care of her patients while she is (hopefully) recovering from this brain injury.

So, broken ankle at least you know you will recover at some point. Silver linings! (Ok, platinum linings!)
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