
Now I really did it :((


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I think the reason the realtor is suggesting things is that most people are pretty clueless :lol: Honestly, if things aren’t literally spelled out for them, i.e., there’s plenty of room in the closet, or this room IS a dining room, a lot of people just can’t visualise it. Things are moving pretty quickly now, how is he house market where you are? Do you think you’ll see pretty quickly?

There’ll never be too many kitty or puppy pics @missy Our weather came out in sympathy today, it’s been wet and wild, but back to normal tomorrow. How are your parents doing?

A nice walk and ice cream sounds like the perfect day @canuk-gal, and yum to pizza.

We decided to go to the trivia night again yesterday, and ended up on a team with one of the ladies from last week. She’d brought her kids and husband this time, and apart from the first round, which was all about the history of Texas, we did really well. We won’t the 2nd round, and came second in the 3rd round.

Did our food shopping this morning, and this afternoon I made some chicken kievs, we haven’t found any here, and it’s been years since we last had one. They came out pretty well.

Can’t believe it’s Friday again tomorrow.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy FriYAY!!!

@canuk-gal nice you had a lovely walk and enjoyed some nice weather before the thunderstorms. And yay pizza. I love pizza and miss it. Thanks for asking about my parents. They are managing and considering the circumstances doing OK. My dad still can't sit up in bed but the PT comes frequently and they are working on it and getting him to shuffle a few steps with the walker and with the PT holding him up but it's very very slow going. He states he is in pain and the doctors made a house call and did X-rays but nothing was found.

@Austina sorry about your weather and hope today is a beautiful day. Finally our rain has stopped for now and cycling is on our agenda woohoo. Hope you enjoyed your chicken Kiev yesterday and trivia night sounds like a lot of fun. I love that stuff. Good going winning the second round and coming in second the third round. Sweet. Thank you for enjoying the animal photos. Speaking of which all three greeted me at 5:15AM this morning. Makes my heart swell with joy seeing them eating and content and safe. My parents are doing as well as possible given the challenges they face. Thank you for asking. I answered in a bit more detail to Sharon above but in a nutshell that's the update. Hope your neighbor's stray kitty is doing well

@Slickk yay almost the weekend

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY

Hello everyone else. It's been a very wet April and May here. Today there is a break in the rain so we hope to go cycling. Yesterday we ran errands and got much accomplished. I am basically feeding the ferals wet food 6 times a day. What have I gotten myself into LOL. This morning Dr Pepper, Fresca and Pepsi were all waiting for me and OMG they ate like they were starving. I never saw Fresca eat so much at once. Not sure what is going on but just happy we can provide them with quality food. It is adding up but this is one area I don't care about how much I am spending. I also made a nice large donation to Catsbury. IMO the animals deserve everything we can give them and more.

I hope everyone has a wonderful FriYAY filled with so much yay and lots of love and joy. Leaving you with a photo from last night. All 3 kitties hanging out in the side yard. Sorry about the haze...I had to take it through the window and there was reflections. I am sure a photographer with a camera (vs a phone) could do something to eliminate that issue..

OK from left to right

Pepsi, Fresca, Dr Pepper

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Enjoy a fantastic friYAY lovely ladies XOXO


Aug 18, 2013

Look at those gorgeous kitties! Thank you for sharing the photos, @missy! And I think I have a thing for your parents' Zoe - what a darling! I'm really sorry your Dad isn't making much progress. How is his skin holding up to long periods of being in bed? Thinking of you all. oxo ( - and thank you for Marcy's deets!)

@marcy - I wish you well in selling your home; fast sale, full price! I've done staging and prep for sales many times, and used to do a bit of it in Australia also. I helped prep David's house when he and his wife were divorcing. He got a few quotes on what agents thought he should list for, then I told him I could make him some money, if he was interested. He gave me $80k to do up his house, and the house sold first day, for full price, with 2 full price offers, $300k over the estimates he received. So he and his wife made $220k. I wasn't busy, so had offered to supervise all the work for them, which ended up taking 2 months, then staged it pre sale - including writing all the ads for it as well. So it was a lot. He and his wife were each going to pay me an agreed upon amount of money - which David did....and his ex-wife didn't. She took her half of the profits, of course, but didn't give me one red cent. I remember I was so run down doing this, I developed pneumonia during the process. It was wild. Anyway, I'm sure I'll do David's current house for him when he sells next year. Hoping the process goes well for you and that things at TBE are continuing to progress. ( - and thank you for the contact deets!)

@Austina - yay re trivia night! I'm glad you went a second time. Do you think this will become a regular thing? I love trivia, so I'd enjoy this sort of thing a lot (despite not knowing much of anything) - and I'm sure you'll develop a bunch of familiar faces! Glad you've been able to spend time in the pool and I hope you're enjoying the lovely weather! How long is it since you moved to Texas and how are you feeling about it at this point? Does it feel like home, or do you dream often of returning to the UK? I understand how difficult it is to settle in to a new place, so I hope it's familiar and comfortable these days. <3

@canuk-gal - yay for walks and ice cream and pizza! This sounds like an almost perfect combination to me! (Chocolate??) I hope the weather is warming up and the days are long and bright!

@MamaBee, @bling_dream19, @Slickk and @springerspaniel - hallo to you all, and hoping you're all enjoying your weekend!

As for me - I'm starting to get ready to go back to Boston on Monday. I have *so* much to do between now and then, I'm feeling a tad stressed! My next Entyvio infusion is on Tuesday and I'm hoping that helps things somewhat.

This evening we all went out for Nathaniel's birthday - me, David, Robert, Nathaniel and his girlfriend, Mika. We had Italian and it was wonderful! After that, we went back to David's house and listened to Nathaniel do a practice run-through of a presentation he's doing at a conference in Madison, WI, on game theory and language. It seemed horribly brilliant and not entirely in my wheelhouse, tho there was *some* overlap with psychology.

On the other hand, I was able to snap 2 candid photos of him, which he wasn't able to wreck by posing for them! He turns 26 next week and I could not be more proud of him. <3 Photos attached below.

Shout out to all the lovely NIRDIs!


Last edited:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy Caturday Saturday!!

@mrs-b thank you and your family is beautiful inside and out and it is so wonderful seeing their photos. Aww thanks. My parents are pretty great but this aging thing blows. I mean it beats the alternative but oh boy it is not easy. I am not sure about his skin as my mom hasn't mentioned anything and I haven't asked but will do so today. Thanks for asking. I know when I was non weight bearing I developed a bed sore after ONE day. LOL not LOL. My surgeon was appalled and I was afraid they would call off the surgery. I remember this very clearly. That's when he basically accused me of being anorexic but we all know that is untrue. No one loves eating more than me haha. Anyway glad those days are over and I have regained my weight and then some. On purpose and I enjoyed every minute :)

Wishing you a very safe and easy trip back to Boston and deep breaths. One hour at a time and do not stress. It will go smoothly and soon you will be reunited with your darling Tim :love:

Happy birthday to handsome Nathaniel!

Good morning @Slickk @bling_dream19 @canuk-gal @springerspaniel @Austina @marcy and everyone else.Hope all is well and you have a wonderful wonderful weekend!!! XOXO

Leaving you with some photos from our day yesterday...a lovely day filled with furry babies, human friends and of course cycling and ice cream :)

First up Greg and Jenny...we often see them when we start cycling as they live nearby so we always take a 30 minute detour to stop and say hey and chat

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Ice cream mid ride...always a sweet treat and their new coffee flavor is TDF yummy

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And the last two photos from yesterday are in honor of Caturday Saturday...Fresca looking so gorgeous...she has a wonky eye and I don't think she is binocular but hopefully she can still see prey and move out of the way ASAP...I do worry about her and all the ferals

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As we were riding back home up to the house Fresca and Pepsi were so comfortable and did not move an inch LOL. They are not afraid of us and that makes me happy...but if I try to approach them fuggedabout it as we say in Brooklyn

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May your day be filled with lots of love and joy and sweetness and whatever you wish. Be well


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Looks like you had a lovely time @mrs-b, I’ll bet you were the envy of the restaurant :lol: I hope you’re all set for your trip back home, and that it goes smoothly. Good luck for your next infusion, and fingers crossed it works well. Honestly, until we went to visit our friends, the thought of going ‘home’ was appealing, but now, not so much. Our friends new home was lovely, but I wouldn’t want to live there, which would’ve been the plan if we went back. It suits them well because their daughter is close by, but it’s not an area we would choose. It’s also hard on days like this, when we spent so much time in the pool, to go back to the weather there too. There’s lots going on there that we wouldn’t like, and despite what people think about where we live, when we went shopping last week, something must’ve caught in the tailgate because it didn’t close. We came back to the car, boot lid up, completely unlocked, and it was fine, that wouldn’t have been the case in the UK.

Glad you enjoyed the day cycling, furries and ice cream, sounds perfect @missy. I’m glad to hear your parents are in good spirits, I’m sure it must be exhausting for your Mother, and your poor Dad, must hate being incapacitated. As you say, it beats the alternative, and every day is a bonus for them and you.

It’s been a scorcher here today thank goodness for the pool.

FT with our friends tomorrow, then in the pool again. We got Indian take away today, ordered enough for tomorrow too - no cooking, woohoo!

Have a great weekend lovely NIRDIs. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy super Sunday! it's been a very busy morning already and I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to tempt Tommy to take his med (succeeded thank goodness). He's been more difficult lately taking his med and twice a day it is very time consuming and I hate forcing him. Poor baby.

@Austina thank you. Each day is a blessing and a bonus and I am grateful for every moment. I am glad you have the pool in which to keep cool (ha I am a poet and I didn't know it :lol: )...enjoy FT with your friends today! I never thought I would like doing Zoom but I do with the right people. Hope the Indian food was good and I love leftovers. Enjoy.

@Slickk @bling_dream19 @canuk-gal @marcy good morning!

@springerspaniel here's our tree as of yesterday...looking luscious and lovely
It really is this green!

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@mrs-b safe flight tomorrow and may everything go smoothly

Hi everyone else. Hope all is well!

Greg built another feeding station for just the wet food to protect the cats from the elements. I was nervous the cats wouldn't go into it but so far so good. Pepsi, Fresca, Sasha have all found the food. Dr Pepper unfortunately walked right by it this morning so I am stressing about that and hope she finds it. At first the others were suspicious and wouldn't go into it but finally they did (yesterday afternoon) and this AM everyone (but Dr Pepper) was eating in it. Greg isn't finished with the feeder and needs to add trim but in the meantime the cats can eat from it and be protected from the rain. Some in progress photos for anyone interested

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Some photos from yesterday. Feeder (not completely finished but just needs the trim) to protect them from the rain and wind etc

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Pepsi was the first brave girl to go and get the food

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See her licking her chops? Awwwww
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Fresca hesitant to go inside

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She's thinking about it...
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But her curiousity won out

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Now I just hope and pray Dr Pepper finds the wet food. After she missed it this AM I ran to put more wet food on the other porch and the side where the grass is as I usually put food there too but it was too late and she was nowhere to be found. I know they won't starve as the dry feeder is open but I feel so bad she missed the wet food this AM. Greg wants me to not put it other places so they get used to the new location and feeder but I cannot let them be hungry in the meantime.

It's another cycling day for us despite the cool cloudy weather. We enjoyed cycling yesterday too and got a little rain but nothing major at all. Have a fantastic Sunday lovely ladies. XOXO
Leaving you with our sweet treat from yesterday

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Sep 26, 2011
Now I just hope and pray Dr Pepper finds the wet food. After she missed it this AM I ran to put more wet food on the other porch and the side where the grass is as I usually put food there too but it was too late and she was nowhere to be found.
Dr. misunderstood
@missy the tree is absolutely spectacular! What an intense green.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy (how did you get here so fast) marvelous Monday!

Safe flight @mrs-b and good luck with the Entyvio infusion Tuesday! That's the day I get my next Dupixent shot so I will be hoping for the best for both of us. Sending much love and big hugs

@Slickk @bling_dream19 @canuk-gal @Austina @springerspaniel and everyone else...excuse my brief post this AM. I am writing with one eye covered by a heat pad due to an impending stye or chalazion so am having some difficulty seeing well so I am keeping it brief. We are seeing a new cardiologist for Greg. He isn't getting along well with the new meds so I just decided let's see another cardiologist who comes highly recommended by my friend. I do not think he's better than our cardiologist now but he had an opening so I took it for Greg. I slept 2 hours maybe last night and am feeling pretty tired. Same for Greg. Wishing you all a marvelous Monday and I'll leave you with a few pics of our day yesterday. Sending love and hugs and only good things your way XOXO

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Jun 8, 2008
@springerspaniel almost forgot...Dr Pepper is eating the wet food in the new feeder as of 5AM this morning woohoo!


Aug 18, 2013
Well, clearly Greg is a wizard, @missy! Love the new feed box!

I'm heading off to Boston in the am. Entyvio infusion on Tuesday and hoping it brings me some relief. Hospital inevitable otherwise.

Hugs to you all, @springerspaniel, @bling_dream19, @canuk-gal, @Austina, @marcy, @MamaBee and @missy!


@Slickk - I'm so sorry I missed you! I thought about your name specifically, then I think I'd thought I'd already added you! I never miss you in my thoughts - my apology for this typing oversight!


Feb 27, 2007

@missy that is quite the shelter Greg made for the ferals. Word will spread and you’ll need to build a bigger one. Totally enjoyed all the pictures of your adventures and the kitties. I always sleep on my back due to knee issues and my left ankle gets a burning sensation from lack of motion. I’ve been putting a thick sock right above it to lay my foot on, that helps. If I don’t have some padding there, ti’ll wake me up.

@Austina Texas has been having some wild weather. The flooding in Houston was bad. I am glad you are enjoying your pool. The housing market is picking up here but pricing and interest rates continue to be an issue. Our area is one of the popular places in town. I fear it’ll move too quickly and then what’ll we do, or we’ll already be moved when it sells. Time will tell. We did a lot of stuff on the list from the staging lady but not all of it. Our dining room looks tiny right now with no leaf in the table and centered under the overhead light. Trivia night sounds like a good time.

@canuk-gal I’m sure all the fees for stagers and photos get added to the closing fees. I’m glad you’ve had some lovely weather. We’ve been pretty nice too, but had a thunderstorm roll through here tonight.

@mrs-b good luck tomorrow and I hope the infusion brings you some relief. Nathanial’s birthday dinner sounds fun and he looks very happy. Sounds like you rocked at selling David’s house for him. We still don’t have a closing day so I don’t know how things will work out. I don’t think it’ll be on the market long, if someone wants it NOW though that is a problem. My MIL suggested we could live in the trailer until the house is done. My response to that was NO WAY!

It was a busy weekend prepping the house for pictures. We even got our flowers planted and yes it hailed on them today. At least it was small hail. I don’t think it did much damage. I took a macro shot of one of the big flowers during lunch, I am glad I got one photo before they got hailed on.

Today was another first for me with my retirement job. I sat in on a meeting with the publisher on that book we’re editing. I just listened most of the time. Right now they said to keep doing what we’re doing. That’s easy enough. The book is well know in astronomy and educator circles so it’s kind of cool that I’m helping with it.

Off to bed.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls. Happy terrific Tuesday. So another quick post as my eye is painful and the hot compresses are doing nothing. I think it's an internal hordeoelum which means I need oral antibiotics and maybe steroids so now I am stuck because I have no one here who can look at it to confirm (hard to examine myself lol). And it's getting more painful. Ugh. I texted a colleague who's about 90 minutes away to ask him if he can squeeze me in this week before the holiday but I know his practice is crazy busy hectic so not sure if he can/will. And he is not a morning person so I am not sure when he will see the message. Always something right? LOL gotta laugh but it's pretty painful and I think I will hold off on the Dupixent because it's likely the culprit of this eye infection. :/

@marcy thanks for lovely words about the shelter and photos. Much appreciated. Greg spent hours building it and he is dedicated to the kitties. I hate hearing about the medical issues with your ankle and knee and pray you find relief. Girl I feel for you and I know pain so I get it. I won't go into details but let's say I have plenty of pain in more than one area. Oh well, it beats the alternative right?! So cool you are helping with the astronomy book! Sweet

@mrs-b good luck with the infusion today! Hope your trip back home went smoothly

Hi everyone else. We had a good cycling day and ran into our friends as usual. Both furry and human and it was a beautiful day. Wishing you all a terrific Tuesday XOXO

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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Ugh, I’m sorry to hear you’re having a problem with your eye now @missy, you can’t seem to catch a break with medical issues. I’m also sorry to hear that Greg’s meds are not agreeing with him, and hope you managed to find a better alternative. He’s such a clever sausage, the cat food shelter is great, and I’m glad the kitties feel comfortable using it.

It’s always a problem with timing selling the house and moving to another @marcy, and YIKES that your MIL thought you’d want to stay in the trailer :lol: sounds like she doesn’t know you at all!!! I can’t think of a single person I know that’d want to do that. Things move a lot quicker here than in the UK, you can pretty much bank on selling the house and the new owners moving in taking anywhere from 4-6 months easily. Still, the good news is your house should sell quickly and hopefully well, now to keep all our fingers and toes crossed it happens at the right time. Sorry to hear about your knee issues, with all our collective aches and pains and other things, anyone would think we’re all getting OLD!!
The flooding in Houston was brutal, thankfully nothing like that here, but it’s predicted to be 98 degs over the weekend :oops2:

I hope you made it home safely @mrs-b and the infusion brings you relief.

Wishing you good weather and peaceful times @canuk-gal.

HI @springerspaniel, hope all is well with you, and please give the pupsters a big kiss from me.

We had a busy day yesterday, got up early to get the grass cut as the forecast was for blistering heat later on, then we had a trip to Costco. Despite not needing much, we still came out minus an arm and a leg.
We spent a lot of the afternoon in the pool, it was glorious and the pool was a lovely 93 degs.

Another day of wall to wall sunshine - you know where we’ll be!



Feb 27, 2007

@missy oh ho about your eye. I hope your colleague agreed to see you today and got that addressed. I know you are not stranger to pain. My body reminds me all too often I am not 20 anymore. I jokingly tell myself well if this hurts, it’s making me forget about that. My two right index fingers are so bend at the last joint, I can’t pick earrings out of my earring box with them. At least they only hurt when they seem to be bending more. That’s a plus, I guess. I hate to hear Greg’s meds aren’t setting well with him. Keeping you both in my thoughts. And of course, I think of your parents. You did have a nice time cycling, seeing friends, fur babies and having ice cream.

@Austina our 5th wheel was big enough and nice enough that I would probably have lived in it for a while, but not the small living area of a small toy hauler. My MIL is pretty self-focused. She doesn’t seem to pay much attention to other people. I do hope the timing works out and once we get a closing date for TBE, that’ll make it easier to say we don’t want to move before then. They are coming to take pictures on Thursday. Good idea to get things done before the heat of the day kicks up. We don’t have that problem this week. It was in the 50’s during the day and 30’s last night. Our heater just kicked on. It’s easy to spend that much at Costco and prices keep going up.

Not much new with me. I got the hat done for my niece tonight. Tomorrow I plan on getting out to the post office and get my nephew’s package mailed. That’ll be one less thing around the house.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy wonderful Wednesday. I am in a rush today because lots to do and I was able to get an appointment this afternoon for my eye. I just hope she is competent because I picked her from facebook recommendations in my neighborhood group and that is not always on point. As a backup I have another appointment friday with someone who comes highly recommended but I couldn't get one before Friday so I took this one with the unknown doctor. Yesterday morning after I texted my colleague he called in oral antibiotics but I didn't start it yet because I am self diagnosing and need a definitive diagnosis before I start taking orals for 10 days. At 5AM all the ferals were waiting for me. I love seeing them every morning. Makes my day. Sorry for the quick all about me post but I am thinking of everyone and sending lots of good wishes and lots of love too

@marcy lol no we are far from 20 but sadly my brain thinks mid 30s haha. Sweet you got your hat done for your niece and will be sending your nephews package today. I get what you mean one less thing in the house. Girl I have to get cracking on straightening up and getting rid of stuff. Too much stuff but life is so busy right now.

@Austina sounds like you accomplished a lot and oh no to blistering heat. We are supposed to be in the 80s today...too hot for this time of year IMO. LOL we can never get out of Costco for a reasonable amount of money. Never. I am always shocked at what we spend weekly there. Enjoy the sunshine

@mrs-b hope your infusion went well

@bling_dream19 @Slickk @canuk-gal @springerspaniel and everyone else have a great day.
Leaving you with photos from yesterday. XOXO

We are crazy (OK I am) because we are leaving soon to go cycling despite the drs appointment this afternoon. We figure if we leave early we can get in a ride today. And well it's a lot I know but we take joy where we can get it. Not going to let medical stuff get in the way of cycling :) (if we can help it)

Haha look at Greg's reflection in the car from our ride yesterday as we stopped to chat with our friends

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May your day be sweet and satisfying


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crumbummy weather--cold and wet. Not looking good for tomorrow either. But I won't complain at least it isn't like Houston etc. The sun is just peaking out now. Like the other NIRDI's I got groceries today and sold a kidney. My DH is keeping Amazon alive. I've lost count of the deliveries in the last week--buying and returning laptops etc etc. Makes my head spin.

@missy sorry about your eyeball. Hope you get some relief. I ran into my sweet neighbor today and she has a recurring corneal ulcer. Poor thing. At least she said it wasn't painful. Hope your parents are OK and Greg also.

@marcy your work project sounds interesting! Timing on buying and selling houses is everything. And and NO to living in the RV!

@mrs-b hope your infusion helps your body repair and feel better. We booked a California holiday for next month. I am Cali dreaming!

@Slickk counting down the say til summer break? Yay for your hard work and dedication but yay for the summer break!

@MamaBee how are ya lady????

@Austina it is warm where you are! Glad you missed that torrential weather elsewhere in Texas.



Aug 18, 2013
Hi ladies - just a super fast post as it's getting late and I'm pooped.

Made it back safely on Monday, walking in the door close to midnight. Entyvio at 9.30am the next day and it took hours, for various reasons. The infusion nurse did a great job, tho, and everything went without a hitch, if slowly. Slept the rest of Tuesday away, as that's pretty much what Entyvio does straight after the infusion, and today I'm very tired, but gut is already feeling better.

Fingers crossed things stay calm!

@canuk-gal - where in Cali for your vacay?

@missy - did your friend come through with the antibiotics? Hoping you cycled *and* made it to your appt today!

@marcy - how are you going with all your sorting? Good luck with that!

@Austina - your weather sounds wonderful! Did you hit the pool today?

Love to everyone else and hugs and pats to all the fur babies!

Sleep tight!



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Glad you got back safely @mrs-b, and that the infusion went well, even if it did knock you for six. Good news that you can already feel the benefit, and long may it continue! Weather here is hot, hot, hot!

Glad you’ll be heading for warmer weather next month @canuk-gal, what are you planning on doing?

I hope the appt went well @missy and you were able to get a definitive diagnosis on your eye, as well as some treatment. Sending good thoughts to your parents and Greg.

The day got away from us yesterday, we had the car booked in for its 12 month service - can you believe we’ve had it a year already? They gave us a loaner, so we stayed local and just went shopping. Picked up a few things, nothing exciting, apart from a lovely tropical print t-shirt :lol: By the time we got back, we ate and then it was too late to go in the pool, as we were heading out to Trivia at 6pm. We joined a table, and met some new people. I always laugh because whenever we meet new people, they say “Gee, I just love yall’s accent”. We did pretty well, coming in only 3 points behind the winners, but most of all, it was fun.

Off to do the food shopping, and then in the pool, we might even go to music bingo tonight :mrgreen:

Have a great day lovely NIRDIs. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy FriYAY!!

@canuk-gal thank you. Your poor neighbor. A corneal ulcer is very painful generally. I hope she can get it completely cleared. LOL so are we...we literally get Amazon deliveries daily. I swear we are keeping the economy alive and well and Amazon should be very grateful to all of us lol. Our weather has been up and down. And HOT. In the 90s. Stay comfy and hope your weather dries out and cycling is in your future

@Austina thank you. More on that below. It's been a busy busy few days. Wow 12 months already. Time flies. Fun to do trivia and music bingo too. Hope you both enjoyed

@mrs-b so pleased your transfusion went well. Yes we have been managing to cycle before or after our medical appointments so that is a win. One more medical appointment for me this AM and then hopefully the weather is good for cycling. I have not checked yet and Greg is still sleeping.

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY!

@Slickk weekend is almost here woohoo!

@MamaBee hang in there. I am so sorry you are dealing with this and praying for your relief. Sending lots of healing wishes and lots of love and gentle hugs

Sorry another post and run. It's another busy day. We've been cycling before or after our medical appointments and today is no exception. I am seeing another eye specialist (OD this time) and we shall see (pun intended lol) what he thinks. My eye is feeling a bit better so not sure if he will find anything. The OMD on Wednesday was very nice but she could only see inflammation with no real diagnosis. I know something isn't right. But my eye is feeling better so unsure if today will bring answers. It's still sore though so whatever it is still is present. There's a lot more but I have to go because lots to do before my appointment. Wishing you all a very happy and healthy friYAY. XOXO

First up a sweet turtle as we were cycling

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Our before sunrise the other day

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And Dr Pepper and our raccoon hanging out yesterday

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Greg finished the trim on the feeder a couple of days ago. I took this pic right after a big thunderstorm so it is wet outside but it kept the food dry inside woohoo mission accomplished

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Lastly my friend's newest family addition..a sweet rescue dog

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Enjoy a friYAY filled with yay and lots of good things. XOXO
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Jun 8, 2008
Update. Saw the OD and my self diagnosis of internal hordeolum (now chalazion) was correct. The OMD on Wednesday missed it. Unreal right. And goes to show why I trust ODs over OMDs for diagnosis and management of non surgical conditions. Anyway I’m relieved to have a diagnosis and my treatment plan of hot compresses around the clock was on the money. Hopefully it’ll resolve completely without surgical intervention. Have a wonderful friYAY sweet friends ❤️


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I rode alone today--DH went to work out and to the driving range. Weather was brisk @11C but I was well dressed. I LOL b/c people were in their shorts and I was wearing gloves. A big thunderstorm just rolled through here--no hail thank goodness but heavy chubby rain! Sun's out now...... I went sheet shopping since two of my sets have holes in them (thanks to professional laundering???) but didn't buy anything. I have been looking at Frette online LOL

@missy glad your eye is on the mend! I feel for my neighbor but at least there is no pain involved. The fact that it is recurring is worry some tho.

Yes @mrs-b and @Austina I look forward to the heat of Palm Springs and the ocean in San Diego.

@marcy @Slickk hope you guys have a restful weekend.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning lovely ladies and happy Caturday Saturday! And happy Memorial Day weekend

@canuk-gal your neighbor likely has an unstable corneal endothelial layer. My mom gets RCEs and they are very painful. She instills eye ointment at night prophylactically to keep the layers together so when she wakes up and opens her eyes the lid doesn't pull off any of the corneal tissue. I am sure your neighbor is already doing this but just in case I mention it if it can help her. Hopefully she is seeing a corneal specialist. Sweet you got to ride yesterday. And good for you staying warm despite the brisk weather. Yesterday we had the opposite problem and I was dressed very lightly to keep cool as we were cycling. Fortunately there was an east wind keeping things comfortable despite the warm temps

We went cycling after I saw the OD and it was a good (but warm) day and the ocean breeze kept things nice. Today is another cycling day despite some rain in the forecast...hopefully it won't be much rain but we shall see. Right now the sun is shining.

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@bling_dream19 @Slickk @marcy @Austina @springerspaniel @MamaBee @mrs-b and everyone else, hope all is well and have a great holiday weekend XOXO

Thank you to all who have served this country and remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country

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Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy Memorial Day Sunday!

Looking forward to another gorgeous day before the rain comes. We cycled yesterday and the temps were purrrrfect. 70s with a cool ocean breeze so it was super comfy. Today is another beautiful weather day then tomorrow rain all day. This AM the kitties all met me outside and Tommy took his med without any fuss. A good start

This was yesterday afternoon right after we got back from cycling. LOL.

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Often the cats are waiting for us. The routine is this. Around 5AM I feed them and Pepsi is always waiting on the porch like this. Then I feed them right before we leave for cycling. Then when we get home mid to late afternoon I feed them again. The photo above was yesterday right after we got home mid/late afternoon from cycling. Then I feed them again before it gets dark.

Our sweet treat yesterday

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Enjoy a super sweet Sunday filled with all the activities you enjoy with your loved ones...XOXO


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

You want heat @canuk-gal, come on down, we’re sweltering in near 100 deg temperatures :mrgreen:? Glad you got out to ride, but what are gloves? :lol:

I hope your eye is improving @missy and that the rain held off for your ride. What a lovely sight to come home to, the kitties all look so healthy, what a beautiful little face at the window.

I hope you’re feeling better from the infusion @mrs-b and less tired, and have settled back home.

How are things progressing with TBE @marcy?

Thinking of you @MamaBee and hoping that things are improving for you.

It’s HOT and we’ve spent a lot of time in the pool the last couple of days. Our lovely neighbours came over today with their little boy, and we’ve been having fun splashing about.

I hope you’re all enjoying a peaceful and relaxing time :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!

Our weather has been a mixed bag--typical for where we live. 4 seasons in a day! We went to the big park and had fun--then of course the black clouds rolled in and we went home. Some rain, then sun. The 2 hours later, rice sized hail. Honestly. But our grass looks healthy and most importantly we have water reserves. And I can see the Rockies and our ice pack hasn't melted. Moist ground is good ground.

Today we went for a walk. Didn't feel like cycling. My DH is golfing the next two days and with his arthritis needs to conserve his energy. He has pain. He did get some new Hoka runner and new orthotics. It all helps. Sunday supper as usual.

@Austina LOL I'd like to separate myself from gloves and such! I need to do the coat seasonal switchover. I really don't need puffers and parkas now that take up so much room in my closet. You likely have ten swimsuits and I have ten fall and winter coats!

@missy hope your eye is improving! My neighbour is in very good hands here (as she was in the US where they winter). I must admit you feeding the feral cats QID was a little surprising to me--but they look very well for it. Enjoy your rides!

@mrs-b hope you are comfortable and on the mend.

Happy Memorial Day folks!



Feb 27, 2007

Bless those who serve and remembering those who sacrificed it all. Thank you for your service this Memorial Day weekend.

@missy how is your eye doing? That is scary. Ha ha - my brain might think I’m in my 30’s, but my maturity level is much lower than that. What can I say? I am easily entertained. The feeder looks fabulous. It’s a regular piece of art. That is so cute the kitties are waiting for you to feed them now. The word might spread and you’ll have quite a crowd. I’m glad you are putting in more miles cycling.

@canuk-gal sounds like you are doing your part for the economy. And yes, picking up groceries requires throwing in some body parts. It’s NUTS. Our work project is interesting. The guy that wrote the book can visualize things that I could never dream of, but wow; it’s pretty amazing to be involved in something so special. I’d move in to a motel by myself before I’d agree to live in our tiny RV. I hope your weather warms up. We’ve been on the chilly side with rain now and then. And wind, of course. Ha Ha.

@mrs-b I hope you are feeling a lot better after resting up from the infusion. I’m coming along on sorting things out. The house is ready for “showing” and I can work on the other things one at a time now. This weekend I made a point of getting one or two spots open in each room to hide things if someone is coming to look at the house.

@Austina good deal you got your car in for the 12 month service. I need to schedule my annual service as well. Last time it took me months to get an appointment. Trivia sounds fun and I like your accent too. It sounds HOT there.

The guy came and took pictures Thursday and was here over 3 hours. He does a 3D movie of the house as well and still photos. Our house is going on the market Tuesday. TBE is coming along FAST! They plan on closing July 15. I’m freaking out how things will work out. Between selling this house, buying the other one, moving, etc. In a few months it’ll all be behind us and we’ll be settled in TBE. We ran out there Thursday as well to see how they were laying out shelves and clothes racks in the closet. We had asked to talk to them first, but they started and then had us come confirm what they did will work. They have tile in and some of the flooring, plus cabinets were setting around. They plan on painting the inside this coming week sometime.

I’ve been cleaning out drawers and cabinets some each day. I’ve got mittens done for my niece and her little boy. I started on the little boy’s hat today then have scarfs to make. I guess I’ll put up my knitting for a while soon.

Take care.


Aug 18, 2013
Happy Memorial Day, everyone!

Wow, @marcy - so exciting! And SO much happening! Wishing you SO much good luck as you sell your current house! And I Love the idea of making little hidey-holes in your current house to hide things suddenly if you have a showing; that's a great idea!

@canuk-gal - agree with you - moist ground is good ground! Glad it's time to put the coats all away - at least for the next few months! And so nice that you're out walking and riding and going to the park - hail notwithstanding! (Good lord!!)

So @Austina, I wanted to ask you, with your fair English skin, how is your tan going in the Texan sun?? With day after day by the pool, and you going a full on brown, or are you assiduous with sun screen? You're an old hand at this point, I realize, but, living in Australia, our experience of English tourists is that they had no idea how to handle the antipodean sun and would get burnt a whole heap. You haven't been a tourist for a long, long time - but you must have still had that beautiful English skin when you first moved; have you tried to maintain that, or have you abandoned that and given way to the inevitable? I hope you and Colin have a lovely Memorial Day with friends and/or by the pool!

@missy - thinking of your poor eye!, but YAY to having a diagnosis! And well done you for being ahead of the game in this regard! How is your asthma doing and how are your hands holding up? Your cats look SO great (and I LOVE the little face at the door!!) and I'm so glad you and Greg have been getting out to go cycling. The weather sounds like it's been delicious, tho, like me, rain scheduled all day today. Blerk!

Things here in Boston are pretty busy. Arrived home Monday night, infusion Tuesday and wiped off my feet the rest of the day. Tried to push myself to do things on Wednesday and ended up in bed most of Thursday. A friend of Eleanor's arrived on Friday evening - so it was a trip to the airport to get him. He's a lovely young man and one of the few friends she's kept after graduation, and he's been having a tough time, so he and I had a long chat on the phone a couple of weeks ago and I invited him out to Boston. He, very sensibly, accepted, so I had to be on my game as I knew this was basically figuring as 3 days of therapy for him - which it was. Lots of long conversations, planned activities, exercise, good food and lots of sleep. Tim is currently dropping him at the airport (5.30am), and I'm hoping he's left in better condition than he arrived; he's very precious.

Since I was away since the weather was bad and the ground hard, all the pots in the back yard hadn't been done before I left. So the day before yesterday we prepped all the pots and yesterday we went to the plant shop and bought all the plants we needed to plant. We were still a few short, so today we're going again to get the last few, then home to plant and the back courtyard will be done. That always signals spring to me and the start of the outdoor season; that time when I make my outside space pretty. :) The larger garden has all been prepped, fed, mulched and mowed and is looking beautiful, which I find hugely restful.

David arrives next Saturday. He bought tickets to do the final walk through and sign the final contracts on the house he was buying in MA - then ended up pulling out. The sellers had a BAD REA who gave them some terrible advice. After the building inspection report, there were 10 things that obviously needed doing (water damage, mold, asbestos, a bad roof, leaking pipes, and on and on) - or should have been done well before now. David, generously, said he'd do 6 of them and asked the sellers to do the remaining four. They got back to him and said they'd do ONE, he could do NINE, and that (this in the REA's stupid, stupid words) "I'm sure you'll agree that's more than generous." Well, we didn't think it was more than generous - or even logical - and David decided that he and the sellers were too far apart, and he pulled out. OF COURSE, the sellers immediately responded that they'd do all 4 things he'd asked, but David isn't that sort of person, and said he felt he was being milked and, ergo, no thanks. So now he's got a different plan - which actually involves moving out here mid next year rather than the end of next year, and is fine with that. I'm thinking that the sellers' REA flunked Negotiation 101!

Tim's back is a little better, tho he had his MRI and we're still waiting for the results. I see the gastro on Wednesday after a really difficult 2 months, and want her to send me for an MRI of my bile duct. I had my gall bladder removed in my late 30's, having been told by the surgeon that he "knew for sure" it was full of gall stones after I had some very specific upper right quadrant pain. Took out my gall bladder - clean as a whistle! Had my first bought of pain in the recovery room after the surgery! So - clearly not my gall bladder. Pain has continued and amplified over time, and now radiates into my back, so I'm going to ask them to check for bile duct stones. I have to remind myself that aging is better than the alternative!!

@bling_dream19, @Slickk, @springerspaniel and @MamaBee - thinking of you all and sending hugs and much love! Slickk - how many days now?!!

Happy Memorial Day to you all!

Shots of my back patio from last year...

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Jun 8, 2008
Good morning lovely ladies and happy Memorial Day!

@marcy wow, TBE is almost finished. That is so fast. And I hope your house sells quickly and that the process goes as smoothly as possible. It all came together so fast. When we sold our Sea Girt house and bought our current beach house we actually did the closings (purchase of this one and sale of the SG house) on the same day...two hours apart! The realtors and attorneys tried discouraging us from planning it that way as there was potential for stuff to go wrong but hey, I insisted and it all went purrrrfectly smooth! May all of this go purrrrfectly smooth for you too. Good for you getting all that knitting accomplished for your dear family while you can and I am sure while the next couple of months will be busy you will do it all as efficiently and effectively as possible. Good luck with all that is going on and may you be very happy in your new home XOXO

@Austina glad you are enjoying the pool with your hot weather and socializing with the neighbors. May your Memorial Day Monday be relaxing. My eye is doing better, thank you for asking.

@canuk-gal yes I was feeding them six times a day but had to cut that down because we are not home enough and four is plenty. That's exactly the same as we feed our kitties. Four times a day. 5AM, 10AM, 3PM, 7-8PM. It's a lot and it is expensive but I feel privileged we can do this for the feral cats. And as you know (because I go on and on about this, sorry!) I wish we could do more. I worry about them being outside. So many bad things can happen. But I also know we are doing the best we can and that is all we can do. Glad you got to walk with your DH and I am sorry about his pain. As for four seasons in one day, girl, I hear you. We don't get that as often as you do but we have our days. Hope you have a marvelous Monday XOXO

@mrs-b gorgeous yard. Glad Tim is feeling a bit better and may his improvement continue. David did the right thing and I would have done the same. I walked out of one of my closings because the purchaser was being ridiculous and they ran after me apologizing and taking back their demands. But then again I didn't want to sell so I felt I had nothing to lose. Long story there for another day. How kind of you to help Eleanor's friend and I know both he and she greatly appreciated it. You are precious dear girl. Good luck with your gastro appointment Wednesday. That is the same day Greg has his coronary artery angiogram and I am already nervous. And good luck with Tim's MRI..I hope everything goes well. Sorry we are both experiencing rain This spring has been up and down weather wise. Cold, hot, wet. And it continues. XOXO

@MamaBee continued healing wishes and gentle hugs and I wish I could take the pain away...I am here for you and thinking of you daily. Sending so much love your way XOXO

@bling_dream19 @Slickk @springerspaniel and everyone else hello and happy Memorial Day Monday XOXO

Thank you all for asking about my eye. It is improving. And my hands are knock wood, good. So worth the exorbitant cost of the injections for my fingers. Not sure how long it will last but my next appointment is in September. As for my asthma, it is pretty stable right now. I still need my emergency inhalers twice a day or so but now the inhalers are working (before they were not) and I am not needing to nebulize all day long. So it is a big improvement and maybe it will continue to improve which would be great but if it doesn't Dupixent has still has given me my life back and I just hope it keeps working for me. Thanks all for caring.

So yesterday we cycled and we finally saw Cleopatra (not her real name but the name I gave her because it suits her). It's been months since we saw her last and I was concerned. It was near the end of our ride that we saw her...She is as sassy as ever but let me pet her and that was a treat because she rarely does. Isn't she a pretty pretty girl? No editing done. This is the color of her eyes. She is gorgeous.

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And of course we enjoyed our sweet treat mid ride

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May you enjoy a memorable Memorial Day lovely ladies. XOXO


Feb 27, 2007

@missy I’m glad your closing days went well. I can’t imagine that kind of thing doesn’t happen all the time. It’s kind of a domino effect. It’ll work out, whether smoothly remains to be seen. Seems like they started in late January or early February so o6 months is about average around here to build a house. You do a LOT for your ferals and you’ve made their world easier. Bless you and Greg. I am so glad your eye is improving and your hands are doing good. Good deal the inhalers are doing the job for you. Cleopatra is a pretty kitty.

@MIS-b I’ve got a hole in every room upstairs now. Marty’s on his own for the basement. I’m lifting now and he’s got stuff spread out again. His mom was a Naggy neat-Knick. He says he’s messy because he rebelled. Oh well, if that’s the worst I have to deal with, I’m doing good. I hope you feel better each day and bless you for helping out Eleanor’s friend. Not sure what state of mind he is / was in, but it sounds like you might have made a huge difference for him. That is too bad how things turned out for David’s house, but it does sound like they were taking advantage of him. I don’t blame him for pulling out. I’m glad to hear Tim’s back is a little better and that stinks about removing your gallbladder and that’s not what was wrong. Again, why I have to be dying before I go to a doctor. Your yard and flowers look fabulous.

I was up at 5 today and we were out the door for breakfast by 6:30. I headed to the den when we got home to get my article done for the newspaper but started working on videos instead. I got two done, found some charts I needed updates and then fixed those. Six hours later, I was about to get up and remembered, oh yeah, I came in here to get the article for the paper done. At least my job is along the same line, so I don’t have to do research to write up the article for the paper.

I’m lifting now. Our house goes on the market in the morning. We got a link to the pictures and video. I’ll go look at them.

Here’s a few pictures Marty took of the sun this morning.

Take care.



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