
Vent: My husband lost his expensive anniversary band 1 day after receiving it


Feb 25, 2023
This has been such a crappy year, geez.

I bought my husband an expensive yellow gold, diamond, and emerald anniversary band a couple of days ago. I’m traveling for work and he called to tell me that he had lost it somewhere. He feels horrible and has already torn the house apart and posted flyers in the neighborhood, helping someone would return it if he dropped it on a walk. It was so new I don’t even have a photo and of course it’s not insured either.

I know it was an accident and he feels awful, but I am also pissed at the situation. i’m not blaming him because he wasn’t doing anything irresponsible, and it fit when he put it on, but somewhere it just slipped off.

I just needed to vent about it. I think I am done buying jewelry for a while. I stopped to look at a couple jewelers’ windows on my trip just for fun and immediately thought about how I could’ve bought this item or that item with the money instead of this ring that is now lost. It just left a sour taste in my mouth and no longer feels fun. :(


Sep 20, 2009
I hope it shows up somewhere in the house yet, tucked in a "safe spot" and forgotten.

Hubby lost his wedding ring when he placed it on truck bed cover for safekeeping while getting ready to run odds and ends to the dump. The ring was uninsured and permanently gone. I was miffed too, but like your husband, I know he felt bad. He bought his new ring a few weeks later (with a full ct of diamonds) and I popped that ring on our insurance day one. He is pretty good about leaving it on, but he did learn not to remove it outside while doing chores and to pop it on the ring holder by the sink.


Jun 8, 2008
I'm sorry and can only imagine how bad you both feel :(
And I hope it turns up somewhere soon and returned to him

I will add my thoughts to try making you feel better but feel free to skip if you are not in the mood

First of all, it is healthy to vent. I do it all the time and it makes me feel better so girl go ahead and vent your heart out

Second of all, remember, it is only a material thing. It is not, in the grand scheme of life, important to your well being and happiness and the health of your relationship. Which is what really matters in life. I know you know this and it doesn't take away the sting of losing a piece of valuable jewelery. No. Rather just to say if you put it in perspective you can feel better. Eventually. Of course feel the way you feel now because that is healthy too. Angry, sad, frustrated, hurt etc. I get it. I would be super pissed too if my DH lost a piece of jewelry I just got him. But after the dust has settled remember it doesn't really matter. As long as you both love and respect each other and work in life as a team all is good.

And I hope your dh finds the ring. Sending gentle hugs to you both

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
Sorry for the loss, it must be so frustrating. Hopefully it turns up. Maybe when the house is dark you can search around with a flashlight.


Feb 25, 2023
I'm sorry and can only imagine how bad you both feel :(
And I hope it turns up somewhere soon and returned to him

I will add my thoughts to try making you feel better but feel free to skip if you are not in the mood

First of all, it is healthy to vent. I do it all the time and it makes me feel better so girl go ahead and vent your heart out

Second of all, remember, it is only a material thing. It is not, in the grand scheme of life, important to your well being and happiness and the health of your relationship. Which is what really matters in life. I know you know this and it doesn't take away the sting of losing a piece of valuable jewelery. No. Rather just to say if you put it in perspective you can feel better. Eventually. Of course feel the way you feel now because that is healthy too. Angry, sad, frustrated, hurt etc. I get it. I would be super pissed too if my DH lost a piece of jewelry I just got him. But after the dust has settled remember it doesn't really matter. As long as you both love and respect each other and work in life as a team all is good.

And I hope your dh finds the ring. Sending gentle hugs to you both

The marriage is what ultimately matters which is why I’m not harping at him about it. I know he feels bad and wasn’t goofing off or leaving it off somewhere to get stolen. Pardon my French but shit happens!

My hope is that it fell somewhere in the house and our very playful kitten will locate it for us. He loves storing toys and reappearing with them days or weeks later, including things that aren’t really cat toys. Perhaps he spotted the shiny, saw it as another toy, and batted it under a piece of furniture.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
The marriage is what ultimately matters which is why I’m not harping at him about it. I know he feels bad and wasn’t goofing off or leaving it off somewhere to get stolen. Pardon my French but shit happens!

My hope is that it fell somewhere in the house and our very playful kitten will locate it for us. He loves storing toys and reappearing with them days or weeks later, including things that aren’t really cat toys. Perhaps he spotted the shiny, saw it as another toy, and batted it under a piece of furniture.

things turn up in weird places, just imangine the relaeaf you will both feel when it turns up
My dad was of the generation that didnt wear wedding rings, he did have a signet ring
for their 25th anniversary mum gave him a plain gold band
skip forward a few years and he got cancer and got very thin, he lost his ring and was very sad about it
lucky before he passed away the ring turned up down the back of the couch, they had both checked there, us kids probably looked too and did not see it either

dont give up hope it will turn up


Feb 25, 2023
CRISIS AVERTED. The kitten was playing with a toy on his rug which looked familiar. My husband dove for it before he could bat it away again and lo and behold, it was the ring!

My hero:

The ring (on my husband’s pinky for the photo):


Feb 1, 2020
We exchanged rings at the wedding ceremony, later hubby turns up at the wedding party with no ring. Gone. But still married after 20 years. ;-) I can imagine how you feel and hope it turns up. If it doesn’t you‘ll laugh about it. Not now but some day you will.


Jan 4, 2010
So glad he found it! (Maybe edit your first post or title!)


Apr 19, 2004
I am choosing to ignore that he may be the source of its loss in the first place, ha!

I felt bad about this thread until I saw a picture of the cat.....and, then, gotcha!


Jun 16, 2018
Glad your cat is more accommodating than mine. I lost a ruby earring three weeks ago. Fell from a tabletop I set it on and apparently evaporated as I heard it hit the tabletop but I never heard it hit the ground. I have been hinting to the cats that there are extra treats as an award for finding it but neither have taken me up on it.


Feb 25, 2023
Glad your cat is more accommodating than mine. I lost a ruby earring three weeks ago. Fell from a tabletop I set it on and apparently evaporated as I heard it hit the tabletop but I never heard it hit the ground. I have been hinting to the cats that there are extra treats as an award for finding it but neither have taken me up on it.

Oh no! I have found jewelry as much as 2 years later! I hope such is the case for you.

One was found deep under the bed by a cleaner probably 6 months later, and my engagement ring I’d put away in a trinket box while I was cleaning and forgot where I put it. I thought it had been stolen. I nearly gave the box away while spring cleaning later, very glad I opened to check it first!

Moral of the story: deep clean everything and you’ll probably find it


May 24, 2014
It’s beautiful. I’m glad it wasn’t permanently lost. Lesson learned: keep it in a place kitteh can’t play with it? :lol:


May 26, 2024
This has been such a crappy year, geez.

I bought my husband an expensive yellow gold, diamond, and emerald anniversary band a couple of days ago. I’m traveling for work and he called to tell me that he had lost it somewhere. He feels horrible and has already torn the house apart and posted flyers in the neighborhood, helping someone would return it if he dropped it on a walk. It was so new I don’t even have a photo and of course it’s not insured either.

I know it was an accident and he feels awful, but I am also pissed at the situation. i’m not blaming him because he wasn’t doing anything irresponsible, and it fit when he put it on, but somewhere it just slipped off.

I just needed to vent about it. I think I am done buying jewelry for a while. I stopped to look at a couple jewelers’ windows on my trip just for fun and immediately thought about how I could’ve bought this item or that item with the money instead of this ring that is now lost. It just left a sour taste in my mouth and no longer feels fun. :(

If it “ fit” when he put it on how did he lose it? Let me go on . If he had the ring on and it fit the ring would have stayed on. Is it possible he took it off and was carrying it for some reason? Maybe had it in a jacket pocket? If he went out, swung his jacket off the ring could have come out of the pocket.


Jan 22, 2014
Reminds me of my Apple Watch bezel.
Disappeared it did.
Apart from re walking my 1 hour walk (taking 2 hours because my eyes were glued to the ground) and searching the house without luck I resigned myself to the loss.
Two weeks later when “decanting the dog kibble from the big bag to the Tupperware container” lo and behold there it was in the scoop of kibble I’d just taken out from the big bag.
Mystery no 1 was I had no recollection of decanting kibble the day it went missing.
Mystery no 2 was I only ever use my right hand to scoop kibble and my Apple Watch is worn on my left wrist.
Obviously there is some other dimension out there to blame but I’m pleased I found it.
Memo to self in case of further future losses “check the dog kibble bag”.
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