
Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

  • Thread starter Deactivated member 42515
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Jun 8, 2008


Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
sometimes fur babies have scales
ive known about Wally for ages and im destrut for his human
please send dust/ pray or Wally's safety and wellbeing
its only just over a week since Fluffy turned up so i really feel for this alligator's gentleman


Jun 8, 2008
Some of our sweet feral cats. Though they are feral I still consider them part of our family. It is my responsibility to care for them and try keeping them well fed and safe. I cannot always protect them but I do the best they can because they will not ever become indoor cats. Their decision 100%. Not mine. If I could bring them inside and keep them from harm I sure would.

We love them so much!!!

This is Pepsi waiting patiently for me to give them their afternoon meal. I feed them at 5AM every morning and this is the same position they are in every morning but it's too early for me to take their photo then. Same position in the afternoon lol. She comes right up to the door. And when I open it she barely moves. She is very food motivated. Fresca, just behind her, is more cautious. But yes they are truly feral and if I try to approach them they run. When I feed them I do not make eye contact with them because it makes them feel more comfortable that way. But when I am in the house and the cats look up at me through the front door or windows we make eye contact then and it is OK because they are protected from me through the glass.


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Dr Pepper and our raccoon (Rocco) just hanging out

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Sep 10, 2003
Chewy Memorial Day Sale -- boxed set of Savannah cats.

boxed set.JPEG

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Some of our sweet feral cats. Though they are feral I still consider them part of our family. It is my responsibility to care for them and try keeping them well fed and safe. I cannot always protect them but I do the best they can because they will not ever become indoor cats. Their decision 100%. Not mine. If I could bring them inside and keep them from harm I sure would.

We love them so much!!!

This is Pepsi waiting patiently for me to give them their afternoon meal. I feed them at 5AM every morning and this is the same position they are in every morning but it's too early for me to take their photo then. Same position in the afternoon lol. She comes right up to the door. And when I open it she barely moves. She is very food motivated. Fresca, just behind her, is more cautious. But yes they are truly feral and if I try to approach them they run. When I feed them I do not make eye contact with them because it makes them feel more comfortable that way. But when I am in the house and the cats look up at me through the front door or windows we make eye contact then and it is OK because they are protected from me through the glass.


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Dr Pepper and our raccoon (Rocco) just hanging out

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that racoon is beautiful
they are all very fortunate to have you MIssy
we have a very wild stray called Tibby's relative because he looks so much like Tibby he must be related
He will now wait at the back door steps (3 steps) while i dish out their food, on Monday i indroduced him to the concept of afternoon tea !
i buy him this thing called Ginger tom -its like dog roll but for cats,

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
ok so this will be too much info if you are eatting

Fluffy went a bit mental when Borris passed over the ranibow bridge
she also had a very mild cold
she moved into the windowsill behind Gary and his PC
it is nice and warm by the PC
she would not come out, i had to put her dinner up there and her water
but she didnt seem to be drinking so i had to mix all the food with water
she also popped on the windowsill, she just wouldnt come out
when she was still wild that is where she lived but she used to come out at night and eat and sleep and poop when we were asleep and she had the lounge to herself
anyway i finally found her asleep on Gary's chair in the middle of the night and i took her into the bedroom and her cold is slowly getting better, she is hardly drinking and im mixing cooked pumpkin into her food becuase the poor thing got constipated
some of the problem is lack of exercise
anyway for days we have had very dry looking stools that look like they would be most uncomferable to pass
tonight we finally had soft looking ones
she has been weeing on towels like she did when she was new to inside living
she just wont use the dirt box
she used to love the dirt box, it was like a big game, use it before Borris did and use Borris' dirt box too
i need to reintroduce the dirt box asap, its the middle of winter and its very hard to dry towels on the line
i did think she was lonely so i invited Sox cat inside for some afternoons. Sox is the old lady whom the SPCA wouldnt take in
Sox is now looking better than she has for all the time we have had her in the garden as she has finally put some weight on
Fluffy used to be very interested in Sox
but now she isnt

btw im not giving her cat biscuits while she isnt drinking much, she doesnt seem to miss them and eats all her dinner


Jun 8, 2008
Sweet Tommy loves hanging out on top of things and in boxes and it always makes me laugh. So many more comfortable spots yet this is what he chooses
He is the sweetest sugar. He loves me kissing his forehead and he puts his head in my face whenever he wants a kiss. I love kissing him :love:

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