
Destination Proposal - Paris or NYC?!?!?


May 30, 2014

I am planning to propose in December and I'm trying to decide between a trip to Paris or NYC. I previously lived in NYC and am very familiar with the city, but my girlfriend has never been. Neither of us have ever been to Paris so that would be something new and exciting for both of us. I'm very split on the two cities. Anyone have any strong feelings either way that you'd like to share to help me make up my mind?



May 30, 2014
Maybe I should include that I have already planned details for each city. In Paris I would propose near the Eiffel Tower and in NYC I would propose in Central Park. Each trip would be about 4-5 days total.


Jun 30, 2016
Ehh...I am not one of those people that was wow-ed by Paris at all. We went in the winter, and it was still overrun with tourists. The Eiffel Tower was okay, but I preferred Montmartre near the Sacre Couer. The Eiffel Tower was overrun with central African immigrants selling knock-off souvenirs AGGRESSIVELY (shaking them at you and following you around), and, while walking in the park adjacent to the Eiffel Tower, we had a guy come out from behind a tree, open his coat, and offer, in English, to sell us red, white, or rose wine that he had strapped to his body. It was weird and definitely did not impart a very romantic feeling. There's actually a psychological condition called "Paris Syndrome" coined by the Japanese to describe the shock people feel when visiting Paris and discovering that it was not what they had built it up in their minds to be.
This is all just my personal experience, though. Some people *love* Paris. If you are set on a destination proposal (I am not big on these either! Maybe I'm just not a romantic?!), I would pick NYC. Especially because you're familiar with it. Paris is sprawling and can be difficult to navigate. Not sure if you're American, but a lot of Parisians are rude to Americans (not just my experience! I've had this convo w/ friends who had similar experiences!).
Just to give you an idea of the travel background I'm coming from, I've traveled in 14 countries on 5 different continents since this January alone, to include central Europe, and am taking my mom to NYC for the second year in a row this winter.


I agree with Lady Mch regarding Paris. We were there a few summers ago, and were surrounded by several young Romanian boys, trying to mug us. And as far as the people aggressively trying to sell souvenirs - some of the time they're trying to get you into a remote area or trying to distract you so that their partner can pick pocket you. I am not in a hurry to go back to Paris. And it amazed me that there was not much police presence as they must be aware of the muggings and other criminal violations going on in the touristy areas. Good luck and let us know how the proposal goes! :wavey:


Jan 9, 2015
Hi, thought I'd chime in as someone who has lived in NYC for a short time and is currently living in Paris.

While I very much prefer NYC for living, in my opinion Paris is the perfect place to propose. re safety : You wouldn't just propose in the darkest, dodgiest area of central park either, would you? So the place in front of the Eiffel tower is known to be not particularly nice (trampled down by tens of thousands of visitors) and flooded with pushy vendors.

So obviously you have to do some homework before picking the right spot. If you still want to involve the Eiffel tower, just reserve tickets for the elevator to the top floor that day via Internet. Of course they sell excellent champagne and macaroons up there. That would be the budget version. Since you don't know what the weather is like that day and how many people will be visiting, the risk is a) a super crowded platform and b.) bad weather with lower temps and more wind up there.

The solution:reserve a table at the restaurant. You arrive, you have the right to use the extra private elevator, you get a Michelin star Alain Ducasse menu. This is pretty pricey though (around 200€/pP, I guess...). Budget option:reserve for lunch. Same view, same elevator, same food, 1/3 rd price . Reserve WELL in advance...
5* service, English spoken

OR reserve a table on a "Bateau Mouche" . The boats that offer dinners on the Seine river. AGAIN : seen as touristy, but I've done it several times , also with french people or for corporate dinners. It's truly magical. At 10 or 11 -I forgot- pm the good companies are at the Eiffel tower the very moment the lights turn on and start to sparkle. I have found the company "Les Yachts de Paris" to be the most professional. They get catering from Lenotre. This is pricey too, but service, food, view, timing is impeccable. English spoken.
For more quirky/artsy options you could do it in a museum (Louvre, anyone?) Or a castle ...
OR I recently discovered the musee des arts forains in the 12 th ...
It's a museum about amusement parks and when we went there were lots of antique /romantic/beautiful old school carrousels were turning with chandeliers hung up in the trees, glittering..

What are her preferences / interests?? Medieval Arts/theater/Opera/modern arts/nature/shopping/fashion /baroque style/ ANYTHING. can tailor a proposal around this...

Ps:I find the police presence extremely high and most officers are actually very very nice and polite (I was in a random control when they just checked everyones ID and the apologize several times and were trying to be as helpful as possible... struck me, because I have never encountered anything like this in any other country before)


Jan 22, 2014
Paris is lovely, but give the Eiffel Tower a miss. Apart from 4 million tourists, it's Roma begging/ thieving children and long long queues for every level of the Tower and a lot of police with huge sub machine guns. Ugh.
Go instead to Monets garden or Versailles. Still tourists but oh so beautiful. Or better still go to my favouritest place in the world
Mont Saint Michel - the biggest WOW ever in my book.


Jun 30, 2016
Just wanted to add that OP previously posted his ring budget was 75-100k, and he is considering traveling to Paris as a TOURIST (read: TARGET) with THAT ring. OP, please tell me this ring is already insured!!! As a tourist AND with that big rock on her finger, they would definitely be targets. Couple this with a possibility of a very public proposal that basically advertises a large, valuable ring?! And since neither of them have been to Paris, I *assume* they would be doing all the touristy stuff while wearing or carrying around the ring (refer back to the post on pickpockets). Plus, while floating on Cloud 9 from the high of getting engaged, they might be too busy enjoying that than being aware of their surroundings and staring at/flashing the ring, drawing further attention to it?

Most Europeans do not wear big bling around like that. I felt out of place and overly noticeable with my 1ct!

Yes, I'm sure there are plenty of places in Paris that are romantic, but they're not as immediately obvious as one might think (as evidenced by our discussion above and OP's original plan to propose at the Eiffel Tower). OP states he has never been to Paris, and while some good suggestions have been made, he has no way to check them out in advance. Whereas, having lived in NYC, he might have good spot in mind in Central Park? I am just having a difficult time suggesting it to someone who, having never traveled there, might have unreasonable expectations, and who definitely does not have a good lay of the land. Also, and this is a personal opinion, being proposed to inside the Eiffel Tower seems like not a great place to be proposed to. Crowded, full of tourists, and literally one of the few spots in Paris with no view of the Eiffel Tower! If OP chooses Paris and wants a private AND romantic proposal AND has a large budget, maybe finding a hotel room with balcony view of the ET would be an option? Followed by a romantic stroll and celebratory fancy dinner?


May 25, 2016
I'd pick Paris over NYC, but I like both places.

In December, however, I would find both to be cold. I hate being cold so I vote for consideration of a third, more tropical, locale. (But I realize some people don't mind it cold!)

I do agree with the descriptions above about finding the right spot. We sat beneath the Eiffel last summer waiting for the light show and we were continually harassed by people selling trinkets and wine. It was still beautiful but it would not enhance a proposal.

Just last week I witnessed a proposal by the Gapstow bridge in Central Park. Two photographers were hidden. There were rose petals leading to a picnic blanket. Very pretty. Their friends and family were hidden around the corner watching. People cheered from the bridge. It was very sweet if you are into a public display. BUT, while they were waiting on the couple to arrive, people kept walking up and taking pics and one guy was lingering and almost ruined it when they walked up. So you have to be prepared for that. These are public places and idiots are never scarce.

Good luck with your decision!


Jan 9, 2015
...having read several replies I get the feeling that I should have been even clearer in my first post. Obviously you need to do a bit of homework before any destination proposal. Like avoiding areas that are KNOWN to be dodgy and ugly. Like right under the Eiffel tower. Or parts of Manhattan.
Or expensive but not so great tourist trap restaurants. The one IN the Eiffel tower and the boats on the Seine river are top notch restaurants. MICHELIN star level . PLUS the view. No worries taking 5carats plus all. I had a coffee the other day on Champs Elysees. I was the only one without a complete set of bling from either VCA or the Cartier flagship up the it hugely depends on where exactly you are going.

And just because it's Paris or NY for me personally doesn't necessarily make it an extra special extra personal proposal. But linking HER special interests/passion /taste with a romantic city and a personalised spot will be breathtaking.
Btw Paris feels extremely safe at the moment. Police presence is very very very high and visible...and friendly.
As I said, NYC is the nicer place to live, much less stressful because less crowded. But Paris has many more options for a special proposal...
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