
2019 wedding


Apr 24, 2016
I don't know if I should post this in here or the brides worldwide forum... but as it's not finalised yet it can go in here.
We've been together for 8 years, engaged for almost 2.
I've told him that 2019 is going to be our year.
He wants to get married in Las Vegas.
When I went there for my friend's hen party/bachelorette in 2016 I fell in love with the Bellagio as a venue.

I told him it can be the Easter break, May half term or October half term (it will probably be too hot in the school 6 weeks holiday). I would have to take unpaid leave to get married in term time, but he has suggested December 7th because that's the date we met. I would've preferred it to be earlier rather than that late in the year but if it has to be...

He needs to get a new job first, and we need to buy a new house and move. Moving house has always been a priority so we can be nearer to my parents, my work and my son's school. We started looking 2 years ago but then he decided he wasn't happy in his work so quit. His previous employer wasn't good to him so I was happy for him to leave, but we didn't expect him to be unemployed for so long. He did save up to tide himself over and he has been doing some casual computer related jobs and selling some old parts so he had a bit of an income. It could take a few months before we can move. Our deposit is tied up in an investment that we will know about in 6 weeks.

My mum offered to help, but he won't accept anything from them because travelling to Vegas is enough to ask of them.
I'm going to look at wedding dresses next week, there is one small brand that I really like and their head office is near to where his mum lives. We are visiting after New Year so I can kill 2 birds with one stone. :lol:

I'm just so impatient, I want to sort everything out now while I'm on holiday from work! :wall::rolleyes: I do get a bit obsessed so I need to rein myself in a bit. I'll try to keep myself busy.
The Bellagio is really beautiful, so is the Wynn. I have one friend who did a Vegas wedding, looked very nice in photos. I'm guessing the hotels have packages that make planning easy also. Good luck with the dress shopping! The move sounds like the most stressful piece, i hope it all comes together with minimum stress. =)
Exciting times for you! Wishing you all the best of luck for planning and all the best for your future!
Thank you! We have a lot to achieve, I've been waiting so long to move house (since the divorce in 2011).

@bludiva I didn't get the chance to look at the Wynn, we saw Luxor, Mandalay Bay, Bellagio, Caesar's Palace (briefly), Venetian and Paris while we were there. I think the waterfall photos of Wynn look lovely. I think that booking a package will take away some of the stress, and some reviews by people from the UK have been encouraging. I've seen a bad review of the photography though, that worries me because the photographs are going to be really important to me. :think::(2

I wish my DF would get a bit more into it, latest is that he's asked me how important the wedding dress is (after finding out how much its likely to cost). I can get a cheaper one for about £200 but the ones I want are more like £1000-1500. My dress from my first wedding in 2007 was £600 and that was mid-price really. I've got a lot of vintage-style dresses that I don't get to wear any more because we never go out, I'll sell the ones that I'm not very attached to if I need to. I have some money saved as well.
The photography definitely matters....I'd be surprised if each hotel didn't have multiple photographers they work with for you to choose from or let you hire your own.

We did a package for ours and were able to negotiate pieces of it with the hotwl and choose our photographer. It was at a much smaller hotel and not in Vegas tho!
Bellagio use one company & no outside photography (professional or amateur is allowed) :eh::shock: hopefully its just one bad review, will do more digging.
Bellagio use one company & no outside photography (professional or amateur is allowed) :eh::shock: hopefully its just one bad review, will do more digging.

Oof! Hopefully it is one of those cases where the review is an outlier.
I've found a few terrible ones. :blackeye:
Going to look at some wedding dresses tomorrow. It's a 3.5 hour journey to the head office of the company because my local stockists don't have any of the dresses on my shortlist. It costs £50-60 to order in up to 5 dresses which they take off the dress you order but as I mentioned in my first post, we are going up North anyway :praise:
We've decided it will be the end of October during the school holiday.
I think I've picked my dress, I just need to sort some details! :mrgreen2:
How exciting @LJsapphire I hope all your plans fall into place. We’ve stayed at the Palazzo, which was really nice too.

My son is finally getting married next year, and I’ve already ordered an outfit :lol:
I stay at the Palazzo every year for work and I love their rooms. Very swanky!
Congrats on your engagement!
I think such thing don't really matter if you love each other!:love:
Next week we will hear news of our investment. I am having hair trials in this country in the Easter holiday so I have an idea of what I want to have done when we get to Las Vegas.
The Bellagio has a date in October that we would like, and the wedding coordinator assures me that she will do as much as she can to ensure our photographs are up to my expectations. I think we will start booking after next week properly.
I'm going to have my measurements taken for my dress in April too.
Totally swanky.. loved the Aria until I stayed at the Palazzo last year for a conference!
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Our investment didn't work out. It was for a new drug and the FDA have given a CRL (if anyone knows about these things). Hopefully the company will have more data ready to go and it will pick up again because that was also our deposit to buy a new house :blackeye:
He says I can still buy my dress but I don't know what will happen with the wedding now.
I'm so sorry to hear :( I hope you can still have your wedding :(
My parents offered to help at Christmas, but he won't accept.
I've got about a third of the costs in savings still and he is trying harder to get a new job. He left his old job just under 2 years ago, and has been finding it hard to find something else suitable. He tried easier work but got told he was overqualified and agencies wouldn't take him on in case he left after a few months.
So we could either change the plans and go for a less expensive wedding, or continue to wait.
Aww I am so sorry about the investment not doing well and now affecting your upcoming marriage plans. How about elopement @LJsapphire ? We had a big wedding all planned but 3 months before the date we (I finally) was ready and we went ahead and eloped at City Hall. We went ahead with the big wedding a few months later but I never regretted eloping and getting married on our terms. The important thing is you guys are together and in love and a team working through life's challenges.

You can elope now and do the bigger wedding at a future date when it becomes feasible.

You can make this work for you no matter what you decide. Sending you good thoughts and (((hugs))).
We were only going to have our parents and his parents there anyway. Maybe a few friends if they would like to travel that far.
We're both 40. I had the big(ish) wedding with my ex-husband. Getting everyone to Vegas is the main consideration.
We are thinking of it as a wedding and a holiday in one. My budget suggests that it would only be about £2000 more expensive than my first wedding (country house, 50 guests for the day, 100 for the evening) and honeymoon to Egypt. And that was 12 years ago, so if we consider inflation I think it's a good deal.
We could get a loan, we did talk about that if the investment didn't do well. But we didn't consider it doing badly (we planned for only making a little money rather than losing money). We're aware that we took a risk, lots of people did and some people lost much more.
I think if it was me I would just go for a less expensive wedding. But I think you should do whatever it is you guys want to do. How long have you been waiting?
We were only going to have our parents and his parents there anyway. Maybe a few friends if they would like to travel that far.
We're both 40. I had the big(ish) wedding with my ex-husband. Getting everyone to Vegas is the main consideration.
We are thinking of it as a wedding and a holiday in one. My budget suggests that it would only be about £2000 more expensive than my first wedding (country house, 50 guests for the day, 100 for the evening) and honeymoon to Egypt. And that was 12 years ago, so if we consider inflation I think it's a good deal.
We could get a loan, we did talk about that if the investment didn't do well. But we didn't consider it doing badly (we planned for only making a little money rather than losing money). We're aware that we took a risk, lots of people did and some people lost much more.

Of course you need to do what you guys want to do...what is best for you...there is no wrong or right answer but just the right answer for you two as a couple. Wishing you all the best for a continued happy future. Together. XO.
We've been engaged 3 years in April. I wrote 2 in my op but it was 2016.
Booo that's definitely been awhile :( I hope you and your fiancè can come up with a plan that works for both of you :(