
Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, someone at work loaned me a book and I politely accepted it but left it in my desk for a few weeks and gave it back to them. I told them I didn't read it but didn't really say why. Marty uses the Zino app for magazines too. I take our local newspaper online; I like not having to wade through snow drifts to find it. That is interesting your dad has a prescription for a beer every night. I like that Charlie makes him a snack bag to go with his beer. I am sorry he can't get around by himself anymore. It is so hard to watch, I remember it well. Your supper sounds good. I am kind of hungry I might make a small batch of popcorn. I am tired of cooking and doing dishes.


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, I've had a lot of volunteers. I sent that picture to Marty in DC and he called me a name. People on Facebook are more than willing to come help me out. I told Marty if the rabbit didn't eat those 2 cookies in 5 minutes they were mine. Usually one or two of those break where the top of the candy cane bends and those are my samples. Since none of them broke I ate the 2 smallest ones.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, sawdust is men's glitter - hahahaha! I like it! Please add me to the list of volunteers for the cookie tasting!

Rod, I tried using Zinio a long time ago but it didn't play nice with my ipad. I did subscribe to Next Issue for about a year (all the magazines you can possibly read for $9.99 a month but I rarely used it and even when I did I realized I would rather be reading a book so I discontinued it.

Last night I plowed through a bunch more cards. I've got 86 sitting on my desk right now to mail, another 30ish at home that I need to print return labels for, and probably about 10 more to write out. I made the executive decision that the other 25 or so people are dropping off the list. Every several years I have to do a culling of the list or else I'll get to be a hundred years old and I'll have to start writing x-mas cards at Easter just to get them all done in time! I do need to buy some cards this year though for next year because I've really depleted my stock. The right answer is to just buy a zillion of all the same cards and not have to sit there deciding who gets what design, but it will never happen!

My friend in NJ called last night and said she joined a gym near her house and she got me a free week for when I'm visiting (I can pay for the second week myself if I want to when I'm there). It's right past the Starbucks that I go to every morning so I will have a hard time justifying getting coffee and not working out... !


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, Marty’s shop is in the garage and he doesn’t clean up sawdust until I nag about it 20 million times. He’ll track in sawdust (man glitter), get it on the couch and be surprised when I mention it. What? Come on over - I’ve got assorted cookies to try already. I ripped through my cards this year but I didn’t write many notes. I had about 3 boxes left from last year and had already signed them. I sent out about 75 cards I guess. I chucked about you working on Christmas card at Easter time. You remember my horrible realtor stories? She usually sends Valentine’s cards because she doesn’t get cards out in time for Christmas. That doesn’t surprise me. Sweet that your friend got you a guest pass for the gym. Marty joined LA Fitness in DC. He is supposed to be able to go to any of them in the country. I guess they sold the company to another fitness place so they replaced his membership (without telling him) and he can only go to that one gym. He is not happy. I don’t know what he did about it but if they don’t work it out for give him his about $175 upfront fee I will be getting involved. I hate stupid crap like that.

Speaking of which I saw this on Facebook: Even duck tape can’t fix stupid; but it can muffle the sound.

I got up about 5:30 to see Venus near the crescent moon. It was mostly cloudy but I was able to see the Moon and Venus okay. Of course then I couldn’t get back to sleep. Rats. There is a binocular comet near Venus and I think I found it but couldn’t be sure. This of course was all from my bedroom window so it’s not like I went outside to look. Bad astronomer observing from inside.

Work was a bit crazy today and I was frustrated again with some of my employees. This one guy didn’t listen to my instructions and then messed something up. He came out to my desk and asked what he could do to fix it and I said listen to me. I couldn’t help myself. I start training tomorrow on the task I’ll be taking over for a few months. Something new to learn. Sweet.

Marcy / Curby


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, that duct tape quote is priceless! And LOL on having already signed some of your cards. I have been thinking that I should print out an extra set of labels for my xmas cards right now for next year since I've already got it all set up. Of course I'll have to add to the list then, but I would really be 90% done!

Last night one of my neighbors stopped by for a bit and then I did my nails. I'm not sure what to do with my nails when I'm in NJ for over two weeks. They'll be fine for the first 10 days or so but they'll got hell after that and it drives me crazy to have bad nails. It's funny, I'm not into maintenance on anything else (hair, high end clothes, etc.) but I do want my nails to look nice.

Today I'm packed with training. I've got five sessions in a row between 2:30 and 4:30. Whew.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, do you think I should post that duck tape quote on my desk at work? It is so perfect. I thought it today when my former problem employee was going on and on at work - I am so glad I have a TV at my desk and can cover up his blathering by putting in my earphones. Actually that is a good idea to print out 2 sets of labels this year. I like it. How was training today? I used to paint my nails daily or every other day then got out of the habit. When we moved I must have had 3 dozen bottles of nail polish.

Work was busy again so the day zipped by. Again I didn’t stop at the grocery store which means tomorrow is PB sandwich for lunch day. I could go to the store during lunch maybe and pick up something. It’s dark on the way home and I guess I don’t want to go grocery shopping in the dark.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.
Marcy / Curby


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I think you should tie up your problem child with ducts tape and place him on a chair outside your cube. That would send the best message in my opinion!!!

Last night the CB made fish. He also got a couple of sides at the store (kale salad and some sort of potato/green been thing that was mostly tofu as far as I could tell :confused: ) The sides were OK, but one (or maybe both) of them had citrus in it and my tongue was itchy all damn night.

We went to bed to read around 8:30 and I was asleep by 9:00... which means I was wide awake by 5:00 this morning. I did fight it however and snoozed until about 7:30.

Tonight I have to do a bit of cleaning up because I'm having some people from my office over before our holiday party, which is less than a block from my house. It's hard to say you can't go when the festivities are pretty much out your back door. On Friday I'm going to the gem show with one of my besties from work. She's never been--I think she's going to be pretty amazed by an entire convention center full of jewelry!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I would love to try up my old employee and duck tape his mouth. I will have a silly grin on my face for weeks just thinking about it. I hope your tongue isn't itchy today. It's strange the reactions food can cause people. I agree it would be hard to back out of going to a holiday only a block from your house. The gem show sounds fun. Take pictures if you see anything cool. I went to one in Denver one time. I was honestly kind of disappointed; I felt the high end quality stuff was not as plentiful as I'd hoped to see. Next time I go I need to find someone with a retail license and get me in on the wholesale side.

Work was busy today and I finally got a chance to learn my new job. I enjoyed it. Something new and different to do. Sweet.

I see Marty bought something at Coach. I bet it will end up under the Christmas tree. :appl:

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, so Santa made a stop at Coach -- sweet!

I have a ton of things to do today in preparation for my work peeps coming over. So far I've cleaned the shower. (not the whole bathroom, mind you, just the shower... I'm sure I'm going to kick it into overdrive here any minute now... right...? Maybe a second cup of coffee will help... ?!?


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, Marty said he got a wallet so that was probably the Coach purchase. I had visions of him finding a piece of the Peanuts collection Coach released earlier this year but no such luck. I’ll see on Christmas anyway, huh? Are the peeps from work coming over tomorrow night? That will be fun.

I guess we are being used by the IRS. Or so the message said that was left on our landline answering machine. I told Marty the message was for him! :lol:

I chatted with Marty on FaceTime tonight. It sounds like his project in DC will consume most of his time next year and he’ll be there about 50% of his time. Boo. Smile Marcy. You can shop every other week. Right?

I spent my afternoon at work doing my new task. I made some mistakes today - darn it. Of course I don’t know how to fix them yet but I’ll get there. I am enjoying having something different to do.

I picked up a mini pizza on the way home from work today. Easy supper and now I have the other half for lunch tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Friday.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, it's too bad Marty will be gone so much next year but at least it's DC and not some of the places half way around the world that he's had other projects in!

Yesterday I was on my feet cleaning from 9 am to 3 pm. The house looks great but I was EXHAUSTED by the time people got here. We went to our work party, which was fun, but I was happy to come home and get in bed!

I'm excited to go to the gem show today with one of my work peeps because I haven't been in a couple of years. And of I'm not looking for anything, which of course means I will find a zillion things...! Although I have to admit I've been toying with the idea of a little diamond eternity band for my left hand pinky. I don't wear a ring on my left ring finger, I can't get comfortable with anything on my left middle finger, and I shake too many hands at work to have anything on my right hand, so that's about all I have left. Well, that and my thumb, LOL.

OK, off to make the bed and get ready for the show!


Mar 26, 2006
Curby, I forgot to say I got your card! I'm going to wait to open it today so the CB can see it too, ha ha.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I got your Christmas card today. That is really funny. Thanks! I loved your return name. Too funny. I hope CB got a chuckle out of my card. I agree DC isn’t as bad as some of the places Marty’s been to; he is sad though because he didn’t get over 100K this year. His status he said would fall 2 layers. No more first class upgrades. I hope you have a blast at the gem show and you find some fabulous treasures.

I wanted to come home by noon today - of course that was because Marty was here. He cooked some steaks on grill for supper. We had rice, rolls and salad too. My cook is back!

We got the Peanuts Christmas tree skirt in the mail. I like it.

Have a great weekend.


Dec 28, 2005
Marcy and DeeJay, we got your cards today! So sweet of you both!

And DeeJay I hope the party at your place is a blast tonight!

So glad it's the weekend. We decided to start the weekend off differently. We have Sushi with the same couple just about every Friday night, but they couldn't be there tonight, so I was just dying to have pizza. I don't know if you have a Grimaldi's in your towns but we have one near my office and it's really great pizza. So that's what we did tonight.

Because of when Christmas is this year, I asked to take the week between Christmas and New Years and it was approved. This will give me 13 days in a row off. I can't remember the last time I had that many days in a row off.

It's going to be an unusually warm weekend. Boo. It's just not supposed to be this warm in December. We're talking to mid to upper 80s. It's not Christmas-like at all.

We don't have anything special planned for the weekend, which is just fine with me.

I hope everyone has a great weekend doing whatever you like!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Rod, I am glad you got our cards today. I am glad you enjoyed some good pizza last night. That is wonderful you have a nice long vacation over the Christmas holiday. We get a 4 day weekend which I am so looking forward to this year. What are the usual temperatures there in December?

Poker night a M&M land tonight. It was loosely posted on Facebook so who knows how many people will show up.

I spent about 90 minutes last night and over an hour this morning doing some updates for work. I am very frustrated with my person on call. She never saw my texts last night or this morning and didn’t answer me when I called her. I tried again about 10 minutes ago and she’s like “huh?”. How can you be on call if you don’t hear phone calls or text messages? This is easily the 4th time she’s done that in the past year. Sigh. My new boss is a “write her up” person too.

We made a double batch of dinner rolls today. We did the crescent roll style again and ended up with handles on a few - oops. They taste pretty darned good though. One batch I forgot to start the timer. They didn’t burn but got golden brown. We ordered take out from Olive Garden and didn’t even eat half of eat. They give you so much food.

It’s snowing by the way. There is a surprise!



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Rod, I am glad you got our cards today. I am glad you enjoyed some good pizza last night. That is wonderful you have a nice long vacation over the Christmas holiday. We get a 4 day weekend which I am so looking forward to this year. What are the usual temperatures there in December?

Poker night a M&M land tonight. It was loosely posted on Facebook so who knows how many people will show up.

I spent about 90 minutes last night and over an hour this morning doing some updates for work. I am very frustrated with my person on call. She never saw my texts last night or this morning and didn’t answer me when I called her. I tried again about 10 minutes ago and she’s like “huh?”. How can you be on call if you don’t hear phone calls or text messages? This is easily the 4th time she’s done that in the past year. Sigh. My new boss is a “write her up” person too.

We made a double batch of dinner rolls today. We did the crescent roll style again and ended up with handles on a few - oops. They taste pretty darned good though. One batch I forgot to start the timer. They didn’t burn but got golden brown. We ordered take out from Olive Garden and didn’t even eat half of eat. They give you so much food.

It’s snowing by the way. There is a surprise!




Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

We had a nice day. My sister and BIL got here about 10:30. We ordered in pizza for lunch and had some of our mini cheesecakes for dessert.

I spent some time setting up more things on my iPhone. I hit reset all settings yesterday and keep finding things I have to set up. Hopefully it’s all in working order now. My first comment is “I need a new one. It’s broke”. Lucky for me or Marty it's working now.

Do I really have to go back to work tomorrow?

Have a great Monday!


Dec 28, 2005
Marcy, those rolls look so yummy! We had a nice weekend ourselves. The weather wasn't very holiday-like, but we managed to do a wee little bit of holiday shopping yesterday. Santa is making a very small visit this year, with the new cars and everything else we've had to shell out the last few months. Since we had Pizza for dinner Friday night, we had Sushi last night.

Today we made a Beef Stroganoff recipe we got from a friend for our slow cooker. I must say it was simply amazingly good. I should have taken a picture.

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow morning. I'm having an MRI on my prostate. My most recent PSA was too high and my doctor wants to see if anything's going on there. If the images aren't OK, the next step is a biopsy. And you ladies think God played all the jokes on women. NOT.

On our weather, today, I believe broke the all time high temperature for this date in December. Not that warm weather is awful, when there's snow in other parts of the country, but this is simply too warm for the holidays. Too warm, I'm telling you.

Have a great week everyone.


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, good luck and lots of PS dust coming your way for your test in the morning. I am glad you had a nice weekend. I think your new cars are very nice gifts from Santa. We are actually getting each other gifts for the first time in a few years. For the last few years we just did stocking stuffers. When you get time can you post the crock pot recipe for stroganoff? It sounds good. I've been making really easy stroganoff lately from leftover roast beef. I use a gravy mix with slightly less water than called for; get the gravy boiling, add small pieces of beef, cook on low a few minutes, stir in a big old tablespoon (Serving not measuring) of sour cream and heat long enough to see it's bubbling. If I have mushrooms I add them. It's not bad for using leftovers and a quick meal.


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks Marcy

The recipe for the Stroganoff goes like this:

2 1/2 - 3 lbs of stew meat (Chuck) in small bite size pieces
Lot's of sliced baby Portobella Mushrooms
1 Onion sliced
1 Can Condensed Onion Soup
1/2 Cup Cooking Sherry
1 Cup Sour Creme
Seasoning of your favorite blend (I used Season Salt, Thyme, Season Pepper, Garlic Powder)
2 - 3 Cloves of Garlic cut up
2 Tablespoons Butter
1/4 Cup Flour

Place the Stewing beef, mushrooms, and Onion in your slow cooker
In a bowl, mix the condensed soup and sherry plus seasonings
Pour on top of meat, mushrooms and onion (mix well)
Cook on slow for about 6 hours or until meat is fork tender
Mix softened butter and flour and whisk into slow cooker for about 4 minutes at the end of cooking. Cover and Cook 15 minutes longer
Add 1 cup of Sour Creme, stir and cook another 15 minutes

Serve on wide Egg Noodles

It's simple and truly yummy!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I sometimes try to do deals with realtors who don't answer their phones, reply to texts, or respond to emails. Makes it difficult to actually buy/sell a property! So I can only imagine how frustrating it is to have someone who's actually ON CALL not paying attention!

Rod, all the best to you today and wishing for a clean bill of health!!!

Kids, I am WORN OUT! On Friday I went to the gem show with my work girlfriend. We weren't there too long (about three hours) and I scouted out some things, then I went to my real estate company's party at the Field Museum that night. What a party!!! On Saturday I went back to the gem show alone and spent six long hours there. It was fun but I was about ready to drop at the end. I think the CB and I just went to dinner ourselves after that (but honestly I don't 100% remember, ha ha!). Yesterday I had an annual girls' brunch and then we went to dinner with one of my neighbors. Today we're doing a department thing (drinks, appetizers, gifts) starting at 3:00 and then I was supposed to go to dinner with a friend but he's got the flu so maybe I'll try to pack for my trip. Tomorrow after work we're meeting up with my best friend from law school and his partner for dinner and gifts, and Wednesday I'm having drinks with some industry friends and getting my hair cut. Thursday at 7:00 I go to the airport and head out east. WHEW!!! So if you don't hear from me for a while you'll know I'm hiding under my bed trying avoiding any more food, drink or gifts!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Rod, thank you for the recipe. I’ll print that out and get it in my recipe book. It sounds good and easy.

Dee Jay, those unresponsive realtors you deal with must be related to the one we had when we bought this house. You are really busy; it’s just that you are so popular. What did you see cool at the gem show? Did you buy anything?

Busy day at work again. Marty found out his company has use or loose leave by the end of the year so he officially is on vacation sometime next week to use up his remaining days. I guess you can arrange to sell them back but he had to do that some time ago.

I’ll be jealous when he’s goofing off and I’m working. My poor bears will be more terrorized than they are now.

Marty made stir fry for supper with tenderloin tips. It was tasty.

Marty wants to go to Denver this weekend. I told him if we go look at sapphires it is going to cost him money. Of course if we go look at watches it is going to cost us money.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.

Marcy / Curby


Dec 28, 2005
Well, today just sucked big 'ol sour lemons. I had to get to the MRI place early, only to find out the scanner was down and a technician was on his way to get it running. So, they asked me to come back around noon. This meant I had to not drink or eat anything I had a major headache by the time I returned. The test itself was just not fun. I didn't realize a test that requires dynamic images, means they had to stick a 5 inch large needle in me and shoot some liquid in my veins throughout the entire MRI, which was an added level of pain. It was cold as it entered my veins then turned to a burning sensation. And joy of joys, the type of MRI I had lasted a whopping 37 minutes. That was 37 minutes stuck in the MRI tube, with strict instructions that if I moved anything, a finger a toe, my arm my leg, portions of the test would have to redone. Of course the second you start moving into the machine on the table, you are overcome with the need to move something, scratch something and I felt as if I couldn't breath correctly. It was torture to be honest. But I made it through without having to repeat anything. And now I get to wait until the end of the week for my doctor to get the test results, review them and then let me know what they say.

A lousy day for sure.........I sure hope you all had a better day than I did. Yes I do.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Rod, that whole procedure sounds just terrible and I'm so sorry you had to go through it. Here's to hoping that's the end of it and all comes back OK.

Curby, I got some pendants, all super cheap and a little crazy -- I posted the giant jade dragon in hangout asking about the chain possibly doing damage because I don't know how soft jade is. I also got a few fossils with holes drilled in them that I think are pretty cool, and a some other goofy things. I'm trying to decide if I will really wear necklaces if I have them so this is a bit of an experiment and I didn't want to spend a fortune on anything good. I also got a fake cartier tri-color rolling ring. It's truly the best "replica" I've ever seen of this ring! It's a bit big and actually fits on my left middle finger but I keep trying to wear it on my ring finger anyway. It might be OK in the summer but here in the winter I better be careful or it's going to slide right off!

Last night was really fun! My department went the café in the Restoration Hardware flagship store that just opened here in Chicago. It's in an old historic building that they've totally renovated and the center used to be an open courtyard but now it's got a glass roof that makes it an atrium, and that's where the café is. Super cool space! We ate and drank and ate some more, and then we wandered around the upper three floors where the furniture and stuff is and had a ball.

I'm pretty worn out from all this holiday stuff, I have to confess... Does that sound terrible?!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Rod, I am so sorry your test was such a hassle to get done. I hope the results come back negative. I don’t think I could take a MRI. I am so claustrophobic. My sister needed one that was going to last 45 minutes to an hour and she couldn’t take it. They tried a second time and tranquillized her and she still freaked out. They’d have to completely knock me out.

Dee Jay, it sounds like you got quite a few things from the gem show. I think those rolling rings are very cool. Speaking of replica’s; Marty got a copy watch in Hong Kong - we call it his Rolax. It’s not a bad copy. Your office party sounds really fun last night. You’ve only got about 3 more weeks of holiday parties to go; you can make it!

I left for work this morning and turned around at the corner to come home. I told Marty to get his shoes on and take me to work. The drifts are really bad around town and the roads are really icy. I think we had about 8” of snow but since it’s drifted so bad it is hard to say for sure.

I may be “sick” tomorrow. Ha!

I guess we are having a Star Wars marathon here Sunday. People can watch all the movies then make the 10:05 showing of the new movie that night. I told Marty I’d catch the movie with him later because I don’t want to be out that late on a work night.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, the CB has never seen any of the Star Wars movies. Maybe I'll send him over to your house so he can get up to speed!

This is my last day at work this year! I have some things to clean up, but nothing tragic, so I think it will be a good day. The morning did not start off good however; I thought I either threw out my wallet to left it in one of the places we went last night. Turns out it was in a bag of gifts. My hands were full from all the stuff my friends and I exchanged so I must have tucked it in a bag along the way to carry it out to the car. Thank god -- there was some panic!

OK, off to do some tidying!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, you should come with CB for the Star Wars marathon. We can drink and giggle upstairs. I am so glad you found your wallet. That would freak me out big time. That is great you are done working for the year. Marty is about there. I am taking one day off next week but I am still trying to save vacation days for next year.

After looking out the window this morning and then opening the garage door I quickly decided either Marty was taking me to work or I was staying home. When Marty got back from the gym he said the same thing. So Marty took me to work. The drifts in our neighborhood were awful. Our cleaning lady was coming today and she’s pregnant so I told her to come another day since it was so bad out here. I don’t think she appreciated it but I don’t want her falling or getting stuck to clean our house.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, We would be having such a good time upstairs that when the people downstairs heard all the racket they would come up and then no one would be left watching the movies, LOL.

Flew to NJ this morning. Took me two hours to get from the airport to my friend's place (a tram and two trains) and once I got here I took a nap and have been reading one of my library books electronically every since. I'm hungry, but not motivated enough to do anything about. I did stop at Starbucks on my way from where I got off the last train to the apartment and picked up some Via and milk and sugar so I could make a cup o' Joe if I every got off this cozy couch, ha ha! The doggy daycare guy should be bringing the pooch homes soon so I'll have some company until my friend gets home. All in all, aside from getting from the midwest to the east coast, I really haven't been very productive today!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I think you deserve a nice relaxing day after getting to NJ. Traveling all day is hard work. Or so it seems. Enjoy your vacation! I agree we'd be giggling like girls and all the guys in the man cave would have to come up and see what the heck so funny. Of course I am sure they wouldn't think we were nearly as funny as we think we are.

I drove myself to work. The 2 blocks between our house and the main road were very snow packed and had some drifts but once I got out of the neighborhood it was smooth sailing. I was so glad to have my own car. Except when 5 pm came around and my car was cold.

We wrapped some Christmas gifts tonight. We are having some friends over for supper tomorrow and wrapped their presents. I can't wait until they see them. A couple of years ago they had us play "Santa" and leave the presents for their kids on the front porch then ring the door bell. We'd just moved so we packed up a box of total complete and utter junk and wrapped it for them. We went back about 20 minutes later because we were going there for dinner. They had opened our gift and had one waiting for us. Among the junk they gave us was this wooden hand that was kind of beat up and chipped. So over the past couple of years we've had some fun with "got a hand?" So Marty painted them a 18" x 42" portrait of the hand for Christmas. It's absolutely obnoxious. He also picked them up a Gordon Ramsey cookbook in Romania. He looked up online how to translate a phrase that would sound like something Gordon Ramsey would say and then wrote that in the front of the book in Romanian and it means "hopefully this will improve your ****ing cooking".

I also wrapped 7 jingle bell ornaments for my family. I used to put jingle bells in all the Christmas gifts I wrapped so when I saw the bell ornaments I got each family one of them.

Tomorrow is Friday. Sweet.


Dec 28, 2005
Today is our founders holiday lunch, followed by Secret Santa. My office is beyond casual every day of the week (I can get away with shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops if that's what I want to wear) but today, we're asked to wear suits as they're taking us out to a fancy dancy place. My suit shrank. I can't wear it. The best I can do is nice black slacks, a crisp white shirt (that I likely won't be able to close the top button for my tie) and a tie. Who knew cloths shrink just hanging in the closet. Yeah, that's it. Who knew! :shock:

Marcy, your gift exchange with your friends sounds like a lot of fun!
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