
Political Correctness: Too Much?


Mar 13, 2013
I was recently reading a thread, and one of my favourite posters mentioned our society being too politically correct. I was pretty shocked by this, because I didn't expect it in that thread, from that person.

Donald Trump is trumpeting it out in all of his speeches and it seems to be resonating so far. Analysts keep saying that it is one of the parts of his message people are resonating with, causing him to lead in the polls. So theoretically there are a good swath of people who feel that way.

Do you think our society has become too PC? What does that mean to you? How does that manifest itself in daily life? Please use specific examples of things you have seen, or things that have happened to you/people you know.

FULL DISCLOSURE: I don't really believe there is something as too PC. But I hear it so much, I'd like to learn more and find out others perspectives on it.



Aug 29, 2014
I fall kind of in the middle of this issue - I *do* think people can be oversensitive and offended too easily, but then I look at the other side, and who am I to say someone can't be offended or that someTHING isnt offensive? I don't know everyone, or their experiences, and a rape joke or dead baby joke might be funny to 99% of people you know - except that one person who was raped, or lost a baby.

I was chatting with a friend the other day at the lake. We were on the water, and there were some kids (they weren't white, but weren't native, I couldn't tell from how far away we were) and as they were running down the dock into the water, they were making a native 'war call' (I totally don't know the proper name, apologies!) where you tap your hand over your mouth while screaming. Anyways, I was kind of like 'Wow that's really innapropriate' and my friend didn't get why I thought that. She told me how when she grew up in Florida they used to play cowboys and indians all the time, and how it wasn't racist, "it was a different time". And I explained, no, it's still not appropriate. The people who were offended just had less power and didn't want to say anything.

I think nowadays, people feel like there is more PC-ness, but its only because the targeted groups are finally standing up and saying thats NOT ok. And that's a good thing to me. I would never want to say something that offends someone and I don't realize it - it just makes me look really dumb. So even if it doesnt offend you personally, it can still hurt other people.

I think I went off track a bit there haha.

ETA - I do see PC in my daily life, mostly as times where I check myself and think 'oh shoot I better not say that, it might hurt someone'. Just like how people say (or used to) retard, or thats so gay, etc. I personally think its a good thing.


Jun 8, 2008
I think with some things as a society we might be too PC but with others not enough so there is no clear or easy answer. I think if someone wants to take offense at what another says it is easy enough to do. Personally I think it is important to be sensitive to others and topics that are inflammatory because hurting one's feelings is worse than being too PC if you kwim.

I cringe when I hear common (it seems to me anyway) use of the word "ret**d for example. That word is *never* OK. NEVER. So no one isn't being *too* PC by NOT using that word. Same thing for other very offensive words (the N word for example) that are still (too) commonplace. It makes me sick to my stomach when I hear that word being used so freely on the subway and other places between friends. And I know that by using some of these words some people feel they are taking the power out of them and making them "OK" but I disagree. Some words should just not be used except in history books etc. IMO.

Then there are the people who say offensive things and act like you are being super difficult because you find it offensive. You know, unless you walk a mile in that person's shoes you shouldn't judge how someone feels about an issue. So in that regard some people can and should be more sensitive. What is that saying? "Be kind to everyone you meet because you just don't know what battles they are fighting"...I am paraphrasing but you get the idea. Try being empathetic and try putting yourself in another's shoes before you judge. It isn't the same thing as being in that other person's situation but it is the best one can do. Empathy and kindness can go and will go a long way. Is it that difficult to show both?

No one wants to walk around on eggshells that is true but is it so hard to be civil, polite and friendly? Is it so hard not to offend?? Like I wrote some people are just looking to be offended and no matter what one might say there is no winning. But with most people that isn't the case and I don't think it is that challenging not to offend most people. And you don't have to be OTT PC to not offend. IMO.


Jul 23, 2012
I think "too pc" is a term used too often by bigots to justify their intolerance. I find too many people using the rhetoric right before or after spewing some sort of hatred about how we should close our border, leave the redskins name alone, or just "be honest" about gender inequality


Dec 12, 2008
I'm on the it's too PC side. There is one word I grew up being told it was never ok to say, and that's the N word. I still don't use it and I cringe at any use of it. I was born in 1974. Retarded was used back in the day, I grew up using it-everyone used it, adults too. I remember calling someone w/a disability a retard (and yeah, I'm using it and not censoring it now I get that, and the fact that I have to acknowledge that and point out that I'm using it to tell a story so as to hopefully not offend people is part of my too-pc issue) and my mom whipped the car over to the side of the street, slammed it into park, turned around and I tell you what, my brother and I were reamed up one side and down the other. Back in the day it was ok to call each other retarded, but never to refer to someone w/a disability as such. And I know some people don't/won't/can't understand the reasoning, but I'm just telling how it was. Now, that's pretty much the only word that when it comes to my lips, you'll hear "That's reh-" and then whatever word I can stumble out to cover it up.

Merry Christmas! Or...wait..nope, even if I celebrate Christmas, not everyone does, so you can't offend others and must not use that term. We must now be inclusive of everyone in every way shape or form in all things in all ways--but guess what, I grew up as a Jehovah's Witness and when someone told me Merry Christmas, hmm....I said "Thanks, you too" or GASP OMG "Merry Christmas". Religion aside, I was raised to be nice. And raised to be considerate of others.

Being considerate and nice (NICE is the word that gets me ridiculed on here ALL THE TIME b/c I really and truly believe if people would be NICE the world would be a different/better place) goes *both* ways. Instead of getting all huffy and our feathers ruffled, especially when someone is trying to be NICE, why NICE back? Even if you don't celebrate it, don't believe in it, don't like the person? A smile, and "hey, thanks!" OMG who'da thunk it?

I believe if it's not ok for one to say it, it's not ok for anyone to say it, period, end of story. Anymore, it's hard NOT to offend, even by virtue of trying to be nice/considerate b/c of the sensitivities. And, sometimes words slip out. Words aren't always used for the sole purpose of trying to offend someone.

Reminds me of the episode of South Park where the boys got in trouble for using the word FAG. They were referring to motorcycle riders and their loud bikes that were disturbing everyone. People felt they were knocking gays. They showed pictures to kids of a gay person and a biker and said "which one is the fag?" and they would point to the biker. When they were asked about it, they'd say '"no, that person's gay, they're not a fag, fag doesn't mean gay and it's pretty offensive that you think it does and automatically assumed that's what we meant"

There is a lot of "It's ok to say X people are all Y but never ever ever is it ok to say S people are all T b/c that's racist, and if you don't believe that all X people are Y, that makes you a racist too. And all D people are racist b/c of E but not all H people are racist b/c of I" GIVE ME A BREAK. Not all people of any letter of the alphabet are *anything* and I'm about half sick and tired of seeing it/hearing about it. Every time you (and again, lest I offend, needs must I point out, general-you not you-you) say that, you are feeding the hate. People should be judged on their character and actions. Period.
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