
Best Bang for the buck Jamesallen setting and budget


Jul 31, 2015
I am needing some advice on a round diamond in the following setting.... I am going to have it changed to white/yellow instead of white/rose for $100 extra. I have a total budget of $7000 including the setting. Usually I have time to do a lot of research but I travel for a living and just can't seem to find the time. I am planning on proposing on an Alaskan vacation the first week in September so time is a little tight. I could really use some help, I am obviously looking for the most bang for my bucks. Thanks Ric


Dec 9, 2013
LUNAJEWELS|1438406773|3909680 said:
I'm sure for 7k you can find a lovely diamond

the setting is a bit specific... are you sure you want to propose with something so "different"?

I agree with Luna, It does look like a right hand ring and would be hard to wear with a wedding band.
Personally I would invest in the best diamond I could find and have a simple setting. Then later she can help you choose a setting.
Unless, of course, you know that she would be over-the-moon about this setting.


Jun 9, 2015
That's a very scary setting if she's going to be wearing it on a daily basis. I like james allan alot but some of their designs are a little too artistic. The diamond looks so vulnerable :-o


Jul 23, 2012
DeBeersorDeSoda|1438444022|3909772 said:
That's a very scary setting if she's going to be wearing it on a daily basis. I like james allan alot but some of their designs are a little too artistic. The diamond looks so vulnerable :-o

Tension settings are safe, but I too an concerned about the aesthetics of this ring.

Did you choose this or did she?
If you did, what drew you to it? Id just like to hear your thoughts process as it might lead us to other options that leave you more room for the diamond budget.


Dec 17, 2008
Did you pick that setting or did she? A lot of times guys like the look/idea of tension settings but girls, well, not so much.
That is a true tension setting without a basket so you will have to make sure that she takes her ring off for any kind of
heavy duty work (yard work, house work, working out etc.)

So, if you do go with that setting it leaves you about $4260 for the stone. How big were you trying to go? Color/Clarity?

Here would be some options... AGS000 Has clouds, make
sure it doesnt affect the stone ...probably doesnt since it's got ideal light return.

Drop down to "I" get in the .9ish range

Posting at same time as Neil...sorry, pointing out some of the same things.


Jul 3, 2015
That ring makes me nervous.

As others have said, unless you know that's her style, go for something simple and put your money into a good diamond.

You'll get a lot of help here picking a good one.

Has she given any indication of the shape of diamond she likes? What kind of metal she'd like?


Jul 31, 2015
I wanted to thank everyone for their input and opinions. The reason I had been looking at this particular setting is because awhile back I had shown her the james allen site and when she saw this one she commented that it was pretty. Maybe it's not such a great engagement ring, maybe she just thought it was a pretty ring. I was looking at it because I have always wanted to get something that was different from everyone else's engagement ring. The one thing she has always said is that she never got a diamond ring in her last marriage of 25 years. I am just wanting to rock her world and I guess I am sucking at this whole


Jul 23, 2012
clone1008|1438526474|3910081 said:
I wanted to thank everyone for their input and opinions. The reason I had been looking at this particular setting is because awhile back I had shown her the james allen site and when she saw this one she commented that it was pretty. Maybe it's not such a great engagement ring, maybe she just thought it was a pretty ring. I was looking at it because I have always wanted to get something that was different from everyone else's engagement ring. The one thing she has always said is that she never got a diamond ring in her last marriage of 25 years. I am just wanting to rock her world and I guess I am sucking at this whole

I'm sorry, please don't get discouraged!

We will absolutely help you blow her mind.

If she really made it seem like she loved that then you should get it.

If it was just a comment about it being pretty, I think we can find you something similar, very unique, and a bit more modern if youre interested in exploring other options.

Did she say she wants yellow gold or two tone? I'm wondering if the brand MaeVona might be for you. I suggest taking a look at their stuff. Very unique, well made, and yet still very feminine.

Also, did she mention she wanted a round or did she not mention a shape. Playing with shapes can really increase the unique factor while keeping it a timeless piece


Jul 31, 2015
Niel|1438527909|3910089 said:
clone1008|1438526474|3910081 said:
I wanted to thank everyone for their input and opinions. The reason I had been looking at this particular setting is because awhile back I had shown her the james allen site and when she saw this one she commented that it was pretty. Maybe it's not such a great engagement ring, maybe she just thought it was a pretty ring. I was looking at it because I have always wanted to get something that was different from everyone else's engagement ring. The one thing she has always said is that she never got a diamond ring in her last marriage of 25 years. I am just wanting to rock her world and I guess I am sucking at this whole

I'm sorry, please don't get discouraged!

We will absolutely help you blow her mind.

If she really made it seem like she loved that then you should get it.

If it was just a comment about it being pretty, I think we can find you something similar, very unique, and a bit more modern if youre interested in exploring other options.

Did she say she wants yellow gold or two tone? I'm wondering if the brand MaeVona might be for you. I suggest taking a look at their stuff. Very unique, well made, and yet still very feminine.

Also, did she mention she wanted a round or did she not mention a shape. Playing with shapes can really increase the unique factor while keeping it a timeless piece


She didn't mention shape but did say that she prefers gold and doesn't care for rose gold at all.


Dec 17, 2008
If you want to stick to that look I would suggest this one. It is not a true tension because it has a basket (which is much safer).

However, there is really no matching wedding band to this. I think of it more as a stand alone ring.

What about something like this in gold? It's different but not too different (if you know what I mean).


Apr 10, 2015
If you do get a tension setting there's some things to consider. They are quite difficult to resize. Not too bad if you need to go smaller as you can get beads though they aren't always comfortable. Resizing bigger can be problematic as it can compromise the integrity of the mount.


Apr 19, 2004

Does this have to be a surprise? You can propose with a place holder and let her choose her own ring. I would hate for you to "rush" and it not be what she really wants.

What has she tried on that she likes? Doe she plan on wearing a wedding band as well?



Nov 25, 2012
clone1008|1438526474|3910081 said:
I wanted to thank everyone for their input and opinions. The reason I had been looking at this particular setting is because awhile back I had shown her the james allen site and when she saw this one she commented that it was pretty. Maybe it's not such a great engagement ring, maybe she just thought it was a pretty ring. I was looking at it because I have always wanted to get something that was different from everyone else's engagement ring. The one thing she has always said is that she never got a diamond ring in her last marriage of 25 years. I am just wanting to rock her world and I guess I am sucking at this whole

If she was married for 25 years, I will safely assume the she's at least my age, if not older. She probably has a clear idea of the type of ring that she wants. Your safest bet is to shop for the setting together. There is no lack of romanticism in that. My FI and I chose our ring together (we have both been married before) and it was great fun and very romantic. Then again, I'm the type to make a man rue the day he made such a monumental decision such as choosing a ring that I'm going to wear daily without my full participation. :angryfire:

Do this: go and have her try on rings at a few shops. Then, light the candles, uncork a bottle of champagne, get two glasses and open the JA site. Make it a date. Choose together.


Dec 17, 2008
clone1008|1438564680|3910317 said:

Oh no...please don't. That setting is very dated. It doesnt flow well and looks more like a hacked together setting. :sick:
I know we're not doing that great with suggestions but the 2 rings that you have posted are like polar opposites; very stylish/modern
and eighties/outdated. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think maybe you should pick out an inexpensive setting, propose then
let her reset in the setting that suits her style. I would rather you waste $200 then spend $2000 on a setting that's not really her.

Please dont take any of this personally. It's not an easy task that you guys are expected to accomplish. I actually feel bad that
guys are expected to know what makes us happy (and we can be so darn picky about our jewelry). We're just trying make
sure that you end up with a setting/stone that she will love for a long time.

There is a list of questions somewhere that one of our long time members Gypsy came up with that helped to narrow down
what kind of setting a girl might like. I'll have to look for that and post when I get back. We know you want something a little
different then what everyone else gets and yellow gold. Thats a good start. I'll try to post those questions when I get back.


Jul 31, 2015
tyty333|1438629098|3910562 said:
clone1008|1438564680|3910317 said:

Oh no...please don't. That setting is very dated. It doesnt flow well and looks more like a hacked together setting. :sick:
I know we're not doing that great with suggestions but the 2 rings that you have posted are like polar opposites; very stylish/modern
and eighties/outdated. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think maybe you should pick out an inexpensive setting, propose then
let her reset in the setting that suits her style. I would rather you waste $200 then spend $2000 on a setting that's not really her.

Please dont take any of this personally. It's not an easy task that you guys are expected to accomplish. I actually feel bad that
guys are expected to know what makes us happy (and we can be so darn picky about our jewelry). We're just trying make
sure that you end up with a setting/stone that she will love for a long time.

There is a list of questions somewhere that one of our long time members Gypsy came up with that helped to narrow down
what kind of setting a girl might like. I'll have to look for that and post when I get back. We know you want something a little
different then what everyone else gets and yellow gold. Thats a good start. I'll try to post those questions when I get back.

That is an absolutely Great Idea! A cheaper ring....A wonderful rock and then reset in a setting that she likes! Awesome!


Jul 23, 2012
Ok, so....with that new idea, hoe much are we spending?


Jul 31, 2015
Niel|1438643835|3910694 said:
Ok, so....with that new idea, hoe much are we spending?

I would like to keep the diamond in the $5500 - $6000 range. Going this route will give me some time to save up for the setting. I would like to find something in a balanced stone. From what I have read this would fall into these numbers....correct?
Thin to Medium Girdle
Table 55-57
PA 40.6 - 40.8
CA 34 - 35
Total Depth 60 - 61.5
Lower Girdles 75%
Stars 55%
Upper Girdles 40 - 43
No Painting


Jun 9, 2015
lioness|1438569262|3910343 said:
If she was married for 25 years, I will safely assume the she's at least my age, if not older. She probably has a clear idea of the type of ring that she wants. Your safest bet is to shop for the setting together. There is no lack of romanticism in that. My FI and I chose our ring together (we have both been married before) and it was great fun and very romantic. Then again, I'm the type to make a man rue the day he made such a monumental decision such as choosing a ring that I'm going to wear daily without my full participation. :angryfire:

Do this: go and have her try on rings at a few shops. Then, light the candles, uncork a bottle of champagne, get two glasses and open the JA site. Make it a date. Choose together.

I'd like to second this. I did it with my Fiance (Minus the champagne, could be awkward drinking at noon :lol: ) but there was lots of giggling, smiling, and it was a great time. We found something she really liked together and it was a huge help because initially I tried to shop for the ring without her and was going down the wrong path entirely. :)
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