
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 30th March till 5th April

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

I just wanted to mention the FUN aspect of working out and trying to eat in a healthier way this week. With working out, as we all know if it isn't somewhat enjoyable, then you won't stick to it. Over challenging yourself isn't a good thing as you are setting yourself up for failure. Likewise doing an activity you don't enjoy with workouts is going to make you dread it which can be very self defeating. For example, I really don't like using an elliptical that much for some reason * scratches head as to why* but I am fine on my treddy and will happily hop on that without a care. I know the reverse is true for others, for example Rod really prefers the elliptical and doesn't use the treddy that much from what I understand. Others prefer to not use machinery at all but would rather walk, run, take dance classes, aerobics or sports. But the bottom line is to choose a set of activities you will actually do and even if you don't leap into each session with a happy enthusiastic cry, that you can find the motivation within yourself to keep going! And that is the key, not that you miss the odd session here and there, but that you keep going - again perfection isn't what matters, but as we always say slow and steady wins the race with the three P's - practise, patience and persistance!

With food it is important to eat healthy foods you actually enjoy in order to work towards a healthier lifestyle for a lifetime. Boredom can often sabotage our best efforts, so now with spring really on its way, make a point of trying out a new seasonal fruit or vegetables and look at new recipes where you might use them when you get the opportunity - you might be surprised! Keep things interesting with salads by adding different veggies and ingredients, look at unusual gourmet vinegars and experiment with dressings - but also sometimes just enjoy a basic green salad with a simple oil and vinegar or lemon juice dressing as a side dish, an easy way to get an extra veggie serving in.

Have a great week!


Nov 2, 2006
FI's brother in law told him he's fat over the weekend and now FI has a

I have my boudoir pics coming up at the end of the month so this is the perfect time for FI and I to get back on the wagon. I went grocery shopping last night and stocked up on lots of veggies and lean meat. I'm really looking forward to eating healthy again and seeing FI making positive progress. He's not fat by any means, but his doc would probably tell him to lose 15-20 lbs... I hope to tone/firm up a bit and just generally feel better about myself.

Today's meals as as follows:
Breakfast-mini crustless spinach quiche (from the PS healthy recipe thread)
Snack-peach chobani greek yogurt
Lunch is a big green salad with string cheese and grilled chicken-spray-on salad dressing (I've never tried this before so it should be interesting...) and a cut up mango
Snack hummus, cucumbers and celery sticks
Dinner is broiled salmon with steamed spinach and quinoa
Snack FF fudgescicle
Lots of water and tea to drink

Exercise will be Jillian's 30-day shred (I'm going to see if I can convince FI to do it with me!)

ETA: I'm journaling all of my food/drink as well.


Nov 24, 2006
Good Morning all, I get to retrive my husband from the airport this evening, yay!
The bad thing is that is he is sick; he caught a bad cold and got a bit of the stomach bug so I hope he is over it or isn't too contagious. I guess I will take airborne just in case.

We are out of tin foil, flour, bread, sunscreen and a few other things so I need to run to the store sometime today.
I might go for a quick walk before I pick him up. Happy Monday friends!!!

LORELEI, great reminder; I notice when I do things I don't like I don't stick with them. There was this one bosu class that was so boring; it was good workout but there is only so much you can do on the bosu for an hour; if it is a combo of bosu and step then I am game. hehe Great opener friend!!

HUDSONHAWK, yay good to see you.
Wow, sounds like you have a fabulous game plan; you will do great!!! Yum I love your snack and meal ideas! Gosh dinner sounds delicious; salmon with spinach and quinoa.

MARCY, yay for your walk at the mall!!! Yay for a new week, I had a piece of tiramisu yesterday from WF. hehe I do love those heavenly beds, like a cloud; you should try them sometime. hehe

ROD, yay for new iphones, hubby and I want one but our phone service is a great deal. They are soooooo cool!!!


Nov 29, 2004
I went to my TBT class today, she changed it up so it was good to have a different format. Also I''m having the best Monday ever because I got a promotion and a nice little raise to go with it, and I found out our bonuses too!


Nov 24, 2006
Congrats Apple!!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 3/30/2009 1:21:52 PM
Author: appletini
I went to my TBT class today, she changed it up so it was good to have a different format. Also I'm having the best Monday ever because I got a promotion and a nice little raise to go with it, and I found out our bonuses too!
YAY APPLE!!!!!!!!

Hi Hudson!!


Jul 22, 2007
Hello, all.

Thanks, Lorelei for another great opener!

Skippy, yay for getting a DH back!

apple~ Congratulations!!!

Hi, HH!

Really quick from me. My wrist hurts, again. Several months ago I hurt it doing yoga, thought it got better, etc etc. Now, while trying to jump back into exercise, I''ve realized it still hurts. I am making a dr appt. so hopefully I''ll get it figured out and be back on the yoga mat soon.

Have a great day!!


Apr 19, 2004

Except for shovelling snow, it seems like forever since I did some formal exercise. Today back on the bike and my regular routine--and shortly I will go outside to walk. It is nice and a little crisp so it will be refreshing.

Keep well gang!



Mar 13, 2008
Hello all!!!

Yesterday was our 8K. I ran my worst time EVER!!! GRRR!!! Almost 4 mins slower than my average. It was snowing, my feet were soaked and freezing (they warmed up when I ran), and I had to stop a few times to re-lace my shoes, but I''m still really disappointed. But I think everyone ran slower, even the top finishing times were almost 1.5 mins slower than last year''s where there was no snow. Anyway, still kinda bummed. Booo! I''m going to have to sign up for other 8Ks so I can improve my time. Today my left knee is bugging me so I''ve been icing it.

On Saturday I went to a new yoga studio that I really liked!!! It started off really slow and with about 20 mins of meditation. I was getting super impatient. But then it really kicks your butt into high gear. I like it and am going to convince sis to try it when she gets back from her work trip. Deejay and anyone else in Chicago, it''s the Moksha Yoga studio on Huron/Carpenter/Milwaukee.

Going to plan on yoga tonight. Probably Bikram.

Lore, GREAT opener. I TOTALLY agree with you. I used to HATE working out but now that I''ve started doing yoga I really really enjoy it. I''m probably going to add more cardio (running and maybe swimming) and some strength training, but try to do yoga 3x''s a week. Wow, you''re awesome for liking the treadmill. I''m in the "hate it" camp :)

Skipp, Yay for DH getting back. I really hope you don''t catch his germs. I need to hit the store today too. Maybe when James gets back.

Hudson, LOVE quinoa. I don''t think I can convince James to eat it unless he doesn''t know what it is. "It''s cous cous sweetie, just eat it." I hope your B-pics come out well. I hear they''re lots of fun. I''m contemplating taking some for James as a wedding present or something. We''ll see.

Apple, congrats on the promotion!

Shiny! Yay you''re back! Bummer your wrist hurts. I hurt mine falling off my bike a few years ago. It took a while for it to get better, almost a year. Every now and then it flares up, but for the most part it''s okay. I''ve been doing yoga, but not lots of weight on my wrists specifically. Now that I''ll be doing more vinyasa/hatha, we''ll see how the wrist is.

Sharon/Canuk, Shoveling snow is MAD exercise!!! Glad it''s getting nicer you can go back to your regular routine.

Here''s a picture from the local newspaper of snow and slush during the race.



Aug 17, 2005
Hello Everyone:

I ran the 10k this weekend, and it was a blast! I probably could''ve pushed myself a bit harder and shaved off a minute or two from my time, but overall i''m thrilled.

My quads are a bit sore today, so i''m taking it easy for now. I''d like to hit the gym tomorrow- we''ll see...

I brought in my lunches and snacks for the week, so i''m all set. Speaking of lunch, I need to go nosh- it''s already 1:30!

Lorelei- great opener. THANKS for your words of wisdom
HH- looks like you have a good solid plan. your food choices sound delish!
Skippy- load up on the airborne and take care of yourself so you don''t get sick
Appletini- congrats on the promotion and raise. that''s such a great feeling!
SS- sorry to hear about your wrists
Sharon- here''s go going back to the bike and your regular routine!


Dec 29, 2006
Hi Guys!

Skippy -- I just saw your question from last week''s thread. Zumba incorporates steps from all types of Latin dances into the routines/moves. So last week we did cha-cha, salsa, and a steps from a few other dances. I''m not sure how each class differs, but I hear the instructors change it up a bit from week to week.

I love your opener, Lorelei!

Hi HH! While I''m thinking of it, it doesn''t look like I''ll be able to make it to the gem show in Marlborough after all. I''m hosting a shower for a friend that weekend, and for a wihile, it looked like it was going to be postponed. Now it''s back on, so I can''t make it to the show. I wish I could -- it would be gret to see everyone again and check out the gems. I''m kind of bummed. So far, the things you''ve had today sound healthy and tasty. Glad to see you here.

Skippy -- I might have missed it, but was your husband on a business trip? I''m glad he''s comng home today.

Apple -- congratulations on your promotion and raise!!!

SS -- I hope your wrist feels better soon.

Sharon -- shoveling snow??? I really hope it melts IS almost April!

Not much new with me today. I met with my principal this afternoon and she has a few helpful tips after doing my observation. Overall, the meeting went well, though, and I''m glad it''s behind me.


Mar 18, 2008
Great advice as always, Lorelei!

Hudson--tell me how your boudoir pics go! I am very curious what it''s like...hehe...I don''t know if I''d have the guts to do that unless I really reached my goal (and maybe beyond!)

I hope your hubby feels better, Skippy! I hope you don''t catch it!!

that''s wonderful news, appletini! congratulations

I hope you feel better, somethingshiny!

canuk-gal, I hope you enjoy your walk


so, I''m having a really hard day, everyone. I hope this isn''t TMI...but I have been having some pelvic pain for the past week. it wasn''t terrible starting last Monday, but by Friday, it was incredibly uncomfortable...and on Sunday it started getting reeeal bad. I had an appiontment with a doctor this morning, and she found a cyst on my right ovary that is the size of a grapefruit

I think I''m going to have laparoscopic surgery, but I don''t know when the surgeon can fit me in. I have an appointment with him on Wednesday morning, so wish me luck.

I am really scared. And really sad that I was finally starting to make progress with my weight loss, and now I''m going to have this laparoscopic surgery (for those who don''t know, they blow air into your abdomen and you basically look pregnant for weeks)...I know that sounds stupid, but I can''t do anything strenuous (no working out--at all) until the surgery, and then for at least 4-6 weeks afterwards. there goes my goal that I would be at my happy size by june
I know, that''s a stupid thing to focus on...(I''m a little more worried about the fact that I can''t *do* anything with FI until after I''m fully recovered!!!)

on top of that, I don''t know how my boss is going to take my being out of the office for days (or maybe weeks!)...

plus, I''m just plain scared--I know it''s relatively safe as procedures go, but it''s terrifying to me that I have a cyst that''s almost 10cm in diameter in my body right now! I had my last checkup in August and she didn''t find anything then!

sorry, everyone...I don''t meant to threadjack...I''m just really upset and I''m not sure where to turn...


Nov 24, 2006
My hubby is stuck in DC because of snow in Denver; I rather him be stuck in DC than Denver though (especially hearing there were no hotels for Rod's client). We will see, fingers crossed here.
It is pretty chilly here; it looks beautiful out but looks are deceiving. hehe I had one of those Wendy grilled chicken breasts for lunch and boy are they yummy. I also bought one of those Kashi LemonGrass chicken when I was at the store; I hope it is good.

SOMETHINGSHINY, Oh no, I am so sorry about your wrist. I hope they can help you; also there is some tape you can use to tape your wrist if you are going to do yoga. Our boxing instructor had it and it gives it support. hugs. Good to see you; we miss you when you are gone.

CANUK, yay for your bike, you and I have the same brand I found out in the bike thread. I love my Giant bike. hehe Enjoy your ride!

LLIANG, yay for your 8k, it is understandable based on the conditions; don't beat yourself up and huge kudos for doing the race in that weather!!! Hope your knee feels better soon. Enjoy yoga tonight Kudos again

eta: ALLI, bless your heart; I am so sorry. sending you a hug and I hope the doctor can get you in soon. I will keep you in my prayers.
Huge hugs
It is understandable that you are frustrated and upset by this. thinking of you..


Aug 17, 2005
Lliang- we were posting around the same time and totally missed your post.

I'm sorry to hear about the 8K. **HUGS** You're a total trooper for running it! I can't say that I could've done that- i'm a wimp when it comes to cold weather. CONGRATS to you for your awesome efforts!

Please take care of yourself- keep icing that knee.


Mar 13, 2008
Alli, HUGE hugs for you. My mom and all her sisters had the same thing (I think), but theirs were more severe and they all got hysterectomies. But this is when they were all in their late 40s-50s+, so it wasn''t like they were looking to have more kids or anything. But my mom said it''s a low-risk procedure, and she was definitely out of commission for a while (4-6 wks). I can understand why you''re bummed, but you really must focus on recovering first. Sending HUGE hugs your way. From what my doctor says, it''s hard to find cysts/fibroids on younger women, I''m not sure why, but that could explain why she didn''t find anything on your last check up. Talk with your doctor/surgeon about your progress and activity & also get a personal trainer/nutritionist. They might be able to do something or work on your diet etc until you''re fully recovered.

Zoe, Have fun hosting your shower. Is it a baby shower or bridal shower? Either way they''re lots of fun. Maybe you can get some cake decorating tips from Marcy :) I''m glad your meeting with your principal went well.

Charger, Wow I''m so glad you had a good time with your 10K! That''s awesome. I always have the same "I could''ve gone faster" thought after the race, but I''m sure you did fantastic for your first 10K! I keep telling myself not to be to hard with my time, but I''m pretty disappointed. AFter my tri the past summer and this 8K time, I''m going to buckle down on training, and really crank out some good times in the next few races.


Nov 24, 2006
ops, I guess we were ALL posting at the same time. LOL I missed Zoe''s and chargers!

CHARGER, woooo hooo for the race!!!!!!!!!!!! All these races are inspiring
I totally agree with you from hangout on this thread being inspiring!

ZOE, yeah he was on a business trip in DC; I briefly mentioned it. hehe Oh Zumba sounds fun; when is your next class! You are doing so awesom Miss Zoe, woo hooo!


Apr 19, 2004

Liang--congrats on the race! I hear ya about the wet weather--we just keep getting the WHITE stuff; we still have huge amounts and it is supposed to snow again this week! MAN-O-MAN!

Skippy--I love my Giant. Can''t wait to get it out!! For now I have to be consoled with my indoor stationary.

Ali: My MOm recently had lap. cyst removal and did well. But had to take it easy for 6 weeks.

My walk was marvellous--I waded thru knee deep snow in the park and the resistence was great exercise. I was winded!

Shout out to ya''ll



Dec 29, 2006
Skippy -- my Zumba class is on Thursday nights. This week will be my second time going. Over April vacation, I''m plannng on going both Thursday and Friday, the only two days it''s offered at my health club.

My husband is making dinner tonight and we''re having hamburgers, rice, and a veggie (maybe roasted red peppers). I never made it to the pool as planned this weekend, but I''ll make up for it somehow.

I can''t wait for the summer, when I''ll have more time to devote to the gym and swimming. I may be teaching a summer class but it''s kind of up in the air right now. If so, it will only be in the mornings so I''ll have my afternoons free. Summer can''t come fast enough!


Jul 5, 2007
Hi all!

Congrats to Charger and Lliang on your races - Lliang, even if it wasn't your best time, it's still awesome that you ran! Hope your knee feels better.

And Congrats to Apple for your promotion!!

Lorelei, thanks for the reminder about fun exercise - absolutely true.

Hudson - Please post more about your journaling experience! Does it work for you? I have a love-hate relationship with it. Good because I realize exactly what I'm eating, but bad because I focus all day on my food intake, which makes me neurotic/crave food more. Your menu sounds great!

SS, take care of that wrist! I hope it feels better.

Canuk - doesn't a walk feel great when you're not slushing around in snow? DH and I have been taking them in the evening with the warmer weather we've had and I feel ALIVE again for the first time in months!

Zoe - What were your observation tips? Anything helpful? Best of luck!!!

Alli - prayers and dust for your surgery, honey!! Have you had a laparoscopic procedure before? My DH had a lap-appendectomy last year and I could not believe how amazing it was - the scarring was so minimal, and he said that there was very, very little pain. It's amazing what doctors can do with laparoscopic surgeries. I understand how scared you must be - surgery of any kind is scary - but it sounds like this cyst needs to get outta there, and you will feel so, so much better afterward! I hope you can get in soon so the recovery can start right away!!

Skippy, I hope your husband gets home soon! I lived on those Kashi meals in grad school - I'm pretty sure I've had that one and it's gooood :)

My Monday hasn't exactly been great. We had friends over for the weekend (YAY! It was awesome - DH and I made breakfast and dinner for them on Saturday - for b-fast, whole wheat bagel sandwiches with canadian bacon and a teensy bit of swiss; dinner - whole grain pasta with vodka sauce and chicken, bruschetta, and I grilled up zucchini, summer squash, red onion, and asparagus in my new cast-iron grill pan - so there were a few unhealthy elements in our meals, but overall we were doing OK) and it was a great time. Then last night my sinuses started bugging me and I barely slept at all because I was having weird cold medicine induced dreams. This morning I felt awful. I called in this morning for a 1/2 day. Still feeling pretty lousy - I don't want to go to a doc though, because I need to find a new one and haven't gotten around to it yet. I got the bill from my last sinus infection and insurance didn't cover a portion of it, which was "Homeopathic Adjustment" - while the Dr. was checking my breathing, he pushed on my shoulder and then whipped my head to the other side. My neck cracked in a succession of pops and I screamed! I had no idea he was going to do that - he didn't ask me if I was comfortable with it or anything - and we got charged $60 for that lovely "procedure." Even though I did feel better (with the help of antibiotics), if I'm going to pay $60 for my neck to pop, I'd rather it be during an hour-long massage. Gripe over. Hope everyone's week is off to a better start!!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I''ll try to catch up tomorrow b/c I hate not addressing everyone. Went on a 2 mile walk yesterday. Went to Zumba (dragged SIL) tonight. Will go to Zumba tomorrow. SIl thought it was fun, tough, but I don''t think it is her. She doesn''t really like classes but I am proud she tried it out anyways.

Alli, I wanted to say how sorry I am. I get cysts pretty regularly. Not sure their sizes (except the 5 cm one I had when I had my u/s during my pregnancy) b/c mine always erupt in their own (major ouch). My sister had the same surgery that you are and is 100% fine. She made it sound like no big deal. Not sure if you are on BC but seasonale has been AWESOME preventing the cysts. I used to have 2-3 a year now only one every few years. Plus it is fun only to have Aunt F visit 4x a year.


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.

I stuck with my normal food routine today and already weighed out my food for breakfast, snack and lunch tomorrow.I am working on my last glass of water for the day as well.Yippee!

The wind, cold and snow came back. I swear this is the winter than won’t end.

Marty is in Arizona and will be home tomorrow.He said it’s in the 70’s there.Pffffst to him.

Lorelei, good points about making sure you find an exercise program and eating regimen you can stick with for the long term.I really enjoy my treadmill but only as long as I can watch TV.

Hudson Hawk, sounds like you have your day well planned out.

Skippy, I hope your hubby feels better.Funny you should mention bug spray; we had a giant fly in our screen door tonight.The heavenly beds sound really comfortable.How awful for your husband to be stranded because of the snow in Denver.Marty’s flight leaves Arizona at 8:30 in the morning and I bet he’ll be stranded for awhile too.

Appletini, congratulations on a promotion, raise and bonus.Monday was good to you.

Somethingshiny, I hope your wrists get better.

Sharon, glad you had some better weather there today.Our weather feels like December today.

Lliang, congratulations on running the 8K.The snow and slush you ran in must have been miserable.

ChargerGirl, congratulations on running the 10K.

Zoe, glad to hear the meeting with the principal went well.

Alli, sorry to hear about the cyst and hate to hear you have to have surgery.Hugs to you.

Elmorton, I hope you feel better soon.

Tacori, glad you had a nice walk this weekend.

Take care.




May 9, 2006
Sorry I don''t have time to address everyone....had to go back to school today (last week was spring break) and DH and I are in the process of finalizing plans for our house so I haven''t had any PS time. I will make time to get caught up with everyone tomorrow!

Walked today with T and then went and ran on the treadmill and lifted some weights tonight. Wasn''t very motivated. Step tomorrow night.

Have a great week everyone!!


Feb 27, 2007
Burke, good luck finalizing your house plans.


Nov 2, 2006
Morning ladies,
Well yesterday was filled with good intentions. I had everything planned out and then I got corralled into a lunch/sales schpeil and didn't eat the lunch I brought. I was bad....I stayed on track last night though food-wise (I didn't make it to 30DS). FI said he stayed on track for the day too, which is great.

So needless to say, I'm having the lunch I didn't have yesterday today, and I'm going to the gym tonight.

Re: Jounrnaling. I use a website called It lets me track what I eat, plan for the next day, and record moon/activity for each day. I do it first thing in the morning (I update the day before-whether I stayed on-plan or not) and then plan the next day. It calculates your BMR (not totally accurate) and helps you decide how many calories to eat to lose the amount of weight you want to lose (I'm around 1400/day to lose 1.5-2lbs/week). I find it's the best sites for food tracking because it has a HUGE database of restaurants and prepared foods and it's pretty user friendly.

I find journaling helpful because it plays into the guilty Catholic girl in me. If I write things down and I don't stick to the plan, I feel really bad. It also helps me in a positive way because I can see where my calores are going (fat/protein/carbs) and budget in treats for myself. I always have 100-200 calories left in the day for a little treat, and this works for me and helps me feel less restricted.

One note about this site (which I mentioned in another thread recently). It calculates your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and daily calorie allowance by your estimated amount of daily activity. If you don't estimate accurately (i.e., overestimate), you can really throw yourself off. I list myself as "lightly active" to include things like walking to/from the train station, taking the stairs, house work, etc. I don't factor in my gym workouts or extra activity.

The site will let you track your extra activity in a separate place and will deduct the calories burned from the calories you've eaten for the day. This sometimes creates a negative-calorie balance at the end of the day. One would assume that you should eat these calories to maintain the initial caloric budget you have been assigned so you don't take in too few calories. I choose not to eat back the calories the system says I've burned, because in my experience, the site is too generous with amount it gives you for your extra exercise and possibly for your initial caloric budget.

I don't know about all of you, but Spring has sprung in RI and I'm having some allergy issues. My Zyrtec has taken care of most of the problem, but I've got a sore throat from PNDrip...Ugh...I don't feel run down though so I think it's allergies as opposed to a cold...


Nov 24, 2006
Good Morning, yay, hubby is home but he has a bad cold and cough and his luggage didn't make it home with him. I just will go get it when it is ready.
I took my airborne so I don't get his bug. I was so snacky last night waiting for hubby to make it home and kept check his flight info; I need to rein it in and eat better this week. I am planning on going to interval training today.
Hope everyone has a great day!!!

ROD, hi!

CANUK, yay for a awesome resistence walk! Sounds like a great workout!

ZOE, I love summer too! Yay this summer you get more time to swim; when is the school year over? Oh yum your dinner sounds fabulous!!

ELMORTON, yay for seeing friend; mmm sounds yummy what you had this past weekened. Oh I hope your sinus get better, you poor sweetie. Sorry your ins co didn't pay for the doctor visit.

TACORI, yay for your walks and yay for Zumba w/your SIL!!! Sounds like a great time!

MARCY, hi there friend; I couldn't remember saying bug but then looked up at my post and hubby had the stomach bug. Ick to giant flies; I wonder where he came from when it is so cold. Hope Marty made it in okay. I guess since my hubby's flight left out of Denver that to get to DC to pick them up it threw everything off but I guess the snow melted some in the afternoon. Yay for water; I love water and tea.

BURK, yay how exciting. Yay for your Run and Weights!!! Oh and walk w/T!

HH, I love the dailyplate for checking cals on frozen foods too; sometimes I will throw out the boxes from TJ's and forget to look at the cals and it will be on the dailyplate which is a huge help!! I think journaling is super helpful and I read a few studies that says it helps people lose weight more than people who don't journal. Hope your allergies get better; I have bad allergies too. Zyrtec makes me a little sleepy, does it for you?


Nov 2, 2006
Skip-I thought Zyrtec was going to make me sleepy, but I''m great. Sometimes, depending on how bad things are, I have to take two and I''m still good-to-go. I used to take Seldane which is supposedly related to Z and it put me to bed. I have no idea why I don''t react the same way to this stuff...


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 3/31/2009 12:11:35 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Skip-I thought Zyrtec was going to make me sleepy, but I''m great. Sometimes, depending on how bad things are, I have to take two and I''m still good-to-go. I used to take Seldane which is supposedly related to Z and it put me to bed. I have no idea why I don''t react the same way to this stuff...
Hudson, oh that is funny because Seldane doesn''t have that effect on me but I take Zyrtec because it helps with indoor and outdoor allergies and I guess Seldane is just for indoor? Glad it doesn''t make you sleepy. hehe


May 9, 2006
Going to try and catch up...may be a two-parter!

Lorelei~Excellent opening as usual! Thanks so much for the helpful start to the week!

Hudson~That is horrible about your FI''s brother telling him he''s fat!

Skippy~Your poor husband! Delayed travel sucks enough when you feel well! I would have snacked if I were you, too!


somethingshiny~sorry about your wrist! I broke mine 10 years ago and it was sore here and there for years after. So hard to do anything with a wrist problem.

canuk~Hope you had a great walk!

I''ll be back to catch up with everyone else!


May 9, 2006
lliang~Sorry that you were disappointed with your time, but you''re a hero to me...running that far in those conditions!!!
Great job!!

ChargerGrrl~Another runner...I''m so jealous. I just can''t run that long. Great job!

Zoe~Glad your meeting with your principal went well. Even though I''m confident I''m a good teacher, those meetings always make me a little anxious! I''m looking forward to summer, too!

alli~So sorry! That has to be scary! You''ll be in my thoughts and prayers!

Elmorton~Sorry you had a rough Monday! Hope you''re feeling better today!

Tacori~That''s awesome that your SIL went to Zumba with you!

Marcy~Thank you!! We''re very excited! It''s really exhausting, though, and I find I''m so tired at night I don''t really feel like working out. That''s what I have you guys for, though!

Hudson~My allergies have been pretty bad lately, too. I don''t get any relief from Zyrtec (which sucks because it''s OTC and cheaper). I usually take Allegra, but we''re going to start trying to get PG soon and my Allergist doesn''t like me taking Allegra when preggo so I''m kind of stuck.

Skippy~Glad your hubby is home!

Okay. I think I am caught up. My apologies if I missed anyone! Tonight we''ll be skipping our walk since it''s raining/snowing here. yuck! I am going to go to step, though. Been eating well today. Packed a lot of fruit so I''ve been snacking on cantelope and grapes...much better than my usual chips.
Happy Tuesday all!


Mar 18, 2008
thanks for the well wishes, everyone...

I'm sorry I'm not responding everyone individually, but I wanted to update...

I was able to get an earlier appointment with the surgeon today. I go tomorrow to find out if it's a hemorrhagic cyst or if it's a mucinous cyst...if it's hemorraghic, we wait for it to go away. if it's not, they have to do surgery. the surgeon believes that it's mucinous, but he wants to be sure.

basically, if I have to have the surgery, and they do a laparoscopic surgery, I will lose my ovary. they can save it, but only by doing a laparotomy which will leave me with a 4-6" scar and 2-4 weeks out of the office, which would mean no honeymoon after my wedding in November and a lot of pain. plus, I really don't know how my boss would feel about me taking that long off from work (though I could work from home, but it's obviously not the same).

I'm sort of hysterical. my parents are on vacation so I haven't told them yet, and I figure I'll wait until they get home on Thursday. I'm just so upset. I'm only 27. I want to have kids. I'm already a fertility risk because I'm polycystic, and then to only have one ovary?

I'm sorry. I'm just really upset.
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