
The Official TTC Thread!


Aug 17, 2005
Date: 8/12/2008 12:37:06 PM
Author: blushingbride

Date: 8/12/2008 12:26:49 PM
Author: AmberWaves
DD, I totally am not calling people out, we love having you guys here, and I can totally understand how you''re now just full of things to share, and wanting to be upbeat for us here- it''s kind of like Fight Club:

Rules of TTClub (Again, NOT directed towards ANYONE- ''YOU'' is collective YOU):

1.) Try not to talk about hating pregnancy so much as it feels like the girl who got a Camry for her 16th but wanted a BMW. We love you guys, anyway. (But I will be forced to take all your babies and raise them as a basketball team.)
2.) Don''t tell me to stop thinking about it and it will happen (I tried that with LOVE, but damn as I had to HUNT down DH to find him!)
3.) Don''t tell me I''m overreacting and planning too much
4.) Don''t talk about TTClub
5.) We all hope our time here is short
6.) No biting or hits to the face or hair.

Honestly: this was all posted in JEST, because if I don''t do something other than stick my hands in my crotch and feel around like a freakin'' puppeteer I may go insane.

Erica: No need to apologize, we want everyone welcome here.
I have to make up an acronym for "spitting out what i was drinking because of a funny post" ''cause yep, that''s what happened before ROTFL!

Amber, you crack me up!


Oct 19, 2005
Date: 8/12/2008 3:07:16 PM
Author: mela lu
I''m feeling very emotional right* now and just want to say ''I LOVE YOU GALS!''

(*due to AFF™? or due to PG? Alas, the agony continues...)

Such a great forum. So funny, informative, honest and open. Thank you to EVERYONE for contributing and making it what it is today!

re: Jerkstore. Apparently it originated from Seinfeld, but I had given the cred to my BFF for years! LOL.

also includes:

Jerkstore = Pregnant with twins (Indy!!!!!!)

ETA: Agreed! Amber. OMG - puppeteer!!!!! HAHA. It''s TOO true! Espesh when I catch myself ''checking'' in random parts of the house because I''m alone!!!! WTF!!!!! What has become of me!?



Nov 10, 2006
LOL...seriously Amber....have you ever thought of a career in advertising? As in being a creative? I could totally see you working as a creative who comes up with the witty or catchy phrases used in commercials, ads, etc. You would be PERFECT my dear!

Awwww Mela - >> to you! I agree with you that everyone here is just so darn fabulous!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
HAHAHA AMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!
At work! That tops it!

Today is our little TTC love-in.


Jan 16, 2008
Amber - How, where, NOW??????

You must be really super-duper fast!

or wear lots of skirts.


Oct 19, 2005
Lisa, as you all can tell from the amount of time I press the keyboard here, I am pretty much alone all the time at work. As in, everyone is out of town and I''m all by myself, and why not take a look-see? alone.

You''d think I''d be ashamed. Nope. I''m kind of proud!


Aug 17, 2007
I also wanted to apologize- I think I started all of it, but I was really just looking for reassurance to assuage my fears of TTC. I am really excited about it, yet it scares the c**p out of me. I feel really stupid for not realizing how insensitive that discussion probably was.
I really did not mean to add to anyone's anxiety or sensitive feelings on the subject. I am a bit new to the posting thing, and I really should have posted that on the preggo board. Forgive me. I tried to apologize this morning, but for some reason it wouldn't let me "submit". Ok, back to regularly scheduled programming.

Spraying and dumping tons of baby dust on all of you. Back to reading and catching up on all of your stories so I know what I am talking about.


Dec 16, 2007
I just hope you wash your hand, Amber!

LOL! I am also guitly of that I will admit.


Dec 29, 2004
Thanks gals...good to read your posts of view.

And yeah...I am ashamed of my jerkstone train of thinking....


Dec 8, 2005
Tgal - I can''t speak for everyone, but I am glad the pregos check in on us over here in TTCville! Good thoughts and encouragement are totally welcome!!!

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
I sure hope babydust is non-staining and has a nice pleasant smell, because I am sending
big, huge, colourful balloons just FULL of baby dust awaiting to burst over each of you!

Amber, you''re hilarious.

And those due on Thurs or Friday, keep in mind that the even the early tests only catch a small proportion of pregnoids before AF is due!!!! There''s still WAY lots of hope for y''all. Just because they say they "can" detect early doesn''t mean they always do, and in fact, on my ''early response'' test it said that there are still lots of false negatives before AF day.


mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Thanks Indy, you jerkstore! I''ll remember your nice words when I pee on everything in sight tomorrow morning. haha.

I have cramps. They feel like pre AFF™ cramps. But that would be a few days early. Did any of you Preggo''s have "AFF™" type cramps before your BFP?


Dec 8, 2005
Okay...longer post...

Amber and BB - He is a TOTAL butterface. Man, he really and truly is built like a greek god! Oh, and I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED about women''s team gymnastics. I love it. I can''t wait. CANNOT WAIT. I even stayed up late last night to watch men''s gymnastics...although they are all such strange super muscle-y little men. Anyhoodle...YAY OLYMPICS!

Also, Amber, LOL at the puppeteer comment. Damn, you are funnnnnnnnny. I''ll admit that I''ve spent more time and gotten more skilled at checking CM that I EVER THOUGHT I WOULD. I''m looking online to see if I can DH a headlamp. I keed. I keed.

CC - No worries! I totally understand being scared sheetless. I still am.

Oh, and for the pregos - I, for one, am glad you are here. You guys are a great source of information for me and I''m glad you are here. So keep on keeping on.

Actually, all y''all are awesome. For reals. I feel really lucky to have found such a killer group of educated, smart, funny and overall awesome peoples. This whole ttc thing kinda, well, it sucks. It is nice to have folks around who lessen the suckitude.

So, on a TTC note, I''ve got EWCM, the likes of which I''ve never seen. I''m not talking a jellyfish, but still...way more than normal. So I''m not going to worry about the ovulating thing.

Oh, and Pandora and Mela - really, it is still early. I really wouldn''t give up hope yet. Indy is the great cautionary tale on that one! You never know...well, until AFF actually has the nerve to show up.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Date: 8/12/2008 5:05:25 PM
Author: mela lu
Thanks Indy, you jerkstore! I'll remember your nice words when I pee on everything in sight tomorrow morning. haha.

I have cramps. They feel like pre AFF™ cramps. But that would be a few days early. Did any of you Preggo's have 'AFF™' type cramps before your BFP?

I did! I did! I was totally convinced I was getting AFF. Cramps, bitchitude, spotting. BFN's. The whole nine yards.

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
Date: 8/12/2008 5:13:17 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Date: 8/12/2008 5:05:25 PM

Author: mela lu

Thanks Indy, you jerkstore! I''ll remember your nice words when I pee on everything in sight tomorrow morning. haha.

I have cramps. They feel like pre AFF™ cramps. But that would be a few days early. Did any of you Preggo''s have ''AFF™'' type cramps before your BFP?

I did! I did! I was totally convinced I was getting AFF. Cramps, bitchitude, spotting. BFN''s. The whole nine yards.

Not me. But I definitely felt that AF was near. Good luck with the peeing tomorrow!

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
Date: 8/12/2008 5:13:17 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Date: 8/12/2008 5:05:25 PM

Author: mela lu

Thanks Indy, you jerkstore! I'll remember your nice words when I pee on everything in sight tomorrow morning. haha.

I have cramps. They feel like pre AFF™ cramps. But that would be a few days early. Did any of you Preggo's have 'AFF™' type cramps before your BFP?

I did! I did! I was totally convinced I was getting AFF. Cramps, bitchitude, spotting. BFN's. The whole nine yards.

Not me. But I definitely felt that AF was near.

Good luck with the POAS tomorrow! It seems like the peeing never ends, even after the BFP. The nurse handed me a specimen collector today at the OB and I said, 'Again?!?'. Yep, every time I'm there. I guess they assume that pregnant ladies pee all the time, so they should have no problem doing it on command. Just think, more peeing in store for all you POASers. Oh joy!

ETA: good lord, I am having issues today. Sorry for the weird pseudo double posting.


Jun 28, 2006
OMG, I love you ladies! I''m at a small conference for work in which I''m the only woman (21 men) and I was bored out of my mind today, so it''s great to be able to come to this estrogen soaked thread and chill for a bit before going out to dinner with the lot of them

What''s the difference between AFF and AF?

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Best of luck tomorrow Mela.

I am off to bed, I have a whacking migraine and due to not knowing, I can't take anything for it. Mine are quite hormonally linked, but always after AF arrives. But they are also majorly stress-related (the last one was during our wedding reception - joy

I shall continue to perfect my POAS technique tomorrow morning.


Oct 6, 2004
Date: 8/12/2008 5:05:25 PM
Author: mela lu

I have cramps. They feel like pre AFF™ cramps. But that would be a few days early. Did any of you Preggo's have 'AFF' type cramps before your BFP?
Yes, I had bad period like cramps at about 10 DPO. I was sure my period was coming early but it never came. Instead I had some implantation bleeding/spotting and I got a BFP a week later at 17 DPO!

Lots of baby dust to all of you ladies TTC!


Dec 16, 2007
Lysser Even if it is not a jellyfish (EWWWW and LOL) that is a GREAT sign about your body returning to normal after bcp! Yippee! Take advantage of it and you never know what could happen! At the least, isn''t it great to see your body working the way it should? I was very relieved to see the "Return of the Goo".

Pandora I never got migraines, but I often got headaches about 2 days before AF showed up... if you get them right after AF, then they may be prompted by really low levels of progesterone, since that hormone is at an all-time low at the start of your cycle. Or maybe rising levels of estrogen? Why you have one NOW is anyones guess!! You know, they say that urine has miracle cure properties, maybe while you POAS you can, you know... spread it around somehow...

Robbie AF = Aunt Flo, AFF = Aunt Farkin'' (or other F-word of your choice) Flo

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Date: 8/12/2008 7:08:49 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Pandora I never got migraines, but I often got headaches about 2 days before AF showed up... if you get them right after AF, then they may be prompted by really low levels of progesterone, since that hormone is at an all-time low at the start of your cycle. Or maybe rising levels of estrogen? Why you have one NOW is anyones guess!! You know, they say that urine has miracle cure properties, maybe while you POAS you can, you know... spread it around somehow...
Very interesting. I suffered a massive 3 week long (minor) migrane this cycle. It's finally gone. I think this cycle for me was screwy (no EWCM or + OPK's) and the menses migrane only adds to my conclusion that I was in whoremone arrest this month. sigh. That justs adds to my sinking suspicion that this cycle was a bust.

I've never had a hormone related migrane before. DreamerDachhie - Being my first "episode", do you have any idea if that is a sign of a wonky cycle (post m/c)? Or was it just coincedence?

good luck you SuperPee'ers!

ETA: Blushing - i just noticed that you and I joined PS around the same time! Nov '06. We're TWINS! LOL

ETA#2: Robbie - don'cha just love AFF?! Another GREAT term coined by Amber. We should seriously compile all her amazing contributions. Like today's, "puppeteer". OMG that one goes down in my books!!!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 8/12/2008 8:03:17 PM
Author: mela lu

Date: 8/12/2008 7:08:49 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Pandora I never got migraines, but I often got headaches about 2 days before AF showed up... if you get them right after AF, then they may be prompted by really low levels of progesterone, since that hormone is at an all-time low at the start of your cycle. Or maybe rising levels of estrogen? Why you have one NOW is anyones guess!! You know, they say that urine has miracle cure properties, maybe while you POAS you can, you know... spread it around somehow...
Very interesting. I suffered a massive 3 week long (minor) migrane this cycle. It''s finally gone. I think this cycle for me was screwy (no EWCM or + OPK''s) and the menses migrane only adds to my conclusion that I was in whoremone arrest this month. sigh. That justs adds to my sinking suspicion that this cycle was a bust.

I''ve never had a hormone related migrane before. DreamerDachhie - Being my first ''episode'', do you have any idea if that is a sign of a wonky cycle (post m/c)? Or was it just coincedence?

good luck you SuperPee''ers!
Mela could be a coincidence, but that seems like an awefully big coincidence, no? I never got hormonal headaches on bcp, and then when I got off the pill like clockwork I got them for about 2 days, 3 - 4 days before I got my period... and yes I still got the headache the month of BFP, I just checked! (There really are NO real signs of pg that are not also signs of AF). I also recall very clearly that around puberty I got all sorts of headaches which I now attribute to hormone changes with impending womanhood
. So I wouldn''t be at all surprised if your headache this month was related to your hormones... but that sure doesn''t mean you weren''t fertile sister! Maybe you were super fertile? Who knows! Time will tell!

But it is a good excuse if (*knock wood*) it doesn''t work out this cycle, right?


Mar 26, 2006
I'm just a lurker on this thread but I just wanted to pop in about the migraines (is it OK for rme to chime in here?). Anyway, I just went off the Depo after being on it for TEN YEARS (yes, I know...
) and I get migraines related not to AF but to O'ing. Just like clockwork--I went off Depo in January and for the past several months, right at O, there goes my head... I do remember this from before (before being on BC that is) but I forgot how totally correlated it is. Yowch!!!


Aug 31, 2005
Hello ladies!

I wish I could participate in this thread more, but can't at work. Bleh.

radiantgirl- I'm on CD 8 today, and the fourth day of Clomid. We're definitely trying this cycle! So far, I'm feeling okay. I felt like I was going to fall asleep at work today around 11:00 a.m., but I feel like that a lot (at work), so I can't really blame Clomid. I've also had a few headaches, and for some reason, I feel like my body temp. is higher overall. My CBEFM asked for the first stick today, which is always exciting!

lovelylulu- Thank you for the baby dust! Baby dust right back atcha!

Lisa- I'm not on injectibles, and I'm not being monitored. I actually read that monitoring is important on Clomid, which is why I bumped my appt. with my OBGYN to next Monday (right around o-time). Basically, doc has me on Clomid to help create a stronger, healthier egg. I'm ovulating on my own every month, around day 16 (give or take 4 days), with a 13 day luteal phase. Pretty normal, but with the two early losses, we're trying a different route. Blood tests all came back normal, so Doc strongly suggested the Clomid. I'm on a very low dose- 25mg a day for five days.

To Amber, mela, pandora, and anyone else at the end of the 2ww I might have missed, BABY DUST to all of you! Late Spring/early Summer babies for all of us!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 8/12/2008 9:01:38 PM
Author: EBree
radiantgirl- I''m on CD 8 today, and the fourth day of Clomid. We''re definitely trying this cycle! So far, I''m feeling okay. I felt like I was going to fall asleep at work today around 11:00 a.m., but I feel like that a lot (at work), so I can''t really blame Clomid. I''ve also had a few headaches, and for some reason, I feel like my body temp. is higher overall. My CBEFM asked for the first stick today, which is always exciting!
EBree I seem to recall reading on the TCOYF forum that clomid can affect your basil temps, but I could be misremembering... anyhoo, thought I''d mention it since you noticed it. Since you have the CBEFM to corroborate any temps, it won''t really matter, but some women were commenting how temping wasn''t as reliable as it was pre-clomid.


Aug 31, 2005
Date: 8/12/2008 9:36:34 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 8/12/2008 9:01:38 PM

Author: EBree

radiantgirl- I'm on CD 8 today, and the fourth day of Clomid. We're definitely trying this cycle! So far, I'm feeling okay. I felt like I was going to fall asleep at work today around 11:00 a.m., but I feel like that a lot (at work), so I can't really blame Clomid. I've also had a few headaches, and for some reason, I feel like my body temp. is higher overall. My CBEFM asked for the first stick today, which is always exciting!

EBree I seem to recall reading on the TCOYF forum that clomid can affect your basil temps, but I could be misremembering... anyhoo, thought I'd mention it since you noticed it. Since you have the CBEFM to corroborate any temps, it won't really matter, but some women were commenting how temping wasn't as reliable as it was pre-clomid.

I read about that too, DD. I've read about women having hot flashes on Clomid, though I don't know if my small dose will cause them. If it happens at work, what would I tell my coworkers? One of the women I work with is going through menopause, so she's going to be suspicious of a 25-year-old needing to excuse herself to find a cool breeze.

Well, ladies, I've gone and done it. I've purchased jewelry to distract myself from the FIRST 2ww (to ovulation).


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 8/12/2008 10:08:47 PM
Author: EBree

I read about that too, DD. I''ve read about women having hot flashes on Clomid, though I don''t know if my small dose will cause them. If it happens at work, what would I tell my coworkers? One of the women I work with is going through menopause, so she''s going to be suspicious of a 25-year-old needing to excuse herself to find a cool breeze.

Well, ladies, I''ve gone and done it. I''ve purchased jewelry to distract myself from the FIRST 2ww (to ovulation).
Well then you HAVE to share! Where''s the pictures!


Aug 31, 2005
Date: 8/12/2008 10:55:07 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 8/12/2008 10:08:47 PM

Author: EBree

I read about that too, DD. I've read about women having hot flashes on Clomid, though I don't know if my small dose will cause them. If it happens at work, what would I tell my coworkers? One of the women I work with is going through menopause, so she's going to be suspicious of a 25-year-old needing to excuse herself to find a cool breeze.

Well, ladies, I've gone and done it. I've purchased jewelry to distract myself from the FIRST 2ww (to ovulation).

Well then you HAVE to share! Where's the pictures!

I definitely will when I get the photos from WF, if I do! I got the flower pendant, .25ctw version. I just love that it's so sparkly and dainty. I wear my bezel pendant all the time, so I figured this was a wise purchase. I'm a dainty pendant kinda gal.


Oct 6, 2004
Date: 8/12/2008 11:11:32 PM
Author: EBree
I definitely will when I get the photos from WF, if I do! I got the flower pendant, .25ctw version. I just love that it's so sparkly and dainty. I wear my bezel pendant all the time, so I figured this was a wise purchase. I'm a dainty pendant kinda gal.
Oh yay, the flower pendant! Can't wait to see pictures!

Good luck with the Clomid. I'm glad the doctor is monitoring you closely. Lots of baby dust to you!


Apr 14, 2006
We picked the center I go to based on the hospital we''d have the baby at, if I were to get pregnant. A friend suggested we do that, so we''d be able to have the baby at a birthing center, we''d have to use a women''s center that was approved for the hospital we wanted to have the baby at. There is a "network" of Drs, and I have only been once, and not really for anything, other than to get some information about becoming pregnant, that sort of thing. That''s when I was told that I needed to lose "considerable" weight before I got pregnant, and I''m not huge, so I was like, "Huh what now?" They said for the best health of the baby, and I was like, "oh, I can do that for my baby." I know women who aren''t stick figures can get pregnant successfully and have completely healthy babies, but I also know why the recommendation was made. For the record, I''m maybe 15 pounds beyond where I should be, not anything crazy. So, I was kind of hurt by that (being that I''m emotional and used to be very overweight and I''ve done a lot of work to get where I am, even if it''s 15 pounds over what they think I should be), but Paul pointed out that the recommendation just means the Drs. want the best for the pregnancy, me, and the baby. So, I was okay with it when I thought about it along those lines.

Anyway, I''m due to go in for my annual check-in in October. When I called, they said that they didn''t have any appointments that I could set up sooner than that, unless I wanted late September. Well golly, what''s the difference in the last week of September or the first week in October? I guess if something was wrong-wrong, they could have worked me in, but I didn''t ask to talk to Dr about it, I just talked to the lady up front. I told her that I''d recently come off the pill (and when) and that I''d had "odd" cycles and that my current cycle was going on and on. I said that Paul and I had just decided to try for a baby in mid June and that I was upset because I couldn''t try to get pregnant if I wasn''t cycling. She said she understood and that it would be best to come in, and then said the next appt. would September, and asked if anything was going on that has been out of the ordinary for me? I was like, no, but we went on vacation for most of July and when we got back, I was in a car accident. She said that this sort of thing can effect a cycle and that a lot of times when we worry about having a baby, it effects the way our cycles come and go.

So, I didn''t even talk to a Dr. I guess I could call back and get "right" (that''s what Paul calls it when I show myself on the phone) with them about it.

At this point, I''m scared, though, and I know I shouldn''t put it off, but it''s almost like she gave me a reason to, as if it''ll come on it''s own at some point and just "straighten out". I just hate thinking that there could be something wrong, because while I know we''d get through it and everything, it would be so hard.

And now I keep thinking I feel cramps that are a sign of precious AF finally coming along, and it never is.

Just another reminder of just how good a mind is at tricking a person!

Aye, the drama of wanting to be a mother so badly it makes you get teary with both happiness and pure longing.

All I know is that one day, that little baby of mine is gonna be loved like crazy mad, and it''ll all be fine that we went through all the drama and worry, you know? Isn''t it funny how you can "connect to," almost like pre-bonding, with this little person before it even is conceived? We talk about the baby all the time, what we''ll do with him/her, how fast the time will go, and what our goals are as parents, that sort of thing. I already love something I don''t have yet. It''s amazing. Then, when the baby actually gets here, golly, it will be so much more than what I thought it could have been. Which is almost unfathomable, since I''m already so in love with our yet-to-be-conceived child. I''ll be enamored. The kid''s gonna have both of us wrapped and tied around it''s little finger.

Which brings me to my next thought, how many of you are going to NOT find out the sex of the baby? I''ve always wanted it to be a surprise, and I think there are just so few surprises left in the world for adults, you know? And while I''d love to do this, I''m the type of person who peeks at presents and searches for hints and clues, so I doubt it''ll really happen, but there seems to be something special about meeting your baby for the first time, and only at that moment knowing.

Then, I think, well what if I end up sad in that miracle moment because it''s a boy and I thought I wanted a girl? That would be rough...

Hmm... so much to think about.

Anyway, enough of this rambling. I have to get to work.

Have a good day, ladies!
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