
YOUR trip of a lifetime


May 11, 2009
What would it be? If you could go ANYWHERE, see ANYTHING, for perhaps 4 weeks, where would you go and what would you do? :naughty:
Australia, hands down. What would I do? See all things my mom saw and that my grampa and gramma loved so much about the country. And throw in some sharky stuff if I have the balls to do it.
I may be a bit biased, but Australia is a pretty awesome destination, packrat! I must embarrassingly admit that despite being here for nearly 7 years now, I have seen little of the country outside of Western Australia. My husband and I tend to go overseas for our holidays because we know that once we have kids, the closer destinations will be the ones we head for!

Sharks though?! I'll stay on dry land and wave to you! :wavey:
I'm a huge Anglophile, so I'd choose England (if I have to choose one country). I'd love to travel all over and see all of the areas from my favorite books and films (Jane Austen, Midsomer Murders, Marple, Downton Abbey, Dickens, etc.). Plus, I am fond of fish and chips and beer! :lol:
Since I havent been to Europe, I would have to say that my trip of a lifetime would be to cover Europe fairly extensively. Its not
really my dream destination but I feel like I need to do it in a historical sense.

Australia would probably be my dream destination.
Can you squeeze most of Europe, a safari in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, the top of Mt. Everest and possibly Antarctica into 4 weeks? When it comes to travel, I can't narrow anything down. I have a dream of D and I taking a year off and taking our kids around the world. If I won the lottery, I think that's what I'd do.
tyty, I understand - Europe has a rich history that touches on so many Americans' heritage and ancestry. Australia is quite the opposite, a very unique destination, quite unlike anywhere else in the world and few people have any experience/link to it. In that sense, it is fairly exotic and while most of Europe is a staple, KWIM? I can understand wanting to prioritize something that has more bearing on you personally.

NEL, you sound like me! There's just about nowhere I DON'T want to go. :lol: I did start the thread for inspiration though. It's time to start planning next year's holiday. DH and I, after much talk, have decided that we only have one (MAYBE two) trips left to go on solo, before we start TTC. What a monumental decision! So the 2013 trip, and perhaps 2014, needs to be a cracker!
I think I'd go to China/Thailand/Vietnam or Australia and New Zealand. I've been to Europe a lot, including one 2 month trip, so I'd want to branch out. Plus if I go somewhere for 4 weeks, I wouldn't mind being on a plane for a couple of days to get there.
I'd probably run around South America.

Europe is great, but I've already been done the long trip there. Australia was my dream destination since I was a child, and I did that trip as a solo traveler in 2001, thinking I'd never go back. I've been back several times since I married TGuy, and it's really no longer a vacation destination for me. There are still some areas I want to see (Tasmania, Kangaroo Island, and even Brisvegas for fun), but it's mostly a second home to me now. However, I would never pass up an opportunity to hang out in Sydney!

My first dream vacation would be to Morroco and surounding areas, including Iran. I very much like cultures that are different than ours and I am afraind they are disappearing in the world. I had the opportunity once, but i was alone and it was recommended not to go alone. I want to see the markets, the homes, the Kasbah, the Palaces. the Mosques ect. The 2nd dream vacation would be to China

I don't enjoy travel. I have tried - been to all sorts of places, but my heart is not in it. I'd be happy to go to France, I do like it there, but it's the travelling part I don't like. Hotels, suitcases, planes, taxis, ferries and so on. I think my trip would be to just one nice village in France (by some sort of teleportation) where I can have a pretty house for the four weeks.
Great question. 30 days. I'd want fly to Barcelona and explore the city and Costa Brava for a 10 days, then go to the Basque Region in France for a 7 days, then to Provence in France for 10 days. That leaves 2 days for the flights in and out and one day for down time when we arrive back.
I'd tour Southeast Asia (focusing on Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia) with hubs ... I've been to three of the four countries, but DH hasn't and I would really like to show him the area.

Alternatively, a similar 4-weeker through Argentina and Chile + Brazil. Haven't been there.

That would be amazing.
mscushion|1343326624|3240635 said:
I'd tour Southeast Asia (focusing on Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia) with hubs ... I've been to three of the four countries, but DH hasn't and I would really like to show him the area.

Alternatively, a similar 4-weeker through Argentina and Chile + Brazil. Haven't been there.

That would be amazing.

Ditto to what Ms Cushion said on SE Asia!! I have been obsessed in particular w Vietnam recently.

We went skiing in Switzerland this past winter, and now it is a dream to go for a whole ski season traveling to the various ski areas in Switzerland, France, Italy and Austria!!
This IS a good question. I have already been to "the homeland" (Portugal) but my answer really depends on ...what I want out of the trip

If I want like, cultural experiences and all that - either Greece, mainly the isles, or Brazil.
If I want lounging and boozing (which I probably want), I would take the easy route and hit Jamaica or some other typical Caribbean destination. I love cruising - pretending that youre doing a lot because youre going to all these destinations but then when you get there, you just veg out on the beach and snorkel (all under the influence of course). :naughty:
Around the world cruise for at least six months! :appl:
I'd go to Cape Town, South Africa. If time wasn't an issue, I'd also go to Greece, Italy, Australia, Alaska, Fiji, and Tokyo. I'm completely determined to get to Cape Town at some point in my life.
One month? Hmmm . . . I'd probably spend it solo in a small, picturesque out-of-the-way town in Scotland. It would be ideal if I could have my dogs and my favorite books with me. I'd write during the day, make local friends, and go on little trips when the opportunity presented itself.

There are so few places I don't want to go, so it's hard to say this would be the trip of a lifetime. But right now, in this moment, that's what I long to do. DH can come and visit on weekends if he wants. He could come for the whole trip, but only if he finds some way to entertain himself while I'm writing. :cheeky:
Hmm that is a tough question. Last summer I spent 4 weeks traveling in Thailand and Cambodia (Angkor Wat is seriously the most amazing place that I have seen, I also loved the jungle in North Thailand). But that destination was a bit of a compromise with my SO. He really wanted to go and I felt that since it would be his first trip outside Europe that we better keep to something more normal.

I really want to do a round the world trip but for only 4 weeks that won't really work ;( . I do want to experience more of South America (Chile, Peru and Mexico as first choices). I have actually never been to North America so I need to do that soon. Also I really want to visit India.

smitcompton said:

My first dream vacation would be to Morroco and surounding areas, including Iran. I very much like cultures that are different than ours and I am afraind they are disappearing in the world. I had the opportunity once, but i was alone and it was recommended not to go alone. I want to see the markets, the homes, the Kasbah, the Palaces. the Mosques ect. The 2nd dream vacation would be to China


Ohh Iran, that different. What made Iran score so high on your list? (Although Iran is not close to Morocco, it is in Asia while Morocco is in North western Africa, but maybe you want to overland it?).

China is pretty amazing and the food is to die for. I am still drooling over the different cuisines, there was a stew in Inner Mongolia that was so good I literally wiped the plate clean :oops: .
Love the question. I think about this alot. I have a terrible time trying to decide between my top three choices:
(1) Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam
(2) Spain, Portugal & Morocco
(3) India & Sri Lanka

OR should I go back to Rome. I love Rome. :love: I am seriously in love with Rome. Love Umbria, love Tuscany, love Italy...I have been to Italy 3 times in the past 4 years. Every time I think about going somewhere else, I think "but maybe I should go back to Italy again" :confused: And then I go back to Italy :lol:

I guess in reality then my "trip of a lifetime" would be 4 weeks in Italy :cheeky:

But I really want to go to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Spain....... :rolleyes:

Off topic but truly is hell not flying coach on a full plane? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Especially when the guy in front reclines his seat ALLLLL the way back? :angryfire:

What about you Ginger? Where do you want to go for your trip of a lifetime?
Australia or New Zealand for me. I've never been to either. I stay mostly in England and Wales since meeting my husband and moving here a few years ago. It's less stressful than flying and very easy to get away to a beautiful location for a quick trip. I love all the small, quirky villages, but I'd love to take a nice long trip now, it feels overdue.
Living on the East Coast of US ... Australia is our "big trip" plan also. Probably for 4 weeks at a time we find ourselves "between pets". Because neither of us wants to BOTH be away for that long with aging pets.
I wouldn't call this a trip of a lifetime because we've been able to go so many great places, but just someplace I'd like to go that we haven't been is Scandinavia. We'd go in late June and stay for all of July, starting in Denmark, then Sweden and Finland, then Norway. Maybe do a side trip to Estonia and to St. Petersburg.

When we travel, we've usually gone for 4 to 5 weeks so we've taken a number of "big" trips. Australia/NZ was a favorite, France, Italy, the UK, Switzerland/Austria/Germany were all great. I'd go back to any of them in a heartbeat.
Number one on my list is Hawaii. I'd go to any of the islands in a heartbeat, really, but I'd LOVE to go to Kauai.

I'd go to the shops and restaurants, but I'd probably spend most of my time on the beach and checking out the scenic views around the island(s). I've always dreamed of going to Hawaii, and I keep telling my husband that I NEED to go before I die. It's definitely on my bucket list. The only thing is that I'd imagine it costs a fortune (I'm on the east coast of the US), and it's SO FAR away.

My number two trip would probably be Australia. The flights there and back make me nervous because they're so long, but for a once in a lifetime trip, I'd deal.

I'd also love to go back to Ireland. We'd tour the country again and check out the places we didn't see during our first time there.

My husband's trip of a lifetime would be to either China or Australia.
charleston1|1343343947|3240876 said:
Love the question. I think about this alot. I have a terrible time trying to decide between my top three choices:
(1) Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam
(2) Spain, Portugal & Morocco
(3) India & Sri Lanka

OR should I go back to Rome. I love Rome. :love: I am seriously in love with Rome. Love Umbria, love Tuscany, love Italy...I have been to Italy 3 times in the past 4 years. Every time I think about going somewhere else, I think "but maybe I should go back to Italy again" :confused: And then I go back to Italy :lol:

I'm with you Charleston, Italy all the way! I've been 4 times and I can't get enough of the sites, food, language, shopping. Rome is the best!! As an historian in Ancient Rome, I'm a bit biased though!

Next, always wanted to go to Morocco and Machu Pichu.
Let me start by saying that I hate the actual traveling. I would never spend 10+ hours on a plane ride so I am going to pretend that I am Dorothy and I can click my heels and be there. DH and I have a rule that we will not travel more than 3 hours to a destination. We just cant take it.

I always thought I would like to go to Australia, but after reading In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson I have learned that something like 90% of the worlds most dangerous creatures are in Australia. Too many things that can kill me or cause severe pain for me to enjoy my stay.

DH would like to visit his homeland Italy.

Dubai would be interesting, but I don't think I would like to stay there for a month

Africa would probably be the place I can see myself for the longest amount of time.
[quote="radiantquest|1343353005|3241024" 90% of the worlds most dangerous creatures are in Australia. Too many things that can kill me or cause severe pain for me to enjoy my stay. [/quote]

Radiantquest, don't let that fear stop you. I've lived in Sydney all my life (33 years) and have honestly never seen a snake or other deadly animal other than at the zoo! I have even been bitten by a damn big Redback Spider and lived to tell the tale (this is rare btw...only 300 official cases a year in a population of 22 million)!
We've had ours and it was nothing short of amazing. :appl:

For our 25th anniversary we flew to Geneva where we trekked around the country for only a week. We vowed to go back, but didn't make it. After Switzerland we went to Germany from south to north to see whether we could find the house where DH was born and lived before coming to Canada. DH spotted it right away and the current owners were kind enough to show us the inside. Then farther north to Denmark where DH's mom was born. Fantastic experience!

In all, we were away for four and a half weeks. At the outset, we had planned to visit northern Italy, but ran out of time (and money).

We were lucky to have friends who were going to live in Switzerland for three years. They were both working, but lent us their car, many maps and currency for every country on our list. :love:

Once in a lifetime...
Isaku5, I am so glad you got to do that, it sounds amazing and so emotional for your husband, wow! I too feel like I have done my lifetime dream when we went to ireland 2 years ago, I had wished for that since I was a child, now I would like to go back and do northern ireland and revisit some of my favorite spots, I so wish my dh liked to travel but he just does not, that would make it perfect to me. I just recently watched a movie that took place in the outer hebrides and it looked like my kind of place so I think we need to add that to my northern ireland trip then maybe a jaunt over to scotland? Since it is a fantasy trip :wavey: