
You all heard of E-rings.. how about a D-ring?

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
A friend of mine said ...his Ex told him that she'll buy a 2+ct D-ring after they are divorced.. :lol:
Why not? It's a reason to celebrate, I guess.
Sounds like a fantastic way to celebrate a divorce ;))
I have one. LOL And it's been upgraded 4 times to a 1.8ct now. The first one was a little over 1ct and I wore it on my middle finger. But my e-ring was a .82ct that I gave back to my ex-husband, so 1ct and a divorce were both definitely upgrades.

But now that I've been divorced a while and it's painfully obvious that the hick, drunk, abusive, flat-broke men in this town are NOT marriage material, I have taken to wearing a solitaire on the ring finger of each hand, as man-repellant. :lol: Booyah, Pricescope!

eta: And I am going to halo that 1.8ct next.
TC1987|1369237614|3451841 said:
I have one. LOL And it's been upgraded 4 times to a 1.8ct now. The first one was a little over 1ct and I wore it on my middle finger. But my e-ring was a .82ct that I gave back to my ex-husband, so 1ct and a divorce were both definitely upgrades.

But now that I've been divorced a while and it's painfully obvious that the hick, drunk, abusive, flat-broke men in this town are NOT marriage material, I have taken to wearing a solitaire on the ring finger of each hand, as man-repellant. :lol: Booyah, Pricescope!

eta: And I am going to halo that 1.8ct next.

A) Go you!

B) Dude, move. Come to NY, I'll set you up.
Actually I do have one and wanted to start a similar post. It seemed a bit in conflict with the 'general' tone here so I did not - but I'm glad you did! I took my 1 ct solitaire that my ex gave me and had it re-set in a two tone bezel for my little finger. I reminds me to be more careful with men. It's kind of nice to be able to recycle - the trade in or resale value was so low it did not make sense to get rid of it. I'll try and post a picture later.
Having gone through divorce, it's not something that I would "celebrate" in any way. Divorce is so incredibly painful and I wouldn't want anything that specifically commemorates or reminds me of the end of what feels like one of the biggest failures of my life. With that said, I recycled my old E-ring diamond into another piece of diamond jewelry that I wear on a regular basis. I don't associate E-rings/wedding rings as having some deep, emotional meanings, so recycling the diamond meant nothing more than simply recycling the diamond.
Yes divorce is terribly painful for most, but divorce is to end a bad stage of your life and begin a better one.

Improving you life is something to celebrate.
Tuckins1|1369236159|3451823 said:
Why not? It's a reason to celebrate, I guess.
especially after she took him to the cleaners.. :$$): :bigsmile:
After my divorce I left my wedding and e-rings in a drawer for a couple of years. Then for no particular reason I listed them on ebay and sold them. I spent all the money on four antique rings and an amesthyst. My "new" rings are beautiful and make me very happy. I followed it all up by having a fabulous CC garnet set in a very dramatic halo. I spent way too much on it but it's so very, very pretty. I think of it as my D-ring. It symbolizes my commitment to honor myself, treat myself kindly and never, ever let anyone treat me like dirt again.

Sometimes I even walk on the wild side and wear a ring on my left ring finger. I was afraid of what other people would think but I'm over it now. Other people can see that ring and think I'm married or think I'm crazy - I really don't care and that's the best feeling in the world.
Dancing Fire|1369236046|3451821 said:
A friend of mine said ...his Ex told him that she'll buy a 2+ct D-ring after they are divorced.. :lol:

Sounds fine to me. Depends upon where priorities are. Sometimes a spouse may not like the idea of large funds going toward diamonds so if they divorce, the woman can then pick where to put money toward...that is IF she has the money. Hopefully she has a way to support herself, though, and is educated, etc. One person I know blew through her divorce settlement, sold off the house, spent all that money too and was living off the money of other relatives for 10+ years. She could have used the money to go to school and get an education.
momhappy|1369243869|3451908 said:
Having gone through divorce, it's not something that I would "celebrate" in any way. Divorce is so incredibly painful and I wouldn't want anything that specifically commemorates or reminds me of the end of what feels like one of the biggest failures of my life. ...

I am not saying that it wasn't incredibly painful to learn that my marriage was a sham and that I was the last one to know. But it's not what I choose to focus on. The day after my divorce was finalized in court, I could not even make myself get out of bed until late afternoon. I walked around feeling the worst pain and grief that I have ever felt, for a few days afterward. But there was nothing that could be done to change that man, so I put it behind me. The only failure I'll accept is I thought too highly of him and I was too trusting. Does that guy care about me now? Not that I am aware of. So why should I give a hoot about the past, either. I have no children, though, so it's easy for me to act like it never happened.
Dancing Fire|1369236046|3451821 said:
A friend of mine said ...his Ex told him that she'll buy a 2+ct D-ring after they are divorced.. :lol:
I like this. 8-)
kenny|1369244054|3451912 said:
Yes divorce is terribly painful for most, but divorce is to end a bad stage of your life and begin a better one.

Improving you life is something to celebrate.

Yes, I get that and I agree, improving and/or moving on with your life is definitely a good thing!
My point was just that while I moved on from my divorce (and improved my life), I didn't want/need anything specific to remind me of that. I see nothing wrong with getting something a little special though - everyone deals with it in different ways and people need to do what makes them happy :)
I always buy pieces of jewelry to celebrate milestones. I can totally understand someone else doing it for a divorce. More power to you!
Sarahbear621|1369442444|3453362 said:
I always buy pieces of jewelry to celebrate milestones. I can totally understand someone else doing it for a divorce. More power to you!
Yup,taken your Ex to the cleaners is a milestone... :bigsmile:
I can't see a reason not to mark such a big decision with something pretty and enjoyable. It reminds me of the time I complemented a receptionist at my doctor's office on her beautiful diamond necklace. She thanked me, then mentioned she had it because she no longer was married. I took that to mean she had reset her ering, but maybe she did as your friend did, Dancing Fire, and bought herself something new when the divorce was final.
Dancing Fire|1369458063|3453491 said:
Sarahbear621|1369442444|3453362 said:
I always buy pieces of jewelry to celebrate milestones. I can totally understand someone else doing it for a divorce. More power to you!
Yup,taken your Ex to the cleaners is a milestone... :bigsmile:

I've never understood this stereotype. When my ex-husband left me, I walked away with less than 10% of the savings I put into our joint account and half of a mortgage on a block that we ultimately broke even on. If anyone got taken to the cleaners, I'm afraid it was me. :nono:

I didn't buy a divorce ring because I was too busy worrying about making rent! I don't think I would have even if I had the funds though. I can understand the sentiment of celebrating 'onwards and upwards', but I prefer not wearing something that reminds me of him in any way, shape, or form.
Dancing Fire|1369458063|3453491 said:
Sarahbear621|1369442444|3453362 said:
I always buy pieces of jewelry to celebrate milestones. I can totally understand someone else doing it for a divorce. More power to you!
Yup,taken your Ex to the cleaners is a milestone... :bigsmile:

Such a sterotype assuming that my DH supports me. If I were to get a divorce he would be the one to take me to the cleaners :roll:
You have to do whatever you can to make it though a hard time. If that helps the process, I am all for it!
Sarahbear621|1369479220|3453543 said:
Dancing Fire|1369458063|3453491 said:
Sarahbear621|1369442444|3453362 said:
I always buy pieces of jewelry to celebrate milestones. I can totally understand someone else doing it for a divorce. More power to you!
Yup,taken your Ex to the cleaners is a milestone... :bigsmile:

Such a sterotype assuming that my DH supports me. If I were to get a divorce he would be the one to take me to the cleaners :roll:
Sarah,will you marry me??... :naughty: