
Would you hold a grudge against your fellow PSer if..

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
he/she does not agree with your political ideologies?

I don't!... :praise:
No Dancing Fire. Even though I was pretty irrational for a day or two, okay three. I know that's the beauty of being in a free country. We all get to decide for ourselves who we want to vote for. I would have been over the election in a few hours had Rubio been elected.
There is a line. Where ideology becomes character defect.

But if you are talking about a decent, honest person who has a good heart and good motives? Whose honest experiences lead them to different beliefs? No. I wouldn't.

That said, I would hold a grudge against someone who held the same ideology as my own if I knew they were a bad person.

Who the person is matters more than their ideology.

But there some beliefs are not okay. Bigotry, Racism, Sexism.
I just stopped reading for a while so I didn't get mad at anyone.
Some of the more nasty things said and being said about anyone who don't like Hillary from people I like and respect most on PS stung a bit.
But I got over it :} I still wuvs em.
AprilBaby|1479267653|4099139 said:
I just stopped reading for a while so I didn't get mad at anyone.

Same. I had avoided Hangout in the leadup to the election because I know I can be, um, Opinionated, and I shouldn't have checked the day after.
No, I would not hold a grudge. We live in America with the right to make choices. Not all of us are going to agree - I have many friends who have different political beliefs than I do. They happen to be good, law abiding citizens with good values. I respect their political views and would never belittle someone simply because they don't agree with me politically.
No, I do not think I would hold a grudge.
No because a grudge hurts me more than the person I am holding it against. And just because someone has different political beliefs than me is not enough for me to dislike them.

BUT there are other factors that will absolutely make me not like someone which might be related.
That is, if you don't believe in equal rights for all.

If you hate someone because they have:
a different color skin; a different religion; a different gender or gender belief; love someone of the same sex; have different physical abilities or intellectual capabilities; and so on and so forth. Black, Muslim, Jewish, Indians, Pakistani, Native Americans, Palestinians, Israelis, Physically Disabled, Intellectually Disabled,Transgender, Gay and Women to name a few.

If you don't treat animals or children well. If you have hate in your heart.

When you get to know someone you get to know who they really are and then I know if I like them or I don't or if I even hate them. So yeah there are people I don't like and people I hate but I have good reason to feel that way. Bigger and more important reasons than your political affiliation which does not automatically make you a bad or good person.
missy|1479293840|4099225 said:
No because a grudge hurts me more than the person I am holding it against. And just because someone has different political beliefs than me is not enough for me to dislike them.

BUT there are other factors that will absolutely make me not like someone which might be related.
That is, if you don't believe in equal rights for all.

If you hate someone because they have:
a different color skin; a different religion; a different gender or gender belief; love someone of the same sex; have different physical abilities or intellectual capabilities; and so on and so forth. Black, Muslim, Jewish, Indians, Pakistani, Native Americans, Palestinians, Israelis, Physically Disabled, Intellectually Disabled,Transgender, Gay and Women to name a few.

If you don't treat animals or children well. If you have hate in your heart.

When you get to know someone you get to know who they really are and then I know if I like them or I don't or if I even hate them. So yeah there are people I don't like and people I hate but I have good reason to feel that way. Bigger and more important reasons than your political affiliation which does not automatically make you a bad or good person.

Not only do to express your thoughts well, you are also a very kind person. I am in agreement with your opinion / belief above.
Sigh, I'm a grudge holder in general and I dislike this part of my personality, its petty.
azstonie|1479312080|4099293 said:
Sigh, I'm a grudge holder in general and I dislike this part of my personality, its petty.
I don't know azy... maybe it isn't petty, maybe it's just a part of you that is being protective and honest. Maybe you needed that part of you a long time ago, to stay safe...You know?

I am the same way and I acknowledge that is why I hold grudges. It makes it easier to let go.

I am a work in progress.
Might hold grudges if I had a better memory.
There's a fine line.
No, I don't 'hold a grudge' because of politics.

But I won't apologize or be guilted for disliking people who do/think/post bad things.
When conversing with them I attempt to not get personal, even when they do.
But I don't hold back addressing things they've posted that I feel are wrong.

The most sensitive here misinterpret that as being attacked.
I don't attack people; I attack bad ideas.
I dislike some people who post here. I'm quite sure they dislike me just as much. The sun will rise tomorrow. I don't think about them for a second of my life otherwise.

There was one poster here who was really "sad" when gay marriage was legalized and started preaching. I heavily side eye whenever the username comes up.

However if a person says something in passing but is otherwise cool, no grudges. I more notice patterns or extremes.

I remember the 2008 election discussions on Pricescope. While I don't hold what I term, a grudge, I recall being revolted by people on the political Forum. Most people supported the candidate I voted for, Obama, but their comments went beyond any reason that I could make out. Awful! Some of those people still post here, and I do keep in mind the adage, if someone behaves badly to others, he will probably behave that way to you as well, at another time. It was shocking.

That was when political discussion was eliminated from PS, and rightly so. The liberal faction was brutal.

I have mentioned this a few times in discussions and once Karl responded to me, "How Sad you can't forget." Funny, that Karl thinks this election was bad on here. This was nothing like 2008. Comments were pretty Ok this election, and yet the candidates were much worse than 2008.IMO.

Please remember that many counties that voted for Trump, voted for Obama in 2008, 2012. They were not racist then, and I suspect they are not racist now. Off topic, but I wanted to say it.

Thanks, A. I'm trying to think of something worse than the list of names some of us have been called here. I got nothing. But that was before my time.
I don't carry grudges in real life so can't be bothered to carry them here. My anger or lack thereof is thread to thread. I don't let misgivings from one thread carry to the next. I feel thats bad juju.

Besides that, it takes LOTS of energy to hold grudges and be angry. I'd rather put that energy into something that actually benefits me.

So if I disagree with you (general you), know that I will likely be joking with you in another thread. Disagreements can't be carryover for me. too much bad energy. I can also still think the world of youall the while disagreeing when I think we share a deeper moral code than the surface stuff. A person has to be some kind of serious shitbag for me to outright not like them for any reason.
House Cat|1479313434|4099300 said:
azstonie|1479312080|4099293 said:
Sigh, I'm a grudge holder in general and I dislike this part of my personality, its petty.
I don't know azy... maybe it isn't petty, maybe it's just a part of you that is being protective and honest. Maybe you needed that part of you a long time ago, to stay safe...You know?

I am the same way and I acknowledge that is why I hold grudges. It makes it easier to let go.

I am a work in progress.

Same here, Housie, same here.
Elliot86|1479319668|4099331 said:
I dislike some people who post here. I'm quite sure they dislike me just as much. The sun will rise tomorrow. I don't think about them for a second of my life otherwise.

There was one poster here who was really "sad" when gay marriage was legalized and started preaching. I heavily side eye whenever the username comes up.

However if a person says something in passing but is otherwise cool, no grudges. I more notice patterns or extremes.

I am completely like this...if there are patterns of behavior I don't like then I begin to dislike the person (rather than just assuming that 1 or 2 posts were made in an extreme moment, or because of a crappy day, etc). But once I feel like there's a pattern I start to have a difficult time seeing that person in a "neutral" light.
I respect everyone is entitled to his/her own views and opinions on everything.

I expect the same courtesy in return.

DK :))
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. What people aren't entitled to do is try and "force" their opinion on other people. I also believe that if your opinion is going to insult or denigrate another person to their face, you should keep your opinion to yourself.
dk168 said:
I respect everyone is entitled to his/her own views and opinions on everything.

I expect the same courtesy in return.

DK :))

Yes. While I may not agree with some opinions or viewpoints, I choose to believe that people are generally good and kind and have good intentions. It is all about perspective and I can not judge the perspective of one whose path I have not walked. I can not imagine feeling strongly negative personal feelings about an individual based solely on the brief glimpses of their lives they share within a few sentences. I hate no one. Even those with whom I strongly disagree, I do not hate.

In my former life as a teacher, I worked with children with behavior disorders. I always felt that the worse the behavior, the more the child needed love. The more the child acted out, the more they felt unloved and misunderstood. I believe many adults still have those frustrated, misunderstood children deep inside. The world needs more love. Period.

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One of my son's friends Mum's died from breast cancer 3 months ago, she was a lovely lady who leaves behind 5 kids aged 18, 13, 8, 5 and 3. She told me life in short, we have all heard that saying a million times but in this case I can hear her words still in my head...... Family matters, love matters, everything else like holding grudges etc, they don't matter.
Saw this on a church marquee sign 12 or so years ago and it stuck with me: "Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent-free in your head".

I'm not in the 'landlord' business.

We may disagree; I might think some of your opinions are extreme, and you probably think mine are as well. But I haven't walked in your shoes, and you haven't walked in mine, so law abiding human beings have my respect and the benefit of the doubt, and I would hope I would have others' respect for the same reasons as well.

If not, I only have one question - do you also offer room service? :wavey:
JoCoJenn|1479352830|4099562 said:
Saw this on a church marquee sign 12 or so years ago and it stuck with me: "Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent-free in your head".

I'm not in the 'landlord' business.

We may disagree; I might think some of your opinions are extreme, and you probably think mine are as well. But I haven't walked in your shoes, and you haven't walked in mine, so law abiding human beings have my respect and the benefit of the doubt, and I would hope I would have others' respect for the same reasons as well.

If not, I only have one question - do you also offer room service? :wavey:

That sign was left up after a 13-step meeting.
azstonie|1479353520|4099567 said:
That sign was left up after a 13-step meeting.

Perhaps; wasn't my church so I don't know, I just passed it every day on my way to/from work.

Another one they had - "Pointing your finger leaves three aimed back at you".
Is avoiding a poster same as holding a grudge? If so, I guess I do. If a poster has been what I feel is mean, repeatedly, I just avoid commenting or responding. I do it to protect myself. I don't want to engage in back and forth because it has a tendency to get negative. So it's not really a grudge because it's not something I think about. It's more that I learned my lesson and will move past situations/people that don't bring value or positivity into my life.
I have avoided Hangout for months because of the political posts and sadly still am. I would make a very strong request to the owner of the site to restore a political forum in the future and keep political threads out of Hangout where there is usually friendly misc conversation going on.

I will say that I have always had friends with varied viewpoints and never have held someone's political beliefs against them. But, I have seen hatred throughout this election and the very worst has been in the last week. Most of what I have seen is off the forum since I am not reading the threads here, but it has been alarming and deeply disappointing. I don't hold grudges, but my preference is to surround myself with friends who show mutual respect, love, honesty, integrity, kindness, and a positive attitude. As others have said, I will just avoid those who don't display those traits.

So, I'll probably continue to be on Rocky Talky or Show Me the Bling, but that's about it for me other than skimming thread titles here occasionally.
purplesparklies|1479336275|4099459 said:
dk168 said:
I respect everyone is entitled to his/her own views and opinions on everything.

I expect the same courtesy in return.

DK :))

Yes. While I may not agree with some opinions or viewpoints, I choose to believe that people are generally good and kind and have good intentions. It is all about perspective and I can not judge the perspective of one whose path I have not walked. I can not imagine feeling strongly negative personal feelings about an individual based solely on the brief glimpses of their lives they share within a few sentences. I hate no one. Even those with whom I strongly disagree, I do not hate.

In my former life as a teacher, I worked with children with behavior disorders. I always felt that the worse the behavior, the more the child needed love. The more the child acted out, the more they felt unloved and misunderstood. I believe many adults still have those frustrated, misunderstood children deep inside. The world needs more love. Period.

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That was me, too. The hardest to love, I tried to give the most love to. In fact, I felt that was the greatest thing I could give.

Love is always the best choice, but I am seeing some at the moment who choose otherwise and it is very, very sad.