
Would you ever change your wedding band?

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Nov 28, 2005
I know a lot of PS''rs upgrade rings.....get new diamonds. Reset their lovelies and even get whole new ones! But I have a question, would you ever change your wedding band? I personally don''t think I could do it. If we were getting engaged right now I would probably of picked a very antiquey looking ering, definatly with a halo or something. At is is right now my set looks more modern than anything. I picked my wedding band not because I loved the design on it''s own so much but because it matched my ering so well! Now that I have a stone I adore sometimes I wish I would of gotten a plain band to showcase it more! However this is the ring I said my vows well as the ring that was engraved with my surprise message :) I may alter my ering but I just don''t think I could change my wedding ring or not wear it.
Hi :)
I''m going to wear my w-ring on my right hand... I would never get rid of it or change it and like you it has more value than any "look" could ever give me... but it is yellow gold and I am switching to white metal and don''t mind having rings of different colors on different hands but feel a bit eh about putting them on the same hand... of course my w-ring is just a plain gold band so it is versitile.
That sounds like a goold plan! Could you have your original dipped to match the new ering?
I wear my original wband but have considered downsizing to a 1/2 ctw or 3/4 ctw band bc I have 2 thick rings. But, I have upgraded my ering center stone and had to have the whole setting remade to accomodate it. Since that was the ring that was given for the promise of marriage I find it a little ironic that many of us (myself included) change them but not the bands.. we all know it is the relationship that holds the real meaning but yes there is sentimental value in the orignal ring with vows.

Maybe you could get a new message in your wband if you decide to change it!

(and thus far, I''m not downsizing mine...heheh)
This is a really good question. This is where my dilema is right now. I have an eternity band and wedding set I am currently wearing all on the same finger. My ering little side stones match the size of the stones in the eternity band. I tend to like a lot of sparkle and so far am liking the stacked look. The question I am wondering is, if I should not wear the wedding band the set came with and just wear the eternity as the wedding band. I did not get married with this set, so sentiment doesn't play a part. I am a little ocd though, and like to keep things as original as possible, (I know, this is weird thinking) so I tend to want to keep the whole thing intact. (Am I the only one that thinks a lot about this?) Anyway, for now, I am wearing all three. I like how they look both ways. Oh well, just wanted to throw in my comment. So the answer to your question for me is, yes I could contemplate subbing an eternity band for the wedding band.
oops, wanted to bump this so I could check the box thingy that keeps replies coming to my email...
my ring has never come off my finger since he put it on, however, i will need at some point to get it professionally cut off and resized from a 5 to a 7. i have grown larger over the years.

i plan to have him there when i get this done, just cuz.
I have been married for 29 years. When we got married we had just matching gold bands no diamonds. Since then BOTH of us have upgraded our rings, but we have still kept those original bands. I think in the early years of your marriage you tend to feel very attached to the original wedding band, but over time your tastes and possibly your ring size changes. To me no change in rings affects how I feel about my husband or my marriage.
Date: 8/20/2006 11:55:00 AM
Author: Sundial
I have been married for 29 years. When we got married we had just matching gold bands no diamonds. Since then BOTH of us have upgraded our rings, but we have still kept those original bands. I think in the early years of your marriage you tend to feel very attached to the original wedding band, but over time your tastes and possibly your ring size changes. To me no change in rings affects how I feel about my husband or my marriage.
I agree Sundial. We got married ( it will be 20 years this September ). I wore a YG wedding band for years. When my hubby gave me my upgrade I upgraded the wedding band to platinum. Of course I still have my original wedding band. I love it, but my tates have changed, and it doesn''t fit anymore either. I had a size 4 finger back then. I adore my husband and am looking forward to many more years together.
My original wedding band that we said our vows in is two-tone band, white gold down the center and yellow on the outside edges that matches my husband''s exactly. My husband has never taken his off. We had already purchased an eternity band to go with my solitaire engagement ring, but I wanted to have a plain gold band to just where when an eternity band wasn''t practical (the pool, beach, cleaning, etc.) because I feel naked without something on my finger. I alternated for the first few years before I started upgrading between those 2 and I still wear the plain band sometimes. I don''t really tie too much sentiment to the ring itself I guess.
Date: 8/19/2006 9:55:42 PM
Author: devientdrow
That sounds like a goold plan! Could you have your original dipped to match the new ering?
I probably could, but I wouldn''t... it was my great grandmother''s ring and she had a burn as a child so she wore it always on her right hand and I wore it on my right hand until I got married... so putting it back on the right hand seems fitting anyway :)_
I did but had a good excuse. My original wedding band had to be cut off my finger in the emergency room. I was pregnant and my fingers were already swollen. I had hurt my hand by falling and my fingers swelled up to where my finger turned blue!!

The guy at the emergency room was so sweet . He said he has to cut rings off all the time of pregnant women and accident victoms. I was both.

I did not wear a ring the rest of the pregnancy and my yellow gold wedding ring was mangled by his cutters (it was a 4mm thick comfort fit) and it sliced through our engraving. I still have the band but its mangled.

My husband was going to replace it anyway so I took the opportunity to get a platinum band, this time 3mm instead and we reset my diamond solitaire (.81ct at the time) from yellow gold to platinum.

THEN I decided I wanted my hubbie to match. So for an anniversary gift I bought him a platinum 5mm comfort fit band, same size as his original in platinum. We had our new bands engraved identical to our old bands.

I don''t know if I would have done it had my original not been mangled. But it was a good excuse to get platinum. I have say though I was pretty devastated. Even if we got it fixed, the engraving would be all messed up and gone.

I joke that if my kids ever get really into jewelry and notice in our wedding photos we have yellow gold rings and now have platinum, I have my cut in half wedding band to show what happened!
Date: 8/20/2006 2:05:22 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 8/19/2006 9:55:42 PM
Author: devientdrow
That sounds like a goold plan! Could you have your original dipped to match the new ering?
I probably could, but I wouldn''t... it was my great grandmother''s ring and she had a burn as a child so she wore it always on her right hand and I wore it on my right hand until I got married... so putting it back on the right hand seems fitting anyway :)_

Aww that is very sweet! A nice memento to have from your grandmother :)
Date: 8/20/2006 2:45:02 PM
Author: asscherisme
I did but had a good excuse. My original wedding band had to be cut off my finger in the emergency room. I was pregnant and my fingers were already swollen. I had hurt my hand by falling and my fingers swelled up to where my finger turned blue!!

The guy at the emergency room was so sweet . He said he has to cut rings off all the time of pregnant women and accident victoms. I was both.

I did not wear a ring the rest of the pregnancy and my yellow gold wedding ring was mangled by his cutters (it was a 4mm thick comfort fit) and it sliced through our engraving. I still have the band but its mangled.

My husband was going to replace it anyway so I took the opportunity to get a platinum band, this time 3mm instead and we reset my diamond solitaire (.81ct at the time) from yellow gold to platinum.

THEN I decided I wanted my hubbie to match. So for an anniversary gift I bought him a platinum 5mm comfort fit band, same size as his original in platinum. We had our new bands engraved identical to our old bands.

I don''t know if I would have done it had my original not been mangled. But it was a good excuse to get platinum. I have say though I was pretty devastated. Even if we got it fixed, the engraving would be all messed up and gone.

I joke that if my kids ever get really into jewelry and notice in our wedding photos we have yellow gold rings and now have platinum, I have my cut in half wedding band to show what happened!
Oh man! I hope I don''t have to have mine cut off when I get pregnant
I will get a new wedding band. I have my original wedding set, but the band is knotched to fit flush with the 6 prong e-ring so I couldn''t really wear it by itself anyway. I wanted an eternity band when we got married and we couldn''t afford it at the time. If I had gotten it in the first place, i *might* have a harder time replacing it but only b/c I love eternity bands and it would be special.
I just got a new band. I upgraded my e-ring and my original band was a custom V shaped band that is in yellow gold and only goes with the original e-ring. We aren''t sentimental types, and I do still wear my original set at times (on my yellow gold days
I did recently upgrade my wedding band. We got married two years ago in December, and I asked for a plain band at the time. I think I always wanted a diamond band, but at the time everything involving the wedding and our condo was so expensive that I put it off.

The women in my family have never treated wedding bands as irreplacable. My mom lost hers once, then became allergic to the replacement and stopped wearing it. She didn''t wear one as long as I could remember. She has recently gotten a platinum band that she wears with her mother''s engagement ring (upon my suggestion that platinum wouldn''t aggravate her), but I have a sneaking suspicion that she still goes without often. As far as I can tell my grandmother was married on three weeks'' notice without an engagement ring, and never had her white gold band resized to be the size as the engagement ring she got later, so she must have worn something else as well. And then my sister received a family eternity ring for her wedding, but it hurt her finger, so she order a plain platinum band to wear instead.

What''s funny is that since I got the new band, I''ve worn the old one about half the time. Before I didn''t like the idea of separating my e-ring from my band (somehow it increased the chances of one being lost if not kept with the other), but now that it''s hanging out by itself anyway, I wear it to bed and to do things that might worry me concerning my diamonds -- moving and exercising and such.
I would definitely change my wedding band if I had the opportunity. We got married three years ago, and I hadn''t found PS yet, so I really didn''t have a "dream" wedding band in mind to go with my solitaire. I found one that I really, really loved in a bridal magazine--it was very antique-y, flowery, sparkly, etc. Other than that I wanted just a plain, 8-10 mm platinum band! (My mom has only had one wedding ring in her life--no e-ring--a very wide, solid YG band, and I love it!) She and I both have long fingers and hers looks SO elegant, so that''s what I thought I wanted, aside from the antique looking one. Wellllll, DH wanted me to have something with diamonds in the band, and when we went to our jeweler to choose WB''s for both of us, there was nothing in his stock that was even close to what I was looking for. I looked through some of his catalogues and found one I liked, but it wouldn''t have been finished in time for our wedding, so I tried on some bands from the case and chose the one that looked the "cleanest" and went well with my solitaire. The jeweler even told me, "antique is really in right now, but this one will last you a lifetime because it is so classic." Well, needless to say that''s what we purchased. You can see it in my avatar. I''m not super crazy about it, and I would change it, but I get lots of compliments on it as well. So, I would LOVE to have a RHR in an antique style so I could change it up with my wedding band sometimes...but I think I will save that for a 5 or 10 year anniversary. I have other sparkly priorities in the meantime, hee hee.

Oddly enough, I had no "difficulty" replacing my ER with another, but have great attachment to my original y/g wb. I wear it round the house (it is a bit snug) without my ER.

My Mom also wore a 10mm y/g w/b for years before she owned a diamond--and when we were going thru her jewellery the earlier this month, she pulled this w/b out and tried it on--altho it was slightly too large for my finger, but I thought it looked kinda father has been deceased almost 20 years and too bad the ring no longer fits my Mom. But she is still greatly attached to this ring....and of all her rings, it is the piece I most associate with my Mom....

Date: 8/20/2006 6:52:59 PM
Author: monarch64
I would definitely change my wedding band if I had the opportunity. We got married three years ago, and I hadn''t found PS yet, so I really didn''t have a ''dream'' wedding band in mind to go with my solitaire. I found one that I really, really loved in a bridal magazine--it was very antique-y, flowery, sparkly, etc. Other than that I wanted just a plain, 8-10 mm platinum band! (My mom has only had one wedding ring in her life--no e-ring--a very wide, solid YG band, and I love it!) She and I both have long fingers and hers looks SO elegant, so that''s what I thought I wanted, aside from the antique looking one. Wellllll, DH wanted me to have something with diamonds in the band, and when we went to our jeweler to choose WB''s for both of us, there was nothing in his stock that was even close to what I was looking for. I looked through some of his catalogues and found one I liked, but it wouldn''t have been finished in time for our wedding, so I tried on some bands from the case and chose the one that looked the ''cleanest'' and went well with my solitaire. The jeweler even told me, ''antique is really in right now, but this one will last you a lifetime because it is so classic.'' Well, needless to say that''s what we purchased. You can see it in my avatar. I''m not super crazy about it, and I would change it, but I get lots of compliments on it as well. So, I would LOVE to have a RHR in an antique style so I could change it up with my wedding band sometimes...but I think I will save that for a 5 or 10 year anniversary. I have other sparkly priorities in the meantime, hee hee.
It''s funny that you say hairdresser is very into estate and antique pieces. Her ering was an antique of the ones that are really built up and it''s like only the top of the stone shows. Anyway SUPER hard to pair a wedding band with. When it came time to get a wedding band she loved the really bold wide she got a 4 row eternity band of very small, very good quality stones. It''s SUPER gorgeous and sparkly. So she wears her ering on her right hand just the wedding band on her left.
Date: 8/20/2006 7:30:21 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Oddly enough, I had no ''difficulty'' replacing my ER with another, but have great attachment to my original y/g wb. I wear it round the house (it is a bit snug) without my ER.

My Mom also wore a 10mm y/g w/b for years before she owned a diamond--and when we were going thru her jewellery the earlier this month, she pulled this w/b out and tried it on--altho it was slightly too large for my finger, but I thought it looked kinda father has been deceased almost 20 years and too bad the ring no longer fits my Mom. But she is still greatly attached to this ring....and of all her rings, it is the piece I most associate with my Mom....

I feel the same way canuk! I don''t know why. I''m very attached to the wedding band and it isn''t even my favorite of the two! I got my band from Littmans before I knew about PS and it''s not the type of quality I would of went for if I was educated pre wedding band. It''s not a P.O.S. or anything.....I actually think the cut of the little round diamonds aren''t that bad. I looked at them through the loup and the clarity isn''t horrendous......but the very next morning after my wedding day out of the blinding lights of the jewelry store I noticed the warmth in the color of the diamonds.''s my wedding band. I usually won''t have my ering on while i''m at home or even if i''m out running small errands...or even to sleep. But I always have my band on :)
I have already changed my w-band once - my first setting had channel set diamonds in both w-band and e-ring, and the stones kept coming loose (I think b/c they were not sized properly at first). It got annoying and I also wanted to get plat instead of WG so I upgraded to a thicker solitaire setting and simple plat band about a year ago. But someday I want an eternity band!!! So yeah, I am OK with the interchangeable w-band. To me, the marriage is irreplaceable. The rings are just jewelry :)

Oddly though, I have thought about upgrading my husband''s ring (he wanted yellow gold when we got married but now says he likes platinum) and it is hard to think about doing that. One reason is that the price of platinum has skyrocketed and he wants a thick band - so it''s hard to think about spending so much on a plain band. But mainly it''s the fact that his ring has literally not left his hand since we were married 5 years ago - and that does seem pretty cool. (I was always taking off my diamond band for chores and cleaning, so the same was not true of mine.)
Funny thing is that I had a "pregnancy band" that I had bought during a previous pregnancy. A simple plain band in a larger size. I just had not stopped wearing my real rings yet. Then I fell
I was mortified. Worst part was that we could not get a babysitter to watch our 2 kids and did not want to take them to the ER. So I went by myself to the ER to have the ring cut off and my painful hand examined! Luckily it was my left and since I drove myself. Automatic car thank goodness.

I remember stopping on the way home at 7-11 and buying a pint of Ben and Jerry''s. Not that that helped my situation but it felt good :)
I think I would, but I wouldn''t get rid of the old one. My mother gave me her old wedding band, and I cherish it even though it is not my taste. If I would ever change my wedding band, I think I would keep it for sentimental reasons or give it to a daughter or grandchild. As far as my engagement ring and the overall look goes however, I''d change that anytime. I''m sentimental about my relationship and upcoming marriage, but not to my jewelry so much. To me, the wedding jewelry is a symbol of being married, but not of the marital relationship itself...but most women I know would never dream of changing a thing.
i am really sentimental about my wedding ring. i love what it signifies and i love the ring itself. so, right now, i don''t ever think that i want to change it. although, i''ve only been married for about a month and a half

what''s strange is that i''m not that emotionally attached to my ering. i thought that i might not be able to wear both bands on the same finger and i had no problems with the thought of a redesign of my ering setting...
I have 3 different wedding bands.
I''m changing it once I get more free cash. My wife doesn''t even wear her wedding band. She''s afraid of it damaging her e-ring.
I mean, one''s got a big diamond attached to it. The other doesn''t. I can see why she''s attached to one and not the other.
When I got married 25 yrs. ago, I wore a white gold solitaire engagement ring with a wider (not matching) sort of engraved I guess you'd say wedding band. Last year I was at the Ann Arbor art fair which has many artists/jewelers and my husband and I fell in love with some 18k yellow gold wedding bands that have small diamonds set into them. We had them custom made to our size and mine has all diamonds and my DH's has diamonds and rubies. So we've been wearing those (I had my diamond from my original engagement ring made into a necklace) by themselves and I had thought I just wasn't going to wear a diamond engagement ring. Well, this year I decided I did want a diamond in a big way, so my new engagement ring which is platinum is almost finished. Obviously, it won't go or be worn with the wedding band I got last year. So, I'll either wear them on opposite hands or wear them on my left hand but at different times. But, back to the original question, the old wedding band was so not me anymore, that I really didn't feel that guilty getting a new one. It's a "symbol" but it's not my "marriage" so I am happier having replaced it. I still have the old one sitting in my jewelry box for sentiments sake.
Yes, I could and I do.

I was married with 2 rings. A 1920s lacy filigree ring that is rather delicate so it''s hard to wear everyday and a titanium band that is practically indescructible for my misadventures
Neither are resizable and neither are meant to be worn with my engagement ring (which lives on my right hand or alone on my left hand with no band, neither looks right with it and all 3 rings are different metals). I have several loaner wedding bands (around 4 of them) that feature regularly on my left ring finger. My current favorite is a 2mm white antique white gold that looks great with my engagement ring.

He claims not to mind my switching between all 7 rings (my 2 wedding bands, my 1 engagement ring, and the 4 loaner bands). He knew while we were planning a wedding that the dress and ring were not something I could only have one of (which is how I got married with 2 wedding bands).
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