
Would republicans rather vote for Trump or Clinton?


Nov 7, 2004
There is a real possibility that the final two candidates will be Trump (Republican) and HR Clinton (Democrat).
There are many on this forum who have already spoken of their distate of Trump, for many reasons. Footage of a young African American women being yelled at and attacked at a Trump rally, and his hesitation to disavow the KKK I am thinking probably has given even the most ardent supporters, pause. In addition, it has been discussed how many of his foreign relations proposals are actually illegal, including torture. The military can refuse orders that are illegal. A Trump presidency means a real possibility between a break between our military and the president, creating a power vacumn that leaves us militarily vulnerable.

If it came down to it, who will conservatives vote for? Many people on the Democratic side feel that Clinton is too close to corporate/business interests to be considered truly democratic. Also there is a certain segment of conservatives that simply hate her (I'm not going to try to explain it). At the same time most people do vote along party lines.
I'm on the 'right' side of the forum membership, and I hope to the bling fairies that Trump is not 'our guy'. :sick:

But if he is, I think I would sit out vs. vote for Hilary instead of him. I just do NOT trust her.

One of my personal, guiding principles on who I'd vote for is this: would I trust my daughter's life in their hands if she were to serve in the military and that person be CinC. And in Hilary's case, there is absolutely NO way I trust her with my most valuable treasure. :sick:
JoCoJenn|1456943865|3998572 said:
I'm on the 'right' side of the forum membership, and I hope to the bling fairies that Trump is not 'our guy'. :sick:

But if he is, I think I would sit out vs. vote for Hilary instead of him. I just do NOT trust her.

One of my personal, guiding principles on who I'd vote for is this: would I trust my daughter's life in their hands if she were to serve in the military and that person be CinC. And in Hilary's case, there is absolutely NO way I trust her with my most valuable treasure. :sick:

But you'd put your daughter's life in Trump's hands?

But then again, if she's a hot babe Trump would keep her from harm.
I'd write in someone else.
kenny|1456944612|3998578 said:
But you'd put your daughter's life in Trump's hands?

He'd probably keep her from harm if she's a hot babe.

:lol: She is a 'hot babe' so he'd probably try to marry her right before his pre-nup to Melania is set to expire.

But no, I wouldn't trust her safety in a Trump administration either. I don't trust him any more than I trust Hilary. Both have a quite public track record of being liars.

packrat|1456944795|3998580 said:
I'd write in someone else.

This! :appl:
I can't vote for Trump and I can't vote for Clinton.
Sadly, I'd sit this one out and it actually makes me sad to say that because I enjoy voting :blackeye:
Thanks Kenny. I just ate my lunch ... :sick:
JoCoJenn|1456946510|3998598 said:
Thanks Kenny. I just ate my lunch ... :sick:

You'd starve to death very early in a Trump administration if that's enough to make you queasy. I saw this weeks ago. The man defies all expectations. ;))

Deb :wavey:
Pundits are now projecting that Trump will win a plurality--but not the 1,237 delegates to get the nomination. Then the remaining candidates with delegates (Cruz, Rubio, Kasich and Carson) will combine in an "anyone but Trump" initiative where everyone gets some sort of appointment or office but of course only one of them gets to be president. Probably Cruz as he's got by far the most delegates so far, but there are several important "all delegates to the winner" states out there which may not--probably will not--go for Trump.

That's why the candidates are not dropping out but rather stepping up their campaigns. They have a good chance of taking entire large states, in some cases their home states, and then Trump goes bye-bye.
ChristineRose|1456948198|3998614 said:
Pundits are now projecting that Trump will win a plurality--but not the 1,237 delegates to get the nomination. Then the remaining candidates with delegates (Cruz, Rubio, Kasich and Carson) will combine in an "anyone but Trump" initiative where everyone gets some sort of appointment or office but of course only one of them gets to be president. Probably Cruz as he's got by far the most delegates so far, but there are several important "all delegates to the winner" states out there which may not--probably will not--go for Trump.

That's why the candidates are not dropping out but rather stepping up their campaigns. They have a good chance of taking entire large states, in some cases their home states, and then Trump goes bye-bye.

As much as it would pain me, I would vote for Trump because sitting out is a vote for Hillary and that I cannot do. I could only hope that Rubio and Cruz could come together on one ticket but I would be waiting on a flying pig. I am very disgusted by the whole process this election cycle and it is so important for our country to make the RIGHT decision IMHO.
What happened to Bloomberg?
ChristineRose|1456948198|3998614 said:
Pundits are now projecting that Trump will win a plurality--but not the 1,237 delegates to get the nomination. Then the remaining candidates with delegates (Cruz, Rubio, Kasich and Carson) will combine in an "anyone but Trump" initiative where everyone gets some sort of appointment or office but of course only one of them gets to be president. Probably Cruz as he's got by far the most delegates so far, but there are several important "all delegates to the winner" states out there which may not--probably will not--go for Trump.

That's why the candidates are not dropping out but rather stepping up their campaigns. They have a good chance of taking entire large states, in some cases their home states, and then Trump goes bye-bye.

I wouldn't mind that so much, but I fear 'Chump' then going against his 'pledge' to not go 3rd party, and that would put the WH squarely in Hilary's lap. I'm just hoping the investigation grows some legs soon and charges are filed, taking her out of the race altogether. :dance:

redwood66|1456949014|3998629 said:
I am very disgusted by the whole process this election cycle and it is so important for our country to make the RIGHT decision IMHO.

I couldn't agree more; it's been a three ring circus on an elementary school playground, for sure! :(sad
I have never not voted. And even though I am not happy with either, a non vote from me could help Trump.

So I am going to vote for Clinton and hope for the best.
redwood66|1456949014|3998629 said:
As much as it would pain me, I would vote for Trump because sitting out is a vote for Hillary ...

Actually sitting it out is no more a vote for Hillary than it is a vote for Trump.

Sitting it out is just a wash.
It neither helps or hurts either side.

By all means vote your conscience, but ...when it comes to your reasoning ...

I have friends in FL and the republicans would vote for the democratic nominee rather than Trump. Their theory is that trump would ruin the country possibly beyond repair. Any election after that would automatically go to a democrat to try and fix. If they vote for Hilary now, she "probably wont" f up the country too bad, and that gives time for the GOP to get their shit together and have a better chance at the next election.

I think this is a very smart move, looking at the long term. People who would rather a republican in office at any cost (aka Trump) are looking at a very small, short sighted picture IMO. I'm pretty liberal, but if the nominee of my party was bat shit crazy (aka Trump), there is no way I'd throw away a vote to keep him/her out.

Buuuut nothing I say matters, as a resident north of the 49th.
And I feel the same about Hillary.
kenny|1456950474|3998652 said:
redwood66|1456949014|3998629 said:
As much as it would pain me, I would vote for Trump because sitting out is a vote for Hillary ...

Actually sitting it out is no more a vote for Hillary than it is a vote for Trump.

Sitting it out is just a wash.
It neither helps or hurts either side.

By all means vote your conscience, but ...when it comes to your reasoning ...

As are the Dems. It is all a conspiracy anyway. Political class is f'ed up and does not have our best interests in mind.

And I have to vote to cancel my grandmother's democratic vote. :lol:
I'm an independent and its going to be a sh*tshow. I will do a write in before I vote for either of these clowns. But vote I will.
I just can't vote for either one of them. I am hoping to have a different choice.
I cannot vote for Trump, but I definitely wouldn't vote for Clinton. I'd write someone else in. But I have to hope that somehow there will be a way to get one of the others the nomination. At this point, I would lean towards Rubio of the top three. Carson is dropping out for real this time. Kasich needs to drop out. They need to let their votes go to someone (ANYONE) besides Trump.

This really is like a circus. But a nightmare kind.

(I am registered unaffiliated, but I believe in not indebting our country to other countries who are going to end up owning us before too long.)
I totally understand disliking both and writing in a name.

But that passes up your chance to make your vote count.
Only the D and R candidates have any chance of winning.

IMO instead of writing in a name you should vote AGAINST who you feel is the worse major candidate.

A write in is a wasted vote unless you truly feel that both viable choices are equally bad.
Feeling they are equally bad is very unlikely.
Which is why I have to vote AGAINST Hillary.
They both are the worst possible candidates, other than say..Cthulhu or the fricken Chupacabra, so I will vote against both of them, for the good of the country. Other people can vote to ruin the country, my hands are clean and my mind will be clean- and I fully believe both of them will do that-just in different ways. We need a do over. Seriously.
kenny|1456959241|3998756 said:
I totally understand disliking both and writing in a name.

But that passes up your chance to make your vote count.
Only the D and R candidates have any chance of winning.

IMO instead of writing in a name you should vote AGAINST who you feel is the worse major candidate.

A write in is a wasted vote unless you truly feel that both viable choices are equally bad.
Feeling they are equally bad is very unlikely.

I want to vote for Clinton, but I don't want 4 more yrs of Obama policies if she leans a little bit towards the middle then she would get my vote.
kenny said:
I totally understand disliking both and writing in a name. But that passes up your chance to make your vote count. Only the D and R candidates have any chance of winning. IMO instead of writing in a name you should vote AGAINST who you feel is the worse major candidate. A write in is a wasted vote unless you truly feel that both viable choices are equally bad. Feeling they are equally bad is very unlikely.

I think this is the second time I've ever agreed with you. Can't remember what the first was.
I just can't make my hand vote for either :hand: