
Wink''s Daughter''s wedding - videos and pictures

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May 3, 2001
Okay, I promised some videos and pictues, so let''s start.

Here is the first video, I might not get to the pictures until tomorrow, so much to do now that I am back in the office.


Getting ready
Here we are just before the wedding, guests are starting to arrive and JOY is in the air.

Just before the wedding


P.S. My cousin randy is asking me about the toast in part of this video. I did a really nice toast at the rehearsal dinner that went over well. Fortunately it was not recorded, so you do not get to see me tear up at the mushy part...
And of course just after the wedding there is FOOD!


Your daughter looked beautiful but those kids stole the show!!!
Congratulations! Everything looked lovely!

For this we took a lesson and even practiced. It is not professional by any means, but it was ours. I am glad that the audience cheered when it was over so you can''t hear me sobbing with joy. It was such an incredible evening.

All night long people went up to one another an introduced themselves. Friends and family from her side, friends and family from his side, by the time they left there were many new friendships made and no one left a stanger.

I am in awe of them and their friends and the easy way in which each assimilated the other so that no one felt left out. I can not begin to tell you how proud I am of this young lady and her husband. They are both phenominal people and I am honored just to know them.


The day after. What a difference a day makes.


The Day After
Congraulations, looks like it was a beautiful wedding.

You daughter was beautiful, and your grandchildren are so cute!!!
Your dance was lovely!! Beautiful song too!~
Aww, it looked like a wonderful wedding. And I loved the father/daughter dance.
Wink -- I know it sounds trite, but it couldn''t be more heartfelt. Thank you for sharing this.

And of course, congratulations!
Congratulations Wink
you''re daughter looked beautiful...i love her dress

and i teared up watching the dance to Once Upon a Dream...

congrats again, you must be a very proud dad
Looks like a fabulous wedding! Your daughter is gorgeous; I loved the Father daughter dance, so sweet! Beautiful
congrats to the whole family!!
Your daughter is beautiful, and ohhh that dance made me teary!
Yes, I will admit to a little tear in my eye as I watched you dance with your daughter Wink. As you said, what wonderful memories you will carry with you.

And your lake is gorgeous!
What lovely videos.

Your daughter is so elegant and beautiful, and the father daughter dance was just incredible - what a setting and with the sunset reflected in the windows... just lovely.

You look so proud - and rightly so!
Congrats to you all, your daughter made a beautiful bride and everything looked lovely. Your father and daughter dance made me smile, it was jsut so utterly sweet
Thank you all for your kind comments. Here are a couple of photos taken by one of Cissy''s friends.


This first one is as we came out of the house to slowly walk down the stairs.

coming out.jpg
This second one is as we were coming down the stairs. Cissy had asked me to walk very slowly so she would not trip coming down the stairs in her long dress. On the second step I caught the heel of my dress shoe (which I have not worn all summer) and nearly tumbled except for her holding my arm.

I then wispered something along the lines of, hey, don''t be tripping me like that, to which she is obviously having a good laugh.


coming down the stairs.jpg
Congratulations to your entire family. It looked like a lovely day. I think my favorite portion was the dancing. You both looked very relaxed and at ease with the whole thing. It''s not at all easy to do especially in front of all those people, but you both looked great.
Looks like those dance lessons paid off. What a great father/daughter dance.
Many congrats!! What a beautiful wedding
A couple more pictures for now, more later...

This is Avery and Callen as they came down the steps just before Resa and I did.


Callan and Avery.jpg
Beatufiul Wedding Wink - Congrats!
The tall handsome gentleman is Michael Dixon, and it is he that took this series of photos I am sharing now. (Not this one of course.) The beautiful lady with Cissy is his wife Tonya who used to work with Cissy.

I met a lot of people that I did not know this weekend, and I liked every single one of them. My daughter is a class act and attracts some very nice people! Her husband Phil is also a genuinely friendly person and between the two of them they have many many wonderful friends!


michael Cissy Tonya.jpg
The lovely bride and groom, Phil and Cissy...

Phil and Cissy.jpg
Congratulations Wink!
Look at the radiant bride, happy groom and proud doesn''t get any better than this. Thank you for sharing your joy here with us. I can feel your happiness through the pictures and videos.
Awwwwwww, Wink! How lovely the wedding was! Thank you for sharing the pictures and videos!

Now, did I miss it??? Or did you forget, dad?!! Um, helloooooo?!!! We are Pricescopers afterall! Where are the pictures of THE BLING???!!!
Love the pics and the videos. Your Daughter was a gorgeous bride. I loved the father daughter dance!!! You looked soooo proud and happy. They are such a lovely couple. Congrats. Thanks for sharing these with us!!!
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