
whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarrow!?

Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

canuk-gal|1326674184|3103785 said:

Missed episode one, of this new season. Think I can find it online to catch up? Suggestions?


PBS puts them on their site for a little while after they air. Episode 1 of Season 2 is here:

missy, my mom started watching episode 1 on Netflix on her computer and then I showed her how to watch it through their Blu-Ray player last night and it worked fine. I don't think it's a problem with Netflix, it's probably more likely a TiVo issue.

Edited since I posted the link to Season 1 episode 1 by mistake.
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

rubybeth|1326835479|3105323 said:
canuk-gal|1326674184|3103785 said:

Missed episode one, of this new season. Think I can find it online to catch up? Suggestions?


PBS puts them on their site for a little while after they air. Episode 1 of Season 2 is here:

missy, my mom started watching episode 1 on Netflix on her computer and then I showed her how to watch it through their Blu-Ray player last night and it worked fine. I don't think it's a problem with Netflix, it's probably more likely a TiVo issue.

Edited since I posted the link to Season 1 episode 1 by mistake.

Thanks Ruby. Netflix confirmed it was on their end though. Maybe it depends on location? I have no clue as this technology thing is obviously not my forte. I don't even know what Blu-Ray is LOL. But every other show we have watched since on netflix seems fine...granted we only watched a few others but those did work.
It took us a while to figure it out as we were on the phone with cablevision/TIVO and netflix a few times till the issue was sorted. Still not fixed though and we had no time to catch it on
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

Love this show! Thanks for telling us about it!
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

KristyDarling|1326571244|3103013 said:
COATIMUNDI, I totally just ordered the Bryson book, thanks for the rec! Now I just have to be patient til the end of January when it's estimated to arrive.

Just saw the latest Season 2 episode. I love watching Anna and Mr. Bates together, there is so much love and yearning between them.

I agree about the casting -- it's perfect. And the acting!!! Old Lady Grantham is probably my favorite character, with Carson and Bates a close second. Daisy is kind of annoying, but in an endearing way. Mrs. Patmore - love her to death! What I like about the characters is that no one is completely evil, or completely good....everyone is flawed to some degree, just like, well, us. This is one of the few shows I've ever followed where I completely lose myself while watching, all my cares just disappear.

Hi KD! Let me know what you think! It's a really fun read-so many details...

I watched episode 2 last night-it's really picking up! I love Mrs. Patmore. She epitomizes what I enjoy so much about this show--the actors embody the period! I love so many British period shows for this reason--no stock photography model-esque actors here!
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

Imdanny|1326483329|3102255 said:
I started watching PBS' Manor House reality series (for the second time) on YouTube last night. Has anyone else seen it?

I'd be curious to know what you thought about it.

My impressions were: wow, those people were overworked- and the modern people couldn't begin to handle the workload and working conditions that would have existed at the time (and I don't blame them- 16 hours of doing laundry and scrubbing pots/ 7 days a week, no workers' rights, with the option of doing what you're told or being turned out into the streets with no reference- pretty brutal working conditions if you ask me)...

and I thought the modern family were... I don't want to be negative but... such snots. :?

I'm ready to start Episode 4. I'm looking forward to the French chef getting offended when the family refuses to eat his cooking. :cheeky:

Thanks for this recommendation, Danny! I finished the series, and wow, so many thoughts. I couldn't agree more about the modern family. :errrr: (Of course they would prefer the Edwardian life lol!) What a great show and a fantastic social experiment. So many layers...

This is funny
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

I watched all of first season this weekend, plus episodes 1 and 2 of season 2! I'm very much enjoying it. The dialogue is mostly wonderful, Maggie Smith is a gem, and it's just so darn sumptuous to watch with the beautiful house and gorgeous frocks. Edith excited to farm has been so hilariously delightful. Plus, I'm a total Mary-Matthew 'shipper.

The only thing that bothers me is how much time has passed (in a rather confusing manner, too, as years go by and it seems like just the next day) and how little the characters age, both physically and in character development. Daisy seems to be about 13-14 when the series starts in 1912 and she is EXACTLY THE SAME five years later. Same with the daughters, who presumably would go through pretty dramatic shifts in five years, but seem to be frozen in time.

I'm also super mad at myself for looking at Wikipedia, not realizing that there would be spoilers even in the character name list! Whoops!
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

OH, DANNY!! To the Manor Born! One of my favorite series of all time. It was just wonderful. Have you ever seen Good Neighbors? That's also terrific. We need to get together and watch the tube! :wavey: No arguments!

Eton Mess -- I can see why. I'll bet schoolchildren love it. :eek:

--- Laurie
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

On the PBS site for Downton Abbey there's a vid of a panel with some of the cast: Cora, the Earl, Anna, Matthew, etc. Discussion isn't earthshaking but it's fun to see the actors out of character.

--- Laurie
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

sillyberry|1327366059|3110044 said:
I'm also super mad at myself for looking at Wikipedia, not realizing that there would be spoilers even in the character name list! Whoops!

I also learned this the hard way. Unless you enjoy being spoiled, DO NOT GOOGLE ANY CHARACTER NAMES! It's amazing what the slightest bit of info. will mean for the entire show. :naughty:
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

JewelFreak|1327366738|3110056 said:
OH, DANNY!! To the Manor Born! One of my favorite series of all time. It was just wonderful. Have you ever seen Good Neighbors? That's also terrific. We need to get together and watch the tube! :wavey: No arguments!

--- Laurie

I would love that! You're so sweet! Hugs! :wavey:
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

coatimundi|1327002939|3106813 said:
Imdanny|1326483329|3102255 said:
I started watching PBS' Manor House reality series (for the second time) on YouTube last night. Has anyone else seen it?

I'd be curious to know what you thought about it.

My impressions were: wow, those people were overworked- and the modern people couldn't begin to handle the workload and working conditions that would have existed at the time (and I don't blame them- 16 hours of doing laundry and scrubbing pots/ 7 days a week, no workers' rights, with the option of doing what you're told or being turned out into the streets with no reference- pretty brutal working conditions if you ask me)...

and I thought the modern family were... I don't want to be negative but... such snots. :?

I'm ready to start Episode 4. I'm looking forward to the French chef getting offended when the family refuses to eat his cooking. :cheeky:

Thanks for this recommendation, Danny! I finished the series, and wow, so many thoughts. I couldn't agree more about the modern family. :errrr: (Of course they would prefer the Edwardian life lol!) What a great show and a fantastic social experiment. So many layers...

This is funny

That test- LOL! When someone is in the bathroom with you do you feel at home. No! The truth is I would have liked some of it, and would not have liked some of it. I'm kind of lusting over the earl's Rolls Royce. :cheeky:

I'm glad you liked it! :))
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

JewelFreak|1327366738|3110056 said:
Have you ever seen Good Neighbors?

No, but I've seen "Keeping Up Appearances". Is it like that? The female character in that series reminded me of late grandmother, not that my grandmother was pretentious or obnoxious, just that she and my grandfather (who died five days ago, may he rest in peace) ended up as "that couple" with the most money, the nicest house inside and out, etc. I think it did relate to both their experiences living through the Great Depression. My grandmother told stories of how she and her sister shared a room when they were children and their two brothers shared the other bed, people walked holes in their shoes, people's front stairs would rot and the husband was a drunkard and left it that way, all kinds of things like that.

I could Google Good Neighbors but thanks to this thread I've been educated not to do that. :cheeky:
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

Good Neighbors is the exact opposite of "Appearances," Danny. It is the cutest thing, made a little earlier than "To the Manor Born." Felicity Kendall (adorable -- actually ran away to the circus when she was real young IRL) & tv husband live in an upscale area & decide to become self-sufficient. They grow their own food & raise pigs, etc., in their back yard. Penelope Keith & husband, their upwardly-mobile next-door neighbors, think they are totally wacko& roll their eyes, but they're good friends. The conflict is very funny, it's one of my favorite old-time Britcoms. Very cute.

That test- LOL! When someone is in the bathroom with you do you feel at home.
Among the few things I'd dislike about having servants is the lack of privacy. You can't even have an argument by yourselves! :bigsmile: Look in the mirror & tell yourself what an ugly bag you look like, and dang, there's somebody standing right behind you. Can't even hate yourself in peace! It's no wonder they behaved as if their servants weren't there -- they'd go bonkers otherwise.

--- Laurie
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

Thanks, Laurie. I'll try to find it!
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

The Daily Mail reports today that Carnival, which produces Downton Abbey, made PBS remove from their website jewelry they were selling as "Downton Abbey" jewelry. PBS hadn't received permission from the producers & wasn't paying them royalties on the sales. PBS didn't claim the pieces were actually worn in the series or that they were repros of same -- just used the characters' names, such as "Lady Mary Pearls."

So we missed our chance; they're no longer available. :D
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

Gosford Park (2001). Several of you recommended it and I watched it last night.

W. o. w.

It blew my mind. It's beyond excellent. I'm no film expert but if this isn't genius I don't know what is.

I'm not going to spoil anything for anyone. Obviously though, yeah, I recommend it.
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

An essential for DA groupies. :bigsmile:


Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

BTW, if you like Downton Abbey you may also appreciate "The Grand".
It's a mini-series in 18 episodes from c. 1997 and is currently streaming on Netflix.

While it does not meet the very high bar set by Downton Abbey, still it is quite good and can satisfy some of your cravings between episodes of DA.
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

This is a documentary that aired in late January 2012 -- Secrets of the Manor House. I believe it is still available for viewing on PBS's website:

Add me to those who love Gosford Park! I watched that again right before launching into Downton Abbey last year. Robert Altman was a genius! I also read somewhere, though I cannot remember where now, that Julian Fellowes named the character of Mr. Bates in Downton after the late Alan Bates, who played the butler in Gosford Park.
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

Wow so many fans!

I was supposed to get married at highclere castle, but the place where the ceremony would be held inside was too small to fit our guests.

But the grounds are stunning and I highly recommend a visit if you are in the area.

If I can convince another member of my wedding to have a smaller wedding, I'm pushing for Highclere. However, I'm not sure we can swing now that they're filming there :sick:

Great series.
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

So last week my dh and I finally watched season 1 of Downton Abbey and we both love it!!! I cannot wait to watch season 2. It is a delicious soap opera for sure! :bigsmile:
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

I "spoiled" the ending for myself on purpose. As far as I know I can only watch the first year. I couldn't take it anymore. :cheeky:
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro


The Brits do drama so well. This reminds me of the Upstairs -Downstairs program that was so popular for yrs on TV. I'm addicted to their mystery series--Inspector Morse series which is my favorite. They do character development vs action packed adventure.
I'm enjoying this as much as you all. Viva the Queen. you know what I mean.

Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

I'm watching the new series of Upstairs Downstairs right now. So far so good.
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

I love every character in this series, but Dame Maggie Smith is The Bomb. She is such a hoot! Didn't you love it when she responded to Sir Richard's declaration that he wouldn't be seeing her again . . . "Do you promise?" :lol:

Darn it, I'm going to miss this show. Whatever will I do with my Sunday evenings? Get out my DVD of season 1 and start over, maybe.
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro

HollyS|1329714601|3129795 said:
I love every character in this series, but Dame Maggie Smith is The Bomb. She is such a hoot! Didn't you love it when she responded to Sir Richard's declaration that he wouldn't be seeing her again . . . "Do you promise?" :lol:

Darn it, I'm going to miss this show. Whatever will I do with my Sunday evenings? Get out my DVD of season 1 and start over, maybe.

I loved when she told Matthew not to worry about the was a wedding gift from a horrid aunt and she had hated it for half a century! lol! :appl:
Re: whos watching season 2 of Downtown Abby starting tomarro
